Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 69: Demon Essence

The roaring sounds continued, as if the waves were overlapping and endless, more external demons rushed out of the darkness. There are already more than a dozen heads, each of which is an elite level, equivalent to the level of the Yuanming Realm.

All five of Chen Zong shot, resisted the attack of the external demon, restrained the footsteps of the external demon, and prevented them from rushing out. Otherwise, they would be dereliction of duty.

For Chen Zong, the consequences are even more serious, leaving a bad record on the task assessment, which may have some impact on the promotion path.

"Retreat." Chen Zong sighed, Ye Ming's four unfolded, and turned back into a streamer.

Great World Sword Tips: Mani no Mori!

At the end of the year, more than 4,000 meters of kendo fell down, and a dozen-meter-long sword-qi tree was condensed in an empty place, and they were directly covered by a dozen external demons and suppressed in a sword-qi forest.

The main power of the Great World Sword Technique is suppression and restraint, but its power is not weak at all.

Although more than a dozen external demons are strong, their combat power is at most equivalent to a three-star and four-star level. Under the sword of Chen Zong, a dozen external demons were suppressed at once, and it was difficult for a while. Get out.

"Kill!" With a low drink, Ye Ming and the four immediately shot.

It is easier to deal with the external demon that was suppressed by Mani no Mori.

But even if you hit a foreign demon, you ca n’t kill it at once. This is different from a cultivator. Hitting a foreign demon is just to weaken its power. After the power is weakened to the extreme, the external demon will Lost the semi-substance and became unreal.

At that time, either, seize the opportunity to seal it up, or the outer heart demon seizes the opportunity to escape and return to the demon world.

In most cases, they are escaped by external demons, and they react quickly. After losing the semi-entity, they also feel like they have lost their restraint. Once they enter the darkness, they merge into it and are difficult to capture.

Under the repression of Manmori Mori, more than a dozen outside monsters could hardly escape, and under the joint attack of Chen Zong and Ye Ming, they were continuously wounded and their bodies gradually shattered.

At the same time, Manki no Mori's sword qi will continue to wear away the power of the external demon.

More than a dozen external demon exploded and turned into a illusory shadow, and in an instant, they were directly out of the repression of Mani no Mori.

The semi-physical external demon will have physical attacks, but they will also be restrained, and there are advantages and disadvantages to everything.

Now the semi-substances are broken up, unable to maintain, and transformed into illusory shadows. Naturally, they are no longer restricted. For a moment, more than a dozen illusive shadows burst out of the repression of the forest of mankind. , Attempting to enter their sea of ​​gods and invade the yuan god.

Some rushed into the darkness, trying to escape.

"Seal the curse!"

Without hesitation, the five Chen Zong immediately cast a spell.

Sealing the magic spell can be regarded as a secret spell that must be guarded against the soul demon hole. In order to better deal with the external demon, of course, the inner demon is also effective.

Five black lights lit up in an instant and flew out instantly.

However, there are eight groups of illusory shadows, and the speed is extremely fast, and they are very flexible and have traversed the trajectories and shot at the five of Chen Zong.

After breaking away from the semi-entity, the degree of flexibility has increased more than a few times. Under the control of Chen Zong, the enchantment spell still accurately hits a group of unreal black light. It is immediately sealed. The seal speed is extremely fast. The moment is complete, and it turns into a black light falling.

There was an unreal black light flying in.

With a flash of Jianguang, Chen Zongyi sword was killed, but Chen Zong found that even if he cut off the Chinese and foreign demons, the damage was very limited, as if the power of sword energy had dropped many times in an instant.

With a flash of light in his head, Chen Zong thought of Purple Atlas Dragonitis.

Although Zihuan Xinglongyan is only a low-level magic fire, which is equivalent to the twelve-star power of Yudaojing, it has absorbed the breath of flames from the flames of the flames of the flames of the flames of the flames of the flames of the mountain of flames, which is able to resist the demon The breath can even hurt the flames of the demon.

Perhaps the purple atlas dragon inflammation also contains its characteristics, which can deal with the demon, the difference lies only in the strength of the effect.

As for the effect, you will know at first try.

When Chen Zong was thinking, a dragon groan sounded, and then a purple base appeared with a little black flame flashing, turned into a fire dragon, wrapped around Chen Zong's body, and quickly wrapped around Chen Zong's arm. , The faucet is located right in the palm.

The sound of the dragon's yin sounded high in the air, and Chen Zong grabbed it with one palm, as if the fire dragon was soaring. There was a mysterious undulation in that arm.

The volley caught, as if pervaded with an indescribable mysterious power, no matter how flexible the heart demon was, it could not be avoided. Instead, it felt like it was sent into the palm of Chen Zong, and it just happened to be sent to the Purple Star Dragon. Inflammation of the mouth.


For a moment, it was like pouring oil on the fire. The burning of the purple atlantosaurus seemed to become fierce, and the sharp and screaming sound also sounded from the illusive black light at the same time, which was the scream of the demon. .

