Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 53: It's my turn

The fire and phoenix are flying in the sky, covering thousands of meters on the ground, flying across the sky, countless flames are falling from the sky, as if it is a flame rain, waving and falling, falling on the ground, falling in Wanyan Lake, colliding In the meantime, there were countless Mars.

This kind of prestige immediately caused Chen Zong's eyes to condense, secretly frightened.

Originally, Chen Zong was observing the white super-level Wanyan essence. Its combat power was very strong, and it completely surpassed the eleven-star star. The three top eleven-star star-powers were all suppressed, but Chen Zong felt That is not the full power of the Super Wanwan Essence, and there are reservations that have never fully erupted.

Because of his self-confidence in combat power, Chen Zong was not in a hurry to take the shot, but he did not expect that something had happened.

The fire and phoenix flew to the sky, and the breath of breath was shocking and shocking, covering the whole world as if it were surrounded by flames, turning into a cage of flames, even Chen Zong felt a burst of pressure.

On Wanyan Lake, blue flame dragons were subsequently suppressed, disintegrated and broken apart.

"Master Sister is here." Yu Xulong was startled.

"Retreat!" Chimei's face changed drastically, and he immediately said to the emperor Liujiang, exploding quickly.

Ye Tianhua had already withdrawn from the distance of 10,000 meters, leaving Chen Feng's coverage, but Chen Zong did not move.

"Scared." Ye Tianhua sneered at the sight of it.

Suddenly, when I saw the sky above, the wings of the phoenix phoenix with a wingspan of 10,000 meters suddenly trembled. The wings flew forward in an instant, and they closed together at the end. The fierce flame also surged from the wings like a raging wave Broke through the fan cage, condensed into one piece, and bombarded.

That fuchsia flame, like Foshan Yue's heavy onslaught, like a torrent of waves, is endless, filled with mountains-like heavy power, and has an amazing stamina like waves, burning out of terrible high temperature.

In this fuchsia flame, there are many mysteries of the flame avenue.

Furious, continuous, burning!


The group of tens of meters of purple-red flames bombarded it, and the closer it approached the white fireman, the more it shrank, and the terrible coercion spread out, squeezing the blue quiet lake surface for several meters.

When the purple-red flame was compressed to a few meters in size, its mighty power became more and more horrifying, smashing all the remaining blue flame dragons, relentlessly like a meteorite, and bombarded the white fireman.

This coercion was so amazing that it was difficult for the White Fireman to escape, and he was immediately hit.


The entire Wanyan Lake was undulating and trembling, rolling up heavy fierce waves, impacting in all directions, as if to crush everything and flood everything.

The blue and magenta billowed like the end of a natural disaster, seeing the eyebrows of red eyebrows and other people's eyelids jumping, and their hearts were even more shocked.

"Such awe, the master's combat power seems to be stronger." Yu Xulong secretly was shocked.

Twelve stars!

The combat power of the older sister is a twelve-star level, which was the case before. Now, it seems to be a bit more domineering, really amazing.

"Soon, I can have twelve-star combat power." Not only did Yuxu Long clenched his fists, as long as he improved his skills and cultivated that supernatural power to the extreme, his combat power could also break ten. One-star badger enters the twelve-star level.

Within a sacred place, of course, there will not be twelve star power, nor will there be only one, even if it is only temporary.

After all, with so many Tianjiao, there will always be a few one or two who can grow to the extreme.

Both Chimei and Yuxulong are expected to break through the puppets and raise their combat power to the level of the extreme.

Comparatively speaking, Yu Xulong has already seen hope. This time, as long as he enters the flames of the flames, he will have 80% confidence to break the limit of combat power and promote him to the super-polar state.

The purpose of Chimei who wants to enter the Oven of Flames is also the same. He must use the power of this secret place to break his combat strength, but relatively speaking, he only has 50% certainty.

If you haven't entered the Oven of Flames, you don't even have a chance to grasp it, you can imagine how important this opportunity is.

It's no wonder that the arrival of Chen Zong will make Chi Mei so hostile, because it may make him lose a great opportunity.

No matter who they are, they cannot be treated normally.

However, weak meat and strong food is the law of the void, and the contention is still to be fought. If Chen Zong knows this, he can only say sorry to Chi Mei, after all, the Oven of Flames is about his breakthrough.

You don't have to do this if you aren't insane.

Under the impact of a natural disaster, he suddenly blasted to Chen Zong, and when he saw that Chen Zong was about to be engulfed, Jianguang flashed suddenly and sharply, as if a splendid brilliance opened up the world, directly splitting the amount of wild violence that came from the bombardment open.

The blazing tri-color flames slipped past Chen Zong.

No one saw this scene, because everyone's attention was attracted by the white fire.

With such an overwhelming blow, will the super-level Wanyan essence be defeated?

