Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 54: Absolute combat power

The roar, rang through the world, shook Jiuxiao, the tens of thousands of miles of Wanyan Lake turned over the river, the blue faint flames, as if the waves were surging and surging.

Suddenly, a blue flame of fire rose into the sky, bursting with unparalleled terror, as if to break the sky.


Third way!

Fourth way!

A blue flame of fire exploded from the bottom of the lake, like a volcanic eruption of magma, rising several kilometers high, each of which was ten meters in size, and its power was astonishing.

Chimei, Diliujiang and Yuxulong were shocked. If they were among them, they would be directly injured.

Yu Tianfeng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. Although he looked a little dignified, but deep in his eyes, there was a fascination of fascination. It was warfare. The combination of the field of fire and the field of force permeated the flames. Condensing out of thin air, turning around Yu Tianfeng, burning more than ever, filled with fierce power, as if an outbreak can burn everything.

When Yu Tianfeng was about to take another shot, the abnormality suddenly occurred.

In the center of Wanyan Lake, a column of blue flames of fire suddenly blasted into the sky, and its mighty power reached a 12-star level of combat power. It became even more powerful, and the sky seemed to be crushed.

Yu Tianfeng's figure became more solemn.

When a pillar of blue flames of several hundred meters wide soared into the sky, a 100-meter-sized body also appeared from the bottom of the lake and appeared in the center of the pillar of fire. As the pillar of fire disappeared, the figure also emerged.

The whole body is condensed by blue flames and turned into a blue flame giant. It is a hundred meters high and stands as strong as a mountain on Lake Wanyan. The head and eyebrows are covered with a white flame, as if It is constantly burning.

The fiery, violent, and terrifying high temperature mixed with the coercion of coercion and coercion. The invisible storm swept across the four poles, and the void around it was oppressed by an invisible force, directly covering the 10,000-meter square.

That's the force field!

It is the force field emanating from the fighting power of this blue flame giant Xeon, scattered around, suppressing everything.

Feeling the scope of this force field, Yu Tianfeng's face became more dignified. She combined the flame field with the force field, but she only covered a three-kilometer square. Compared with ten thousand meters, the gap was very obvious.

However, such strong enemies can enable themselves to enjoy themselves.

For a moment, Yu Tianfeng's eyes seemed to burn with flames, and the flames around him were burning more than ever. The fire became more and more amazing. The whip in his hand trembled suddenly, and a large group of flames were extremely hot, like volcanic magma rolling.

There was a roar, and the sound of the waves was rolling through the earthquake and the blue flames were violent.

Lan Yan swept into a hundred-meter wave, and was extremely violent. With the Lan Yan giant as the center, he suddenly rushed away in all directions.

Ye Tianhua screamed, and quickly backed away. The three of Redbrow Emperor Liujiang and Yuxulong also changed their faces and flew back. Only Tianfeng was in shape, but a long whip trembled, and suddenly a fiery enthusiasm rolled up. The extreme flames came out like a meteor flame.

Collision, shocking.

That section of the blue flame wave was defeated. Immediately, the blue flame giant blasted at Tianfeng with horrible power, directly crushing the meteor flame, crushing all the flames around Tianfeng, breaking the combination of the force field and the realm. , Will fly again in Tianfeng, a spray of blood sprayed the sky.

"Not bad." Chen Zong said slightly, his right hand rested on the hilt of his sword, his five fingers sipped slightly, his joints were slightly raised, and he exerted a little force. A seemingly subtle, as if earth-shattering sword sound rang, and the sword sounded melodiously. The mighty, as if in the beginning, the thunder suddenly blew into everyone's ears, causing them to tremble unconsciously, as if there was a sharp edge across.

Sword meaning seems to be countless, spreading with the wind, permeating in all directions, everywhere.

A sharp and extreme light emerged from the scabbard. It glowed brighter and brighter. The light seemed to hang in the sky, shining through the mountains and rivers and penetrating the heavy clouds, as if the sky was breaking through the clouds. Yes, there is nothing to cover.

Even though the blue flames were rolling up into the sky, covering everything, it could not stop the penetration of that sharp sharp sword light.

For a time, Yu Tianfeng and others only felt that the light shone a little, and it was difficult to look straight.

The giant Lan Yan also seemed to feel the mighty power contained in this sword light, with a terrible threat. He was about to punch Yu Tianfeng with his body turning, and ruthlessly bombarded Chen Zong.

The fist of a hundred-meter giant is so huge. One punch, like a meteor burning with deep blue flames, descends from the sky, like breaking through a heavy cloud, lingering in countless breaths, and the strength of the thunderous thunder comes directly to the ground.

One punch!

The power of this punch has reached the extreme, the extreme of twelve stars.

Even though Yu Tianfeng, who is strong in combat power, is still calm and dignified, let alone Chi Mei and others.

Of course, people like Chimei and Yuxulong also saw that those who pull out swords are disciples of Xintiangong.

"I really don't know the so-called. If this punch goes down, even if it is not bombed out of Wan Yan's secret realm, it will definitely suffer." Chi Mei sneered.

