Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 65: 1 sword

Chen Zong entered the ground and kept going down, surrounded by darkness, as if nothing, no sound or light, enough to make some people with weak minds panic.

But this environment is nothing to Chen Zong, and there is no pressure at all.

Even Chen Zong can clearly remember how many steps he took and how many meters he took to reach.

"Wusshuang Sword Chen Zong, welcome your arrival, but it is not a good job to guard the heart and soul hole." Li Xin Dao Zun is an unscrupulous person, usually a cold look, but now, but also squeezed out a little The smile was a little reluctant, and it seemed that I rarely laughed, and I forgot how to laugh.

"See Dao Zun." Chen Zong's salute, no matter what, Dao Zun is Dao Zun. He has a very high status and strong power. Respect is necessary.

"There are eighteen floors in the Heart Demon Cave. You are the master of the Yuanming Realm. When you guard the seventh to twelfth floors, and now the governor of the eighth floor just expires, you will be the governor of the eighth floor." Li Xinzun Laughed.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded.

The demon who can break out of the demon world and enter the demon hole have good abilities, and some changes have also taken place, with certain entities, divided into ordinary demon and elite demon, demon general and demon king, On top of this, there is the Demon Lord.

For ordinary mind demon, the level corresponds to the royal state.

The Elite Heart Demon corresponds to Yuan Ming Realm.

The demon will correspond to the divine realm.

The demon king corresponds to Taoist level.

Corresponding nature of the demon master is the dominant power.

The eighteenth floor of the Demon Cave, the first to sixth floors are usually haunted by ordinary spirits, while the seventh to twelfth floors are haunted by elite elites, and the thirteenth to eighteenth floors are demon haunts. Will be the main, as for the Devil King, rarely appears.

Of course, the more powerful the demons, the fewer.

The absence of the Heart Demon King does not mean that there is no, so Dao-level guarding is very necessary.

Heart demon cave, Taoist level guardianship is generally 10,000 years, Shentongjing elders guardianship is thousands of years, Yuanming Realm guardianship is 100 years old, Yudaojing real guarding is 10 years.

The rotation system is adopted.

Chen Zong's current status is to prepare the way, to perform the assessment task, is not counted as the guard duty, of course, even if it is Chen Zonglai's turn to guard, there is still a short time.

Even if Chen Zong can become the real Taoist, it is all voluntary to keep his guard.

There is a clear division of the guarding of the heart demon hole.

Dao Zun level is for the chief guard.

On each floor of the rest of the Demon Cave, there is a town chief, which can be the royal realm, the Yuanming realm, or the magical realm, depending on the level.

After the assignment, Chen Zong went to the eighth floor of Xinmodong to report, and it was not a report. After all, each floor of Xinmodong was a town chief, and now Chen Zong is the town chief of the eighth floor. Second only to Li Xindao respected the town chief.

In the eighth floor of the Demon Cave, five people are gathering together.

These five people are all true stories of Xintiangong. Each of them has the cultivation of Yuanming Realm and has powerful combat power.

"My dear brothers, my guard period has arrived and it's time to leave. After your guard period has arrived, remember to come to me and have a good wine." Luo Hao, who had a scar in his eyes, laughed at the other four.

"Rest assured Brother Luo, at that time, you will not be drunk." Ye Minghaha laughed, and the other three also responded with a smile.

"That's all right, remember to come to me." Luo Hao laughed and immediately said, "In addition, I originally planned to recommend to the President Ye Ming to take over as the eighth-floor town chief, but it didn't seem to agree, maybe it was Someone is coming to take over. In any case, you have to cooperate with the new town chief. "

The defenders in the Heart Devil's Cave understand the outside information relatively slowly, so they don't know what Chen Zong has already arrived.

Among the four, Ye Ming's expression sank slightly, and then a smile appeared: "Brother Luo, rest assured, we will cooperate well."

"Well, that's good, I'll leave first, see you outside." Luo Hao waved with a smile and turned away.

When Luo Hao left, the smile on Ye Ming's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a touch of coldness.

Originally, after Luo Hao left, he hoped to serve as the town chief, and as the town chief, he could naturally obtain more merits.

Although guarding the magic hole of the soul, although it is rotation, it is necessary for the staff of the mind and heaven, but during the guarding period, you can get the meritorious value, and the meritorious value naturally has many benefits, and no one will dislike too much.

The merit gained by the town chief is naturally better than ordinary guards, at least double the gap.

But now, I seem to be hopeless.

Thinking of this, Ye Ming couldn't be happy.

"Who will be the new governor of the town?" The other three also speculated.

Not long after, Chen Zong arrived.

