Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 81: Area 2

(The power failure has not come until now)

Power is constantly surging, even if it is only the remaining power of the world **** tree, which is less than one ten thousandth of the complete period, it is still magnificent and immense.

You must know that after hundreds of thousands of years of growth, there are millions of meters in the world's **** tree, how powerful and powerful it is, the Taoist level cannot be compared with it, even if it is less than one ten thousand, or even less than one hundred thousand One-third is still very amazing and extremely pure.

Such a constant influx of power was also continuously absorbed and refined by Chen Zong, and the mystery contained in it was also continuously understood by Chen Zong.

The accumulation of World Avenue is becoming more and more magnificent. In fact, Chen Zong's mastery and application of World Avenue are improving.

When all the power poured into Chen Zong's body, Chen Zong's figure naturally fell.

"The descendants of the race with whom I have a relationship, hope that my last strength, for you ... has ... use ..." The weak voice sounded, and finally became intermittent and finally silent.

Chen Zongmoran immediately whispered: "Thank you ..."

Although, the spirit **** of the world **** tree can no longer hear.

A sad feeling lingered in Chen Zong's heart, as if a strand of silk-like shuttle weaving, turning into a net called sadness covering his heart.

The resonance of memory seems to be the experience of being transformed into the world **** tree, which makes Chen Zong feel the same. Now, the world **** tree gives itself the last remaining power, which is enough to maintain its weak vitality for thousands of years.

This gift was very heavy and moved.

The overwhelming and majestic power is flowing endlessly in the body, as if the waves of the ocean are endless. Chen Zong's continuous exercises and techniques constantly urge the power of the world's deities, and continually refine this power. , With one heart and two minds, also constantly enlighten the world avenue.

"Damn, it's him."

"It's him who gets the remnants of the world **** tree."

The practitioners who were bombarded by the remnants of the world **** tree saw Chen Zong's figure appear and suddenly became furious.

Originally, they were all awakening to the mystery of the world's tree of God, and gradually gained something. However, unexpected changes occurred, and they were bombarded by a force of force. Although not injured, the timing of awakening was broken.

If everyone had been bombed, it would have been better to wait until the power had disappeared, and then try again. Unexpectedly, there was still one person left on the stump.

All of a sudden they thought that they had been bombed before they were afraid that it was the ghost of this person, at least it had something to do with this person.

Get angry!

When he was stunned, he shot one by one with a striking blow.

Many of these people practice at the level of Yuanming Realm. The initial stage of Yuanming Realm and the middle stage of Yuanming Realm are very powerful.

Just moments later, dozens of mighty attacks rushed to death, from all directions, as if to smash Chen Zong.

Opportunity, what you want is contention, but when the opportunity is gone, some people will choose to retreat and look for other opportunities, but some people are different, you must vent your anger.

Dozens of attacks, each of which is not weak, but when these attacks bombarded Chen Zong's whole body, the speed continued to drop. When they were about one meter away from Chen Zong, they all had a meal, as if time and space were solidifying, and stopped at In the air.

"Broken!" Chen Zong spit out a word gently. If the words were in the same way, more than a dozen attacks of solidified mighty power were instantly broken as if they were violently blown porcelain.

Dozens of attacks, different colors, after breaking, it is like petals flying in the sky, there is an indescribably gorgeous.

"Exactly, take you to try my new power." Chen Zong secretly said, stepping into the air, slamming, there are layers of ripples in the void, as if Chen Zong's foot is not stepping on the air Instead, stepping on the water surface, the invisible water surface undulates the layers of ripples.

The next step is as if travelling through time and space. Na Tianya is within easy reach and rushes into the Yuan Ming Realm.


As the words follow the general, as Chen Zong dropped a word, a moment ago, a terrible coercion came down. Between the vaguely, there seemed to be a roar in the void, and between the vaguely, a shadow appeared, like It's the sky, the sun, the storm, the earth, the mountains, the forest, the ocean, the river ...

This seems to be the epitome of one side of the world, very bleak, almost impossible to check, but if you look closely, you will find some traces.

The Yuanming Realms were in them, their faces suddenly changed, they were horrified to find that they had been suppressed, they were suppressed by a magnificent and mighty power, and for a time, it was difficult to move.


They can feel that this is a kind of realm power, but what realm it is, they can't feel it.

The sword light suddenly shone, and a sword swept across the sky, blending into this area of ​​repression, nowhere to hide, and no resistance.

Since he shot himself fiercely, of course Chen Zong would not show mercy under his sword.

The sword was not sheathed, but the sword was united, killing others.




Of all the former shooters, none have been spared, no matter what force they came from, or casual repairs.

