Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 72: Space-time storm

At the center of the western void, there is a black storm sweeping endlessly. The storm seems to be sweeping from top to bottom, and it is sweeping from bottom to top, as well as from left to right, and from right to left, more There is a feeling from the inside out as if from the outside, contradictory and strange.

The Black Storm seems to be just a ball, it seems very small, only the size of a fist, but if you look at it again, you will feel infinitely huge, as if it were endless and filled the entire void.

The breath emanating from the Black Storm is extremely violent and extremely mysterious. It has a feeling of isolation from the world and a sense of penetrating the past and the future.

Space Time Storm!

This is the storm of time and space outside Taixu Shenxu.

The black storm of time and space seems to contain some great terror, like the mouth of a void beast, as if it can devour everything.

One after another, the spaceships and the spaceships flew from a distance and stayed out of the space-time storm. They were tens of thousands of meters apart, and they did not dare to be too close, because once they were too close, they might be space-time The storm spread and was swept in.

The space-time storm that has not yet entered the exhaustion period, the power is terrible, and the dominant powers are involved in it, and there is a great probability of death.

Even if it doesn't die, it will suffer a lot of trauma.

"Is this the storm of time and space, it really is amazing."

"I used to look at it every time I passed, but unfortunately, I didn't get in, but this time, I finally got a chance."

Many people stared at the dark storm, their eyes brightened.

Even if it enters the exhaustion period, Taoist and Dominant powers cannot break into it. Therefore, only the powers of Yudao, Yuanming and Divine Power can enter.

Of course, the power gap between Yudaojing, Yuanmingjing and Shentongjing is also huge. In the face of Yuanmingjing, there is no power to fight back. In the face of Shentongjing, Yuanmingjing also has no fighting back. Power.

In theory, it can be said that when there is a magical state, the Yuanming state and the royal state are basically the same as food delivery. After all, if you find any treasure, you can't compete with the magical state, and it is too late to escape.

but it is not the truth.

First of all, Taixu Shenxu is very large, very vast. After all, Taixu Shenmen was not destroyed, but it was composed of many stars.

The Mind Palace is located in the original black and white realm, while the Eternal Battlefield is transformed into an ancient battlefield with the formation of ancient stars and superstar stars.

The Mountain of Flames is a huge flame mountain. The size of the flame mountain is larger than an ancient star. It is very huge, and there are countless peaks.

The Taixu Shenmen is a strong man who moves 1,080 stars into a matrix method, with an ancient star as the center, and arranges a large array against the sky, so that 1080 stars can interact with each other to the greatest extent. Approaching each other.

The formation of this space-time storm actually has a lot to do with the too virtual inverse element chaos of Taixu Shenmen.

The great war of the year was extremely horrible. The Taixu inverse and chaos were naturally scored and broke down, mixing all the forces of violent insurrection into the present Taixu Shenxu.

Therefore, the Taixu Shenxu in the storm of time and space is very vast and huge. When the royal state enters it, it may not necessarily encounter the Yuan Ming Realm or even the Divine Realm.

Of course, it's okay if you encounter it with bad luck.

Another point is that in the Taixu Shenxu market today, the power is disordered, and some places are banned for repairs, etc. Once you enter it, it doesn't matter what royal state, Yuanming state, or magical state.

Because of this, different cultivations have been given the opportunity to enter the spiritual realm. After all, it is too large and the ban is so large. It is not necessary to encounter those who are far better than themselves, even if they meet. It is also expected to escape through bans.

Of course, there are many dangers in Taixu Shenxu, and the dangers of entering the strong are only part of it.

All those powerful forces, such as starship-level void ships, are custom-made and have unique shapes and marks, so at a glance, you will know what kind of power they are from, whether they can offend or conflict, at a glance. .

A black spaceship with a black upper part and a white upper part, with a distinct and integrated feeling, is an empty spaceship flying at an amazing speed and silently, as if shuttled through the inner space of the void.

"Black and white."

"Up and down, this is black, this is the void ship of the mind heaven palace."

For a moment, many people's expressions changed dramatically, and their eyes widened.

Heart of Heaven!

Void is the strongest, the first holy land.

Although it is said that the Flame Mountain of Evil, the Eternal Battle Fortress, the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall and even the Taixu Shenmen that has died out are all holy places, juxtaposed with the Mind Heaven Palace, and in terms of overall strength, it will not be inferior to Mind Heaven Palace.

Of course, the first is always more impressive.

"Even the mind Tiangong is here."

"What's weird, I heard that this time, the imaginary Three Artifacts may appear. The Mind Heaven Palace must have been directed at the Three Artifacts."

