Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 70: 1 power

The land is vast with a sword, and the vast land is a piece of land.

The earth is magnificent and heavy, and it suppresses ordinary people. It is difficult for more than a dozen external demons to move, and Chen Zong has entered it, and is invincible.

For a time, Ye Ming's four could only watch, but soon, they also wanted to shoot, because more external demons appeared and were resisted by them, enough to resist them.

This time, the spirit demon struck with greater intensity than the last time.


In the semi-solid state, the power of the external demon is amazing. Every blow is extremely terrifying. It also carries the power of attacking the mind and soul. The double threat with one blow is very difficult.

The four Ye Mings are experienced in dealing with them, and try their best to avoid confrontation with the external demons, because once they can resist the semi-physical attacks of the external demons, it is difficult to resist another attack, which will shake the mind and soul and intensify the shock of consciousness.

More than a dozen external demons repressed by the vast expanse of the earth collapsed and disintegrated under Chen Zong's sword, and the semi-entities were broken and dissipated, leaving only a dozen illusions and screams, as if they were heavy The sound wave hit, and Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly.

Immediately, the nearest demon was surging with smoky, seemingly lingering ghosts and spirits, and rushed directly to Chen Zong's head, attempting to occupy Chen Zong's Yuanshen, occupying the soul and devouring consciousness, and loosing his house. Body.

But this demon was unsuccessful. Under the enchantment of Chen Zong, he sealed the demon directly, no matter how flexible it is, but in Chen Zong's kendo area, all trajectories were captured clearly. Besides, Chen Zong's perception of Yuanshen is powerful.

The second seal spell was shot, and the second demon was sealed.

Immediately, it was the third head.

The remaining demons felt threatened, and the screams turned into unreal black light, bursting out of the vast suppression of the earth and rushing into the darkness.

Chen Zong's hands were sealed, and they were sealed again by two curses, sealing two hearts again.

The remaining demons are even more alarmed. Although their intelligence is not high, they have the instinct to judge danger. They have been sealed by five companions. If they feel bad, they will run away.

Chen Zong was limited by experience the first time he encountered an external demon, but this time, he felt a sense of familiarity.

With a flash of his body, Chen Zong turned into a sword light and quickly chased away.

"Shouzhen, don't be impulsive." Ye Ming looked at it suddenly, his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted quickly.

But in an instant, Chen Zong pursued the remaining demons and plunged into darkness.

As soon as he entered the darkness, Chen Zong immediately found that the remaining demon seemed to disappear, as if the small fish and shrimp had entered the sea and it was difficult to find.

Kendo area!

Primal Induction!

Suddenly, the darkness around him seemed to recede. Everything in Kendo was under the influence of Chen Zong.

The fleeing demons are all in Chen Zong's perception, and their tracks are also captured by Chen Zong.

The repression in the kendo area has slowed down the speed of those demons.

Seal the curse!

Following the perception, Chen Zong shot again.




Under the pursuit of Chen Zong, the remaining demons did not escape, and all were sealed.


In total, Chen Zong sealed fifteen external demons and got fifteen regiment seals of black light. Put them together and wait for the essence of the purple demons to be refined.

Since entering the dark again, Chen Zong turned his thoughts, and instead of exiting, he continued to deepen.

For these outsiders, there is not much threat to themselves. After all, they just did not burst out of full power, but only shot with conventional combat power.

Raising his sword and striding forward, Chen Zong's eyes flickered in the darkness.

The night gave me a pair of black eyes, which I used to see through the darkness.

Yuan Mingjing condenses the Yuan Shen, and Yuan Shen is the condensing of the essence of all its own powers. Not only can it control its own powers more thoroughly, it can also have a more sensitive perception of the outside world.

Within this darkness, there was silence.

Vaguely, Chen Zong heard another low, roaring beast-like roar coming from a distant place. That was the voice of the semi-solid external demon.

With a slight joy, Chen Zong immediately speeded up and went deeper.

The eyes shimmered, but it was difficult to see how far. Only by the kendo realm and the primal consciousness, several semi-physical external demons could enter the kendo realm.

Sword out!

In the darkness, as if a ray of morning light suddenly flashed, an outer demon immediately hit the sword.

Although the external demon has a semi-entity, it is not like the human race will be severely damaged, but it will continue to weaken the semi-entity until the semi-entity cannot be maintained and collapses.

Chen Zong's sword light contained extremely powerful sword air. As soon as it entered the body of the demon, it immediately burst and impacted everything, and immediately cut and penetrated the semi-entity of the outer demon.

Kill kill!

With a sword in his hand, he was invincible and defeated the demon's semi-entity. Chen Zong's left hand immediately imprinted the seal and cast the enchantment, following the most mysterious trajectory, like the most agile butterfly, hit the demon and seal directly.

