Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 80: Divine tree has spirit

Sky, earth, trees, grass, stones, mountains, water droplets, rivers, oceans ...

Chen Zong saw a world unfolding in front of him, springs flowing and storms flowing, and the scorching sun was shining brightly, shining on the earth and shining on all things.

In a hurry, dark clouds condensed, spreading with the strong wind, covering the sky and the sun, and the thick blackness grew thicker and thicker, as if it would sink down at any time.


The dull sound exploded suddenly. It was the sound of thunder. It swayed endlessly. It rang through the sky. In the click, there was an electric light in the dark clouds. Fall from the sky.

A huge incomparable thunder shot down, directly bombarded a piece of lively land, and exploded a huge deep pit. The rain fell, filled the deep pit, and turned into a water pond.

Sun rises, moon falls, moon rises and sunsets, day after day, month after month, year after year.

Gradually, the water level of the pond continued to drop until it dried up, and a seedling broke through the ground, absorbing the spiritual power of the earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and the vitality of rain and dew, and slowly grew.

With the passage of time, the seedlings turned into small saplings. A figure all around the body came down. I couldn't see the face clearly. I could only feel the mystery of the body's whole body, which contained the terrible power. Seems to reach Taoist level.

The Taoist was very pleased to see the small tree, and the lines spread out, covering it, and digging away with a large area of ​​land.

In a blink of an eye, the saplings were replanted, and a circle of stars spreading around in a star-like pattern surrounded them. Around the waves, a pattern of waves spilled out, and a large array gradually began to form. forming.

Within that large array, it seemed as if the heavens and earth opened up, and the upper and lower turbidity gradually became clear. There was a cluster of arrays of power condensing into the sun and the moon, a cluster of arrays condensing into a mighty cloud, a cluster of clusters condensing into a vast land, and quickly spread go with.


It turned out that the power of the front was evolving a world.

Countless formations continue to condense and fall, and the world on that side is becoming more and more complete until it is completely complete.

A horrifying and extremely volatile figure radiated in the air, and a small sapling was planted in the center of the formation world.

Chen Zong then realized that this was the memory of the world **** tree stump, the memory inspired by his own world avenue, and this was also an opportunity unique to Chen Zong, because other practitioners of enlightenment did not have such a wait. Opportunity, because they do not master the avenue of the world.

The World Avenue and the World God Tree complement each other.

Chen Zong did not expect that he would get such an opportunity.

The previous small sapling should be the first time that this world **** tree was born in one world. As for the world **** tree, there are many ways. What I see is one of them.

After that, the Taoist deity with pervasive patterns around him was the Taoist Deity of the Taixu Shenmen, and was very happy when he found the sapling of the world **** tree. He took it away and brought it back to the Taixu Shenmen.

And the lords of Taixu Shenmen and Taoist superpowers jointly laid out the battlefield world, evolved the world, planted the world **** tree into it, and integrated with the world evolved from the battlefield power. , Gradually growing up, constantly growing.

Fully enlighten.

The frontier world is like the real world. There are rising and falling moons, four seasons of reincarnation, light and darkness alternate, and life and death reincarnation.

Chen Zong is like a bystander, and he is also experiencing his own experience. He has a sense of being integrated into the tree of the world, as if he were transformed into a tree of the world, and he feels step by step to absorb the essence of the world and the sun.

It was an indescribable cheering and joy, a touch of life, which made Chen Zong extremely touched, as if he were growing, as if it was a cultivation and continuous improvement breakthrough, very beautiful, immersed in Among them, more and more in-depth.

I do n’t know when the world **** tree finally grows to an astonishing point. The trunk of tens of thousands of meters and the height of millions of meters stand up in the front world and become the center of the front world. Power is as if it is endless, but this kind of power is not lethal, or the power of the world **** tree is the power of life, the mysterious power, and the power without direct attack power.

Many people from Taixu Shenmen will come here to understand the mystery of the world **** tree and improve their frontier cultivation, and some of the essence leaves of the world **** tree also have good power. The condensed fruits are picked after they mature. , Become the practice of the treasure of the gods.

I don't know when the disaster will come.

The tyrannical aliens have entered the Taixu Shenmen. The aliens are huge and possess terrifying power. They are the masters and many Taoist aliens.

Taixu Shenmen naturally resisted all-out counterattack. Gradually, there were strong men from other sects.


Everything is destroyed.

The foundation of the frontier world began to be destroyed, destroyed, and irresistible under the power of terror.

When the battlefield world was broken, the world **** tree also appeared and was discovered.