"This time, I can't stop seeing that the Tiangong Temple is here, and the Flame Mountain of Evil, the Eternal Battle Fortress and the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall will all come."

After all, the fascinating three artifacts are very attractive.

The three artifacts of the Taixu Shenmen are the highest artifacts of the Taixu Shenmen. They had unpredictable power. At that time, they fought against the aliens and did not know how many aliens had been killed. It was very amazing. There are similar artifacts at the same level as the giant Yuan Ziji Hall, but no one will dislike the highest artifact.

Even one more item is a great thing.

For a moment, everyone's heart was heavy.

In particular, those who are underreported and less powerful, their purpose is only to enter the Taixu Shenxu to find some opportunities. As for the three virtual artefacts, they dare not expect it, but now it seems difficult to avoid it.

Sure enough, a blaze-like void spaceship flew in, and was majestic and overwhelming, as if igniting the void, shocking.

On the other side, a purple void ship like a steel giant also flew over. The mighty and mighty majestic power repelled the void as if to force everything back.

Magnificent Flame Mountain!

Giant Yuan Ziji Hall!

Not long after, an empty spaceship flickering with countless lights, filled with the eternal atmosphere of heaven and earth, flew over, and the atmosphere was so strong that it seemed to rise into the sky.

I felt far away that some people who were lower in their cultivation immediately felt that their warfare was being pulled and surged.

Eternal Castle!

The people of the four sacred places in the Void have arrived.

In the distance, a dark streamer approached and slowly decelerated. A huge aircraft appeared in front of everyone like a black sea urchin. The very different styles and completely different breaths suddenly called the practitioners to stare away, only feeling the kind Breath, very wrong.

"That breath ..." Chen Zong frowned suddenly.

"Interracial." An elder Tiangong thought intently.

"An alien race?" Chen Zong frowned slightly, not very clear, wasn't the alien race in the vanity outside the region, or was beaten out by the human race, why dare to come in?

"In the war of that year, although our human race won in the end, we suffered heavy losses, while the alien race was repelled and the losses were even more severe. We had to withdraw from the western void and go to the more sinister extraterrestrial void." The elder immediately explained: "After that, The aliens have also reorganized on several occasions in an attempt to invade the Western void again, but they have been repelled by the human race, each with death and injury, and finally signed a contract that does not violate each other. "

Chen Zong nodded thoughtfully.

"It is stated in the contract that the human race can enter the extraterrestrial void experience, and the alien race can also enter the void experience, provided that there is no excess and no intentional sabotage."

Now there are aliens coming, obviously also for Taixu Shenxu. Under the rules of the contract, the human race cannot deliberately target them. Of course, after entering Taixu Shenxu, all competitions exist. What will happen when that is another? Going on.

After all, deliberate targeting is just a relatively vague statement.

Under the storm of time and space, slowly, it seems to become fierce. Tens of thousands of meters apart, you can feel the terrible breath fluctuations, as if you want to destroy everything, making people's complexions change greatly, even if they are afraid. Supernatural powers are also fearful.

However, the prosperity faded, and gradually, the fierce and violent destruction of all the storms of time and space began to weaken a little bit.

When the air storm weakened to the extreme, it finally stopped and maintained at a relatively low level of stability.

The exhaustion period has arrived, and it is time to enter ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When, a series of figures detached from the void ship and flew away to the dark storm of time and space.

Break through space-time storms, the larger the shape, the greater the impact of space-time storms.

Therefore, it is not allowed to use a void ship to enter directly. After all, a void ship is at least one kilometer in size and one or two meters in size. What is the difference?

Even if the space-time storm is in the exhaustion period, once the spaceship enters, the impact will be terrible. It may cause the spaceship to be directly torn by the space-time storm and even hurt people on the spaceship.

Therefore, the best way to enter is to enter by yourself, the size is small, the contact surface with the space-time storm is smaller, and the natural impact will be smaller.

"Follow me." The elders of Xintiangong's strongest trip yelled, and immediately went forward, breaking into the dark stormy space-time storm.

Chen Zong also entered into it, and immediately felt a strong force invading from all around, the force was very strange, and it was completely impossible to determine which direction it would come from. The force was very crazy and violent, restless. Constantly invading his body, as if to tear himself to pieces.

However, this power has been exhausted to a certain extent, and there is not much threat to Yuan Ming Realm. However, if it is a royal realm, it must be fully resisted, otherwise, it may be injured accidentally.

The people in Xintiangong acted, and other forces and casual practitioners would certainly not wait.

During the operation, even dozens of aliens have left the aircraft and rushed into the storm of time and space.

The storm of time and space is dark. From the outside, it is completely invisible, but once you enter it, you will find that it is not as dark as you think, at least you can see a certain range.

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