Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 47: Fire Dragon's Breath

(Second more, continue to code, and strive for another one at night)

There is Longyan Cave in Longyan Peak.

Chen Zong silently tempered himself with the extremely pure breath of dragon inflammation in Longyan Cave, no matter whether he practiced qi or cultivating his body, slowly tempered, at a negligible speed, a little bit Become more pure.

This kind of promotion can't see any effect in a short time, because Chen Zong's practice and strength have reached the limit of the imperial road, which is the limit, and it is naturally more difficult to improve.

Only now, the Oven Flame Flame Oven has not been turned on, and Chen Zong will not break through naturally, so before the breakthrough, you can further temper yourself. Of course, it is a good thing and not to be missed.

When the seventh Longyan breath violent attack came, Chen Zong passed through again, but this time, it was obviously more difficult than the sixth, and the load brought to Chen Zong was even more amazing.

Similarly, after surviving the rage of Longyan breath, the strength of its own strength has been strengthened a lot. The rage of Longyan breath will bring danger and benefit.

However, there are more parts of the flame breath, replaced by the breath of dragon inflammation, becoming more pure, and the power it contains is even more amazing.

Chen Zong is waiting for the eighth raging fury of Longyan.

The eighth time there was no sign, the violent and amazing, called the flame of Chen Zong's body, directly riot.




Do your best to suppress!

He even used his mind and heart to motivate the Supreme Master Wu to increase the power of the gods in the world before suppressing it.

The eighth rage is already so powerful. I don't know how much the ninth rage will be.

Chen Zong's eyes burst out with a touch of fascination, with a little expectation.

The raging breath of Longyan Cave in Longyan Cave is irregular and there are no signs. Therefore, not long after the eighth raging, the ninth raging appeared.


The ninth violent power seems to be different from the previous eight times. As soon as it appears, it is astonishing and magnificent. It is like a thunderous surge raging in all directions, and it is about to destroy everything. The terrible breath is like an ocean of riots. Everything destroys everything.

Chen Zong only felt for a moment that he was like a broken boat, swaying in the stormy waves, and was in danger of being crushed and destroyed at any time.

Single mindedness!

Lingwu Supreme!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately broke out the strongest power, turned it into the power of the world's deities, and increased it.

Immediately, the fire of the eighth heart also ignited, and the halo of flames spread into the whole body, which strengthened the power of the world's deities again to an astonishing extreme. These mighty powers seemed to escape the level of the imperial realm. Unmatched.


The momentum inside Longyan Cave became more and more powerful and fierce. The whole cave seemed to be shaking. The endless atmosphere of Longyan shook and fluctuated as if it turned into a huge wave, sweeping endlessly. The wave followed the wave, impacting and swirling inside Longyan Cave.

Longyan Cave itself also has amazing power, blocking the violent Longyan breath in it, and it will not leak out at all. In this way, it also makes this power continue to accumulate in it and become more powerful. Arrogance is even more amazing.

"Is it the ninth time?"

"So powerful, it should be."

In Long Yanfeng, there are two figures watching the movement of Long Yan Cave, feeling the sound from Long Yan Cave, feeling that Long Yan Feng seems to be shaking, so the two talked.

"For the ninth outbreak, there has not been any imperial realm to resist in the tens of thousands of years since the change of Longyan Cave."

"Even Yuanyuan is uncomfortable."

"That's the price of rejecting Brother Two."

"This time, you have to peel off your skin if you don't die."

They immediately sneered.

Inside the Longyan Cave, the violent and extreme Longyan breath began to rush from all directions and rushed towards Chen Zong, as if blocked by the power of Long Yandong, and had nowhere to go, only Chen Zong's body could be gone. As a catharsis.

At that moment, a large amount of violent dragon inflammation breathed into it madly, so that Chen Zong had a feeling that his body was going to be exploded. If he had n’t already been running the martial arts in time and urged the Eighth Heart to strengthen himself I am afraid that at this moment, his body will be the first because he cannot bear the impact of such a violent amount of violence.

Even now, with full resistance, I feel that my body is constantly expanding and expanding, and it is about to explode.


Chen Zong's body also became flushed, and it seemed to be burnt on the fire.

The lurking flame of the body was also replaced, and it became completely a dragon's breath.

The dragon's breath in the body and the dragon's breath constantly flowing from the outside should be normal inside and outside, pulling each other, so that the pressure on Chen Zong is further strengthened.

Chen Zong felt his body seemed to melt.

World Avenue!


Chen Zong's development and application of the World Avenue is mainly based on suppression and restraint. In suppression, he has amazing power.




Make every effort to suppress!

As if it were a big world, amazing power came directly.

At the same time, the inside and outside of Long Yan's breath is also smoothly connected, directly into the world of that side, and the reddish breath is constantly diffused and condensed.

