Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 62: Xeon Might (Part 2)

The flame long sword, clenched in the hand, is five meters long. The dark yellow flame casts the blade body, and the continually condensed and precipitated almost black lightning is surrounded by the terrible atmosphere of destruction.

Flames have many kinds of might, destruction or destruction is one of them.


Huang Mingyuan's five-meter-long knife was in his hand, and he suddenly slashed it to kill it. This knife was not made of gold and iron, but was condensed with the height of his own fire.

The cultivation of the Flame Mountain of the Great Calamity is mainly based on the fire of the origin. When the flame is in the body, the combat power is in the body. Once the power of the origin is damaged, it will also be damaged. Once the fire of the origin collapses, it is also equal to the body. Dead road disappeared.

From Chen Zong's point of view, Huang Mingyuan's swordsmanship actually looks ordinary, of course, that is relatively speaking.

However, each of Huang Mingyuan's knives burst into a very arrogant power, which seemed to be able to cut everything, to a certain extent, made up for the lack of swordsmanship.

Chop Chop!

With a knife in hand, Huang Mingyuan seemed to ignore his own power consumption, and continued to madly slash out the knife, killing each other. Each knife burst out with a hundred-meter-long knife light, burning more than ever, and densely crisscrossing it. The void is completely flooded, and it is cut to Chen Zong from all sides.

The power of each sword has reached the level of three-star combat power. Below dozens of swords, its power is devastating, enough to defeat many powerful three-star combat power.

Such an outbreak, Chen Zong was also surprised, and Yu Tianfeng was pale.

Although he is sure to surpass Huang Mingyuan in the future, at least for now, if Huang Mingyuan is going to kill her, it will be easy.

Chen Zong, can you resist?

It has to be said that such dozens of mighty swordsmanships have begun to kill and indeed brought tremendous pressure to Chen Zong.

break out!

Three kilometers of Kendo area!

That's right, when Chen Zong's practice broke through to the realm of Yuan Ming, the area of ​​kendo also rose from two kilometers to three kilometers.

assimilate into!

Under this amazing pressure, with his own superb understanding and amazing heritage, the 3,000-meter kendo area was also compressed and merged into Jiansi by Chen Zong, of course, it was slightly rough.

There was some instability between the sword light fluctuations, but after breaking a few sword lights, they broke up by themselves.

But Chen Zong didn't care, the second sword and the third sword kept waving, the sword light was like the aurora-like lasing.

Under pressure, the kendo field is more condensed and more compressed.

Each sword is more subtle and more powerful.

Unconsciously, this Huang Mingyuan has become Chen Zong's sharpening stone.

When dozens of powerful terrible sword lights were broken, Chen Zong basically mastered the sword four.

The 3,000-meter kendo area, including the sword four in it, is much more powerful than the previous two-meter kendo area.

That's enough.


At an instant, the fire of Yae's heart burned, and the flame of Yae diffused around Chen Zong.

No matter what kind of practice it is, it can take effect, and it will not be weakened in the slightest.

In a short time, Chen Zong's strength and speed have been increased by 80%. Although his combat strength has not directly increased by 80%, it has also increased by several percent.

Sword Four!

Killed with a sword, the sword light, dazzling to the extreme, runs through everything.

Huang Mingyuan's eyelids trembled unconsciously, and a strong sense of crisis erupted in an instant. The five-meter-long knife suddenly trembled, rolling up the violent knife light, like a bombardment of a flame meteor.


This Sword IV is astonishingly powerful, sharp and unparalleled, and directly penetrates the flame of Huang Mingyuan's full-blown flame meteor.

After breaking through the flames, the flame meteorite knife light penetrated Huang Mingyuan's body. The terrible sword gas suddenly burst out and raged in his body, which directly caused Huang Mingyuan to lose several combat power.

"You are not my enemy." Chen Zong received the sword and returned to her sheath.

After all, Huang Mingyuan is not an enemy, but it is also the true biography of the flames of the Mountain of Flames, which can be defeated without killing.

When Huang Mingyuan heard Chen Zong's words, he was naturally ashamed and angry.

Unexpectedly, the true disciple of this mind Tiangong turned out to be so powerful, it just broke through to Yuan Ming Realm, but the power of that sword has reached four-star combat power.

Of course, the opponent ’s magical fire of the magical powers of the Mind Heaven Palace has increased, but it also shows that without the increase of the mental fire ’s magical power, the opponent ’s combat power directly reaches the top three-star combat power level.

It's just that this combat power has been achieved shortly after the breakthrough. If it has been settled for a period of time and the potential has been completely transformed into combat power, it is not impossible to reach a four-star conventional combat power.

Where is this monster coming from? I have never heard of it. Whoever breaks through the Yuan Ming Realm can reach a three-star level.

Even those peerless arrogant monsters with a twelve-star combat power during the imperial realm, at most, have the two-star combat power of Yuan Ming Realm after the breakthrough.

