Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 78: Front Tower

The mystery of refining the virtual seal is profound and extensive. Chen Zong is enlightened while he is on his way, and he is very inefficient. He does not know how long it will take to realize the fourth. This is also because of Chen Zong's formation. Weak foundation.

After all, the mystery of refining the virtual seal contains a lot of quintessence and a small amount of refining essence.

In Taixu Shenxu, there are tens of thousands of ruins, and there are also many entrants. The total amount of Yuyuan Realm and Shentong Realm is at least tens of thousands. They are entered from all directions. At the beginning, they were all in the outermost area. Nothing was gained, but with the deepening, the gains gradually increased, and they gradually increased, but they would also meet, compete and become fierce, and there would be casualties.

Chen Zong straddled the ruins one by one, and continued to deepen. Although it is not clear where the three virtual artifacts are too real, but the more he wants to go inside, the greater the chance of discovery should be.

Unconsciously, time has passed, Chen Zong has crossed hundreds of ruins and truly penetrated into the Taixu Shenxu.

The deeper you go, the greater the chance of discovering your chances. Chen Zong can get a lot of arrays. Of course, he can help himself, but not many.

A wave of mystery, as if pulling a strand of invisible power, condensed around the body, seems to condense into a mysterious mark, Chen Zong showed a smile.

Refining Xuyin was the fourth most important thing, and finally realized it.

Refining the thirty-sixth mark of the virtual seal, basically, taking the triplet as a threshold, to the fourth, the mystery is obviously better than the first three, but as long as the fourth, the next fifth and sixth Relatively speaking, it will not be too difficult. The real difficulty lies in the seventh.

However, the seventh is still far away, at least the fifth and the sixth. Chen Zong feels that because of the weak foundation of the front and the weak foundation of the refiner, it is very difficult to understand. The estimated time and energy is The fourth weight is more than a hundred times.

Today, having one mind and two mindsets will not allow your mind power to be consumed excessively. After all, your mind power is recovering rapidly under various comprehensive conditions, which is enough to keep up with the consumption of one mind and mind moods.

Slowly understand, chat is better than nothing. As long as your foundation is supplemented and the foundation of the refiner is also supplemented, you can learn the fifth most in a short time. The absolute control of strength can be easily practiced.

The dark area is vast, and this is too empty. In fact, it can also be seen as a miniature of one side of the void.

For example, the pieces of ruined land are like galaxies or star fields, and the dark areas between each other are like nothingness.

If overlooked from the highest sky, the entire Taixu Shenxu can be divided into irregular loops from the outermost to the most central.

Chen Zong stepped into a new ruined land, this ruined land is very huge.

In addition to Chen Zong, many people stepped in, but they kept a certain distance from each other and were very prepared.

It is not a fool to be able to cultivate to the gods' realm, because the fools are already dead and dead, the grave grass has already withered again and again.

What's more, entering the Taixu Shenxu means fighting, even if you are the same classmates and brothers, you will also become the object of competition.

In this way, traveling alone is also a good choice.

Not long after, dozens of people stepped into this ruined land. Basically, they are all cultivated at the level of the Yuanming Realm, at the level of the Royal Road, difficult to reach, and even if they arrive, they lack sufficient competition in strength.

In the center of this ruined land, there is a huge tower, all black, covered with dark golden lines, which is the line pattern, looks extremely mysterious, it is a tower line.

The tower of the front stands like a mountain standing on the ruins, as if suppressing the ruins on this side.

"Tower of Fronts!" Chen Zong's eyes were slightly brightened, and Guxu Daozun said that there are many towers of Taixu Shenmen's fronts, divided into five levels, from low to middle to high to top. Then to the super order.

The formations contained in the lower formation formation tower belong to the formation basis, that is, formations that have not reached the level of the void formation, such as various formation methods that Chen Zong encountered in the Lingwu Holy Realm before. All belong to the formation basis.

As for what is contained in the tower of the middle-level formation, it is the mystery of the star-level formation.

The higher-level formation towers contain galaxy-level formation mysteries.

The top-level formation tower contains astral-level formation mystery.

As for what is contained in the tower of the super-level array, it is the mystery of the star-level array, also called the void-class array.

There is only one Taixu Shenmen tower in the super formation front.

There are as many as ten towers on the front.

There are hundreds of high-level front towers.

Thousands of towers of the intermediate formation.

There are tens of thousands of towers on the low-level front.

Of course, that means that while the Taixu Shenmen was still in a great battle, the Taixu Shenmen was destroyed and almost broken, and the Tower of the Front was naturally damaged.

Especially at the tower of the super front, the battle of the dominating class broke out eventually.

I have to say that it is an irreparable regret.

