Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 74: Weird ruins

Here, the atmosphere is barren and chaotic, everywhere is broken after the fierce war, and the name of the ruins is worthy of the name.

Although it is said that there are many opportunities in the Taixu Shenxu, it is not easy to enter. It may be the case when it is opened for the first time. However, the easy opportunities are already taken away. Now, in the first few dozen openings.

Now if you want to get any treasure or inheritance, you have to look for it. There are still many places that have not been discovered.

Chen Zong saw a huge bone that was thousands of meters long. The bone was gray, covered with tiny cracks, and filled with the ancient and desolate breath. From the residual breath, Chen Zong can conclude that this bone must be very long before his death. Strong, but unfortunately, now it is just a piece of decayed bones.

Not only were the decayed bones of the skeleton monster, Chen Zong also saw the dried-up corpse of the human race, which was also decayed, leaving nothing behind. Even if it was, it was estimated that it had been taken away before.

Dry bones and dead corpses are somewhat complete and incomplete. In addition, there are some broken and decaying artifacts that have lost any power, and have not been picked up because they have no value for recycling.

"No matter how beautiful you are before you die, you can't resist the invasion of years." Chen Zong stared at a decaying corpse in front of him, and couldn't help sighing, sighing, as if echoing in the wind in this dead and desolate ruin.

These skeletons are of some races and also alien races. As for what kind of alien races, they can't be seen, but one thing is certain, they were strong before their lives, even stronger than themselves.

However, they have all become dead bones and dead bodies.

No matter how strong your life is, it will be difficult to resist the erosion of the years.

For a moment, Chen Zong's eyes flashed blankly.

But only momentarily, that faintness disappeared immediately, penetrated, torn, and shattered by a razor-sharp light.

"It can't resist years of erosion, because ... it's not strong enough." Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and sharper: "If it's strong enough, it can't be too strong for years."

That's right, it will die because it is not strong enough. After death, it will become a decaying dead bone under the erosion of years, but also because it is not strong enough.

If strong enough, it will only be others.

The thoughts rose, and Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and more radiant, as if penetrating through time and space. The haze and blankness that had just appeared in his heart disappeared without a trace.

Stepping forward, Chen Zong passed over the dead body kneeling on the ground, his footsteps became firmer, and there was a vague tendency to condense on his body, and his breath became more condensed.


Chen Zong's belief is simple, that is to become strong. As long as it becomes strong enough, all conspiracy and conspiracy will fail, all resistance will be invalid, others will not kill themselves, it is only them.

Become stronger!


To be stronger than anyone is so strong that time and space cannot be wiped out.


Reaching out, Chen Zong pulled out a long sword from the broken wall, the blade was mottled and covered with rust, and the breath was dead with silence.

With a slight shock, cracks suddenly appeared on the sword body, and Chen Zong showed a little disappointment after a short inspection. Sure enough, it was no longer possible, just like the strong ones, but they could not withstand the erosion of time.

Of course, it has something to do with the environment here.

Surrounded by the storm of time and space, the atmosphere of the outside world cannot enter at all.

The atmosphere of chaos appears chaotic and chaotic. Without the nourishment of relatively pure emptiness, the artifacts in nature will gradually lose their spirituality and strength, and eventually decay.

"So, what about the three virtual artifacts?" Chen Zong frowned slightly, thinking.

Artifacts, of course, have powerful powers, but they also need to be nourished with sufficient pure power to maintain their own power.

It is nothing to be isolated for a short period of time, even if it will gradually lose its strength, as long as it does not harm it at all, it will be fine and re-nourishment can be restored for a short period of time.

There are even some secret methods and so on, which can let the artifact of power loss recover in a short time without side effects.

However, the broken or complete artifacts that Chen Zong has seen since entering the Taixu Shenxu have become decayed, lost all power, useless, and turned into scrap iron. Even if taken out, it is at best an antique That's it.

These artifacts are so, so what about the three virtual artifacts?

Although the Taixu three artifacts are known as the supreme artifacts of the Taixu gate, they possess mysterious and incredible power, but they cannot be separated from the category of artifacts. Once they are nourished by pure power for a long time, they are still in the ruins of Taixu Where this kind of power is chaotic and mixed, its power will continue to be lost.

So in the past so many years, has the power of the three imaginary artifacts been lost and become like the sword of this artifact?

If so, it would be pointless.

But in retrospect, at this point, the strong men of Tiangong must have thought about it, so that this is not a small matter, but a big one, and it should not be negligent.

However, it is still necessary to find and capture the Taixu three artifacts. That means that even if the power is lost, the Taixu three artifacts should not hurt the root, or even if they are hurt, they can still be repaired.

