Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 71: Taixu Shenxu

When the ten-year period is up, Chen Zong will leave.

"In the past ten years, I would like to thank the four brothers for their cooperation." Chen Zong arched to Ye Ming and others.

"No, no, we should thank you." Ye Ming was totally convinced and even grateful to Chen Zong. Without Chen Zong, they would not have received so many merits in ten years, directly surpassing the previous dozens. Years of accumulation.

In the end, when Chen Zong defeated Brother Li, who had a five-star combat power and was attacked by the demon and became even more violent, on the ninth floor of the guarded heart demon cave, Ye Ming's four men were shocked.

Ye Ming only knew that when Chen Zong and himself were doing it ten years ago, they really retained their strength.

One sword!

With just one sword, Brother Li was suppressed. The fighting power was at least the top five-star level or even higher.

Chen Zong left, and made a recommendation, recommending Ye Ming also the governor of the eighth floor of the Heart Devil Cave. When Ye Ming knew it, he was naturally grateful.


Vast and boundless, it is divided into five major films.

East and West, North and South!

On each side of the void, there is a top-level star domain religion, also known as a holy place.

In other words, in theory, there are five sacred places in this void, which belong to the pentagon, and the central sacred place of the void is the heart of heaven.

And the northern sacred place is the eternal battlefield.

The sacred place in the south of the Void is the Flame Mountain of Magnificence.

As for the Holy Land of the Void in the East, it is named Juyuan Ziji Hall.

In the West, there is no holy place, because many years ago, the holy place in the west was destroyed.

That battle swept through the western void and swept the entire void, and the other four holy places and countless sectarian forces also fought, because the enemies of that battle were aliens, alliances of many aliens, and they fought extremely well. fierce.

In the end, the alien alliance was broken up and retreated, and the losses were extremely heavy. The first is the Holy Land in the West.

The alien alliance was formed by many aliens, and many of them had dominated powerhouses. Therefore, the battle was extremely horrible and caused many deaths and injuries.

In the end, despite the dissolution of the alien alliance, the remaining part of the alien barn fleeing escaped from the western void and fled to the extraterrestrial void, and the western void sacred place was destroyed, and the entire sacred place was almost shattered into a ruin.

That battle was too fierce, not only one master-level strong shot with all their strength, but there were many master-level strong shots, which caused the space and time of the Holy Place to be violently turbulent. In the end, it was surrounded by the storm of time and space and could not enter, even if it was Dominant powerhouses cannot break through.

However, at that time, the air storm will not always be so intense, but there will be a period of exhaustion. When the air storm enters the exhaustion period, the strong man who is at the level of the gods is expected to break through the storm of time and space and enter the ruins of the western void holy land. .

Why enter?

The reason is very simple. However, the battle of the year was fierce, with countless deaths and injuries. More than half of them died within the ruins of the Holy Land, and naturally left a lot of treasures and inheritances.

What's more, there are many treasures and heritages in the ruins of the sacred place in the west, which are extremely tempting.

This time, the storm of time and space surrounding the ruins of the Holy Land is about to enter an exhaustion period, and it is time to enter it.

Chen Zong completed the first Taoist assessment task, and the second task was to enter the ruins of the Western Nether Holy Land and get one of the treasures.

As long as this task is completed, Chen Zong can pass the assessment and truly become the Tao of the Heart of Heaven, the third Tao.

The original sacred place in the West, called Taixu Shenmen, today, there is only a huge and vast ruin, which is called Taixu Shenxu. The full name is the ruins of Taixu Shenmen.

Chen Zonghe and the strong men of the Mind Heaven Palace moved directly from the central void into the western void through the movement of the mind space of the Heaven Palace.

"Taixu Shenxu is just ahead, go." The head is the elder of the Mind Heaven Palace, who has the top combat power of the supernatural powers.

I saw his voice fall, and he waved his hand. Suddenly, a void ship appeared. It was a top-level void ship. Hundreds of strong men in the heavenly palace entered the void ship and started immediately, speeding up continuously. Fly forward.

Hundreds of people in the Mind Heaven Palace, the highest is the magical realm, the lowest is the imperial realm, and the Yuan Ming Realm also has a part.

If neither the Taoist Master nor the Master Judiciary can enter, I am afraid that there will be a lot of Taoist Masters leaving or even the Master Jubilee to leave.

However, at that time, the air storm was very special. Even if it entered the exhaustion period, once the Taoist level broke into it, it would also lead to the chaos of time and space to become chaotic and violent. At that time, that superpower will be very dangerous. Entering the chaotic flow of space and time, I do not know where it appeared, or strangled by the storm of space and time.

Even a dominating powerhouse cannot escape such a result.

Therefore, each time the space-time storm of Taixu Shenxu enters the exhaustion period, only the supernatural power can pass through it.

