Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 52: Strong gathering

That white flame, as if without half the temperature, was like an illusion.

Immediately, it seemed that the wind was blowing, and the white flame swayed like a feather, and then the light wind floated and fluttered on Wanyan Lake.

The white flame, as if full of spirituality, was as agile as a white elf, so happily and hovering soaring on the lake.

From time to time, white flames rushed up into the sky, and sometimes plunged into the bottom of the lake, wandering freely on the bottom of Wanyan Lake, which had no idea how deep it was.

"White ... Wanyan Essence!" A true story of Shenyanshan approaching Wanyan Lake, just seeing a scene of white flames rushing out of Wanyan Lake, suddenly suddenly lost sight.

The essence of Wan Yan in the territory of Wan Yan Mi is red, low-order, orange, medium-range, blue, high-order, and purple.

And white!

Among the memories, there is only one Wanyan essence that is white, that is super order.

Wanyan Essence, the most advanced Wanyan Essence, has been opened several times, and never appeared. I did not expect this time, I was lucky enough to encounter the super Wanyan Essence.

A super-level Wanyan essence, but it is equal to 10,000 points. It is a total of ten top-level Wanyan essences. Among the Wanyan essence that you have obtained in two months, there is not even one top-level.

"That's mine." The true disciple's eyes radiated a fierce light of God, and the whole body, the fire burst out, the flames burned, and a powerful force erupted directly.

Ten star power!

Full combat power.

With a bang, the true disciple of Divine Flame Mountain turned into a fiery ball of fire, bursting into an instant at an astonishing speed, rushing towards Wanyan Lake toward the white flame.

While no one else is here, quickly collect this super-order flame, so as to avoid night long dreams.

If someone comes, it will be a fierce battle.

It seemed to feel that the crisis was coming. The white flame suddenly stopped, and the next breath became fiery. The flames burned. It was only the size of a slap, but it suddenly swelled to the height of one person, as if to burn everything.


In a hurry, the quiet blue lake-like surroundings suddenly became violent, with fierce flames, turbulent surging, turbulent in all directions, and directly into the sky.

There was a sudden sound of dragon yin, and immediately, from the towering blue giant waves, a huge blue flame dragon head rushed out and rushed directly to the true flame mountain. One bite, just one bite, directly passed the true flame mountain. Already.

Of course, it is not really swallowed. As soon as it is swallowed, the power of the fire protection order is automatically activated immediately, sending the disciple of Divine Flame Mountain directly out of Wan Yan's secret realm.

There are already hundreds of true disciples outside Wan Yanmi, all of which have been bombarded.

The blue flame's faucet spread out, and the blue flame wave fell back to calmness.

The white flame also returned to the size of a slap, and it seemed to be beating a few times.

Wan Yan Essence itself has a certain power, low-level, intermediate and high-level Wan Yan Essence, but the temperature is high, but to the top level, it can be transformed into an amazing combat power, at least ten stars The level can even reach the eleven-star level.

As for the super white Wan Yan essence, its power is even more powerful and its combat power is beyond 11 stars.

"White flame!"

"That's ... the super order Wanyan essence!"

As time passed, more true disciples of Shenyanshan came to Wanyan Lake.

Because this is the center of Wanyan Secret Realm, according to previous experience and records, Wanyan Lake in Wanyan Secret Realm Center is more likely to produce Wanyan essence and accumulate more.

But it never occurred to them that they did not see the Wan Yan essence of the lake, but they saw a white flame. That is the legendary super-order Wan Yan essence.

Good luck.

In a hurry, all of them broke out regardless of their fighting strength, and they turned into white flames.

Wanyan Lake is tens of thousands of miles wide, blue and quiet, calm and deep, permeating a breath of breath, as if on the bottom of the blue and quiet lake, lurking some kind of terrifying beast. Once it appears, it will Kill everything.

Everyone may be jealous and think again and again, but under the attraction of the super-level Wanyan essence, they can't consider so much at all.

The super-level Wanyan essence not only means 10,000 points, but also means that as long as it can be absorbed and refined, it will be of great benefit to its own cultivation.

Even if it is taken away by Shenyan Mountain, it will get a lot of rewards.

In any case, the super-order Wanyan essence must be available.

break out!

break out!

Burst out!

Dozens of Shenyanshan true stories rushed towards the white flame from all around Wanyan Lake.

Feeling the crisis again, the white flame suddenly trembled, and suddenly, it burned violently, and the faint blue around it erupted again, swept up, and rushed directly to a height of 100 meters.

The next breath, the blue flame dragon heads rushed together, and rushed to the true disciples of Shenyan Mountain.

One bite, just one bite, all swallowed, all sent out of Wan Yan's secret realm.

