Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 83: Taixu 3 Artifact (2)

Jian Guang flew across the sky, quickly crossed the dark area, and landed on a ruined land.

Chen Zongshen was released and started searching.

The memory left by the world's **** tree perception is too falsely surprised by the final whereabouts of the Thunder Robe, which is probably on this ruined land, but this ruined land is not small. The goal of the Thundered Robe is too small, and it is not released. Under any circumstances, if you want to find it, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, I have an advantage. Since I have a 70% to 80% certainty, it must be too frightening. The Thunder Robe is here, so I must look for it with all my heart.

For other opportunities, Chen Zong ignored it for the time being, as long as he could find the thunder robe that was too frightening and succeeded, and then brought it back to the Xintian Temple, then he would pass the Daozi assessment task and become the Tao of the Xintian Temple.

The third way today.

The release of divine thoughts, sharp eyes, and the world are also inspired, directly covering the range of six kilometers, six kilometers, that is, the range of twelve miles, which is not small, enhancing Chen Zong's search efficiency.

Other practitioners have entered this ruined land, and they are also searching for treasure opportunities, etc., but relatively speaking, they do not have such a clear goal as Chen Zong, but are trying their luck.

Time passed slowly. Chen Zong was almost a carpet-like search, an inch-by-inch search. Other practitioners did not do this, but quickly searched. If there was any treasure found, he shot it, and left without any discovery.

Taixu Shenxu is very big, and there are many opportunities. You ca n’t stay in one place unless you are sure that there is a great opportunity. When you have to search quickly, you can find it if you can find it, and leave quickly if you can't find it. Ground.

Otherwise, it may simply be a waste of time.

If people come and go and rotate constantly, only Chen Zong is still looking for, and has swept most of the ruins, but he still can't find the thunder robe that is too false.

In front, there were fierce collision sounds. Someone was fighting, it seemed to be fighting for some treasure.

When Chen Zong saw it, the treasure was not too frightening.

It's very simple. Too stunned is a robe that can be worn.

The two sides of the war, Chen Zong, did not know each other. Naturally, they would not shoot. Both were not weak. It is estimated that they have top five-star levels. They are very fierce. They played real fire. Destruction.

The land in the ruined land is very hard, but it can't stand the bombardment of this kind of combat force, the dust, the countless gravel and other things are splashing away under the terrible power.

Chen Zong's eyes swept, and suddenly he brightened, staring somewhere, in the ground, a piece of cloth appeared, black, with a sliver of silver grains on it, reaching for a hand, shaking with clever energy. Suddenly, the dirt was Shocked.

"The whole body is black and has a silver thunder pattern, which is for the Thunder Avenue formation. This ... is it too frightening thunder robe!" Chen Zong looked at some old robes in his hands, and was excited.

I didn't expect that I searched for a lot of time but couldn't find it, but because of the destruction of the battle between others, the too stunned thunder robe appeared, which should have been buried under the ruins.

In fact, some treasures are buried under the rubble, but under normal circumstances, no one will deliberately bombard the rubble ground. That kind of approach is not sure that there will be gains, and it will consume its power in vain.

It is very important to preserve your own strength in the Taixu Shenxu where the atmosphere is chaotic and chaotic and difficult to add. Although it can be replenished with elixir after consumption, it will take some time. If you take more, it will make your strength less refined. pure.

The two warring parties actually did not use their full strength, but only took out about 80% of their strength. They also noticed all the time that they saw Chen Zong pull a black robe from the land, which was covered with silver thunder patterns. Somewhat good, the two seemed to stop tacitly.

In the next breath, the two men rushed to Chen Zong immediately, and the speed was extremely fast. They turned around from left to right, and their goal was the robes in Chen Zong's hands.

Of course, they didn't recognize what the treasure was. They just felt that since it was taken from the ruins, it must be a treasure. No matter what the treasure is, get it first.


Suddenly, a solid fist print came as if a mountain ran across, carrying a terrible power and directly blasting to Chen Zong, while the practitioners on the other side shot it with a palm, the palm print condensed and burned. The fiery flame burst into dazzling fire.

The fists gripped each and every one of them reached a six-star power level, which was extremely powerful, and brought tremendous pressure to Chen Zong.

Extremely electric!

Only in an instant, Chen Zong turned into an electric light-like retreat, avoiding the fist-fighting strike, the sword light suddenly flashed, and a sword waved, and the sword light opened like a scroll.

Lingwu Supreme!


Great World Sword Tips: The vast earth!

This sword does not incorporate the power of Kendo, but ... the power of the world.

Refining the heart and sword is suitable for the kendo area. The world ’s sword tactics have been motivated by the kendo area before, but since mastering the world area, Chen Zong instinctively feels that the world field is the most suitable force for the sword world .

When the sword came out, the two men were immediately swept by the vast earth and shrouded in it.


