Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 58: Unyielding

The vastness of the sea of ​​God, on the edge, unknowingly, that demon condensed again, seems to be awakened.


"That's the Big Devil."

The demon growled silently. As long as he possesses the Yuan Shen and controls it completely, he can truly control everything in this body, including the soul. No matter what the situation is, he will never fall asleep again.

Because at that time, he has completely become Chen Zong, and Chen Zong will also become a great demon king, running through the void and invincible.

Thinking of this, the demon wanted to laugh out loud, but suddenly stopped, a pair of scarlet eyes blinked cold.

Now, it cannot be found, it must be lurking, wait for the moment when the Yuanshen forged, then act, directly invade the Yuanshen, and occupy it.

Chen Zong did not know that the demon was awake, and once again condensed, all the minds were used in the casting and condensing of the Yuanshen, and there was no room for distraction.

The two gods were formed together.

As the Yuanshen continued to solidify, gradually, the five senses gradually changed from nothing to vague, from vague to clear.

Vaguely, the vague features and Chen Zong seem to be similar in seven or eight points. Once solid, it is no different from Chen Zong.




The flames around the oven continued to burn, spouting tongues of fire, and like a fire dragon sweeping around, wrapped up and covered Chen Zonghun's body, tempered, and burned.

Chen Zong's body and cultivation are strength, and under this blazing and mysterious flame, he has become more and more pure, and his power has been increased unknowingly.

This is incidental. The most important thing is the condensed spirit of the gods. With the help of the flames of the flames of the gods, it is a little faster.

The five senses are completely solid and exactly the same as Chen Zong, but the two gods have different looks. Practicing Qi and Yuan are a light and peaceful look, while refining and priming are a proud look, as if fighting.

The next step is a very important step and a breakthrough step, that is, to truly integrate the consciousness into the primordial spirit, enter the psychic soul, sit in the psychic spirit, dominate the primordial spirit, and then control the primordial self with the primordial spirit to control all power.

The refining of the Yuanshen requires one more step, that is, the disintegration of the Yuanshen into countless Yuanshen particles, carrying the soul and consciousness dispersed into countless parts, and integrating into each place inside and outside the body, inside and outside Nothing was missed.


Chen Zong's two-pointed consciousness rushed to the two gods respectively, and they had to be submerged in it, in the master, and directly controlled.

Sudden changes occur suddenly.

"The great devil is coming too." An astonishing sound like the explosion of a dark magic thunder suddenly sounded, completely unexpected, first to capture people's consciousness, let Chen Zong's consciousness be a little surprised, and immediately, speeded out.

At the same time, a burst of black light filled the sky, carrying two scarlets across the sky like lightning, at a speed as if not being blocked by anything, treating everything as if nothing was as close as the horizon.

At the moment when Chen Zong's consciousness rushed into practicing the Yuanshen, Black Light also burst into the Yuanshen at the same time.

As for the refining spirit, there was no interference from it. The demon was very clear. Chen Zong chose to practice qi and refining at the same time. However, refining qi was the main method and refining was the auxiliary.

Therefore, as long as it possesses the practicing Qiyuanshen, it can control everything. If it invades the refining yuans, it will be broken up and merged into the gods body. At that time, it will lose its dominant position.

The demon sees it very clearly, so he will compete with Chen Zong for the training of the primordial spirit god, and that is the leading role.

Chen Zong's consciousness and demon were at the same time submerged in the Yuanshen.

The demon is not a spirit, but it is actually a variant of consciousness, which can also be regarded as consciousness.

When the demon enters the moment of the Yuanshen, when he stuns, an invisible flame burns.

That flame is truly the mysterious flame of the Oven Flame Flame Oven. That flame can stabilize the mind, stabilize the primordial spirit, and resist the demon. Now, under the flame, it directly blocks the demon, so that the demon cannot be truly Invaded into the spirit of the Yuan Shen.

"Damn!" The demon was so furious that he was blocked, how could this be.

Now, this is my best chance to miss the invasion of Yuanshen's condensed invasion. In the future, if you want to occupy this spirit and body, you will have to pay a greater price. .

This time, no matter what, you must succeed in occupying the Primordial God, even if it pays a great price, you must do it, because as long as you completely occupy the Primordial God, then this body will be owned by you, the price paid, Can slowly make up for it.


Without hesitation, extremely decisive, the demon directly detonates itself, and an instant of terrifying power erupts. That power is blown away in an instant, and is controlled by the demon. The terrible force directly blasted forward, smashing and cracking the invisible flame of the Oven of Flames.

A little black mang also flew out in an instant, burst out of the burst of invisible flames, and rushed to the spirit of Chen Zongyuan.

