Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 63: Great World Sword Technique

Retreat is for retreat and refinement.

Chen Zong can feel in his body that there is an inexplicable force flowing endlessly, like a tide, like a wind, like a cloud.

Chen Zong knows that that is the potential. It is the potential that has become active because of the breakthrough of the great realm. This potential can be transformed into its own strength. Any aspect of strength, whether it is practicing qi or refining the body, or martial arts. Learn supernatural powers and everything.

In the first step of retreat, you can participate in enlightenment and groom the avenue, the sword of heart and the avenue of the world, go hand in hand.

The mystery and depth of the avenue seem to be endless.

Yu Dao Jing, its mystery, can be seen from its realm name.


Driving the avenue is to use the power of the ambassador as its own, and it is the initial mastery and application of the avenue.

Nine turns, mastering the power of Jiucheng Avenue. When Yuan Ming Realm, mastering the power of Shicheng Avenue, that is also a kind of transformation, the beginning of tapping the deeper mystery of the Avenue.

In short, in addition to self-cultivation, the most important thing is to continuously enhance your own understanding and mastery of the avenue, and finally reach the ultimate, real and thorough mastery of the avenue. At that time, Can become the master of the Tao.

As for now, it is on the road to master the avenue.

Under the enlightenment, the mystery of the avenue was dug out by Chen Zong and mastered a little bit.

With Chen Zong's enlightenment, a buzzing sound gradually sounded in the secret room. It seemed that the sword was shaking. I saw a imaginary sword light emerging in Chen Zong's body, if not.

This is the level of the avenue that is understood in the level of the Yuan Ming Realm. The power of the avenue is manifested. The more solid it is, the deeper the understanding of the avenue is, the stronger the power of the avenue is.

Of course, when fighting, generally do not deliberately manifest the power of the road, because that does not have any effect on the increase of its own combat power, it is just a level of judgment.

Immediately after the imaginary sword light emerged, a vast landscape of mountains and rivers, forests, and sky appeared, which seemed to be the outline of a world.

Kendo of the Heart!

World Avenue!

Gradually, the imaginary sword light and the world's virtual shadow are a little bit solidified, but the speed of that solidification is very slow.

After a while, the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world were restrained, and Chen Zong opened his eyes.

The enlightenment of the genius was carried out with one mind and two minds, and went hand in hand. Today, Chen Zong feels that his enlightenment on the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world has reached the extreme level at this stage, and it is difficult to improve.

Then the second step should be swordsmanship!

The 3,000-meter kendo area will be completely and completely integrated into the strongest sword four. In addition, the Wanjian Guizong Jianshu should also be updated.

Under the enthusiastic potential, Chen Zong's enlightenment effect is many times as usual, not to mention the blessing of the power of the title Tianbei Wushuang Shenjian, which is more efficient.

The realm of Yuan Ming Realm was higher, so that Chen Zong also reorganized Xin Jian Gui Yi Jian Ju and Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Ju again, optimized and improved once again, and further improved.

The sword one, which was originally used for refining one's heart, was integrated into the kendo area of ​​one hundred meters. Today, it has become five hundred meters, and the sword two has become one thousand meters from the five hundred meters of kendo area. As for the sword, Third, it was originally only a fusion of the 100-meter kendo area, but now it has risen to two kilometers.

As for the sword four, under the optimization and perfection, it can be integrated into the field of five kilometers of kendo. Today's three kilometers is nothing.

Wan Jian Gui Zong is also an optimization and perfection, and also successfully created the fourth move. At the same time, a mysterious as if originated from the underworld, it seems that the warning of the origin of Kendo in the void is in mind. A flash passed.

"The sword sword of Wanjian returning to Zong is the sword of the world avenue. It follows the path of a sword-born world. Such a name is inappropriate." Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

Ten thousand swords return!

That is a mystery. Nowadays, under the higher realm, Chen Zong feels that it is not appropriate to name the sword of the world avenue with the sword tactics of Wanzong Guizong.

As a naming party, it must be changed.

Thinking turned, Chen Zong flashed the names one by one in his mind, and finally decided.

"The swordsmanship of the sword of the heart is called refining the heart and the sword is unchanged. As for the sword of the world avenue, it is the sword of the big world, simple and straightforward." Chen Zong said to himself, showing a smile, I am quite satisfied with my decision.

Modifying the name is not casual. The name of any magical power becomes more important as it goes deeper. It must be consistent with its mystery, so that it will be smooth and the corresponding avenue origin in the void will be obtained in the void. Recognition will help invisible and smoother.

Otherwise, there is a lot of resistance.

For example, a sword technique, but why do you want to name it? Is that the recognition of the origin of Kendo in the void?

Or is the origin of the knife path recognized?

This is not appropriate, it will affect the follow-up invisibly, especially the higher the depth, the more obvious the impact.

