Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 75: Too virtual array

In the Taixu Shenxu, there are about tens of thousands of ruins, large and small, like a starry pattern. After the stars were exploded, they did not break away from the shackles of the Taixu inverse chaos and then collided into Pieces of land form ruins.

If you look down from the highest sky, you will find that the distribution of tens of thousands of ruined lands is continually converging from the outermost to the innermost, as if surrounded by the stars and the moon. There is only one piece of ruins at the most central place. It is also the biggest piece.

Each time the Taixu Shenxu opens, the first people arrive is the most peripheral ruins, so the treasure opportunities in the more peripheral ruins, etc., have been taken away by those who entered before. It is left over, but again and again, it will be excavated.

Therefore, Chen Zong passed over the three ruins without any gain.

Of course, Chen Zong just passed quickly and did not search carefully. In general, even if there are any treasures in the outer ruins, it will not be too good, and the opening time of Taixu Shenxu is limited, and you ca n’t always Time is wasted on the periphery, but as deep as possible.

If something valuable is found along the way, it is not too late to take it away.

Besides, Chen Zong feels that the three virtual artifacts are not likely to appear on the periphery, and they should be right on the periphery. This is normal thinking. In fact, it is not true.

Chen Zong crossed the dark nothingness zone and entered the fourth piece of ruins. Chen Zong saw another dry corpse. This is the first dry corpse. Chen Zong did not deliberately remember it, but this dry corpse and the previous dry corpses were dead. Something is different. He has something in his hand, which is a shuttle-shaped object.

The shuttle-shaped utensil is about the thickness of a child's arm, about a foot long, covered with lines, and the whole body is dim silver, as if covered by dust.

With a flash of body, Chen Zong's left hand and five fingers slightly volleyed and looked like a dragon's claws. The dim silver shuttle in the dead body's hand suddenly flew up and fell into Chen Zong's hand. Of course, for the sake of insurance, Chen Zong's palm Covered with a layer of strength to prevent accidents.

Starting with the shuttle utensils, there was a slight feeling of sedimentation, just like holding a heavy weight. This weight was naturally nothing to Chen Zong.

After careful observation, Yuanzong perceives, Chen Zong finds that the structure of this object is a bit strange, which is a little different from those artifacts I have seen before.

The lines are criss-crossed, with an indescribable sense of mystery.

"Array device." Chen Zong spit out two words, this is what the magical elders said when they were on the void ship.

Taixu Shenmen is best at matrix formation. As for the refiner, there are also in-depth investigations. It can be said that matrix formation is the main subject of Taixu Shenmen, and refining is an auxiliary.

The artifact made by Taixu Shenmen itself is also called as the array by the outside world. It is a unique artifact belonging to Taixu Shenmen, which is incorporated into the mystery of the formation method. For the array, it is different from other artifacts.

Of course, arrays are also artifacts, so they are collectively called artifacts, such as the Taixu three artifacts.

But too virtual three artifacts can also be called too virtual three array devices.

The thought flashed through, and Chen Zong carefully studied the shuttle device in his hand, and became more and more certain that this was the too virtual array of the too virtual Shenmen.

As far as I have seen before, they are all normal artifacts, and their refining methods are obviously different from those of the virtual array.

Chen Zong didn't understand the array, this is the first time I have seen it, so it is not clear whether the shuttle in his hand is good or bad, so try it.

I tried to inject his own sword element into it, but I felt that the shuttle in my hand trembled slightly. The mysterious lines on it seemed to be illuminated, but it was very slow, as if I was being blocked. Heavy resistance. Chen Zong strengthened the output and infusion of Taiyuan Jianyuan, and more lines were lit.

When all the lines are lightened, when it looks like a dust, the dim silver has also become brighter, faintly dazzling.

Chen Zong can feel that there seems to be a awakening of power in this shuttle, as if awakened by his own power, like waking from a deep sleep.


The harsh sounds suddenly sounded, and a ray of silver-white arc permeated from inside the shuttle, flickering and jumping, emitting a dazzling light.

"Go!" With a silent meditation, Chen Zong waved his hand. Immediately, a silver-white electric light radiated from the shuttle, like a silver thunderbolt, very dazzling, carrying a terrible power, directly breaking through and killing, the speed was amazing .

With a bang, a broken wall was directly hit, and it was instantly destroyed and turned into a powder puppet, and more strands of fine silver awns flickered in the air.

"This power is almost equivalent to the ten-star combat power of Yudaojing." Chen Zong secretly said that although it is good, it is actually useless to himself. After all, his combat power has already far surpassed the Yudao level.

