Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 61: Xeon Might (Part 1)

The vastness of the void.

Yu Tianfeng's wings of flames covered a range of tens of thousands of meters, burning like flames.

"Chen Zong, now I'm Yuan Ming Realm, and I don't deceive you, I just fight against you with 30% combat power." Yu Tianfeng Jiao yelled, and the flames around him suddenly flowed endlessly.

Originally, Yu Tianfeng wanted to say 30%, but thinking that Chen Zong's combat power at Wanyan Lake was so arrogant that day, it is difficult to defeat him if he estimated that he had 10% combat power.

After all, she had just broken through to Yuan Ming Realm and hadn't turned everything into combat power. This time, because Chen Zong was leaving, she was worried that the opportunity would be rare, so she went out to intercept it and wanted a shame.

"You don't need 30%, come up with all your combat power." Chen Zong smiled slightly, releasing the atmosphere of Yuan Ming Realm.

I felt that Chen Zong's practice was also Yuan Ming Realm. Yu Tianfeng's complexion suddenly changed, and there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes. Immediately, it turned into a fierce flame of war, burning more and more vigorously.

"That being the case, I'm not welcome." Yu Tianfeng screamed, his whip trembled, as if the dragons and snakes were undulating, the flames were like raging waves, turning into endless fire waves, rushing towards Chen Zong .

The power of this hit was many times more powerful than before.

Changed to Chen Zong before the breakthrough. If you want to deal with it, you must have real combat power. But now, Chen Zong is a sword that is like a sword, an understatement. The light of the sword shines like a thunder. The long whip suddenly slammed, hitting the sky, and immediately split the extremely fiery wave of fire.

Jianguang flashed, turning into a waning moon to kill Tianfeng.

With one blow, Yu Tianfeng's face changed suddenly.

The gap between combat capabilities is very clear.

Before Chen Zong broke through the Yuan Ming Realm, he did not use all methods such as Supreme Martial Arts. His strongest combat power was comparable to the two-star dollar Underworld, perhaps less than its top level, but it was also a real two. Stars.

After all, the twelve heavy swords in the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword and the two kilometers of sword field and the sword power under the mighty power of the Kendo of the heart were exhibited. The power was amazing.

Without using Sword Four, the power of Sword Three has reached the top level of one-star combat power in Yuanming Realm.

Nowadays, in order to break through to the level of Yuanming Realm, Taiyuan Jianyuan has undergone metamorphosis to become more powerful, while the Kendo of the heart has reached a level of 10% control, and the power is also stronger. The field of Kendo also has a very obvious growth. .

Everything, let Chen Zong's combat power surge.

In terms of training qi alone, although cultivation is only the first level of entering the underworld of Yuan, if it is placed on other practitioners, it is at most one-star combat power, but Chen Zong's combat power is not only at least three Stars are even stronger.

"Fire Phoenix burns the sky!" Yu Tianfeng exploded with all his strength and blasted out again, and the whip swept across, rolling up the towering magenta flame, and turned into a kilometer flame Tianfeng. Between the blazing flames, there was a high-pitched and extremely vocal sound, which rang through the sky.

The wings suddenly trembled. Suddenly, Fei culled and burned the void.

That astonishingly hot power directly surpassed the ordinary one-star combat power and reached the top level of one-star.

Yu Tianfeng has amazing talents and superb potential. When he is in the royal realm, he is at the level of twelve-star combat power. After breaking through to Yuan Ming Realm, even if he has n’t closed the retreat well, his combat power is also direct. Step into the one-star level.

You know, after most of the imperial realms broke through to Yuan Ming Realm, their combat power was less than one star, and it took some time to cultivate to have hope.

However, as in Tianfeng, as long as it is under cultivation for a period of time, and the potential after the breakthrough is converted into strength, the combat power can reach two stars, and it is expected to impact three stars.

However, it is not enough for Chen Zong.

Chen Zong wanted to return to the Heavenly Palace of the Mind, take good care of retreats, and thoroughly transform the potential after the breakthrough into strength and turn it into combat power. He didn't want to delay it.

Draw a sword!

Jixin Wuxiang Sword came out of its sheath. With its self-cultivation as a breakthrough, this Jixin Wuxiang Sword, as its destiny, has also improved its power by several dozens, becoming increasingly arrogant.

One sword!

Chen Zong just waved a sword. He did not cast a sword for refining his heart. He did not look down on it, but he didn't need it at all. Under the absolute combat power gap, such a sword is enough.

Moreover, Chen Zong has already drawn his sword.

Jianguang flashed, and when he was about a thousand meters away, the sky began to break through, starting from his head.

The sword is as powerful as the bamboo, and the invincible is invincible, and it is directly directed at Tianfeng.

Yu Tianfeng's face changed greatly, and it broke out again. The flames burned, poured into the whip, rolled suddenly, rolled up the vortex of flames, followed by a continuous stream, as if endless.

Each whirlpool has a great power, constantly weakening the sword light.

However, the power of that sword light is amazing. It directly has the two-star combat power of Yuanming Realm, breaking through the heavy vortex. Although the power is constantly weakened, it still hits Tianfeng, blows it, and the body seems to be penetrated. , Jianqi raging endlessly, for a time called Tianfeng lost the power to fight again.

