Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 79: World God Tree

The mystery of the foundation of the front is constantly pouring into Chen Zong's mind, pouring like a torrent of dyke, it seems to burst Chen Zong's mind. After all, although the foundation of the front is called the foundation, it seems very simple. In fact, it is not simple at all. It is profound, mysterious, and extremely majestic.

Rao is so arrogant as Chen Zong, and also feels bloated and stuffed.

Single mindedness!

Consumption is better than one-hearted mood, but it can maintain a certain speed of recovery, so as not to exhaust the mind, after all, Chen Zongke has not forgotten, and there are other practitioners, who knows whether they will wait unwillingly for themselves Come out and shoot.

If so, it will be very detrimental to you if you exhaust your mental energy.

With one mind and three minds, with super strong understanding, one heart is used to sort out the basic mysteries of the path that flooded into the soul, and the remaining two minds cooperate with each other to fully enlighten, and combine the fur array that Chen Zong has previously mastered. Tao basic knowledge, quickly get started, quickly get enlightened, and improve amazingly fast.

The existence of the Tower of the Frontier is of course to pass on the mysteries of the Frontier to the disciples of Taixu Shenmen. Naturally, it will not intentionally destroy human spirits and so on. Therefore, even the outrageous injection is adjusted according to individual circumstances.

It slows down when there are signs of intolerance, and worsens when it does not.

The ability of Chen Zong is undoubtedly amazing, so the speed of indoctrination is even more terrible. The influx of madness has also been continuously enlightened by Chen Zong. If the gate of God is still too virtual, such a speed will definitely attract people. The whole gate was shocked.

It took several days before and after Chen Zongfang accepted the basic inheritance of the front, and the light around him gradually faded and then disappeared.

At the same time, Chen Zong also opened his eyes. There seemed to be a ray of light interspersed across his eyes.

At the same time of accepting the inheritance, Chen Zong was also enlightening while combing. With his strong understanding and superb state, he realized a lot of mysteries.

For a time, Chen Zong was sure to realize the fifth revelation of Lian Xuyin in a short period of time.

Refining the virtual seal has a great relationship with the mystery of the formation. Although it has something to do with the mystery of the refinement, it is not so large. It has much better knowledge of the formation and its effect is much better than sufficient knowledge of the refiner.

Of course, if you can get the knowledge of the refiner, it will be better to add two by one.

Taking a step, stepping out of the cornerstone of heritage, Chen Zong walked down the stairs.

On the second floor of the tower of the low-level formation, there is a person waiting, it seems that it is the person who has finally won after a fierce battle.

Seeing Chen Zong, this person's eyes flashed brightly, as if the fire was burning, but he did not do it. After all, the lineage inheritance is not real, and even if he defeats the opponent, he cannot take it away. In this case, why waste more time?

Chen Zong didn't do anything, went straight down to the first floor, and walked out of the front of the tower, a roaring and sad voice came to his ear.

Because of this line of inheritance, there is only the last one left. After being accepted by Chen Zong, there is no supplement to the virtual gate, which is equivalent to abandonment. Chen Zong couldn't help but be glad that he was one step ahead.

"Next, I need the basic inheritance of the Refiner Way and the mid-level star-level lineage inheritance." Chen Zong secretly said that only in this way can the refining virtual seal be cultivated to a higher level.

Refining the Xuyin is one of the highest inheritances of the Taixu Gate, which is the essence of the Taixu Gate.

The refining of the virtual seal is divided into thirty-six, and it can also be divided into twelve realms, and three is one realm.

In the twelfth realm, only mastering the lineup tradition of the upper order and the lineup of the top order can be learned and practiced.

As for the ninth to eleventh realms, it is necessary to have the top-level lineage inheritance and the high-level lineage heritage to assist.

The sixth to eighth realms need to be supported by high-level lineage inheritance and medium-level instrumental lineage inheritance.

The third to fifth realms must be assisted by the middle-level lineage inheritance and the low-level lineage heritage.

The first to the third realm, however, requires a basic lineage inheritance and an introduction to instrumentalism.

Chen Zong once learned the qidao, although it is not advanced and deliberately refined, but it is also necessary to say entry.

Each situation is threefold, that is, after you have thoroughly studied and learned the basic inheritance of the front, you can learn and practice to the ninth, and as for the tenth, you need to be in the middle. The lineage lineage of the first-level stars and the lineage of the lower-level device.

These are all opportunities, and whether they can be obtained, Chen Zong can only say that he will do his best.

With a sharp knife and a chopped woodworker, Chen Zong marched forward while understanding the foundation of the path with a single mind.

Nowadays, as a whole, 10% of the enlightenment remains, and 90% is left. It will take some time, but the level of the formation of the path corresponds to the level below the psychic state, and it is far away from the understanding of cultivation as the Yuanming state. As far as Chen Zong of Shengyuan Underworld is concerned, it is not considered at all. It is estimated that it won't be long before Chen Zong's foundation is fully understood and thoroughly mastered.

go ahead!

go ahead!

go ahead!

