Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 67: 10 Great Shinto

The demon hole, between the white world and the black world, is the only connection. It is the channel for the white world to enter the black world or the black world to enter the white world. It is formed naturally, not artificial.

The Devil's Hole cannot be destroyed, otherwise, it would have been destroyed by the dominator of the Heart of Heaven, and the way out of the Devil would be cut off.

In this way, it is impossible to destroy the ever-present Demon Cave, and people must be sent to guard it to prevent the Demon from appearing in the White World through the Devil Cave, causing invisible damage and even endangering the entire void.

Keeping the demon hole is not a bad job, but it is not bad. You can get merits. Naturally, fighting the demon is also a process of resisting the demon. If you encounter the insult again, you will not be so helpless. .

According to Ye Ming and the other four people, sometimes for years, there may not be a mental demon. In normal times, they are all cultivating. Occasionally, they will exchange ideas.

It is possible that Chen Zong's ten-year retention period was spent during cultivation.

Of course, everything is absolute.

It is unpredictable what danger lies in that dark depth.

According to Chen Zong's understanding, although the Demon Cave is divided into eighteen floors, if you want to enter the black world, you must enter from the eighteenth floor. As for how Chen Zong came to the eighth floor, because the mind and heaven palace is here A small void gate was built and can be reached directly through the void gate.

It can be said that the eighteen floors of the Demon Cave have a void gate on each floor, which greatly facilitates the people who want to guard the Demon Cave, and can directly reach the corresponding number of floors without breaking into each heart. Deep into the magic hole, go to the next level.

At the same time, if the demons attack and gain the upper hand, they may leave the demons hole through the void gate.

This kind of thing did not happen before. Fortunately, the Dao Zun-level strongman was directly guarded at the outermost. Unless it was a king-level demon, if he went out, he would be killed by the Dao Zun-level strong immediately.

After ten years of retreat, Chen Zong has transformed his active potential into his own strength. Now, the potential has returned to the usual state, the incubation period, and the difficulty is increased by many times.

But cultivation is just like that, tapping your potential little by little, turning it into strength, and letting your own combat power increase a little bit.

If you want to step into the sky, it is delusion.

Any practitioner is a step-by-step cultivation, but only a few people can reach the summit, and most of them are struggling.

Even if the promotion is slow, Chen Zong will not let go of the refinement.

The trick!



Everything needs cultivation.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has ten palaces. In addition to the two general mysterious magical powers of the two heavenly palaces of mind and fire and mind, the two Dao Kongkong and Dalian virtual **** eyes also occupy two. The heart palace, self-cultivation, and has reached the level of Dacheng.

Of course, the remaining six palaces cannot be left empty. After all, they are supernatural powers that can cultivate their supernatural powers by themselves. If they are not used, they will be wasteful and violent.

Under normal circumstances, the practitioners of the Mind-Hearting Palace often have a few more magical powers, or even a dozen or more, than the other practitioners. The reason is the mind-house created by the thirty-three heavenly powers of the mind.

Chen Zong has choices about which magical powers to put in the remaining six palaces.

When it comes to attacking, you have a sword-making strategy.

Regarding the trapped enemies, he has Wanjian Guizong Jianjue. No, he is now officially renamed the Great World Jianjue.

On defense, there is the Great Zhoutian Sword Realm which can be deduced by the power of the extremely heartless sword.

With both offense and defense, Chen Zong naturally made some other choices.

You are accustomed to walking alone, you may encounter all kinds of dangers, and naturally you need to be more comprehensive.

There are a lot of supernatural powers and secrets included in the mind image building of Xinyi Tiangong. Some are collected from the outside world, and some are created by the practitioners of Xinyi Tiangong.

Of course, the Yanlong alchemy method also needs to be cultivated and put directly into the heart, which is related to the purple atlantic dragon dragon, and the potential of such magical fire is also good.

It ’s just a pity that Zihuan Xinglongyan is still a low-level sacred fire, and has not broken through to the middle-level. Therefore, it is difficult to form an increase in its own combat power. After all, the low-level is equal to the imperial realm, and the middle-level is equal to the Yuanming realm.

You have to think of a way to make Zihuanxinglongyan break through to the intermediate level.

Enhancing the Yanlong alchemy method will give Zihuanxinglongyan a chance to break through.

In the sixth heart, Chen Zong chose a spell called Sealing Curse, or Sealing.

This is a magical secret method created by a dominating powerhouse in the Mind Heaven Palace. Its function is to target the demons. The demons alone are not complete. They should be targeted at negative creatures similar to the demons. .

Of course, the effect on the demon is the best. Its main role is to seal the demon, whether it is his own demon or the outside demon.

This may be useful for guarding the magic hole.

After all, the demon is not so easy to kill, and sealing the demon is a good way.

Placed in the seventh heart is a magical power of battle: extreme electricity!

Chen Zong is good at melee combat, and his heart-strengthening sword will be more powerful when he is close.