Even if it is dark and difficult to see, it cannot stop Chen Zong's sword.

Like an elf in the dark, dancing with swords.

After all the hissing and screaming screams disappeared, Chen Zong also regained his scabbard, because the invasion of the outer heart demon is over. If you want to kill and kill the seal outer heart demon, you can only wait for the next An opportunity, but I don't know when.

However, this time, Chen Zong has sealed more than 20 external demons.

When stepping out of the darkness, Ye Ming and others were already waiting. When they saw the figure of Chen Zong, after careful observation, they all appeared relieved.

Chen Zong is safe and sound, and his appearance, breath, and so on all show that Chen Zong has not been invaded by external demons.

After being invaded by an external demon, the look and breath of a person will change significantly in a short period of time. This cannot be hidden, and it is also a judgment.

Twenty or so outside demon, after refining, brought Chen Zong to the dozens of dim sum magic, after absorption, Chen Zong did not notice the enhancement of his consciousness, very subtle.

With his eyes open, Chen Zong couldn't help showing a little disappointment. It seemed that his intention to use the essence of the demon to enhance his consciousness had failed.

After all, after the absorption of more than two dozen dessert magic essences, the lifting effect is very weak, and the enhancement is almost not felt. Even if there is, it is only a trace, a trivial trace.

According to such an increase, even if it absorbs ten times the essence of the heart demon, Chen Zong estimates that its improvement is very limited, and his internal expectations have dropped a lot.

Of course, if there is a chance to get more Essence of the Demon, Chen Zong will certainly not let it go, but if you want to get the Essence of the Demon, you have to wait and wait for the external Demon to strike.

Or, to break into the demon world on your own initiative, but that kind of approach is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Even if it is a Taoist powerhouse, it will not break into the demon world unless it is absolutely necessary. It is too dangerous.

It is also unclear what the reason is. In the next year, there will be one wave to two waves of external demons on the eighth floor of the Demon Cave, but each time they are intercepted.

It is not to retreat, but all the semi-entities are broken up, sealed by the enchantment of the enchantment, and the enchantment of the enchantment is quickly promoted to reach great success, more powerful, and more accurate.

Ye Ming and the four were very happy. With the help of Chen Zong, they sealed a lot of heart demon. This is what they haven't got in the past few decades.

If Ye Ming was obedient because Chen Zong was powerful and better than himself, now there is one more reason to obey.

He wanted to become the town chief, the purpose is nothing more than to obtain more merits, today's gains are more than the town chief.

Unfortunately, this wonderful time is always short.

This year is the tenth year. It is the tenth year that Chen Zong came to the eighth floor of Xinmo Cave.

After this year, Chen Zong's guard period has come and it is time to leave.

The only thing that regretted Chen Zong was that although there were many insults during the ten-year garrison period, they were not strong enough and did not let him use all his combat power.

In the darkness, a figure came gradually, faster and faster, and finally rushed out of the darkness, exuding a terrible breath, like a flood breaking a bank or a mountain collapse.


It was a person, but his expression was bleak and cold, his eyes were full of evil killings, and there seemed to be a layer of scent on his face. After stepping out of the darkness, he was extremely fast, as if chased by someone.

The strong breath also alarmed Chen Zong and Ye Ming.

"Brother Li." Ye Ming's face changed suddenly when he saw the man: "Not good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Brother Li was invaded by the demon."

"Head of the town, Brother Li is the guardian of the ninth floor of the Demon Cave, and has five-star combat power." Ye Ming quickly said to Chen Zong.

At the same time, Brother Li, who was invaded by the demon, also showed an amazing stun, approaching instantly, and the terrible direct killing turned into a mass of black gas.

The terrible demon power surging, impacting and suppressing everything.

Ye Ming could not help but tremble, and the gap in combat power made them feel a sense of being suppressed by this coercion, not to mention that this coercion was still magic.

The practitioners attacked by the demon seem to lose their senses, but they will have even more terrible destructive power. In other words, their combat power will be improved to a certain extent.

Contrary to Ye Ming's dignified look, Chen Zong was eager to try. His eyes shot out a fascinating sword, a five-star powerhouse attacked by the demon. Maybe he can make a good fight. .

In addition, according to some characteristics, it can be seen that Brother Li has not been attacked by the demon for a long time and can also be rescued. If the time that the demon is attacked by the demon becomes longer, the rescue will be more difficult or even impossible to recover.

Therefore, Chen Zong can only regret that he cannot enjoy this battle, but must end as soon as possible and defeat the opponent.

So ... let's fight!



Lingwu Supreme!

When he died, Chen Zong's combat power soared.

Five-kilometer Kendo area ... The Great World Sword Technique: The earth is vast!

A sword waved out, sweeping the vast earth, and making a loud roar, as if the entire cave of the demon was shaking, and Brother Li was attacked by the demon.

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