The **** tree of the world is a treasure.

However, under such fierce battles even with the **** of the dominant powerhouse, the world **** tree was also destroyed.

Chen Zong could feel that there seemed to be a lot of pain swept away, causing himself to almost die.

Eventually, the world **** tree became broken, and its branches were taken away, and some were scattered around, and only a stump remained in the end.


After the war that lasted for hundreds of years, everything was turned into ruins, with countless deaths and injuries.

Through the memory of the world **** tree, Chen Zong saw countless powerful men falling everywhere.

Gradually, the battle is over, everything is silent, here, it has also changed from Taixu Shenmen to Taixu Shenxu, isolated from the outside world under the storm of time and space, and the residual power of the world **** tree is not replenished, and Began to decline, although the decline was slow, it was indeed in decline, and its perceived field was also shrinking with the decline of power.

Today, the stump can perceive only a few ruins around it.

Moreover, it is still in recession. At this rate, it is estimated that for thousands of years, the power of this stump of the world **** tree will be exhausted, and it will be completely silent, which is equivalent to complete death.

The growth of the world **** tree is very slow. Chen Zong feels that he has experienced an extremely long period of time, which is integrated into the memory of the world **** tree. With the world **** tree emerging from the initial groundbreaking, the seedlings slowly grow up. .

Hundreds of thousands of years!

Chen Zong estimates that it took at least hundreds of thousands of years for the world **** tree to grow from a seedling to a height of one million meters before, but that is not the end. The world **** tree can continue to grow, even reaching millions. The height of meters is not impossible.

But unfortunately, that great battle was destroyed, and the **** tree of the world was destroyed. Some strength still exists today, which also shows the tenacious life of the **** tree of the world itself.

But no matter how rude and dilapidated, there is no outside force to supplement it. The world **** tree can not withstand the erosion of the years and will eventually die in the years.

If external forces supplement it, even if it is broken, there is hope to recover slowly.

Unfortunately, Chen Zong couldn't take it away.

Before the consciousness was integrated into the memory of the world **** tree, it was almost one. There was a feeling of being unclear about the way. It was unbearable that the world **** tree had passed away.

"The descendants of Terran, don't be sorry for me."

As if it was hallucination, a weak voice sounded, which surprised Chen Zong.

"Human descendants, don't be surprised, I'm the spirit of the tree of the world."

The second voice sounded, so that Chen Zong knew the identity of the other party.

The Spirit of the World God Tree!

As a world-born **** tree, it is not that simple. It is spiritual, and that spirituality will gradually increase until it finally possesses the sage.

Unexpectedly, the spirit **** of this world's tree has not died yet, Chen Zong thought that he had been destroyed in that war.

It seems not to be destroyed, but too weak to fall into a deep sleep. If it were not for Chen Zong's World Avenue, the spirit **** of the world **** tree would continue to sleep until it truly died, but now it has been awakened.

Being awakened can't change the final demise.

"The descendants of the human race ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You have the breath of the world." The weak voice of God Tree Spirit God sounded again: "You have a destiny with me."

"Soon after, I will disappear completely, after all, I ca n’t escape from death. It ’s better to give you the last strength." The **** of the world tree said, the weak voice, a little more suddenly, like a weathered wise old man .

Immediately, an overwhelming force burst out from the world **** tree. Dozens of practitioners who were learning the mystery on the stump were irresistible. Under the impact of this force, they were suddenly blown out. Almost flying out of this ruined land.

The rays of light shone and shrouded over the entire stump, rising straight into the sky, but suddenly rushing into the sky for thousands of meters, and then, from all directions, gathered and fell to the center, like a sky. The waterfall fell.

Not everyone was blasted on the stump, and there was another person, Chen Zong.

Chen Zong received preferential treatment.

The light shot down from above, and a force rushed from below. At an instant, Chen Zong was suspended in midair, surrounded by the two forces above and below.

The power continued to pour into Chen Zong's body, and the imaginary shadow of the world avenue surrounding Chen Zong became more and more staring, and gradually expanded.

The last remaining strength of the world **** tree did not promote Chen Zong's cultivation, but was integrated into Chen Zong's body, which can make Chen Zong's cultivation more smooth in the future. The advantage is that Chen Zong's understanding and mastery of the world avenue can be further improved, and he can continuously approach the sword of heart.

Surrounded by the world's shadow, power is constantly being injected, but not violently, but bit by bit, like a stream of water, so that Chen Zong can absorb these forces and understand the mysteries and enhance himself.

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