More than a dozen people had little resistance, first being suppressed and then beheaded. During the whole process, Chen Zong did not consume much power.

The others were pale, sweaty, and hurried away.

Chen Zong did not pursue, because these people did not shoot themselves.

Allowing these people to leave, Chen Zong's mood was agitated and difficult to calm down, as if the rivers and lakes were rough.

The final gift of the world **** tree, the remaining power to Chen Zong, for the world **** tree, that power in the heyday was only a slight trace, but for Chen Zong, it is a metamorphosis.

Really, it is a metamorphosis.

On the basis of practicing Qi and refining practice, it has already been promoted to the first peak of Yuanming Realm and the first peak of Dacheng Divine Realm, saving at least decades of cultivation.

At the level of Yuan Ming Realm, the ascension of cultivation is not so easy, even if it is the first stage, there are some differences.

Some people have just entered the junior stage, and some have entered the junior stage for hundreds of years, and the accumulation will definitely be relatively vigorous.

At the speed of Chen Zong's practice, if he wants to achieve the peak of both practice and physical training, under normal circumstances, it takes decades to practice, but now, he has saved decades and reached The peak of the early stage, the distance from the intermediate stage, is just a severance.

Although Xiu Wei is not the whole, but only a small part of it, Xiu Wei's improvement still has the effect of improving his combat power.

However, the focus is not cultivation, it is only incidental, and the focus is on the World Avenue.

The power of the world **** tree is extremely mysterious, which contains the mystery of the world. When it is replaced by other practitioners to learn, it is to understand some of the mysteries of the avenue, and then enhance the avenue. After all, the avenue in the world is equal to the weakened version Origin of Nether Avenue.

Although the origin of the world cannot be compared with the origin of the void in essence, after all, it belongs to the same line.

What Chen Zong has, however, is the Avenue of the World, which is almost the origin of the world. The final power of the world **** tree is more than 100 times more useful to Chen Zong.

This directly improved Chen Zong's understanding and mastery of the world avenue, reaching an astonishing point.

If we say that the world avenue that Chen Zong mastered before was just nothing, then the current world avenue has its roots and cores, and that is the final source of the world **** tree.

Although the realm of World Avenue has not been improved, its essence has been enhanced. After strengthening, Chen Zong has mastered the field of World Avenue.

The field of kendo originates from the kendo of the heart that Chen Zong learned and mastered.

Anyone who is strong in the Divine Realm will master the realm. The difference is only the speed before and after. The mastery of the realm is in the realm of the mighty. It is good to master the realm in the Yuan Ming Realm. Ordinary masters can master the realm. field.

The so-called domain, in the final analysis, is a kind of understanding and control of the avenues you have mastered. Regardless of whether the realm is high or low, if you are thorough enough in your own avenue, you can stimulate the avenue domain.

In short, each psychic realm can only master one avenue domain, because they can only master one avenue.

Chen Zong had already mastered the field of kendo, which originated from Kendo of the heart, but the world avenue had never inspired the avenue field, and always lacked something. Until now, Chen Zong realized that he had not touched the deep mysteries of the world avenue before.

Now, there is a gift from the world **** tree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to get the last point of origin, even if it is only a trivial point of origin, it has also become a guide, allowing Chen Zong to truly master his own world avenue.

That source is actually nothing to Chen Zong, but it is like a key that opens a door.

The feeling inside and outside the door is quite different.

World Realm!

Realms of World Avenue!

As soon as he mastered it, he quickly improved. Originally, Chen Zong's accumulation on the World Avenue was very ambitious, and the difference was not thorough enough. Today, he not only masters it thoroughly, but also with the help of the world **** tree. km.

Kendo area, five kilometers!

World Sphere, Six Kilometers!

How amazing it is for one person to have two avenues.

Mastering the two main avenue areas, Chen Zong suddenly had an idea in his heart, but just a little thought, Chen Zong knew that it was very difficult, whether he could do it or not.

But that's the challenge, isn't it?

Cultivation is to challenge all kinds of difficulties. If it goes upside down, if the time is smooth, the time will be too boring.

The appetite of more than a dozen beheaded people was taken away by Chen Zong, leaving no one.

Chen Zong looked back and looked at the stump that had lost its last vitality. It looked a bit lonely. After all, in a short period of time, he seemed to have gone through many years, as if he had grown into a **** tree. Wind and rain, there is a feeling of inexplicable road, very profound.

Exhaling a long breath, Chen Zong waved his hand, and the purple star dragon became a fire dragon.

The purple Huanxinglongyan, which has absorbed some flames, is slowly undergoing metamorphosis, and its power is even stronger.



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