Although the combat power has not been improved, the horizons have been broadened and accumulated.

When he arrived at the next piece of ruins, Chen Zong saw a huge stump. The reason why it was said to be a stump was that the tree was destroyed by terrible power. Only the bottom part was reserved. Huge amazing.

Its height is about a kilometer, but its width is tens of thousands of meters, it is hard to imagine how tall the tree will be if it is complete. After all, the height of the tree is dozens of times its width. .

Unfortunately, the war was too fierce, and such a huge tree was also destroyed, leaving only this stump of a thousand meters high.

But this tree has not been completely destroyed. At least, Chen Zong's super strong perception can feel that there are still some vitality in it, but these vitality is not strong enough to make this tree fully recover. It can only be here, letting time pass, and then A little bit of wear and tear, I do not know how many years later, it really disappeared.

"The tree of the world." Chen Zong sighed slightly.

This stump is left by the world **** tree.

The world **** tree is a **** tree that will only be born in some worlds, but the Taixu Shenmen is very powerful. A seedling of the **** tree was found in a world, and it was transplanted into the Taixu Shenmen. Array, imitating the environment of the world, allowing the world **** tree to grow.

And the gate that is too virtual will also understand the mystery of the path from the tree of the world.

Of course, the fruit of the world **** tree also has good power, it is the cultivation of treasure.

But there is only a stump left in the current world **** tree. The vitality is equal to the residual candle in the wind. Even itself is going to perish a little bit, let alone flowering and fruiting, don't think about it.

After all, the simulated world array method that surrounds the world **** tree has been broken.

Chen Zong found that some practitioners were ascending the stump and seemed to be learning something.

Chen Zong also rushed to the stump after his body flashed. The tens of thousands of meters wide and stump was rough and covered with potholes, and some pits were dozens of meters deep.

Standing here, through physical contact, and with keen perception, Chen Zong can perceive a trace of breath fluctuation, which belongs to the world **** tree, which is very mysterious.

After trying it, Chen Zong found that the breath that could be felt in those potholes was more intense.

Choosing a pothole to enter, sitting cross-legged, Chen Zong began to feel the breath with all his strength. Of course, he devoted himself to paying attention to the outside world to prevent being attacked, and he was constantly aware of the mystery of the breath.

The world **** tree contains the mystery of the world. In short, when the world **** tree is derived from the world, it carries the mystery of that world, which is almost equal to the origin of the world. The two are closely related.

Of course, the more powerful the world ’s **** tree is, the more powerful it is, but again, the more powerful the world is, the less likely it is to have a world **** tree.

Originally, the probability of the birth of the **** tree in the world was extremely small, and there was little hope.

The black and white world is the original world, but there is no world **** tree. One is because the black and white world is too strong to be overbearing, and the second is the special nature of the black and white world.

There is black and white in one realm, and the two are in opposition.

Under such circumstances, the world **** tree cannot be born.

Otherwise, the world of black and white will be astonishing once the world **** tree is born.

With one mind and one mind, Chen Zong's insight efficiency is very high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Especially when Chen Zong is exposed to the residual breath of the world **** tree, his own world avenue is also stimulated.

The buzz sounded, and soon, Chen Zong's whole body was filled with phantoms. The phantoms gradually condensed and turned into a sky above, a land below, and the sky was clear. Among them was the forest of trees and trees, mountains and rivers. , And even birds and beasts have gradually evolved.

This is Chen Zong's World Avenue.

Strictly speaking, Chen Zong's research and mastery of World Avenue is not as good as the sword of heart.

After all, at the beginning, Chen Zong practiced swords, and he learned about Kendo and World Avenue. Only later did he learn. Chen Zong also practiced swords, and he certainly outperformed World Avenue for the growth of Kendo.

But now, enlightenment on the stump of the world **** tree stump has inspired its own world avenue, which is of great help to the world avenue, as if it is the breath of the world's origin.

Under the cultivation of the Taixu Shenmen for many years, this world **** tree is constantly growing. It is comparable to the world **** tree in the middle world. Even if it is only a remnant, it is still very amazing. Other practitioners can also participate. Realize some of these mysteries.

Of course, this is useful for the Yuan Ming Realm and the Royal Realm, especially the enlightenment of the Royal Realm, the ascension will be more obvious, and the Yuan Ming Realm can also be ascended to the Divine Realm, which is equivalent to uselessness, unless it is the world **** tree in the complete period.

Today is just a stump, not even one thousandth of the heyday. Not to mention the magical realm, even those top Yuanming realms have no effect.

With the continuous enlightenment, the world's ghost image pervading Chen Zong's whole body has become more solid, and gradually, the power contained in it has become increasingly arrogant and amazing.

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