"Ye Ming, Hong Mei, Yang Zhengye, Lin Xiao." Chen Zong's eyes swept away. Before coming, Li Xindaozun naturally would not let Chen Zong be confused. Therefore, for the four members he will soon lead, not only Knowing his name, and knowing his cultivation and combat level: "I am the new town chief and my name is Chen Zong. I am very glad to meet four seniors and sisters. For the next ten years, I hope we can cooperate well and keep our position. Eight layers of hearts. "

These four people started earlier than Chen Zong, so it is reasonable for Chen Zong to call them brothers and sisters.

Hearing Chen Zong's words, the reactions of the four were similar and somewhat different.

"Ten years!" They were all slightly surprised.

Shouldn't it be a century?

The cultivation emanating from the other side is a breath, clearly the Yuanming Realm, not the imperial realm. Besides, the guarding requirements of the seventh to twelfth floors of the Heart Devil Cave are the Yuanming realm. The imperial realm does not have that ability .

In addition, they also noticed the words Chen Zong, or the name.

Xinmodong knows the outside information relatively slowly, but it doesn't know anything about it. Therefore, they still know the name of Chen Zong, but they know it, but they ca n’t keep up with the current information. Zong broke through to Yuan Ming Realm.

"It turned out to be Brother Chen Zong, congratulations on breaking through to Yuan Ming Realm." Ye Ming's smile on his face, although he was unwilling, but he didn't show it.

The other three had no hope of becoming the governor of the town. It was not a strange thing for them to change the governor, so there was no resistance.

In this way, Chen Zong settled down here for ten years.

Ten years is actually easy to pass.

"The town sergeant, the elite spirits of the eighth layer of spirits and spirits are very strong. If there is not enough combat power, it will be difficult to resist." Ye Ming spoke again, and the other three hearts jumped unconsciously, immediately knowing that this leaf Ming is about to make trouble, after all, he is staring at the position of head of the town.

"What do you want to say." Chen Zong did not Xu Xuji, his eyes stared at Ye Ming calmly, but that calm look made Ye Ming tremble unconsciously, but he still had a vague feeling, but he continued to speak. .

"According to my speculation, it should not be long before the governor of the town breaks through the Yuan Ming Realm." Ye Ming said again as if regaining confidence: "I don't know how the governor of the army is now?"

"Do you want to try it?" Chen Zong smiled slightly.

Before coming, Chen Zong had expected that members might be dissatisfied, and sure enough, it was expected.

"If the head guard of the town has itchy hands, Ye Ming should be accompanied." Ye Ming's words were very sharp, and in a sentence, the unsuspecting person thought that Chen Zong was going to challenge him, not that he would challenge Chen Zong.

However, such a small means is not half useful for Chen Zong.

"One sword." Chen Zong gazed at Ye Ming, the smile on his face converged, his eyes flickered with a faint spit, and the two words were spit out softly. The words were simple and straightforward, but an indescribable sharpness seemed to be Tear everything through everything.

Ye Ming suddenly changed his face.

"If you can block my sword, the position of the town guard will be yours." Chen Zong said again, the sharpness contained in his words became stronger and more amazing, making the other three people startled, not Taking a step back consciously, there seemed to be a feeling of being torn apart.

"One sword!" Ye Ming was even more furious when shocked.

Even delusion defeating yourself with a sword, are you looking down on yourself, are you humiliating yourself?

A person who has just broken through Yuan Ming Realm, no matter how talented he is, how can he defeat himself with one sword? No, let alone defeat him with one sword. Even if he can block his attack, it is still unknown.

"Okay, if you don't borrow other foreign objects and external forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can knock me back or hurt me with a sword, you will let me go east, never west." Ye Ming angered, inside. There was anger burning endlessly.

One sword!

It was such a delusion that it was just heaven and earth, arrogant and arrogant.

And if you ca n’t stop the opponent ’s sword, you do n’t have to think about it any more, just cooperate with the other party obediently.

This is also a bet.

If Chen Zong could not repel Ye Ming with a sword, he gave up the town chief and Ye Ming served. However, if Ye Ming was repelled by Chen Zong Yi Jian, he would fully obey Chen Zong's order.

In this regard, the other three acted as witnesses. The three of them felt a little excited and irritated.

"Chairman of the town, we can't do anything here, let's go outside." Ye Ming sneered at Chen Zong.

This time, he won, and the position of head of the town is his own. Although the process is a bit twisty, he will eventually fall into his own hands.

As everyone knows, Chen Zong already knows his combat power.


That's right, Ye Ming's combat strength is the strongest among the four. The four-star level, as for the other three, are all three-star levels.

"Even Luo Hao, he didn't dare to say that he could knock me back with one blow." Ye Ming thought so.

Because Luo Hao's combat power is a four-star top level, it is okay to defeat himself, but if it is only a blow and you want to knock yourself back or hurt yourself, it is not easy.

As long as you burst out to resist, you can even fight back and defeat the opponent.

Even Ye Ming has begun to think about how much power he should control in order to avoid hurting the opponent.

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