The Great World Sword Technique in the world, its repressive power can be urged to the extreme. Two strong men with six-star combat power, even under this sword, have been suppressed, and it is difficult to escape for a while.

But the two were also very decisive, immediately urging the secret law, and broke out, the combat power surged, and shot madly.

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

Raising a sword and raising eyebrows, Jianguang broke through, condensing the 5,000-meter kendo area, turning it into the most extreme sword, the most powerful sword, running through the sky. It's hard to look straight at it, and a strong crisis can't help but emerge, and it stirs up in my heart.


This sword is simply unstoppable. It has reached the level of six-star combat power. In the beginning, the terrible power of Jian Yuan was enough to tear everything through everything.

However, the fighting power of the two men was, after all, a six-star level. Although they were penetrated, they did not die. Instead, they broke out from the vast suppression of the earth.

I saw that the practitioner on the left took out a round mirror with broken cracks on the mirror surface and directly urged it. When a moment ago, a terrible light blasted out, and an amazing power broke out directly to Chen Zong.

The practitioner on the right also took out a strong crossbow, suddenly pulled the trigger, and a streamer arrow with the thickness of a finger lased, as if it could penetrate everything.

Array device!

The two people used them as impressive arrays, and the power that erupted in an instant was extremely powerful, reaching the top six-star combat power level directly, which threatened Chen Zong even more.

However, Chen Zong's full-scale combat power can now also reach the top six-star level.

Wield the sword, Jianguang meets and kills.

Focus on one's heart!

The four swords of light were divided and killed on both sides, and the power of each one was terrible, running through everything and unable to resist.

Among them, two Jianguangs collided with the attacks of the two array devices, and a momentary meal broke out, and a terrible power broke out, and the other two Jianguangs killed the two practitioners respectively.

This time, lore!

The eyebrows of the two practitioners were pierced through their eyes, and their eyes were full of anger. Immediately, two phantom villains emerged from their heads and flew away at an astonishing speed.


Although Chen Zong's attack was very strong, the two men were not weak. Yuanshen was not destroyed, but took the opportunity to escape from the body. However, their Yuanshen was also attacked by Chen Zong's qi. .

The speed of the two gods is too fast, and Chen Zong has no time to pursue. After all, losing his body is like losing his restraint. The speed of the gods is several times faster than his own speed.

However, in such a place, the wounded primordial **** can hardly support it for a long time. Without any accident, it will soon weaken and eventually die.

Unless it is the Yuan Shen of the powerful supernatural powers, they can survive longer after being separated from the body. Yuan Ming Realm does not have such capabilities.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong put away the appetite of the two men. Naturally, the array they used was also taken by Chen Zong.

"This should be an imitation of a broken virtual mirror." Chen Zong secretly said.

Three virtual artifacts of Taixu have imitations, but among them, the imitations of broken virtual mirrors are the most, and the imitation of thunder robes are the second. As for the imitations of the virtual town boundary tower that day, the imitation is too difficult.

Before that, I also got a broken bronze round mirror, which is also an imitation of the broken virtual mirror.

"This robe in my hand shouldn't be an imitation, too." Chen Zong suddenly thought that some imitations were very clever, and even to the point of being fake and real, after the world **** tree was destroyed, there might be some deviations in the perception ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Whether it is imitation or not, charge first and then say, when Chen Zong intends to put the too-virtualized thunder robe into the Nineth Heaven Circle, the changes suddenly occur.

A boom sounded as if the world were shaking.

Electro-optic light continued to diffuse out of the robe, turning into a thunderous rage.


Thunder surge!

Lei Guang is raging, like a tide, endless.

It was silver-white thunder, dazzling, crisscrossed, like the thickness of a finger, the thickness of an arm, and the thickness of a thigh. Whether it was thick or thin, each thunder contained a terrifying power that seemed to destroy everything. Similarly, the astonishing breath also continued to escape, like a frenzy.

Just a few short breaths of time, this silver-white thunder light directly covered half of the ruins and turned into a thunder field. From a distance, there was a feeling of trembling.

"So amazing Thunder power, there must be a treasure." A strong man approached, feeling the amazing Thunder power, suddenly showing a smile, a flash of body, strength covering the whole body, one head plunging into the thunder light, body shape Disappeared as if swallowed.

Not only did this person break into the mighty thunder, but all practitioners who came to this ruined land broke into it without hesitation or after thinking about it.

Wealth in wealth insurance!

If you want to get a chance, you have to be brave enough to fight and wait for the chance to come to your door. Unless you are a lucky man, you are delusional.

Opportunities against the sky, only a few have appeared in ancient times, extremely rare.

Since you choose to enter Taixu Shenxu, you have to put aside life and death, and you have the chance to dare to fight. Of course, setting life and death aside does not mean you have to find your own way. These are two concepts.

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