Three stars, unheard of.

Huang Mingyuan was shocked and angry, but didn't dare to shoot.

The sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong ignored Yu Tianfeng and Huang Mingyuan, took control of a sword light, and left quickly.

It's time to return to Mind Heaven.

"Chen Zong, I will find you again." Yu Tianfeng's voice was full of determination, and passed into his ear from behind, but Chen Zong ignored it.

Find me?

so what?

Can you come to me again and defeat me?


The gap in combat power is so large now, not to mention the future.

Since he set foot on the road of cultivation, no one who is surpassed by himself can catch up with himself, which has already formed an extremely firm belief in Chen Zong's heart.

No, that's too absolute. If you have to say that there is half of it, Gongtian God can be considered.

After leaving, Chen Zong took out the array of the Void and moved the array, and the influx of force immediately inspired him.

The rays of light flowed heavy and heavy, overlapping and crisscrossing, crisscrossing, and immediately wrapped Chen Zong's body, as if countless silk threads were woven into a giant cocoon.

In the next breath, all the light shrank towards the inside, compressing Chen Zong's body to the extreme point, plunging into the depths of the void and disappearing.

That point was rushing out of the southern void and moving towards the central void at an incredible speed.

However, within a short period of time, the Mind of Heaven moved to the sky, and the array suddenly started, humming, and the lights were shining, crisscrossing, explaining endless mystery.

A figure also appeared in it, and at the same time, an overwhelming divine thought swept across and filled the entire void.

That was the elder who guarded the Void Array, a powerful man with the best combat ability in the magical realm, in order to prevent foreign enemies from sneaking into the heavenly palace through the Void Array, although that possibility was very low.

After realizing that it was Chen Zong, the overwhelming divine thought was withdrawn.

Chen Zong's body flickered, and he moved away from the void and flew towards Yixin Palace.

"Come back." Yi Daozun stared at Chen Zong, nodding his head slightly. Immediately, his eyes seemed to have a flicker of spirits: "Breakthrough."

"Yes, Master, it's broken." Chen Zong responded, "It's just that something changed."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Yixindao frowned, his tone a little faster.

In the shortest possible words, Chen Zong told the story of the flames of the Mountain of Flames. Naturally, the change of the demon is the focus.

Yixin Daozhuang flashed, immediately checked, frowning, still helpless, have to find the owner of the mind again.

Chen Zong was then called.

Facing the Lord of Hearts for the second time, Chen Zong's heart still couldn't keep calm.

The Lord of Mind was as peaceful as ever. After checking for Chen Zong, his brow frowned, and he shook his head, as if helpless.

"This demon is weird. It is not comparable to the ordinary demon. It has already merged with your soul. If you want to remove it, your soul will also lose a part of it permanently and cannot be recovered." Said the master of mind Xu Xu.

The consequences are very serious.

Losing a part of the soul is worth a try if it can be recovered, but if it cannot be recovered, the consequences will be very serious.

"You don't need to worry too much," said the Master of Mind to Chen Zong. "You must know that the demon originates from itself, but is a collection of your own desires. It has the same origin and root as one. For the demon, you must What we do is face up, not exclusion. "

"If one day you can understand, that demon will not be a problem for you, but a dependency to take off."

Chen Zong can understand the words of the Lord of the Heart, but the meaning is not well understood.

However, there are some mysteries that can only be understood beyond words.

In the end, you need to understand and appreciate it yourself.

After thanking the lord of his heart, Chen Zong left with the Master.

"Don't have too much pressure in your heart." Yixin Daozun said to Chen Zong: "For others, the demon is a disadvantage, but for our mind Tiangong, it is a disadvantage and an opportunity. As for how, it ’s all up to you Yourself. "

"As a teacher, I hope that this demon can become your chance." Yixin said solemnly.


To control and surrender the demon, others cannot help, everything can only be achieved by their own abilities.

In the end, it was nothing more than three endings.

The first is to get that chance and make rapid progress.

The second is self-damaging foundation, expelling the demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the third is being occupied by the demon and falling into the demon.

Most are the second.

If it is the first type, it will advance by leaps and bounds, and the third type will also advance by leaps and bounds.

With one heart, I hope that Chen Zonghui will be the first one. After all, such an excellent talent is terrible if it is the third one.

However, this point is beyond his control, he can only guide.

After leaving the Master, Chen Zong returned to his palace and began to retreat.

When Xiu breaks through the great realm, his potential is in a surging state. It is the most suitable time to transform it into his own strength. He can make rapid progress. If he misses this period, the potential returns to calm and he wants to turn it into strength. , The difficulty will increase more than ten times.

Such a good opportunity, of course, Chen Zong will not miss.

This time the retreat is not only to transform the potential of the turbulence after the breakthrough into strength, but also to further deduce the supremacy of Lingwu, at least to the level of celestial power to ensure its usefulness to itself.

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