Immediately, a high-pitched groan sounded, ringing the world and shaking in all directions.


A whole body of red dragon sparkling and slowly burning appeared in that world, the amazing light shone in all directions, and the terrible blazing breath continued to spread, as if to ignite the entire world.

The trees, grass, rocks, and even rivers were all covered with a layer of fire, which seemed a bit more agile.

That flame dragon is 100 meters long, and constantly swims around the world. As the flame of dragon inflammation continues to pour into Chen Zong's body, the flame dragon also continuously absorbs the flame of dragon flame and keeps growing.

100 meters!

Two hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Direct kilometers!

The kilometer-long flame dragon is astonishing and earth-shattering. It controls nine days and cruises around the world.

The mighty power also permeated the world on this side and opposed it.

Chen Zong felt that his body was shaking endlessly, and it seemed that there were amazing powers constantly emerging, as if to blast his body.

The roaring sound also constantly impacted his own mind.

A loud noise, mixed with the roar of the Kilo-Flame Dragon, suddenly shocked Chen Zong's head as if shattered. Chen Zong felt only a stunned moment and his body seemed to disappear.

what happened?

Is his body really exploded?

I did n’t wait for Chen Zongduo to think. I just felt that my consciousness was shaking and I felt my body, but it seemed strange.

What the **** is this?

Why my eyes look at the past, it is landscapes and plants, and they are permeated with a layer of red and bright light, as if burning.

Are n’t you in Longyan Cave?

When did Longyan Cave have these things?

In the next breath, Chen Zong was shocked to find that his body had changed, and he had become a dragon, a kilometer-long true dragon burning with fiery flames, roaming in one world and driving the world.

Free and unrestrained, at the same time, a period of information and mystery continue to pour into Chen Zong's consciousness, and every breath, there will be a large amount of flames permeating, condensing in the body, continually condensing, turning into A fierce and powerful flame, burning.

This is truly a method of cultivation and a technique of cultivating flames.

Chen Zong quickly memorized that skill. Although he didn't know the level of this skill, he felt it was definitely not low.

And when Chen Zong remembered all this flame technique, he also knew the name of this technique: Yan Long Lian Xi!

Know more about the origin of this skill.

Speaking of which, it is inseparable from Longyan Cave, and even the mutation of Longyan Cave ten thousand years ago.

Fire is divided into heaven and earth, and when it reaches the extreme, it can be transformed into a divine fire. The level of the divine fire is equal to the level of the divine realm.

Beneath Longyan Peak, there was a kind of magical fire called Jiulongzhenlongyanyan, which continuously drew the breath of the flames of Wanyanjinyanshan to strengthen itself. Until ten thousand years ago, Jiulangzhenlongyan was finally raised to an extreme. Reached the level equivalent to the human-level Taoist practitioners, and also possessed good spiritual wisdom, breaking out from Longyan Cave.

Jiujia Zhenlong Yan left Wanyan God Flame Mountain, but also caused a change in Longyan Cave, which is the fury of Longyan breath.

However, the breath of dragon inflammation also contaminated the breath of Jiulongzhenlongyan. For countless years, the practice instinct of Jiulongzhenlongyan has been branded. With the long years, the Yanlong alchemy method has evolved on its own.

The Lord of the Flames once entered the Dragon Flame Cave, but did not solve the hidden dangers here, but left some means. Only the Dragon Flame breath was violent nine times, and the same person also suffered nine times, then there is hope to get the Yan Dragon Refining Method .

It is a pity that after ten thousand years, no one got ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at the level of imperial state, but Chen Zong got it.

When Chen Zong was given the Yan Dragon's refining method, the highest place of the Flame Mountain of Wanjie, in a world condensed by flames, the flame figure standing in the center suddenly opened his eyes. Immediately, it seemed to sigh slightly, I closed my eyes with regret.

"Unexpectedly, that chance was ultimately owned by outsiders." The sigh also went silent.

After getting the complete Yanlong refining method, Chen Zong's consciousness was stunned again, and he broke away from the kilometer Yanlong's body and returned to his own body.

The rage of Longyan Cave has ended, and everything has returned to calm. Even Chen Zong gave a strange feeling, as if the atmosphere of Longyan Cave and his own a little more affinity, there is a feeling like a fish get water, this feeling Very wonderful.

Chen Zong immediately understood that this was due to the relationship between Yanlong's alchemy method.

I got the Yanlong Refining Method, which is the breathing method that originated from Jiulongzhen Longyan. It has an inseparable relationship with Longyan Cave, as if I got the key, and became the owner of this Longyan Cave. Generally, naturally, there will no longer be that feeling of exclusion.

Can't wait, Chen Zong immediately took a peculiar posture and practiced.

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