Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 68: Sealed Curse

I do n’t know the years of practice, and I passed by for three years.

After three years, Chen Zong also felt the slow cultivation. What kind of feeling is? Compared with three years ago, the improvement in combat strength is not obvious, and it can only be said that it is minimal.

However, after three years, Chen Zong was not without much gain. He built up everything, consolidated and solidified, and laid a better foundation for the next take-off.

Quietly thinking, this day, Chen Zong walked out of the room, intending to take a closer look.

Since I came to the Devil's Cave, if I just stay in the room, it is obviously not Chen Zong's style.

It was learned that Chen Zong planned to move forward, but Ye Ming and the four did not stop, but just said that they should not go as far as possible to prevent accidents.

Nodding his head, Chen Zong walked out of the room with a heartless sword, and walked towards the darkness ahead.

The darkness is like an abyss, as if there is no bottom. Of course, there is a bottom limit, and the bottom limit is to enter the next layer, layer by layer, and go straight to the last layer.

The structure of the eighteenth floor of the Xinmo Cave is very interesting. From the deepest part of the first floor, it goes directly to the deepest part of the second floor, the deepest part of the third floor, and reaches the deepest part of the eighteenth floor.

Chen Zong did not intend to reach the deepest point of the corridor, because he did not intend to go deeper into the next level, the eighth level, which is his own guarding place.

As long as ten years have passed, I will leave and complete the first task of Daozi assessment.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong walked step by step toward the darkness that seemed to be able to devour everything.

The darkness is deep.

Gradually, Chen Zong stepped into the darkness, as if swallowed up.

Inside, there was silence, even with Chen Zong's amazing eyesight, it was difficult to see how far, about 10 meters away, outside, it began to blur, a distance of 100 meters, there was basically only darkness.

Even Chen Zong found that the divine thought was suppressed here.

However, the kendo area has not been suppressed.

More than 4,000 meters of direct coverage, everything is in Chen Zong's perception.

After cruising around, after nearly going deep, Chen Zong turned back to his room and practiced again.

There was a sound outside, and it seemed that someone was fighting fiercely.

Chen Zongshen read it and saw that it was Ye Ming who opposed the other three with one enemy and three.

Cultivation is practiced, and sometimes fighting is necessary.

Chen Zong's hand was itchy.

One to four!

One of them, Ye Ming joined forces.


In this regard, Ye Ming and others are also happy.

A few years ago, when Chen Zonggang arrived, Zeng Yiyi repelled Ye Ming and defeated Ye Ming. He never shot again.

The battle began, and several people did not use the secret method to fight, but used conventional combat power to fight.

With a sword in hand, Ye Ming joined forces to attack from four directions, but he couldn't help Chen Zong.

On the contrary, gradually, their shots were groped by Chen Zong, and they were directly targeted, gradually falling behind.

This battle lasted for an hour.

"Thank you, the Chief of the Town." As soon as the four of them closed, Ye Ming thanked Chen Zong immediately.

They had benefited from the fierce fighting, because Chen Zong explored the fighting style and so on. Targeting the weaknesses, they were also made aware of the shortcomings in their fighting and improved.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong smiled slightly, which can also be regarded as a reward to ease his hand itch.

In the fifth year, abnormalities suddenly occurred.

That darkness, there seemed to be black light wavy, there seemed to be black fog raging, and there was something weird filled with malicious sounds.

"Heart Demon!" Ye Ming and others reacted more quickly than Chen Zong, because they have been guarding here for decades, and have encountered Heart Devil more than once.

But Chen Zong was the first time.

"The governor of the town, there should be a demon attack." Ye Ming said to Chen Zong.

"What is the demon?" Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly.

It's been five years since I came here, and five years before the end of the mission. If you haven't encountered a heart attack, it would be a shame.

Full of evil roars, getting closer and clearer, Chen Zong and others can clearly feel that every wicked breath has continued to diffuse out of the abyss-like darkness, directing towards it .

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly condensed, and Jingman burst out from the bottom of his eyes, as if penetrating through the void. Between them, he seemed to see a variety of figures appearing in the darkness, constantly approaching.

"The demon in the demon world has no entity, but after entering the demon hole, it will slowly change to have a semi-entity." Ye Ming said: "A demon without a entity is difficult to attack, and a demon with a semi-entity can attack. But trying to kill is difficult. "

Waiting, finally, the first figure rushed out of the darkness, without legs, floating out like a ghost, but the speed was not slow at all, especially when floating out of the darkness, the eyes of the demon suddenly burst out Dazzling red, scarlet, extremely evil.

"Cultivator, it's mine." It seemed that there were countless voices overlapping, rang out from the mouth of that demon, just like the body of the demon, mixed with countless chaotic consciousness, and the sounds made at the same time.