The sword returned to the sheath, but Chen Zong ignored the Yu Tianfeng.

"You hurt your sister, do you want to leave it?" A loud drinking came, accompanied by a roar, like a wave, like a thunder, and a bright yellow flame was covering the side and shrouding it. Tens of thousands of meters round, rushing.

The bright yellow flames burst into flames, unceasingly progressing, the middle gradually protruding, and the left and right sides are also stretching, condensing into the appearance of a huge eagle, extremely powerful and intimidating.

That breath is more powerful than Tianfeng, and its combat power is even more powerful.

Under the bright yellow flame eagle of tens of thousands of meters, a young man wearing bright yellow as a base and spreading red flames all over his body, his eyes are blooming bright bright yellow, staring at him, so that Chen Zong has a body like Lit feeling.

Very strong, called Chen Zongsheng a bit of warfare.

"Brother Huang." Yu Tianfeng recognized the person, but frowned slightly.

This person is also the true biography of the Flame Mountain of Wancai, but it is the true biography of Yuan Ming Realm. He broke through to Yuan Ming Realm earlier than himself, and has a good fighting ability. The main thing is that this person has expressed his admiration for himself. Meaning.

Unfortunately, Yu Tianfeng did not accept it because he did not like it.

Such heavenly pride women as Yu Tianfeng, who are like flame queen, how can they accept the admiration of a person who is inferior to their own. Although it is said that they are inferior to each other, it is only temporary.

Yu Tianfeng has absolute self-confidence. It won't take long before he can catch up with and surpass the other.

"Brother Huang, this matter has nothing to do with you." Yu Tianfeng said again, she didn't want the other party to take the shot because of herself, and she didn't like the feeling, as if she owed human feelings.

"Sister Yu, I'm not just for you." Huang Mingyuan laughed: "And for our great flame mountain, if I was still a prince, I wouldn't have shot it, lest I would bully, But now, since the opponent ’s cultivation also breaks through to the level of Yuan Ming Realm, and his combat power is good, I have to take a shot and let him know that my flames are not that simple. ”

"It's useless to say more, fight if you want to fight." Chen Zong's tone was full of sharpness.

This person's combat power, in perception, should have reached the level of three-star combat power, just right, and can be used to sharpen himself.

Of course, you only need the combat power to practice qi or refining. Chen Zong generally uses qi as the enemy, and refining is used as a hidden means.

Now that I am only making a preliminary breakthrough, I have not yet precipitated it. Having a suitable battle is also very good. It is a kind of grind, so that I can adapt and master my leaping strength in the battle.

"I'm so arrogant, I'll do you well, take me a shot." Huang Mingyuan laughed, intentionally in front of Tianfeng to perform well, and then a long scream, the bright yellow flame goshawk with tens of thousands of meters suddenly a double wings, roll The bright yellow flames from the sky, as if the flames meteoric bombardment.

This is a meteorite giant wing, which is extremely powerful. It is a kind of magical power that has been widely spread by the flames of the Mountain of Flames. It condenses the flame into the form of a bird and then displays it with amazing power.

Just moments ago, Huang Mingyuan's three-star combat power was revealed.

Yu Tianfeng couldn't help but change his face. The power of this blow was indeed much better than her. If she replaced it with her, she couldn't catch it, and she would be blasted into slag.

But I don't know if Chen Zong can resist it.

Although Chen Zong was better than himself, it was not Brother Huang Mingyuan's opponent, but it was still unknown. There was no cause for it. Yu Tianfeng raised a feeling of worry, which was a rare emotion.

The meteorite giant wings are blazing, as if condensed into a substance. In a moment, the horrific power bursts out. After the bombardment, Chen Zong's look remains unchanged, but there is a trace of fine movement in his eyes.

Draw a sword!

Jian Guang flashed suddenly, traversing hundreds of meters away, and before he dissipated, Chen Zong had already shot with a sword.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

Jiansan, which is only integrated into the kendo area of ​​a thousand kilometers, but under the blessing of Chen Zong's increasingly precarious sword element and the power of the sword of the heart, his power has multiplied many times, and he directly has a three-star-level battle. force.

Smashing all the flames of the meteorite giant wings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jianguang also weakened until it collapsed.

Raise the sword and frown again.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

The two-kilometre Kendo area was directly incorporated into it. One sword was killed, and its power was more than doubled compared to three swords.


The meteorite giant wings condensed by the flames suddenly broke, and the amazing sword light directly killed Huang Mingyuan.

"It's really good." Huang Mingyuan was secretly shocked, but did not show it. Instead, he shouted, his hands waved suddenly, and he caught two dazzling flames. There were dark yellow lightnings jumping, which was the flame condensation. To a certain amazing extreme power.


The two flames spewed out, as if the dragon danced wildly, and it was extremely powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Mingyuan merged his hands, gripped his right hand, and drew a sudden, a long knife condensed by the dark yellow flame was drawn out, jumping with terrible lightning, and beheaded.

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