Therefore, it is very important that an extremely explosive body approaching the target at an extremely fast speed is very important. If it is used well, it can be unexpected.

Placed in the eighth heart is a mystery of refining magic: instant healing!

The self-healing ability of the cultivator is superior to the cultivator of qi, which is their advantage, especially after condensing the **** body, this advantage is further expanded.

Xiaocheng Shen's body healing speed is very fast, some epidermal injuries can be cured in a blink of an eye, but for injuries such as broken arms and broken legs, it is not so easy to recover, unless it is supplemented with some secret drugs and the like.

In the Dacheng state of the god, severe injuries such as severed limbs can heal themselves, but it takes a bit of time, usually fine. If it is in a high-intensity battle, it will affect the battle situation.

The mysterious power of instant healing is based on the principle of instant healing and instant healing, which is equivalent to reducing the time of self-healing to within one breath. The cost is the intensified consumption of its own power.

Self-healing is not self-healing in a vacuum, it consumes its own power. When the power is exhausted, the self-healing ability will naturally temporarily fail.

Therefore, the cultivation practitioner is not unable to kill, but it is difficult to kill, either to destroy it directly with extreme force, or to constantly make the other party injured and consume power to heal, until the power is exhausted and cannot heal and die.

Of course, if you can directly destroy the opponent's spirit, it is also possible.

Instant healing magical power, no doubt enhanced the high-intensity combat ability.

In the ninth house of magical powers, Chen Zong chose a mysterious defense method called Soul Barrier. As the name implies, it is a secret method to protect the spiritual soul.

The magical power in the tenth heart palace is a rare type of recovery method named Huahua Xie. This magical power does not have a high or low level, and can only continue to cultivate and accumulate the power of the magical power until it is completely accumulated. It will take effect afterwards, and its role is to fully recover in a short period of time after its own cultivation is exhausted.

The flowers bloom and thank the magical powers for mystery casting. It consumes the power of the mystery that has been accumulated continuously. After it is cast, it will dissipate. If you want to cast it again, you must continue to accumulate the power of the mystery.

In fact, if it wasn't for the Xin Gong's practice of refining the heart and the sword of the Great World, Chen Zong would surely occupy two of them.

Perhaps it is also because the method of refining the heart and the sword of the great world are closely related to their own understanding of the avenue. Therefore, the auxiliary cultivation effect of the heart palace will be weak.

These two self-made supernatural swordsmanships also need to realize by themselves.

The big air method is suitable for long-distance travel. Of course, short-distance applications can also have unexpected results.

Dalian Xushen Eye has the effect of piercing the delusion and directly hitting the target soul, which is also very practical.

The Yanlong alchemy method is related to the cultivation of Divine Fire.

The enchanting curse can better deal with the demon, whether it is the hidden danger of its own existence or the external demon.

The pole electricity is a magical power of battle.

Instant Healing Mystery can aggravate the consumption of one's own power in an instant, thereby recovering itself in an instant, and healing all injuries.

The Soul Barrier is the mystery of the defense of the soul. It may not show any effect in normal times, but it is very useful at critical moments and it is very likely to save lives.

After all, the Dacheng Deity possesses amazing self-healing ability, plus the instant healing magical secret method, as long as it is not crushed by crushing all of a sudden ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, once the spirit is damaged, it is difficult to recover Therefore, the defense of the spirit is very necessary.

The last flower blooms and thanks to the magical power. After the savings are full, you can recover once when exhausted, which will also greatly help the battle.

I have to say that all the magical powers that Chen Zong chose to put in his heart palace are almost conducive to fighting.

The power of refining the sword and refining the sword and the power of the Great World sword are not only related to the strength of the road and the strength of cultivation, but also to the field of kendo.

The avenue is difficult to understand, and Xiuwei is not so easy to improve, especially after breaking through to the first stage of Yuanming Realm, it is currently consolidated, but there is still a long way to go to the middle stage.

Relatively speaking, Chen Zong feels that there is still room for further improvement in this area of ​​Kendo. Four kilometers is definitely not the upper limit now.

As long as the field of kendo continues to improve, the sword refining and swordsmanship of the world will also become stronger.

The four-kilometre Kendo area was released and completely shrouded. When Ye Ming and the other four felt it, they were shocked and became the true biography of the Mind Heaven Palace. Their talents are very high, and now they are the cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm. All have been preliminarily involved in the level of Tao.

Therefore, they can feel Chen Zong's kendo field, the power of that field, they are shocked.

It's just one area. Chen Zong doesn't know how many streets they have dumped.

Most of the Yuan Ming Realm have not yet realized the realm, only a few talents have more outstanding talents.

There are very few people who can understand the realm of Taoism in the royal realm, and they belong to the top Tianjiao.

As for the realm of enlightenment in the realm of the underworld, it is extremely rare. Chen Zong is one. Even if there is still a whole void, it is estimated that few can be found.

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