Five levels of psychic powers, but strictly divided, Yu Dao Yuan and Yuan Ming Realm and Divine Power Realms can be regarded as the lower order of psychic powers, while Taoist level can be regarded as the middle order of psychic powers, which is very different from the previous three. .

Within the void of the West, there are vast and numerous void ships and even void ships passing by constantly. Although they appear from all directions, they point directly to the same destination.

Taixu Shenxu!

The Taixu Shenxu is the ruins of the Taixu Shenmen. It is a sacred place in the West. It is extremely powerful and profound. Among them, there are many treasures and inheritances. Those who have entered the Taixu Shenxu, but who can live out Yes, there are gains more or less. What's more, the harvest is amazing, and it has obtained some inheritance of the Taixu Shenmen. From then on, it has leapt forward and become a powerful and powerful fame.

Because of this, every time the space-time storm outside the Taixu Shenxu enters the exhaustion period, it will attract countless Etong divine realms to come from all directions and enter into it. Among them are not only a lot of scattered repairs, but also many various sectarian forces. The strong, even the strong in the four sacred places will enter into it.

Sanshou is naturally involved in order to change his own destiny. After all, compared to the Zongmen disciples, the practice of Sanshou is more bumpy. If they can get any treasures or inheritance, they will have a greater improvement. The stronger the high combat power, the more resources can be obtained.

The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker. This is almost iron law.

Of course, this does not mean that the weak will become weaker, but just because they are weak and cannot get more resources and benefits, so the promotion is slow, while those who are strong can get more because of their strong relationship. Resources can naturally be promoted faster.

As a result, the gap between the strong and the weak will continue to widen.

A huge whole body of fire was red, as if a flamed spacecraft was flying through the sky quickly. The flame was like an illusion, but filled with amazing blazing heat. It seemed to ignite the void and pass by along the way, leaving a dazzling Extreme fire.

Hundreds of people were on the Flame Void Ship. Looking at the robe marks on them, it was a burning mountain.

Magnificent Flame Mountain!

"The three artifacts of Taixu Shenmen have not been found so far. This time, we have to find at least one." The eyes of a powerful man from the flames of the flame mountain seemed to be burning, and his tone was full of fiery breath. .

If Chen Zong saw these people, he would surely find that Yu Tianfeng, who had previously lost under his sword, was also present. Of course, more than one acquaintance was acquaintance.

Another place is in the direction of the East Void. There is also a huge top-level Nether spaceship. The Nether spaceship is purple and has a very heavy feeling, just like a person covered with steel muscles. visual impact.

This is the void spaceship of the Eastern Void Holy Land Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

"This time, it is estimated that the three imaginary artifacts may appear. It must be seized, at least the same." A very old man with a very strong body sank in a deep voice, his voice buzzing and shaking like a void.

The westward void of the West is the boundary of the void outside the region, and the habitat of hundreds of aliens.

At this moment, a huge ship with a weird shape is like a giant sea urchin flying at a rapid speed into the western void and heading towards Taixu Shenxu.

There are dozens of human-like creatures in the black flying object like giant sea urchin.

Some look full of fish scales, some look like fierce beasts, and some look very close to the human race, but the skin is darker, the ears appear slender, and the eyes are extremely sharp.

Also, there was an extra eye at the center of the eyebrow.


These dozens are all aliens, one by one, their breath is strong and amazing. Their purpose is to enter the Taixu Shenxu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ on the empty spaceship of Xinyi Tiangong, there are hundreds of minds. The elders and true disciples gathered together.

"According to calculations, the three artifacts that are too virtual **** gates may appear this time." The elder with the strongest combat ability, Xu Xuji, said, "Our main task is to obtain one of the three artifacts. Of course, if we can take it, To the Three Artifacts, it's best. "

"Chen Zhenchuan, this is also related to your Taoist assessment. If you can get one of the three artifacts, you should be able to become the Taoist directly after returning to Tiangong. If you don't get one of the three artifacts, I'm afraid to change another task." This The elder said to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong nodded to understand.

This assessment task is undoubtedly very difficult.

Taixu Three Artifacts, but the highest three Artifacts of Taixu Shenmen, are extraordinary. To be honest, Chen Zong had no certainty to obtain.

"Relax Chen Zhenchuan, the old man will definitely help you." A supernatural elder smiled at Chen Zong.

"Yes, this time the competition will be very fierce. Not only do we want to get the three artifacts, but also other forces, but Chen Zhenchuan, we will try our best to help you." Others also expressed their opinions.

This is a good show to Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong has the qualifications to become a Taoist. Once he becomes a Taoist, Chen Zong's status rises to a higher level, directly overriding most elders, second only to Taoism.

"It's a shame to say that, there was a too-virtual **** gate, but there was a tree of the world god, but that world war was also destroyed." An elder suddenly sighed.

World God Tree!

Chen Zong couldn't help but think of the world **** fruit that he had exchanged in the northern front. It was really amazing. Now the world **** tree that is too virtual **** gate is destroyed, which is really a huge loss.

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