However, Chen Zong also found that this array is not complete, or that it is damaged. Perhaps it is because of this that its power is insufficient, but Chen Zong feels that even when this array is complete, its power is also Better to do it yourself.

This thing can be considered better than nothing, and Chen Zong put it away.

His body flickered, and he passed over the dead body and continued to move forward. Chen Zong also gradually found that the more he went to the depths of the Shenxu, the more the atmosphere was mixed and chaotic. The more unfavorable he was to practice, fortunately he had always been prepared. Sufficient elixir.

As the fifth true biography of Yixin Palace, and also received the title of Wushuang Excalibur, ranking first in the Tianyi title of Xinyi Palace, no matter whether he passed the Taoist assessment, there is no doubt that Chen Zong's talent is undeniable. Naturally, it will receive key attention.

Passing through the fourth piece of ruins, Chen Zong found a shuttle array that could release the power of thunder and lightning, no other gains.




Chen Zong was passed over by a fast-moving piece of ruins. During the period, Chen Zong naturally did not gain anything, but only had limited gains.

In the ninth piece of ruined land, Chen Zong's harvest was a little bigger.

There is a mirror in the hand, a half-sized palm-sized mirror, bronze-colored, and looks quaint. The front of the mirror is smooth, but it is covered with cracks, as if being hit by a strong force. On the back, It is full of unique patterns, and those patterns are very dense and dense, permeating a very mysterious atmosphere.

There is no doubt that this is another array.

And Chen Zong also infused Taichu Jianyuan into it. The Taichu Jianyuan injected this time turned out to be half of himself.

A white light blasted out from the mirror. The thickness of the bowl mouth was horrible, as if everything had been broken. The damage caused shocked Chen Zong.

Six stars!

This power reached the level of the six-star level in Yuanming Realm, but consumed half of Taichu Jianyuan, which forced Chen Zong to take the medicine.

Chen Zong felt that if he continued to instill power, the power might be stronger, but Chen Zong did not try again because there were more cracks in the array, giving Chen Zong a feeling that he would break at any time.

Maybe just keep the last blow.

Chen Zongke didn't know that this bronze mirror is an array of one of the three virtual artifacts. Of course, there are many imitations of the three virtual artifacts.

This bronze mirror array should be a good hit. It should be better than your own full-blow shot. As a means, it is not bad. It can be regarded as the biggest gain in entering Taixu Shenxu so far.

There are various ways to enhance combat power, some directly enhance their own cultivation and so on, and some are external forces, such as this array of instruments.

In some cases, the external force will be limited, but it is often a test, but when the actual birth and death, all means will be used, just to kill the other party to protect themselves.

It's silly to have the means and not use them without limits.

Over the ninth ruined area, Chen Zongfei swept across the dark zone and entered the tenth ruined area.

In Taixu Shenxu, there are tens of thousands of ruins. The tenth one can only be described as insignificant. There is a long and long distance from the center, but Chen Zong encountered a second person.

This man was wearing a purple and black-edged armor and was as tall as an iron tower. The breath emanating from his body was very amazing, full of terrible oppression, and the breath around him was repelled.

This person also saw Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a rough smile on his face.

"Hello, you are the true biography of Xinyi Tiangong. I am the true biography of Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan. My name is Wang Tianding." This very strong young man greeted Chen Zong immediately.

"Hello." Chen Zong nodded and responded with a smile.

"Are there any gains?" Wang Tianding walked slowly while shaking his shoulders, asked with a smile, and said to himself: "I am very unlucky. So far, I have only found a few broken arrays. , And the power is very general, the collection is too much to use, but only to find a good array. "

Seeing this man's body is as strong as an iron tower, but when he talks, it is a set of things. He looks familiar, and gradually walks in front of Chen Zong, and stretches out a big bear-like arm: "Look, this is what The array I just found. "

Suddenly, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and Wang Tianding's outstretched arm swelled in an instant, as if every muscle on the arm swelled up. The sound of the burst was astonishing, as if the tight strings suddenly bounced.

Immediately after that, the stout arm was also straightened, and the terrible spirit and strength erupted, as if the void were to be crushed into powder, and banged directly on Chen Zong's shoulder.


Very suddenly!

Extremely sudden!

The previous breath was still very kind and greedy with a smile on his face, but the next breath was very abrupt, and even when he shot, his face was still full of smiles, no signs, no seem to keep his hand It seems that in this punch, Chen Zong's shoulder will probably be damaged, because Chen Zong can perceive that the opponent's combat power is very strong, but he is a strong man in Dacheng's body.

The power of this punch was terrible, and Chen Zong was also under pressure.

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