Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 59: Soaring strength

(I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and happiness)

"I don't know, what is it in the oven?" The expressionless caretaker elder slightly moved, guessing secretly, but he couldn't see it, his role was just to guard the flames Furnace.

Within the oven, Chen Zong is still breaking through.

Whether it is the first step of condensing the Yuanshen or the second step of the breakthrough, it will take some time. The flames of the Oven God Flame Oven can speed up this process and shorten the time.

Of course, Chen Zong did not know that if the power of the Oven of Flames was not enough, the demon could not easily break through its resistance and eventually slash the curse.

It is precisely because of the lack of power of the Wanxia Shenyan Oven that Chen Zong faces a crisis.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is also that the demon is too powerful. Even if the power of the Oven Flame Flame Oven is sufficient, it will only make the demon more damaged and cannot be destroyed.

However, none of these Chen Zong knew.

In any case, although the danger of the demon is not directly resolved, it is considered to be over.

Now, it is a breakthrough in cultivation, and a breakthrough in Qi training and physical training. It is a breakthrough that many practitioners have never been able to achieve.

The strength of practicing Qi is controlled by the sweeping power of Yuanshen. In the beginning, Jian Yuan also began to transform. It is a qualitative change. It is the power of Yuan Ming Realm. powerful.

At the same time, the sword of the heart has undergone a transformation. When the imperial realm turns nine times, it equals to grasping the power of 90% of the avenue.

Then Yuan Ming Realm means mastering the power of 10% Avenue.

Ninety percent and ten percent, although a difference of ten percent, is an improvement in incompleteness and completeness. The increase in power is very significant and amazing.

Yuanming Realm is different from Yudao Realm. It is not only the condensate of Yuanshen, but also the significant improvement and transformation in the strength of cultivation and the power of the road, which is an increase of several times.

As a result, even the 12-star combat power of Yudaojing is not equal to the one-star combat power of Yuan Mingjing.

At the same time as practicing Qi Qi into the Yuan Ming Realm, the practice of refining Qi also made a breakthrough.

It is not difficult to disperse the refining primitive gods and integrate them into the world gods. The difficulty is only fine, and you must slowly integrate into every inch of your body.

If it is said that Xiaocheng's physical condition is still a flesh and blood body, then Dacheng's physical condition has begun to transform towards an energy body, which is an essential ascension.

After the Yuanshen merged into the divine body and transformed into a big divine body, not only had the terrible divine power, but also the amazing power of being reborn with broken arms. Some injuries could heal in a very short time.

The cultivation of the **** body to the extreme is not only the self-healing of the injury, but also the rebirth of broken arm, and even the level of blood rebirth.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a powerful cultivator to kill. Of course, it is not impossible to kill, or it is to grind away all their vitality and strength. If they cannot recover, they will naturally die.

Or start at the weakness, that is, the soul.

In any case, the strength of the soul of the refiner is inferior to the practice of the qi. After all, this is recognized. Therefore, many refiners will collect some secret treasures or methods to defend the soul, etc. insufficient.

As for Chen Zong, there is no such doubt, because Chen Zong also has the ability to practice.

Of course, if you can get the secret to protect the soul, it is also very good, but the more important thing is to restore the magic potion of the soul and so on.

assimilate into!

The scattered elementary gods are constantly integrated into the divine body, so that Chen Zong gives birth to an incomparably strange feeling, just like his own divine body is turning into a divine body.

Fusion, regardless of each other, as one, as if normal.

When the last point of the Yuanshen particles were incorporated into the body, Chen Zong's body suddenly shook, and a lot of power burst into the body and shuttled endlessly.

It looks like a tidal wave, as if the wind is rippling, like ripples.

God body ... Dacheng!

When he died, Chen Zong could clearly feel that his control of the divine body reached an extremely high level, much better than in the past. Because of this, he felt more clearly the power contained in the body of Dacheng. A very terrible situation.

The difference between the big body and the small body of the divine body is very significant.

The World Avenue is the topmost avenue, and its power is stronger than many other avenues.

In this way, the power of Dacheng's world deities is astonishing. Chen Zong estimates that the ordinary elementary stage of the Yuan Ming Dynasty is not necessarily his opponent.

The imperial realm is divided into nine turns, but the Yuan Ming realm does not. It is divided by the beginning, middle, high, and top peaks, or the peaks in the early, middle, and late stages.

The tyrannical, extremely tyrannical force, wantonly in the body, like the waves of the sea, like the raging waves.

As if a punch blows out, you can destroy the mountains and destroy Yue. This oven can't stop your own blow. Of course, this is an illusion. Even if your strength is a hundred times stronger, you can't cause anything to this oven. Damage is impossible.

The change is still going on, a little light permeates from the body, and one after another goes to Shenhai, and finally in Shenhai, converges into a spirit, which is the spirit of refining the body and god.

It's just that this spirit is a bit illusive, as if it is a rootless duckweed. It has a weak sense of no load. It seems that when the wind blows, it will be scattered, so that the consciousness living in it has a sense of insecurity.