Of course, when it is not deep enough, the impact is minimal, which is equivalent to not having it.

Chen Zong created his sword tactics in order to give play to the mystery and power of Kendo and the Avenue of the World.

Sure enough, when Chen Zong changed Wan Jian Gui Zong Jian Jue to the Great World Jian Jue, a sense of translucency emerged spontaneously.

"So, the first move should also be renamed." Chen Zong thought, his eyes glowed brightly: "At the beginning of the world, then it will be the beginning of one yuan."

"At the beginning of one yuan, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, the forest of thousands of trees ..."

"Next, it's time to get involved in Kendo." Chen Zong said secretly.

The area of ​​3,000-meter kendo is definitely not his current limit, and can be further improved. As for how far it can be promoted, Chen Zong is not clear and does his best.

Four kilometers!

The area of ​​Kendo has been increased from three kilometers to four kilometers.

Four kilometers is also the limit now. If you want to further improve, it is difficult, unless there is a breakthrough.

Then, Chen Zong began to perform Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong.

As a result, Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong was also deduced to the thirteenth weight under the efforts of Chen Zong. Tai Chu Jian Yuan became more vigorous and pure, and his power was further enhanced.

The aspect of refining is different. Because the world avenue is directly integrated into the **** body, the world **** body is cast, so no special skills are needed. As long as the world avenue is upgraded, the world **** body will also be strengthened, and the cultivation of nature will also be strengthened.

Next, it is natural to participate in the realization of Supreme Master Wu, further deduction, and promote it.

Chen Zong's mind and soul once again entered the mind image building, read a lot of mysteries, and enlightened with one mind, just need to understand the fur, master a little mystery, and enhance his accumulation of mysteries.

In particular, those secret methods that apply their own energy training and physical strength are more suitable.

Lingwu's deduction is more difficult than other aspects and takes the longest time.

Five years!

Chen Zong took five years to fully understand the secret law, accumulate the foundation, and then deduced the supreme martial arts. He simulated it again and again, revised it, and perfected it again and again.

Counting on other aspects of understanding before also broke through, this time the retreat, Chen Zong took ten years.

Ten years seems not short, but the improvement brought to Chen Zong is very amazing.

Regardless of his combat strength in training or refining, Chen Zong has all been promoted to the extreme that he can now improve, at least at the level of four stars. At this point, Chen Zong has full confidence.

The supernatural powers have been deduced to the level of celestial powers, and they can easily control the strength of Qi training and the power of refining, and merge them into a new power, which will further enhance their own combat power.

"Lingwu is incomparable!" Sighed, and when the two powerful forces in the body were running, they immediately combined together to increase the power.

"Unfortunately, repair is the foundation, and the impact of the road on combat power is not as great."

"If you can combine the power of the two avenues, then it will be a real leap forward."

I have to say that Chen Zong is a little greedy.

In the divine realm, the avenue is the fundamental, the core, and the most important component of combat power. It can be said that in the entire combat system, the avenue occupies half of the position.

Therefore, the fusion of two kinds of cultivation is more powerful, but it is only equivalent to a secret method. If the power of the two avenues is merged, it is truly amazing, far from the fusion of cultivation. Comparable.

The gap between the two is definitely several times or even higher.

However, it is okay to merge strength into strength. It is a delusion to combine the strength of different avenues.

Before breaking through the divine realm, practitioners must first sort out their own thoughts, decide which ones to leave, which ones to give up, and even remove different thoughts from Wu Cunjing and merge them into a new one. This breakthrough, realize the power of the avenue to master the avenue.

Mastering the power of the avenue is fixed and cannot be changed. After all, each psychic realm can only master one power of the avenue, unless it is like Chen Zong.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong also spread the power of fusion.

Fusion of the power of the avenue, although I dare to think, but only think.

"Also ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now, go to the Star Wars Tower and see what level I can reach today." Chen Zong secretly said, immediately set off, left the palace, and went to the War Star Tower. And go.

If you want to know your combat power, the Battle Star Tower is undoubtedly an excellent place to go, because you can do your best to fight a battle, regardless of life or death, so you can detect your true level of combat power.

When he came to the Battle Star Tower, Chen Zong stood still and stared away. The Battle Star Tower still stood up without end, as if piercing into the sky.

"Last time, I broke into the 14th floor. This time, how many floors can I break into?" Chen Zong muttered to himself.

Immediately flashed into the battle star tower.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong directly chose to reach the fourteenth floor, because opponents in the following layers are nothing to himself and can easily defeat the kill.

The fourteenth floor is a two-star demon brave warrior. When Chen Zong appeared, he gave a roar, erupting with horrific power and murder, and hesitated without mercy. A blow in the air destroyed the mountains.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered, and his sword greeted him.

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