Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 64: Preparation

"This boy, go to the Star Wars Tower again." Within the heart of the palace, there was a smile on the corner of the mouth.

At the same time, people who care about Chen Zong do not only respect one with one heart. After all, Chen Zong ’s title is Wushuang Excalibur, ranking first in the title of the monument, and even the master of the mind is compared.

On the fifteenth floor of the Battle Star Tower, a three-star warrior brave brave.

The sword light flashed suddenly, the extreme sharpness, like the **** thunder that tore the heavens and the earth, the terrible sword pressure condensed within a sword, the first to hit it, so that the demon brave did not consciously dine, the next breath, Directly through.


His body flashed, Chen Zong entered the sixteenth floor, and his opponent was a four-star warrior brave brave.


Before, Chen Zong was not an opponent, even if all means broke out, he was not an opponent, but now, Chen Zong only intends to use the combat power of one side.

Sword up!

The sword fell!

The four-star fighting brave brave is also roaring, the sound is soaring, the huge fist condenses the terrible totem power, as if the flame was blasting out with a burning punch.

This punch was powerful and fierce, vaguely like a huge and sloppy bear's head opened his **** mouth and biting wildly.

Jianguang flashed, pierced through the gnawing bear's mouth, and instantly dissipated, and the bear's head collapsed.

This blow is evenly matched!

There was a smile hanging from the corner of Chen Zong's mouth, his body flickered like a wind, and his sword came out again.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

After the perfection and optimization of Chen Zong again, the power of this sword is not inferior to the previous four swords. The power has increased greatly, and in combination with the more powerful Heart Kendo and the thirteenth Taichu sword Yuan Gong, Killing with one sword is completely four-star level combat power.


Fierce battle!

At the same four-star level of combat power, it is not so simple to want to divide births and deaths in a short period of time, especially the combat capabilities of both have not reached the top four-star level.

Sword Four!

A sword that blends into the 3,000-meter kendo area is more powerful. It is close to the top level of the four-star combat power, and the bear brave is directly repelled and injured, but it is still difficult to kill.

Under the fierce battle, Chen Zong also determined that his regular training ability is the level of four stars.

So, break out.

Heartfire ... burning!

When the time passed, the heavy flames burned and spread across Chen Zong's body. When the time passed, it was the eighth weight, followed by the ninth weight, which had not stopped, and the tenth flame spread and burned.

Ten Hearts!

10% increase in strength and speed!

Yes, after ten years of retreat, Chen Zong successfully cast two hearts to Dacheng.

A 10% increase is significantly stronger than an 80% increase.

Even if you did not increase your combat power by 10%, it also increased by several dozens.

Power of the sword in the beginning!

When he died, the power of Tai Chu Jianyuan increased by 12%.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

The ultimate sword, its power, also broke the limit, broke the trance, and reached a higher level.

This sword killed, as if invincible, suddenly entered the level of five-star combat power.

Even if it is only for the first time to enter the five-star, for the four-star, it is difficult to resist.

One sword, directly defeated, directly penetrated. When in danger, the bear brutal man immediately burned all the power of the totem, erupting in a terrible blow, directly reaching the level of the top four-star combat power.

But also useless.


"Now, my conventional combat power is a four-star power. I use the power of mysterious magical powers and the sword power of the Taichu sword. I can enter the five-star power. If I use the supernatural power again, the combat power It is estimated that it will not exceed five stars, at most it will reach the top level of five stars. "Chen Zong secretly thought.

After all, it is the fusion of Xiuwei strength, which is relatively limited. Unlike when it is below the level of psychic power, Xiuwei strength can also resist the Taoist Chamber. Today, the avenue is the most important.

In addition, my current practice is only a short time after breaking through to Yuan Ming Realm. It is only the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm. Due to the practice, the Kendo of the heart is also at the corresponding level.

Recall that with the first-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm, it has a five-star combat power and is still very scary.

Sixteenth floor!

Chen Zong didn't make any further moves, because he made it again, that is, the 17th floor. It may be possible to make it, but it must use all means.

No need, a little reservation is good.

"Four-star combat power!"

"It was only after breaking through the Yuan Ming Realm that it had a four-star combat power, which is really terrible talent."

"It's never been seen before."

For a moment, the powerful men who were concerned about the Star Tower were shocked.

One-hearted respect is full of pride. In fact, the opportunity that I left behind was not very hopeful. After all, I not only left the opportunity in one place, but in many places, but eventually became a disciple. And only two people.

The fifth disciple, Chen Zong, was even more surprisingly outstanding.

Compared with the big disciple, he is not inferior at all, even better than many. I really look forward to this fifth disciple's future achievements.

However, the plague of the demon is to survive.

As a teacher and proud of your disciples, you naturally need to act to get more benefits for your disciples.