Suddenly Chen Zong felt like he was thinking a little too much.

The strong men in the Mind Heaven Palace cannot fail to take these into consideration, and you don't need to worry about it. Enter here, do your best to find the three virtual artifacts, and grab at least one.

In addition, it is to find useful treasures or opportunities that are useful to you, and make every effort to improve yourself, otherwise it will not make much sense to venture into this place.

Throw it away, throw away the long sword in his hand, Chen Zong continues to move forward, his eyes are extremely sharp.

From entering to the present, let ’s say two or three hours have passed. Although it is difficult to feel the passage of time, so far, Chen Zong has not found any treasures, only some bones and broken artifacts like scrap iron.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's steps were taken back, a little hesitant, and he stepped out again, and gently tempted, immediately feeling the difference, the difference in gravity.

A closer inspection of Chen Zong found that the light in the area in front of it seemed a bit dim, but it was difficult to perceive without carefully identifying the perception.

Double the gravity in this area of ​​about 100 meters, which is twice the gravity outside the area.

Chen Zong walked into it, except that the gravity is twice that of the outside, there were no other discoveries, no treasures, no inheritance, nothing, just because the war was too fierce and too vicious, and the collapse of the array Caused by an anomaly.

Such an anomaly, more than this time.

Next, Chen Zong discovered another anomaly other than the difference in gravity, which is time velocity.

In some areas, the time flow rate is double or even twice the outside world, that is, the outside is dying.

In the anomalous area, two or even three breaths have passed.

There is no doubt that such a place is most suitable for cultivation. Think about it, a faster time flow than the outside world means more cultivation time than others.

But unfortunately, in the anomalous areas of the time flow rate, the breath is even weaker, and it is mixed, which is not conducive to the improvement of cultivation, and it is also not conducive to the mystery of the Avenue of Understanding.

The only thing that can be useful is to understand the magical power. After all, the flow rate of time is different, and the understanding of the magical power is mainly based on the understanding, not the exercise.

Of course, if you are in a place full of vitality and purity, and the mystery of the avenue is clear, the effect will be better, and it is often more efficient.

Therefore, it is actually useless to double or even triple the time flow rate.

After that, Chen Zong discovered other anomalous areas. After entering, the practice of Qi Qi was directly affected, which was difficult to exert, and retained the strength of refining.

Other anomalous areas are the opposite, affecting the practice of refining the body, but not affecting the practice of qi.

All in all, there are a lot of anomalies in this too false god's fair, but Chen Zong estimates that in the past day, he has not found any opportunities, and the rumors that the world is rumored to be treasure are obviously inconsistent.

During this period, Chen Zong only encountered one practitioner, separated by several kilometers.

When the other party saw Chen Zong, he immediately turned his direction and moved further away. He was very alert, for fear that Chen Zong would do the same to him.

In this regard, Chen Zong said nothing. Under normal circumstances, if others do not take action against themselves, they will not take the initiative to deal with others.

However, Chen Zong can also understand the man's approach. After all, it seems that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the man should be a casual repair, a master repair.

A casual repair of a royal road can enter here, which is considered good luck, and will naturally be more cautious and more cautious.

Moving forward, after passing through a mostly collapsed palace, it was a darkness, a darkness of nothingness, no light, no breath flowing, quiet and dead.

This is also one of the dark areas that Chen Zongren saw when he fell from a high altitude. Beyond this dark area, he will naturally enter the next piece of ruins.

Taixu Shenxu is a collective name, but it is composed of many tens of thousands of ruins, which are directly connected to each other or separated by a dark area.

After all, the Taixu Shenmen is formed by a thousand and eighty stars arranged in a large array of Taixu inverse elements. The entire Taixu Shenmen is a large array, and that big array also represents the Taixu god. door.

At that time, the most outstanding Taixu Shenmen was actually the formation method. No matter the ordinary level or the Void level formation method, Taixu Shenmen was the best.

At that time, the five sacred places in the void had their own specialties.

Like the Heart of Heaven, the major is the power of the mind.

Such as the flames of the mountain of flames, is the magical power of fire.

Such as the Eternal War Fortress, it is a variety of warfare methods.

Such as the giant Yuan Ziji Hall, the refining body is very good, of course, training is not inferior.

The best thing about Taixu Shenmen is the formation method.

The large array of Taixu inverse elements is the largest array of Taixu Shenmen. It covers the entire Taixu Shenmen, but it is also constructed by many matrixes, from loop to loop. Large arrays, overlapping and overlapping each other, finally built a complete Taixu Shenmen, superb and inscrutable.

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