After all, the flame power of the Oven Flame Flame Oven has a clear defense effect against the demon. At that time, if Chen Zong's demon was just an ordinary demon, the consequences would be very serious.

However, Chen Zong's demon is extraordinary, even the owner of the mind is shocked and helpless.

Although Zihuan Xinglongyan is still a low-level magical fire, and the power of the Oven Flame Flame Absorber is not much, it still has a certain effect on the demon.

In dealing with the external demon, the power of the Purple Atlas Dragon Dragon can reach the level of the middle-level magic fire, even if it is just entering the middle-level magic fire, it is still amazing.

Burning, constantly burning, screams and sharp screams kept ringing, and you can see that a faint black scent rose from the dragon mouth of Purple Atlas Dragon Flame.

However, the burning speed is a bit slow. It is estimated that it will take hundreds of breaths to burn this heart demon.

On the other side, Ye Ming's four responded calmly, using their physical skills to avoid the attack of the external demon, while holding the magic spell in their hands, waiting for the opportunity.

After all, they have been here for decades, and they have more than one response to the invasion of the external demon, and they have rich experience.

As long as you are not attacked by many external demon all at once, you can cope.

Chen Zong controlled Zi Huaxing Xinglongyan with one hand to burn the heart demon, and one hand condensed the enchantment to seal the heart demon.

In the Kendo realm, the speed of the demon is affected, and the trajectory is completely captured by Chen Zong, so he cannot escape at all.

After a while, all the demons were sealed.

"Thank you, Town Chief." Ye Ming expressed their gratitude to Chen Zong, because it was Chen Zong who helped them to seal. If Chen Zong did not take the shot, although the final demon was either sealed by them or escaped, it took time.

What's more, after the seal, Chen Zong did not snatch, but owned them.

In addition to gaining meritorious powers, you can seal them to the Demon Hearts and hand them in. You can also exchange them for merits. If you do n’t hand them in, you can try to refine the essence to absorb them.

This wave of heart demon attacks was repelled. Chen Zong returned to his living room with two groups of sealed heart demon, and once again mobilized the power of Zihuanxinglongyan to burn.

Only the heart demon who was burned to death by Zihuan Xinglongyan just left a little black awn after death. It seems to be the essence, the pure essence, the essence without any impurities, the essence of the demon.

The role of the Demon Essence is not small, it can enhance consciousness.

In other words, after absorbing the essence of the demon, your own consciousness can be strengthened and consciousness enhanced. It is of great benefit to combat. keen.

All in all, awareness increases, only good things do no harm.

Putting away the purple star star dragon inflammation, three black dots appeared in Chen Zong's hands. Each grain was like fine sand, very fine, less than one-third the size of rice grains.

If it is a demon in the level of the royal realm, the essence extracted is even smaller.

Chen Zong has never absorbed the essence of the demon, and it is not clear how effective it is.

First absorption of the first demon essence, it seems that a clear stream flows into Yuanshen, enters the soul, and nourishes the consciousness, but Chen Zong does not feel that the stream is forcibly divided into half and merged into the Yuanshen soul Deep inside the little black awn.

"I don't feel much." After Chen Zong absorbed all three Essences of Heart Devil, he felt them carefully, and frowned slightly.

The three Essences of Heart Demon really did not bring much increase to their consciousness, and even did not even have a slight increase.

After all, Chen Zong's consciousness is very strong, much stronger than the equivalent practitioners. If he wants to improve, it will naturally be more difficult ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong does not know that only three of the three demon essences are being Half of it absorbed by one's consciousness is absorbed by the core of the demon in the spirit of the Yuanshen.

Of course, even if all were absorbed by Chen Zong's consciousness, the promotion effect is very limited, and it is still not felt.

However, these are just three essences of the demon. If you can get more essence of the demon and absorb more essence of the demon, maybe you can significantly enhance and enhance your consciousness.

For the first time, Chen Zong was extremely eager to have a demon to attack.

Maybe it's good luck, or maybe it's bad luck. After all, it didn't take long for another external demon to appear.

This time, it was directly attacked by a dozen external demons.

Great World Sword Tips: The vast earth!

The fourth move of the Great World Sword Technique is also a move that Chen Zong has learned before, and it is instantly displayed.

A sword waved, the sword light splattered like a waterfall, and the rumbling sound suddenly sounded. The sword gas turned into a wave of earth and swept away, as if the earth was shaking, blinking, it turned into a party of four thousand The land of several meters is filled with a turbid brown atmosphere, although it is not very large, it gives a sense of vastness and recklessness.

Dozens of external demons were directly shrouded in the vast land, and the repressive force of this trick was much stronger than the forest of Wan Mu.


Dozens of external demons couldn't move for a while, and the brown and turbid atmosphere floating on the vast earth was also evolved by the sword qi. Between them, it suddenly caused severe damage to a dozen external demons.

Chen Zong's body flickered, and he stepped directly into the vast land. Jianguang attacked and killed like a rainstorm, and immediately caused more damage to a dozen outside demon.

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