Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 66: Take all

On each floor of the Mind Cave, there is a room where the guardians live. Outside the room, there is an empty place.

The ground is dark and black. It is extremely hard. It is many times better than stainless steel. The surrounding cave walls are very rough and potholes. Under the cave walls are countless crisscross stones. From a distance, it looks like a shadow of a demon. .

This environment is not good, it will make people feel depressed over time.

Looking forward, even with Chen Zong's amazing eyesight, he can only see a dark, abyss that does not know where it stretches like an endless endless end, seems to lurk something extremely dangerous, containing With great terror.

That is also the direction in which the demon will appear.

But now, no demon has arrived.

"Mr. Zhen, here is very wide, and it should be enough for you to shoot with all your strength." Ye Ming smiled.

"Give you three breaths and let you burst out of all power." Chen Zong smiled slightly: "This is also my advice to you."

Chen Zong's words made everyone inexplicable.

Where is this self-confidence?

However, it ’s only a short time since it broke through the Yuan Ming Realm. It is speculated that it is at best these 10 years and 20 years. For Yuan Ming Realm, its promotion is very difficult. One or two decades is nothing, even the top ones. Peerless Tianjiao is also the same, the promotion is limited.

At these times, at best, the active potential after the breakthrough is transformed into strength, and nothing more.

Therefore, Chen Zong's combat power is estimated to be a two-star level, which is very amazing, even more amazing, nothing more than three-star, that is almost impossible.

Because of this, Ye Tianming said that he would not borrow other foreign objects and forces in order to prevent Chen Zong from using some hole cards that were not his own.

Of course, these conditions are mutual.

Although he did not believe that Chen Zong could threaten himself, Ye Ming did not take it lightly. At least, he did not take it lightly. This is a thing that he has learned through years of experience. No matter what kind of opponent he is facing, he cannot be taken lightly. heart of.

Even if the other party is indeed not strong enough, but you can't relax your vigilance. After all, your habit has been established. If you feel that the other party is not strong enough and despise it, it may cause the next time.

In a hurry, the tricks worked, and the first-level cultivation in the middle of the Yuan dynasty was all mobilized for strength, and the tyrannical atmosphere was also diffused, forming a terrible coercion, directly suppressing all around, making the whole body All breath stopped flowing, as if frozen.

The oppressive atmosphere also permeated.

Vaguely, Ye Ming's electric arcs shone around, radiating terrible power, as if to destroy everything.

The other three looked more dignified, but Chen Zong's look remained unchanged.

The next breath, Ye Ming's breath grew again, and heavy flames were burning, surrounding him.

Supernatural Mystery Heart Fire!


Ye Ming's whole body, surrounded by the eightfold illusive flames, burned more than ever.

He cultivated his thirty-three heavenly skills to the eighth heavenly.

However, in the mid-levels of the Yuan Ming Dynasty, the thirty-three days of the mind are cultivated to the eighth, which is quite good.

"Come on." After Ye Ming burst out with all his strength, his long hair fluttered and danced, the electric brilliance raged, his eyes flickered with violent light, and he gazed violently, staring at him, drinking loudly, and the extremely hard ground beneath his feet suddenly sank. Layers of cracks appeared, quickly spreading over a 10-meter square.

After Ye Ming prepared everything, Chen Zong's right hand fell lightly on the hilt of his sword, and his eyes suddenly burst into a hundred feet, as if tearing the darkness here.

Draw a sword!

There seemed to be a quiet sword sound, and at the same time, a touch of Guanghua suddenly bloomed in the scabbard.

The thirteenth Tai Chi sword Yuan Gong operates, and the breath belonging to the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm also diffuses.

Feeling the breath of Chen Zong's cultivation, the three and Ye Ming were relieved, as if relieved.

Sure enough, that practice is the first level of Yuan Ming Realm, and it should be the level that has just been consolidated shortly after entering the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm.

At this level of cultivation, even if the combat power is even stronger, the maximum is three stars, which is extremely amazing.

The sword, pulled out inch by inch, the breath condensed on Chen Zong's body is also constantly rising, becoming more tyrannical. Around him, an invisible storm rolls up and rages away. The extreme sharpness seems to cut everything to seven. Everywhere, even the extremely hard ground was torn apart.

When the sword was half-sheathed, the sword light was forced to an extremely amazing level, making it difficult to see directly.

Chen Zong's breath became more arrogant and condensed.

The strength of Xiu Wei urged to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy unreal flame burned on Chen Zong's body.

The four of them knew at a glance that Chen Zong also used the mysterious magical method.

So, how much does the son now cultivate his mind thirty-three days?

Several heart attacks, which are closely related to the strength of the mind of the person in the mind of the heavenly palace, can also be regarded as a talent.


When the eighth heavy illusory flame burned, the four looked dignified.