The demon in the demon world is the map of the devil in the void.

Therefore, no one knows exactly how many demons exist in the demon world, even the master of the mind of the heavenly palace, but one thing is certain, the demon in the demon world will constantly fight and continuously devour each other. , The more devoured, the more powerful.

In general, the heart demon who can enter the heart demon hole has been devoured many times, and has grown to the level equivalent to the cultivator of the gods.

There are no civilizations and inheritances in mind demon. The only thing they can do is devour each other, and then find a living body, such as a human race or other races, etc., invade it, devour the other's consciousness, occupy the soul, and seize the body.

Xinyi Tiangong divides the demon into two kinds: inner demon and outer demon.

The so-called inner demon is the inner demon that breeds in one's own mind. It is equal to a potential enemy, but it is one with the same origin, and it cannot be completely eliminated.

The so-called external demon refers to a demon other than himself, which normally refers to a demon in the demon world.

If there is an inner demon in itself, once it is invaded by an outer demon, it is definitely a disaster, an indescribable disaster.

Therefore, Chen Zong can't let outside demon invade.

Otherwise, there is only a little black demon in the soul, and he will be awake, and if there is divine help.

The first demons appeared, and Ye Ming's looks were a little complicated and seemed a little excited. It felt like it was too long. Even if they were fighting by themselves, it was difficult to alleviate the fighting factors in the bones.

There are also some fears, because the external demon is terrible and difficult to entangle, difficult to deal with, and more difficult to kill.

But anyway, when the outer spirits strike, then they come, only to stop them and even to retreat.

According to Chen Zong's understanding, the external demon is difficult to kill, and can only be slowly ground. Once he knows that he can't fight and consumes most of his power, the external demon will retreat.

There is a little difference between the inner demon and the inner demon, that is, the outer demon does not have much wisdom, because the outer demon is formed by devouring each other, and the consciousness is very chaotic. Under the chaos and conflict of multiple consciousness, only the subconscious consciousness is left. The action that drives the instinct, whether it is offense or escape, is an instinct under confusion.

The first external demon rushed over, and the wicked and chaotic evil spirits diffused continuously, spreading around invisibly. Chen Zong's Yuan Shen immediately felt that the evil atmosphere was unknown. Imperceptibly impacting his own will, in an attempt to chaos his own will.

However, this level of impact, let alone affect yourself, can not be affected even by four people such as Ye Ming.

But Chen Zong understands that the more the external demon, the more this kind of chaotic will impact will be superimposed continuously, the greater the number, the higher the intensity of the superimposition, so that in the end it reaches a point that it cannot even bear.

So, try it.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong printed the seal with one hand. For a while, there was a black light like a paintbrush. Between the flashes, it was condensed into a curse, and it flew out instantly.

Seal the curse!

This secret method was found by Chen Zong from the Xinxiang Building. Its level is just the level of heavenly magic power, not too high, but for now, it is very suitable.

And under Chen Zong's enlightenment and cultivation in the heart palace, this secret method has reached Xiaocheng.

Xiaocheng ’s magical powers sealed the magic, and under the show of Chen Zong, he immediately released an amazing power. When he hit that demon, the black light diffused quickly and turned into a black silk thread. It seems that the vine is growing in an instant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is surrounded by countless silks, and the outer demon is wrapped around quickly.


The black light quickly contracted, but the inner demon inside it continued to resist. In the end, the outer demon still could not resist the power of the enchanted curse, which was sealed by the enchanted curse and turned into a fist-sized black light.

Through the black light, we can vaguely see a figure inside, who is constantly struggling and bursting into power, as if to break the black light.

Chen Zong also felt that with the constant resistance of the inner demon inside, the power of the sealed spell was also continuously consumed.

In other words, the power of the enchanting curse is not permanent, it will be consumed continuously over time, and it will be continuously consumed by the resistance of the demon.

Of course, if the external demon is injured first, then the resistance of the external demon will become weaker, and the consumption speed of the sealing spell will be slower.

Chen Zong shot again, and cast a seal spell to strengthen the black light ball.

Immediately, the second head, the third head, and even more external demons rushed out of the darkness. When they saw the four of Chen Zong, they immediately became violent and rushed to death.

Ye Ming and the four also immediately shot.

They also practice the Sealed Curse, but they do not cast it immediately. They will cast the Sealed Curse first and then cast the Sealed Curse. The success rate is higher.

After all, when it comes to the power of the mind and the soul, they are not as good as Chen Zong, even if Chen Zong's two points have not been restored.

The power of the enchanting curse is not only related to the realm of cultivation, but also to the strength of the soul and the power of the mind.

More and more external demons rushed out from the darkness, and the impact of chaotic will increased.

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