"He thinks who he is." So did Yu Xulong.

Even if this person's combat power is strong, can he still be compared with the master sister?

Even Master Sister was repelled and injured by the Blue Flame Giant.

This punch was extremely powerful, and in front of him, Chen Zong looked extremely small, just like a kitten that was born shortly before a tiger king who was just in his prime.

As if a punch goes down, Chen Zong will be crushed.

But I saw that Chen Zong not only did not have the slightest intention to step back and dodge, even his face was light, as if the breeze of the sky was light, as if he could not feel any coercion. Only a white robe was extremely terrifying in that horror. Under all the fist, grinning.

When the blue flame giant blasted with a terrifying punch, within a short distance of three meters, Chen Zong's long sword at the left waist was also drawn out.

At the moment when the sword came out of the sheath, the sword light was extremely strong and dazzling to the extreme. It was like a jet of light from the beginning of the god. It flew across the sky in an instant, as if tearing the sky and the earth.

A punch that was so violently filled with the power of destruction was immediately cut under that extreme sword light.

It's like cutting a thin paper with a sharp blade. There is no half-stop. It is like a smashed bamboo. The smooth and extreme feeling is also called Tianfeng Yuxulong, Chimei Emperor Liujiang, and Ye Tianhua. After a while, I feel so happy,

Like a knife-cut butter, it looks pleasing to the eye and relaxes inside.




The sword light, like a broken bamboo, cut through the fist face of the blue flame giant and kept going upwards, cutting the entire arm, and a blast of sword light passed through the shoulders, rising into the sky, as if it also cut the sky.

The gap in combat power!

Chen Zong's combat power at this time, without using the Supreme Mastery of Wushu and the Secret of the Heart and Fire, and the power of the Taijian Sword Elementary Body, reached the two-star level of Yuan Ming Realm.

Although this blue flame giant is very strong, but it is only the level of the imperial realm, the ultimate 12-star combat power.

Stronger than Tianfeng, but worse than Yuan Ningjing, and even worse than Chen Zong.

Therefore, this sword, Chen Zong did not burst out full strength, but the power is not weak at all.

Yu Tianfeng and others were all dull and unbelievable.

A sword is just a sword out of the sheath. There is no astonishing speed, and no terrible power erupts. It seems that the sword is pulled out of the sheath, nothing more.

What means is this?

Jian Guang shone again, and Chen Zong killed the second sword.

The sword light suddenly stretched, turned into a 100-meter-long remnant moon, and shot out in the air.

The situation is like a smashing bamboo, incomparable, and directly cut off the huge body of the blue flame giant.

One sword cut!

However, the blue flames of Wanyan Lake surged into the body of the blue flame giant, causing the sword and wounds on the arms and waist to quickly disappear and repaired as before.

As if to kill!

Wanyan Lake is the root of this blue flame giant. As soon as it is damaged, the power of Wanyan Lake will repair it, and Wanyan Lake is the center of Wanyan's mystery, gathering many forces of Wanyan's mystery. It is impossible to destroy Wanyan Lake, even if it is a supernatural power, it is difficult to do so.

However, Chen Zong also has a way to deal with the blue flame giant without destroying Wanyan Lake.

With his eyes fixed, his sharp and piercing sky pierced the sky, staring at the blue flame giant's eyebrow, the burning white flame, that was the core of the blue flame giant.

That white super-high-level Wanyan essence flame gathered the power of Wanyan Lake, condensed this blue flame giant, and exploded with amazing combat power.

If it weren't for the limit of Wan Yan's secret realm, it would be possible to raise the combat power to the level of Yuan Ming Realm. At that time, even Chen Zong would be helpless and unable to match.

However, Wan Yan Secret Realm is ultimately a secret realm for the disciples of Wanzhu Shenshan Yudao Jingzhen, who will not have power beyond the level of Yudao Jing.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body rose from the sky, like a cloud of mist under his feet, but for a moment, which made the blue flame giant's brows flat.

Raise the sword ahead, Qi Yumei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sincerely.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword One!

The area of ​​100-meter kendo was condensed into the body of the sword at once, a sword broke, and the sword was extremely condensed, extremely dazzling, and extremely shining.

The sword was as powerful as a bamboo beam, penetrating directly through the void, like an aurora, killing the blue flame giant's eyebrow, a white flame.

It is irresistible. This is the crushing of absolute combat power. The power of this sword completely exceeds the level of the imperial realm and reaches the level of one-star combat power of the Yuanming Realm.

The power of the super-order Wanyan essence is as strong and limited as it can't stop the sword light, and it is directly penetrated.

All of a sudden, all forces were defeated, and the Blue Flame Giant lost control, and began to disintegrate, collapse, and turn back into a blue flame. It fell down like a wave of water and fell into Wanyan Lake.

The sword returned to the sheath, and Chen Zong stepped out and appeared next to the white flame that was restored to the size of a palm.

"Stop!" A majestic coquettish sounded, and at the same time, a purplish gunfire scorched across the sky in an instant.

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