At the beginning of the Yuan Ming Realm, there was an eight-point focus. This talent was better than Ye Ming.

However, the ninth illusory flame also burned, and Ye Ming and others became more dignified.

When they saw the tenth heavy unreal flame burning, the faces of the four were not dignified, but horrified.

Ten Hearts!

That means that the tenth aspect of the thirty-three heavens of mind has been fully trained, and ten Dacheng heart palaces have been formed.


Extremely horrified!

It was scary.

Staring at Ye Ming, a hundred meters apart, Chen Zong raised a belief that he would win, and the feeling of being so clear in the meditation gave him the certainty that he would win. One sword was enough to defeat Ye Ming.

Therefore, Chen Zong does not intend to use the power of the Taichu sword element body.

When the tenth center of gravity fire burned, the sword was just pulled out of the sheath. When the sword tip was detached from the sheath, Chen Zong waved with his right hand, and the speed of slowly drawing the sword suddenly increased numerous times in an instant, as if lightning .

The three found that their eyes seemed to be ineffective and they could not capture Chen Zong's sword at all.

Even Ye Ming, who is more powerful, has a fluttering eyelid and is difficult to catch.

"Thunder wall!" Ye Ming's response was extremely rapid when he was in danger, immediately erupting, countless thunder lights shone, condensed in front of him, and turned into a wall, forming an extremely strong defense.

His purpose is to resist Chen Zongyijian.

But the next breath, Ye Ming found that he seemed naive.

An extremely incomparable Jianguang came to the death, the Lightning Wall only slightly blocked the moment, and was pierced and penetrated.

The sharp edge of that sword made Ye Ming feel completely incapable of resisting the slightest. In the face of this sword light, it seemed that all resistance had lost its effect.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

The power of sword four in the four-kilometer kendo area is so terrible that the power of this sword completely reaches or even surpasses the level of top four-star combat power, approaching the five-star combat power infinitely.

If Chen Zong explodes the power of the sword in the early days, the power of this sword can truly step into the five-star combat power level.

But against Ye Ming, a sword with top four-star combat power is enough, because of the characteristics of Jianyuan in the beginning, it is difficult to resist.

The moment Lei Guang's wall was penetrated, Ye Ming's entire person seemed to turn into a flash of lightning, surrounded by countless thunders, and retreated quickly.

However, it was still slow. Although he was fast, Chen Zong's sword was faster.

At the critical moment, Chen Zong still stopped, or the sword might not be able to kill Ye Ming, but it was enough to penetrate it.

The sword returned to the sheath, and the sharp edge that seemed to be able to tear the void also disappeared, as if all were contained in the sheath. The three of them watching the battle couldn't help but breathed quickly, and their foreheads were covered with cold sweat.

"I lost." When Ye Ming uttered the three words, his voice was extremely dry and very sharp, as if squeezed out of his throat, his heart was even more shocking.

I was defeated, or in the case of using my full power to explode the secret method, was penetrated by the Lightning Wall by a sword. If it was not retreated in time, that sword would also run through my body.

Ye Ming didn't feel that at the critical moment, Chen Zong took some effort, otherwise he could not avoid it.

According to the gambling contract, if he is repelled or injured, Ye Ming loses. Now, his position and the previous position are tens of meters away.

This is to be repelled.

Because he couldn't stop the sword and backed away, it was considered to be repelled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Focused!

Extremely powerful!

That sword is definitely the top four-star combat level.

Ye Ming can only give up the idea of ​​becoming the governor of the town.

It's a pity that he has only been here for decades. If he is the town chief, he can still serve for decades, which is enough for him to gain more merits. Now, he dares not expect it.

Convinced orally!

Today, there are only these four words to describe the mentality of these four people.

The rule of respect for the strong is common everywhere.

Just one sword, Chen Zong conquered the four. Of course, it will be good for the next ten years. At least, there will be no bad things to worry about.

Keeping it for ten years is naturally the best way to ensure that this eighth floor is kept and no demon will rush out.

"I'm just here, I don't know enough about this yet, you who talked with me carefully." Chen Zong glanced away, his tone fluttered like a breeze, and Xu Xuji hurriedly asked.

Aside, walk to the room.

"Yes, the governor of the town." Ye Ming turned back, shaking subconsciously, and quickly responded.

Next, Ye Ming is the main explanation, and the other three are the supplements. They explained the situation of the eighth layer of the demon hole, so that Chen Zong had a more direct and deeper understanding of it.

At present, everything is safe and sound, and the demon will not appear all the time, but at intervals, but there is no regular pattern for how long.

So usually everyone is practicing, and they are also observing to see if there will be a demon. If there is, then the early warning formation will issue an early warning. At that time, everyone will dispatch.

Whenever an irresistible flayer appears, ask for help.

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