If you compare this refining spirit with the qi spirit, the qi spirit is like living in a strong fortress inside and comfortable and protected, and its consciousness is like living in a castle in the fortress. The spirits are exposed to the open air like undefended, and the consciousness in them is more like living in a thatched house.

The contrast is clearly obvious.

It seems that the treasure to restore the soul must be found, and the secret or magic to protect the soul is also necessary. The more the better, the stronger the better. Otherwise, if the refining soul is targeted, it is not good for yourself.

Nowadays, practicing Qi training and refining training finally break through.

Yuan Ming Realm!

Dacheng Divine Realm!

Go hand in hand.

Chen Zong tried to run the Supreme Master Wu, and suddenly found that the Supreme Master Wu had a feeling of unsustainability, as if it was difficult to drag such a powerful force to combine it.

"Also, Lingwu is supreme. After all, it is only the level of great magical power. The power of pulling Yuanyuan and Dacheng divine spirit with the power of great magical power is a little too reluctant." Chen Zong thought.

This is also normal. Previously, the Supreme Master Wu could perform the performance by herself, reaching the level of great magical powers, which is enough to control the power of the imperial realm and the little adult body.

But now, their own accomplishments have achieved major breakthroughs, and the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers are not enough. It is like a child dragging a cart. Although it can be dragged forcibly, it is somewhat reluctant. The main thing is that it cannot last.

"That is to say, although my combat power today can combine Qi training and physical training as strength, it will increase again, but it will not be as smooth as it used to be, nor will it last long." Chen Zong could not help secretly Think about it.

Undoubtedly, this has a great impact on oneself. It must be solved. As for the solution, naturally, it is to upgrade the Supreme Spirit and deduct it to a higher level. At least it must reach the level of celestial power to be able to transform the Yuan Ming Realm. And the power of Dacheng's divine realm to control freely.

However, this requires time and foundation, and now it seems that my foundation in secret law is not enough.

"Also, wait until you return to the Mind Heaven Palace, and then carefully deduct." Chen Zong secretly said, this is the flames of the mountain of all disasters, not suitable for long stay.

As for now, the time has not yet come and you can continue to cultivate.

What is cultivation?

After thinking about it, the most suitable one is naturally the Yanlong Refining Method.

In the flames of the Wraith Flames, the temperature is hot, and the fire is extremely pure. It has to outperform Longyan Cave. It has more help for the practice of Yanlong's refining method.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong started to use the Yanlong refining method, and the purple atlantosaurus also appeared. Surrounding the whole body, a sound of dragon chanting was issued. Compared to the past, the purple atlantoon The transformed fire dragon is longer and thicker, and the power contained in it is also more powerful.

With a wave of the robe sleeve, blossoming Wan Yan essences also appeared, blue, and three flowers were purple.

Chen Zong took out all the remaining Wan Yan essence, and relied on the pure and pure breath of the Mandrel Flame Flame Furnace to refine it to enhance the power of Zihuanxinglongyan.

Sure enough, the speed of refining was beyond imagination, increasing more than ten times.

The power of Zihuan Xinglongyan also continues to increase, and the flickering dragon with a little black star is constantly winding, and the body is constantly expanding.

When all the essence of Wan Yan was absorbed, Ziyan Xinglongyan finally reached the power of the Ninth Turn Royal Road.

However, it did not stop, but continued to absorb the surrounding fire, which is the breath of the flames of the gods of the world.

The combination of the Yanlong Lianxi method and the Zihuanxinglongyan inflammation, as if smelling a beautiful taste, suddenly issued a burst of high-pitched yelling, and immediately swallowed the surrounding breath.

This breath is so pure and so amazing that nothingness is refined and it can be absorbed directly for its own use.

Zihuanxinglongyan continues to grow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gradually approaching the limit.

Divine fire is a collective name, and there are also high and low points. Today's Purple Atlas Dragon Flame is a low-order divine fire, but it has gradually approached the extreme of the low-order divine fire.

If the Divine Fire is also divided by combat power, then the current purple atlantic dragon dragon is a nine-star combat power and is advancing towards the ten-star.

Suddenly, for a while, the dragon yelling violently, and Zihuan Xinglongyan also broke through and reached the ten-star level of combat power.

However, Chen Zong felt that the eleven-star combat power should be the qualification limit of Zihuanxinglongyan.

Just like a cultivator, Shenhuo also has its potential. When it reaches eleven-star combat power, it is difficult to upgrade to twelve-star. Next, it is a breakthrough, becoming a mid-level godfire, which is equivalent to the level of the Yuan Ming Realm. .

However, when Zihuanxinglongyan was promoted to the eleven-star combat power by virtue of the atmosphere inside the flames of the Wandering Flames, he did not stop, but continued to absorb, constantly absorbing with a savage predatory attitude. To make themselves transform.

The atmosphere inside the flames of the Great Fire of God was also shaken.

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