Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 77: First Legacy

The palace was dim, the shadows were suspended, and Chen Zong's long sword was lowered, as opposed to it.

"In the First World War, I was completely destroyed, and it is estimated that the three artifacts were also damaged." The black shadow transformed by the ancient Xu Zun sighed, he already knew that Chen Zong's main purpose to enter here was the Tai Xun three artifacts. : "However, the three virtual artifacts are the supreme array of my too virtual **** gates. They are the masterpieces of the spiritual gates of the **** gates. They were peerless at that time. Even now, they cannot be surpassed."

Even though only the residual soul consciousness remains, the tone of the ancient Xu Dao Zun is full of pride, which is a kind of pride, which comes from the deep pride of the bones, the deep soul, the unshakable faith.

The unparalleled absoluteness of the Taixu Shenmen and Zhendao Refiner is recognized.

If Taixu Shenmen is dead, now the level of empty fronts and refining tools will rise to the next level. Although some people have inherited some lines and refining tools in Taixu Shenxu, it is still difficult. Reappearance.

"As long as the three virtual artifacts are not damaged, even if they are wounded, they will recover by themselves."

"However, with Xiaoyou's current power, even if he encounters the three virtual artifacts, he cannot collect them."

"What do the seniors ask for, but it doesn't matter, if it can be done, I will do my best." Chen Zongzheng said.

"I only have a residual soul, and Taixu Shenmen has died for countless years. What can I ask?" The ancient Xu Zun seemed to laugh at himself: "Little friend, rest assured, I have no requirements, only hope that the stronger my race, you It ’s the true story of the mind Tiangong. When I meet me again, I have a destiny. Before my dead soul dies, I also hope that I ’m too vicious of some of the inheritance of the gate of God. Do n’t stop it. ”

"I only have a residual soul now, and I have insufficient strength to give the seal. I can only dictate it, and my friends can listen to it. With the power of my residual soul, I can only elaborate once more. How much you can remember depends on your ability. . "

After speaking, the ancient Venerable Suddenly dictated, the voice suddenly became extremely mysterious, as if it contained the mystery of a certain avenue in the void, as if it came from the distant nothingness and drifted into Chen Zong's ear.

Each word carries an indescribable mystery, which makes Chen Zong feel impressive when he hears it, and it seems to be branded into the soul.

With super strong memory and understanding and the self-sacrifice of the ancient Xu Zun, Chen Zong memorized every word spoken by the ancient Xu Zun, clear and not bad, without any omissions.

When the last word fell, the black shadow suddenly emitted a ray of light from the inside, but the dark light seemed to be facing the light, accompanied by a stern roar filled with unwillingness, and the black shadow burned.

That is the remnant soul of the ancient Venerable Lord and the demon soul.

Before talking, Chen Zong had already learned a lot of information.

For example, the demon soul is the strong soul that died in Taixu Shenxu. It has been eroded by negative atmosphere and other negative breaths all year round.

The stronger the unwillingness and resentment, the stronger the demonic soul transformed.

Ancient Xu Xun's mentality is better, so his demon soul is not very strong, otherwise Chen Zong is not an opponent at all.

The demon soul has the ability similar to the devil, can invade the soul, rob the body, and become a demon, but its essence is different.

In addition, Chen Zong also knows the names of some treasures and so on, but unfortunately, it is not clear where those treasures are. The only benefit is some clues. Maybe he can find himself better, find it better, and talk better than nothing. .

The biggest gain should be the last inheritance passed on by the ancient Xu Xun.

Refined the false seal!

Also called Lianxu 36.

This is not an attack of magical powers, nor is it a defense of magical powers, let alone a skill, but it is one of the most important and fundamental core magical powers of Taixu Shenmen.

The function of the thirty-six types of refining virtualism is the array of refining Taixu Shenmen.

According to the ancient Venerable Lord, the more powerful the imaginary gates, the harder it is to collect them, either with corresponding tactics, or with overwhelming force, that is, brutal suppression and forcible collection.

In addition, there is a third method, that is, the thirty-sixth refining of deficiency.

In short, the thirty-sixth level of refining virtual reality is a general auxiliary magical method of taking over the virtual array device, which can replace some other unique array methods. Once you practice to the extreme, even the three virtual array devices are expected to be collected or even conquered. .

The ancient Xu Zun inherited this method to Chen Zong, although he had a fate, but also because he didn't want to sever it. Although the master of the 36 virtual rehearsals of Tai Xu, who is not only one, can only be sure of other Taos Inherit it.

In addition to the thirty-six refining of imagination, there are other auxiliary magical secrets, but because the residual soul is exhausted and the demon soul is in the same relationship, it can no longer be inherited. This is also the last regret of the ancient virtual lord.

Concerning the collection of three virtual artifacts, Chen Zong was naturally attentive.