"Let me meet you!" Ye Tianhua was shocked, the black flames were burning, and an eleven-star power was exploded.

The terrible breath swelled with it, as if it were about to explode.

With a bang, Ye Tianhua's long sword came out of the sheath, and the black flame filled with it suddenly slashed out. The stabbing erupted for dozens of meters, as if the blade cut the sky and earth.


Suddenly, a blue flame faucet was smashed, and the blade of light was as invincible as it was going forward, killing a high white flame directly.

However, I saw the white flame condensing in an instant and turned into a flaming white flame figure, reached out and grabbed, grasped the black knife light directly, with a bang, the black knife light shattered countlessly.

In a single blow, the white flames penetrated through the sky and blasted directly to Ye Tianhua through countless blue flames.

On the list of true flames, Ye Tianhua is not low, ranking seventh, but in the face of the blow of the white flames, he can't escape, he can only explode and split again. This knife condenses endless black fire power.

But suddenly, the black flame was defeated under the white flame, Ye Tianhua flew upside down, only feeling that his bones were broken, and the long knife in his hand couldn't hold it and flew out.


The power of that blow was too strong, even Brother Chimei was not so powerful.


Without hesitation, Ye Tianhua quickly retreated.

Ye Tianhua stepped back, and the white flame did not pursue.

Retreating to the shore, Ye Tianhua stared at the white flame, pondered, and finally decided to notify others.

Of course, not all, but only some of them, join forces to defeat this white flame first, and to discuss other matters.

When Ye Tianhua spread the news, something changed, and several figures were approaching rapidly from different directions.

The breath that erupted here just shocked them.

Ye Tianhua looked at her, her face changed, and she smiled bitterly.

It seems that this super-level Wanyan essence is nowhere to be seen.

Because, here comes the third-ranked Chi Mei and his friend Di Liujiang on the Zhenyan list, and the second-ranked Yu Xulong.

In addition, there is another person, in a white robe, which is the true biography of the Xintian Temple. The message indicates that there is an eleven-star combat power, which is the most similar to himself.


Directly, it is the foil. After all, the third and second brothers are stronger than themselves.

"White flames, super-order Wanyan essence, I didn't expect our luck was quite good." Chi Mei smiled at Di Liujiang.

"Even though Brother Chimei shot, I assist." Di Liujiang laughed.

"Three brothers, don't say too early." Yu Xulong opened the fan and chuckled, his heart was a little excited, but he never thought that he could find the super-class Wanyan essence.

"Second Brother, let's just rely on the means." Chi Mei also laughed.

On the outside is the brothers, united, but here, they are competitors.

"By means." Yu Xulong smiled, and then waved a fan, rolled up a flame storm, and made a loud loud noise, immediately blasted towards Wan Yan Lake, rolled towards the white flame.

The red eyebrows were raised, as if the flames were spreading away. The red eyebrows were also shot in an instant. The hands were scratched in the void, and two scarlet flames were directly drawn from the void. Exudes terrible power.

Two bangs, two flames flashing with red crests flashed out instantly, rolled up like thousands of waves, bursting into a terrible force, and blasted towards the white flame.

Ye Tianhua looked dignified. Such power was really stronger than himself.

Although both the third and second brothers have 11-star combat power, they have reached the top level of 11-star, which is called the invincible level of 11-star. Only the master sister can suppress them.

The white flame erupted, soared into the sky, and turned into a white fire man. With a wave of his hand, Wanyan Lake immediately rioted and turned into a hundred-meter-long blue flame dragons, and the roar of dragons roared and raged in all directions.

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the white fire man also shot, and burst out white flames.

The fire storm of Yuxulong was defeated, and the double-click of Red Eyebrow was also defeated. Di Liujiang seized a momentary opportunity, and his fingers gathered a fiery fiery flame, which swung suddenly, as if a whip-like flutter. The surface of the lake was torn, smashing the sky into a white fireman.

But this blow was also crushed by the White Fireman.

Di Liujiang, Chimei and Yuxulong have amazing combat power, all of which have reached the eleven-star level, or the top eleven-star level. Together, they can barely confront the white fireman.

Ye Tianhua's eyes also glimpsed that the true story of the mind Tiangong is standing by the lake and watching. He didn't make a shot and couldn't help sneer. Sure enough, he couldn't get involved in such a battle, even if it was an eleven-star combat power. The difference between strength and weakness.

Inexplicably, Ye Tianhua feels dark, what is the true story of the elites of the Tiangong Palace, then, what if they want to enter the furnace of the flames of all disasters, after all, it is just vain.

"Let it go." A loud drink rang out suddenly. When the flames of blue flames trembled, the flames swept across the sky, like a pair of huge stretches of kilometers in the sky. The purple-red feather wings swept through.

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