As a result, the dedication of the Daoist sent a decree.

Within the palace of mind, most of the Taoists from the fifth house gathered here, and even a master appeared.

"My fifth disciple, Chen Zongzhi, already knows you, then, it's time to grant Daozi the position." Yixin Daozu didn't meander, and spoke very directly.

Of course, other Daozun also know what the purpose of Daxinzu is.


The true disciples are for Daozi, Daozi, whose status is comparable to that of elders, and is only slightly inferior to a respectable one. Of course, this is status, not strength.

Of course, compared to true disciples, the number of Daozi is extremely scarce. The first requirement must be the cultivation of Yuanming Realm, and the second requirement must be extremely talented.

Because the Tao represents the honor of a holy place more than the true story, it is essential.

If it is said that true disciples are divided into ordinary true biography and elite true biography, ordinary true biography belongs directly to the Heavenly Palace of Mind and is not listed in the Fifth House. Because they are not qualified, they cannot practice the unique skills that belong to the Fifth House.

The elite true story belongs to the fifth house and is more excellent.

The Tao, then, belongs to the entire Mind of Heaven, and has the highest honor.

Today, there are only two Taoists in Dao Temple.

"Chen Zong's talents are vertical and horizontal. I pass," said a Taoist.


"The title of Wushuang Excalibur is amazing and qualified to serve as a Taoist."

Chen Zong's talents are obvious to all. Not long ago, he displayed amazing combat power and was even more amazing.

Just talking about talent, Chen Zong is fully qualified to serve as a Taoist.

However, in order to be the respect of the Tao, talent is a must, a prerequisite, but not the only one.

Because of Taoism, it carries the honor of Zongmen, sharing with Zongmen.

"Then, Xuan ... The fifth true story of Yixin Palace, Chen Zong, prepared the Tao. After passing the assessment of Tao, he could be listed as Tao." In the end, the master spoke and gave a final word.

There was a smile in his heart.

Preparing the Tao, it makes sense that any Tao comes here.

The assessment of Daozi is much stricter than the assessment of true biography, and it is not so easy. If the assessment fails, even the highest talent is useless.

"Xuan ... The fifth true story of Yixin Palace Chen Zong is listed as a preparation way." With this sound, the mind and heaven shook all over.

Get ready!

That is the preselection of Tao.

The status of Daozi is even higher than elders in many divine realms, second only to Daozu.

"Taozi!" When Chen Zong knew it, he was also stunned. He never thought that he would become a preparatory Taoist. This status is completely above the elite true biography.

Immediately, Chen Zong showed a smile.

With one heart inside the palace.

"Chen Zong, from then on, you are preparing the Tao. Every move represents the glory and shame of my heavenly heart." There is an unprecedented dignity in his heart, and his tone has an unprecedented dignity.

"Yes, Master." Chen Zong responded with a stern expression.

"Preparing Taoism to be a real Taoism requires a lot of evaluation." Yixinzun stared with a satisfied look: "After the consultation of Tiangong Taoism and **** of the conclusion, your first reassessment is to defend the spirit Ten years into the hole, after the first reassessment is completed, the second reassessment can be carried out. "

"You, when are you going to start the assessment?" Yixinzun asked.

Chen Zong slightly thought about it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The original plan was to leave the Mind Heaven Palace after the retreat, and send the corpse of the Emperor Yukong back to complete his last wish.

But now it seems that some adjustments need to be made.

Fortunately, the vows left by the Emperor Yukong are within a thousand years, and only a few decades have passed. It is not even a hundred years away, and it is still far from a thousand years. After all, this millennium refers to A thousand years of void.

Then, to complete the last thing of the Emperor Yukong, postpone it again, and complete the first assessment task of the Tao first.

Chen Zong is still curious about that magic hole.

"The Demon Cave is the place where the white world and the black world are connected and overlapped. It is also the place where the heart demon rushes out of the black world most easily." Zun, also full of jealousy about the black world: "The guardianship of the Heart Demon Cave is rotation. Except for you, there are already other disciples guarding him. The highest guardian is Lixin Taoist."

Yixin Daozun explained to Chen Zong in detail, and made everything clear in the heart and soul hole.

After all, guarding the Demon Cave is not a simple matter. Once it breaks out, it will be very dangerous. He doesn't want his promising disciple to have any bad changes in the Devil Cave.

Chen Zong also listened very carefully. After all, Yixin Dao Zun once guarded the magic hole and had rich experience.

After some explanation, Chen Zong had a detailed and in-depth understanding of the heart and soul hole.

"So, my disciple, when are you going to perform the assessment task?" Asked with all respects.

"You can start now." Chen Zong's thoughts turned, and he had just stepped out of the stage, no need to retreat, because everything that can be promoted has been promoted to the extreme of the current stage.

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