The tower of the top formation was also severely damaged, leaving little left.

The tower that has survived the most should be the tower of the low-level front, but according to Gu Xudao's guess, there are only hundreds of them, up to hundreds.

The one in front is the tower of the low-level front.

Each lineup tower can get lineup lineage. Of course, this lineup has a limited number of times. According to Guxu Taoism, each low-level lineup tower has ten lineups. After using up, You have to continue to add.

Taixu Shenmen can naturally be supplemented when it is still there, but nowadays, it is really gone and cannot be supplemented.

According to the circulating information, it can be judged that this tower of the front is low-level and contains the mystery of the front of the front.

But, is the lineup inheritance still alive?

In any case, since it is met, it is fate, of course, we must break through.

However, dozens of people, only one inheritance at a time, that is, the summit, only to reach the top of the front of the tower to qualify for inheritance.

If there is only one copy of the lineage, then only one person can get it.

Between thoughts, Chen Zong's body is like a sword light, and he rushes towards the tower of the front, and ripples like a wave of water. However, Chen Zong's body is not included in it, and other Yuan Ming Realms are the same.

The stairs leading to the previous floor are at the end. Basically, with the multiple openings of Taixu Shenxu, people who enter and exit will slowly sort out the information and combine some of the information of Taixu Shenmen. Make a guess.

Therefore, these Yuanming Realms all know that this is the tower of the low-level front, and also know that if they want to inherit it, they must climb to the top.


Dozens of people burst into full speed and rushed towards the stairs, the only way to the upper floor.


The staircase was intentionally narrow and could only be passed by one person. Naturally, one must fight. Someone immediately took the shot and bombarded the other practitioners without hesitation.

"It's you who gets out."

The roar immediately stirred.

Of course, no one fought fiercely, because once you start fighting, you will only give others the chance to step on the ladder unless everyone is involved.

An extremely powerful light, carrying a mighty and overbearing mighty power, was instantly slain and killed, and the power was amazing, which made Chen Zong feel oppression.

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled, the sword came out of the sheath, the sword was magnificent, and it was cut out instantly.

Extremely electric!

In the next breath, Chen Zong took a step forward, like an electric light, reaching the extreme, and directly surpassing others.

"Stop him." The other people's faces changed. If Chen Zongjie stepped on the stairs first, he would lead.

Maybe a short lead, there is still a chance to fight back, but it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty.

Suddenly, dozens of powerful and terrible attacks came and killed without mercy, even if Chen Zong was killed on the spot.

At this time, it is the time to fight, and everything else can be ignored.

Big air law!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong exhibited a large-scale air-launching method, avoiding dozens of attacks directly, and appeared on a ladder. This ladder has restrictions and can only go up.

But before going up the stairs, Chen Zong still had to return something.

The eleventh center of gravity is burning!

The power of the sword body in the beginning was erupted!

Great World Sword Tips: The vast earth!

When a sword was swiped out, the five-kilometer kendo area evolved into a vast land, and it swept away, enveloping dozens of Yuan Ning Realms directly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The terrible force directly suppressed, Like the suppression of the earth.

The mystery of the sword of the great world is amazing. The vast land suppresses dozens of Yuanming Realms, but each Yuanming Realm is subject to the same repressive force, and it is the prosperous repressive force.

For a time, dozens of Yuan Hades could hardly move.

After closing the sword, Chen Zong turned, stepped on the ladder, and climbed quickly.

As soon as he died, Chen Zong rushed into the second floor, and some people got rid of the vast suppression of the earth, and immediately rushed to the ladder, and there was hope for competition.

But for Chen Zong, one step is slow. Unless the speed is better than himself, it is almost impossible to surpass himself.

As soon as Da Zong's aerial method was performed, Chen Zong shook off the opponent, stepped on the stairs again, and rushed to the next level.

The lower-level front tower has only three floors. Stepping into the third floor is the last floor.

At the center of the third floor of the tower of the low-level formation, there is a circular platform like an altar. Chen Zong directly falls into it, which is the cornerstone of the lineage heritage.

The buzzing sounded suddenly, the light around it seemed to be lit, and all of them flickered, and they continued to sketch.

Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile, which showed that the tower of the low-level front can also accept the basic heritage of the front, which is what he is missing.

If this is the tower of the middle rank and above, even if Chen Zong accepted the inheritance, it would not be clear, after all, it lacks the foundation.

With the formation method running, suddenly, Chen Zong saw countless mysteries, evolved in front of his eyes, in a wonderful way, poured into his own soul, as if to form a brand.

Of course, this injection is a torrent-like injection, a large amount of injection, not a slow and careful realization, which requires time to be spent later.

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