As one of Taixu Shenmen's top auxiliary auxiliary magical methods, Lianxu Yin naturally has its mysterious depths. Rao is Chen Zong's savvy, far superior to others, and also feels difficult.

In addition to its mystery, it is also due to Chen Zong's lack of understanding of the array, after all, the practice of refining the virtual seal is mainly aimed at the array, and the root of the array is the array.

As for the front, Chen Zong can only be said to have been involved in fur, and nothing more than entry, just better than those practitioners who have never touched the front.

With a shallow foundation and a strong understanding, Chen Zong did not leave the Lianxian Temple, but continued to cultivate his false seal.

Over and over, the so-called refining of virtual seals naturally condenses into a mysterious mark.

The imprint of the first time is more illusory. It has the feeling of a candle remaining in the wind, as if it would go out at any time.

Cultivation, continuous cultivation, for a time, Chen Zong forgot the others.

The hands are printed, and when they are stunned, the illusive streamers are drawn like a paintbrush in the void, as if they are a butterfly-like shuttle, and blinking into a mysterious mark.

Refined the false seal!

"The third is the upper limit of what I can learn now. Although I can continue to improve, it will take at least ten or even dozens of times." Chen Zong secretly said that it took so much time to learn and practice Fourth, too much.

After all, the opening time of Taixu Shenxu is limited.

The first three are under the full dedication of Chen Zong's devotion, and they are realized in a short time. As for the fourth, it is more difficult, even if it is the mystery of the devotion, it cannot be achieved in a short time. .

However, Chen Zong was able to enlighten himself while he was on the road with one mind and two minds, which was less efficient and longer, but did not hinder his actions.

The immediate urgency is to recover the mental energy expended first.


"Lianxu Temple." A figure landed, appeared in front of the palace, looked up, and immediately showed a touch of joy, and then his look changed: "Someone entered earlier than me."

His body flickered, and a figure in a black robe immediately entered the Lianxu Hall. There was nothing, but he still saw the traces left after the furnace tripod was taken away, and it was still very new.




This figure continued to enter until the last hall of the Lianxu Hall, and saw two figures.

One is the figure of Chen Zong sitting cross-legged and restoring his strength, and the other is the remains of the ancient Xu Zun.

The eyes of the visitors passed by, and they fell directly on Chen Zong. His thinking turned sharply, like lightning, and a decision was made instantly.


The treasures in the Lianxian Temple must be taken away by this person, and the sprinter first boarded, so as long as this person is killed, you can get these treasures and the treasures of the other person.

Of course, he dared to shoot because he felt that this person's cultivation is just the first level of Yuanming Realm, and himself, but the middle level of Yuanming Realm.

Yuanming Realm is not like Yu Dao Jing, there are so many divisions from one turn to nine turns. The gap between the first and middle stages is better than the gap between Yu Dao states and three turns.

Even if the other party is a genius, the other party is not their opponent because of the gaps brought about by the gap.

As soon as this person arrived, Chen Zong felt it, and he also felt the other's cultivation breath. The reason why he did not respond was because the mental strength had not been fully restored. The sword-like lasing burst out, as if through everything, suddenly the other party's heart trembled, and an outburst of heart ignorance broke out.

I didn't see the action, but there was a sudden flash of Jianguang in front of me. The incomparable sharpness directly tore the black awn and killed it as if tearing the black sky. Extremely, under the horror of this figure, there was no time to dodge.


One sword, passing directly.

You should know that although Chen Zong's cultivation is only the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm, his conventional combat power can reach a five-star level, which is very amazing. Although this person's cultivation is the middle stage of Yuan Ming Realm, his battle Power, in fact, is just three-star top.

Facing a five-star combat power with a three-star combat power is simply a crushing gap.

One sword was killed, Jianguang was restrained and returned to the sheath. Chen Zong did not get up and continued to recover the power of the mind. He did not get up until the power of the mind was fully recovered.

This person did not escape with Yuan Shen, and was directly crushed by Chen Zong's sword.

Otherwise, if the body of the strong man in Yuanming Realm is destroyed, Yuan Shen escapes, he can still survive for a while, and he can rob the people who have not condensed the Yuan Shen.

Chen Zong's apprenticeship was also in the hands of the other party. Upon inspection, it was only relatively ordinary. There was nothing to make Chen Zong's eyes bright, but it was better than nothing. Right should enrich his accumulation and wealth.

Isn't his own wealth accumulated so much?

As for the identity of the other party, um, Chen Zong didn't pay too much attention. Regardless of his identity, in short, he shot himself and tried to kill himself, then he would not be merciful under the sword. Get away from your sword, that time and a half will be here, and you will not deliberately hunt.

It can only be said that this person is unlucky, and estimates the difference in strength and seeks his own way.

After stepping out of the Lianxu Temple, Chen Zong looked and went to the next piece of ruins.

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