Immediately, a terrible force burst out, the white flames soared into the sky, spread to ten meters, and burned fiercely, smashing all the purple-red flames directly, as if burning into nothingness.

I do n’t know when the white fireman will not only have no damage, but will become more and more solid. You can also see the facial features appearing a bit like the Yanling tribe. Of course, the flame is white and pure. white.

Full combat power!

Chen Zong's eyes were condensed, yes, this is the full power of the super-class Wan Yan essence, before, not all have been inspired.

Waving his arm, a bang, a white flame suddenly burst out of the air, and blasted to the huge phoenix falling in the air.

The fire phoenix is ​​huge and powerful. The white flame seems small, but it is really powerful. It even bombarded the fire phoenix directly and penetrated it quickly, spreading out, burning more than fierce, and blooming like a white sun. The light shines in all directions.

The fire phoenix was defeated, and a figure was killed from it. The fiery red whip trembled and immediately straightened, like a spear like a violent burst, penetrating the white flame and rushing out.

The figure seemed to be like the wings of a phoenix, turning into a stream of light between the fans, erupting at an incredibly fast speed, and the flames around it were retreating at once, as if they were the king of flames.

Sister Yu Tianfeng, the master of the true path of the flames of the flames of the mountain.

The long whip is like a gun, condensing the power of the terrible flame, as if it turned into a substance, and it directly explodes the terrible power.

The white fireman became more solid, and the facial features became clearer. He reached out a hand and swallowed it out, turning it into a white long sword, a sword chopping, and a white flame condensing into a sword light, shaped like a waning moon. Broken.

It can be seen that the white fire man's shot is very rough, and the application of strength stays at a shallow level.


Yu Tianfeng's combat effectiveness reached twelve stars, and martial arts attainment was superb. A fiery red whip covered with feathers in his hand was sometimes straightened, as if turned into a spear. Sometimes it is like a long sword, and it exhibits inscrutable swordsmanship, and sometimes it is a long whip, which is like a ghost and god.

But no matter which method is used, it has amazing power. It condenses into many flames and controls many flames, just like the queen of flames. That kind of power is very amazing.

In this way, the white fire man was suppressed.

In short, White Huoren has a powerful power in the air, but the application of power is very rough, and he is not an opponent at all.

Under the attack of Tianfeng's long whip, it was astonished to suppress, and the white fire man was shot down directly and fell into the bottom of the blue quiet lake.

The breath of tyrannity is pervasive in all directions, as if to suppress a realm. A ray of flames permeates all around, suspended in the whole body of Tianfeng, covering a range of several kilometers.

That's the force field. It's the force field that breaks through the trance. The twelve-star combat power that can reach the extreme level can breed. The range of the force field is related to the strength of the battle force.

The force field of a few kilometers is undoubtedly better than the Dragon Barbarian warriors who fought their lives at that time.

Moreover, Chen Zong keenly felt that this force field of Tianfeng was a little different. It seemed to be actively controlled, instead of being passively distributed, incorporating the power of the flame. No, it should be said that it was integrated into the field.

This field that Tianfeng holds is a field of flames. After being dispersed, it merges into the force field. Combined, the power is stronger.

Active control means that we are more adaptive and familiar with our own strength.

When the force field is mastered to the extreme, it can also have good power. At least at the level of the royal realm, it is expected to be comparable to the field. If it is integrated with the field, it will increase the power.

However, because of his relationship with Kendo, Chen Zong did not work **** the force field.

Of course, this is also because of insufficient time.

After all, every aspect of cultivation requires a lot of time and effort.

The force field only appears when there is a twelve-star combat power, in other words, once your cultivation breaks through to the Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power reaches the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, but it is not a twelve-star. .com ~ Force field naturally disappears.

In this way, Chen Zong does not plan to study the force field now, and he will look at it later.

At that moment, the metamorphosis was abrupt, Wanyan Lake was instantly violent, soaring into the sky, without any warning, a huge and incomparable blue quiet giant hand broke through the lake and grabbed Tianfeng.

Yu Tianfeng was caught directly, and the force field combined with the realm was squeezed instantly. Yu Tianfeng was captured as a whole, his defensive force was broken and he spit out blood.

"Open!" Yu Tianfeng shouted, and Tianfeng's prestige broke out. Extreme strength broke out. The smashed field and force field opened up again. For a moment, blocking the blue flame of the hand, and condensing wings behind Tianfeng. Suddenly a shock, soaring into the sky.

"Sister Shi was defeated." Yu Xulong and others stared, shocked.

"It's time I shot." Chen Zongwei said. The reason why he didn't make a shot before was because Chen Zong keenly felt that the power of the white fire man was very arrogant, which was the ultimate of the imperial realm, very close to Yuan Ming Realm, and Wan Yan Lake as a dependent, although Yu Tianfeng is strong, but in absolute strength, he is still not as strong as the white fireman, so he did not rush to shoot.

Now is the time.

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