The outbreak of the demon, is extremely fierce, and is not afraid of death. There is a momentum of unsuccessful benevolence, and he is born dead, and does not retain himself a half chance.


Extremely fast!

Its speed should even exceed Chen Zong's consciousness.

Even if Chen Zong's consciousness is very close to the soul, it is almost to be touched. That little black light is still chasing up, Zhangya dance claws into a fierce demon devil, give up all defense-like, and flew to kill directly to Chen Zong's consciousness.

The spirit is close at hand, and it is impossible to enter, because if you want to enter the spirit, you will be smashed by the spirit and it is very likely to be damaged.

Even if you have amazing control ability, you can't avoid the happy demon, because this is your own heart demon. It can be said that he can and can be, and is very pure, to a certain extent, even better than himself.


Chen Zong's consciousness fluctuated for a while, and suddenly turned into a human form, blocking the demon **** of the demon's evolution.


Fierce fighting.

Chen Zong has to resist the demon, and the demon disregards his own weariness and wants to occupy the Yuanshen. Only in this way can he completely control this body.

Suddenly, the metamorphosis regenerates, suspended in the sky above the sea of ​​God, and the slashing curse conceived by the Lord of Mind at any time is like a black moon wheel flashing a ray of cold light, and suddenly, the cold light changes from black to white .


Turned into a white moon wheel, it is instantly cut off from the sky, killing the demon that is magical to the heart.

Only in an instant, the demon was hacked and torn directly.

A sharp scream also sounded, and after seeing the demon split, all the white lights shone, like the white sun shining, melting the snow and ice, so that the black continued to dissipate.

Hard hit!

Originally to get rid of the invisible flame resistance of the Oven Flame Flame Oven, the demon has already exploded a lot of power, causing himself to be damaged and his power decreased. It is estimated that it is difficult to stop Chen Zong's consciousness unless he fights for his determination to die.

But now, under the curse of slayering, the demon only feels that he has been severed and burned by a terrible force, as if to be purified.


Second explosion!

Without hesitation, even if you know that this explosion will cause inexplicable trauma to yourself, and may even cause you to collapse and dissipate, but you have to do so, because if you do not do so, the consequences will be more serious.

Without hesitation, the demon is very decisive and fierce, and he is fierce towards himself.

Under the explosion, it was impossible to completely dissipate the power of the slashing curse, but a little bit of the extreme black mang also flew out of it. The speed of the explosion was several times the previous, exceeding Chen's. Zong's capture and reaction went directly into the Yuanshen and into the soul.

Chen Zong was frightened, and his consciousness quickly turned into a sword-light breakthrough, and he was not included in the spirit of the Yuanshen. He was not blocked in any way.

Upon entering the soul, a feeling as if settled in a home suddenly appeared, as if the boat had ended its drifting and returned to the harbor.

But Chen Zong didn't enjoy it, but quickly searched, but the demon was one step earlier into the soul of Yuan Shen.

It stands to reason that if the mind demon enters first, even if it comes a little earlier, it may be possible to grasp the spirit in an instant, so that his consciousness cannot enter it. Since then, he has been completely occupied by the Yuanshen.

But now, although the demon enters a little bit ahead of time, there is no resistance, but the elementary **** is in his hands.

After careful inspection, Chen Zong found that there was a very subtle black awn in the spirit of Yuanshen. It was so subtle and extremely inaccessible.

That is the core of the demon.

The consciousness shook and burst out in an instant, trying to crush that little black awn, but, there was no alternative.

That black man's tenacity was beyond expectation, Chen Zong found himself, and had no choice but to give up temporarily.

And ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That black mang exists in the soul, and also has a feeling of being integrated with its own soul, as if they do not distinguish each other. So, if it is to be completely destroyed, the power is too strong, there is May damage your soul.

"After returning, ask Master again." Chen Zong had no choice but to do so.

Now that consciousness has been stationed in Yuanshen, mastering the spirit and soul, and mastering Yuanshen thoroughly, the next breakthrough should also continue.

Condensing the Yuanshen is just the first step to break through to the realm of the gods.

But once the breakthrough begins, it cannot be stopped, otherwise it will only fail.

Therefore, there is no pseudo-metamorphism at the level of the royal realm to the metamorphism. A breakthrough is a breakthrough, no breakthrough is no breakthrough, and there is no layer between the two.

The breakthrough this time is naturally a breakthrough in both qi training and refining.

The two primordial gods have been thoroughly condensed. The next training of qi primordial spirit is to master qi training as a thorough mastery of the avenue, transform it, and step into the elemental realm. To disperse and disintegrate into countless, integrate into the world **** body, perfect integration into one, regardless of each other.

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