Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 84: Taixu 3 Artifact (3)

In the area of ​​Lei Guang, Chen Zong was stunned. This accident was completely unexpected and unexpected.

I was just planning to collect this too false thunder robe, and did not expect such an unexpected change.

Now, this too frightening thunder robe keeps releasing terrible thunder powers, and Chen Zong can't approach them, because the power is too aggressive and exceeds the upper limit that he can bear.

Chen Zong felt a little crying.

Now that this is the case, try to collect it directly, as long as it is initially collected.

Refined the false seal!

His hands quickly sealed and struck again, blasting into the thunder, and the mutation was born again.

As if inspired by the refining virtual seal, the thunder light emanating from the taunting thunder robe became more and more fierce. With Chen Zong's refining the virgin seal falling down, in the end, the tacit thunder robe seemed to disappear and became An extremely blaze of thunder.

In the end, Chen Zong's refining virtual seal seemed to sink into the sea.

Closing hands, Chen Zong retreated farther, then Lei Guang was too hot, the distance was close, and the pressure was too strong.

This power belongs to the power that is too stunned. The purpose of Chen Zong is to pull it out and let it be released freely. Without supplement, this power is estimated to be difficult to last, as long as its power is consumed. It's almost there and you can charge it.

As for causing too much movement to attract others, this is also no way out.

After all, things are not under their control, so it seems that this robe should probably be a real thunder robe, not an imitation.

At this time, the first figure rushed into the thunderbolt and approached quickly, his gaze swept across, and immediately called Chen Zong full of horror and horror.

Divine Power!

This is truly a supernatural power.

Chen Zong couldn't help but sink, and even attracted the powerful supernatural powers. Didn't he say that he wanted to get this too frightening thunder robe, and had no chance?

My current self, after all, lacks the ability to compete with powerful supernatural powers.

This is the gap in combat power.

"People who care about the heavenly palace." The supernatural powers glanced at Chen Zong, and he could clearly see the robe decoration mark on Chen Zong's body: "Since I'm here, this thing is mine. Don't make yourself wrong."

It seems polite to listen to this, but it also carries a clear warning, which means that for the sake of the heavenly palace of the mind, to persuade Chen Zong, do not deliberately compete with yourself, or you will die.

In most cases, the true disciples of the Holy Land and others dare not kill them at will. After all, the Holy Land means are amazing, maybe they can be traced out. When the strong ones are dispatched, where can they escape?

If it is in the void, it is difficult to escape, unless it is to escape to the void outside the territory, but it is an alien territory, which is also very dangerous.

Therefore, as a last resort, those who are influential can't do it without killing, and can't be without the enemy.

Of course, if you come from a very high background, you will not be so taboo.

The origin of this supernatural power is relatively ordinary compared to the holy land, so naturally he is unwilling to attack Chen Zong.

However, if Chen Zong is not interested, in order to compete for the treasure, the killer should still be killed, as for the future matters.

When Chen Zong turned his thoughts, he retreated.

Divine power, he is not an opponent. The other party only needs one move to suppress and kill himself, even if he explodes all his powers.

That is an absolute gap.

After all, he is just the first level of Yuanming Realm, and no matter how strong his combat power is, he has only reached the top six stars.

Shouting, anger, harsh words?


After seeing Chen Zong retreating very decisively, he didn't half drag his feet, didn't put any cruel words, and so on. This magical power was ignored and his attention was completely attracted by the fiery thunderbolt in front of him.

"What an amazing thunder power, if I can collect it ..." The eyes of this supernatural power burst out with incredibly hot flames, as if the flames were burning.

Immediately, the power erupted, grasping each hand one by one, turning it into a huge palm, covered with an incredible force and grabbing it out of the air, catching the fiery thunderbolt, he did not know what was inside the thunderbolt.

However, the Thunder force that can release such amazing power is certainly no small matter.

The palm that the magical power turned into grasped the thunderbolt, but didn't hold it at once, but was destroyed by the terrible thunderbolt raging.

"It's strong!" This magical power was suddenly shocked.

"Retract your claws." A violent drinking suddenly sounded, accompanied by a fiery breath, which seemed to be a raging flame, like a rushing dyke, and violent.

The miraculous state was suddenly shocked, his face changed, and he hurriedly avoided it.

"I am the first person to discover this treasure of the people who rob God of the Flame Mountain." The supernatural power suddenly saw the person coming, and his expression suddenly became dignified, his eyes were slightly frozen, and he said in a deep voice, trying to fight according to reason.

"Go!" The magical powers of Wanshan Divine Flame Mountain did not intend to compete with each other. They were very domineering and arrogant, and were directly a word roll. At the same time, their eyes were glaring, the fire was burning, and they rose into the sky, with the thunder here Intertwined, more and more amazing.

"You ..." The supernatural powers relied on the cultivation of their supernatural powers, and it is estimated that they will not be inferior to the feeling of the other party, and they will speak again.

With a bang, the magical power of God of Fire Mountain directly shot.

One palm!

Just lifted up with a palm, and immediately a red and dazzling blazing flame burned on the palm, so that the entire palm was directly transformed into the palm of the flame, filled with horrific power and bombarded.

"The destiny supernatural power!" The supernatural state of the black robe was terrified and immediately urged its own power, the destiny supernatural power also triggered immediately, and turned into a black light.

Powerful supernatural powers, mastering destiny supernatural powers, are more powerful and amazing than other supernatural powers.

The two instinct supernatural powers collided instantly, and the instinct supernatural powers of the powerful flame flaming mountain stronger were stronger, directly destroying each other's instinct supernatural power, destroying the deadly destruction.

The flame and the palm print, like the hands of the Vulcan, slammed to the ground, directly banging on the black robe supernatural power, crushing the defensive power on him.

However, his destiny is not useless, at least resisting part of the power of the opponent's flames, the entire person was bombed, but also used the power to fly back, and the damage was not heavy.

Chen Zong was very decisive. When he left, he didn't have any luck to stay. Anyway, after all, the supernatural powers are not what he can resist now.

In this case, he quickly left, even if there was some regret in his heart, but there are three artifacts of the Taixu three artifacts. In addition to the thunder robe, the broken virtual mirror and the most important Tianxu town boundary tower are worth fighting for.


On a piece of ruined land, there are broken pieces everywhere, broken walls and remains, many artifacts scattered, dim and dull, all artifacts, but because of the war damage, because of the closure of Taixu Shenxu, could not be nourished by outside vitality, and eventually died out. Reduced to scrap iron.

In the distance, a violent and strong thunderous breath exploded, passing in all directions, shaking the four poles.

Suddenly, in the ruined land, a dusty mirror like a scrap of iron shook with it, and cracks appeared, and the next burst exploded.

The light is a faint black, almost transparent black, with an ethereal breath, but it also contains a terrible breath, it seems to be able to penetrate everything and destroy everything.

As the light diffused, the mottles on the ancient mirror gradually fell off, revealing a delicate and simple body, and the faint, almost black light also gathered together and turned into one, like the thickness of a thigh, directly rising into the sky, imitating It seems to break through the sky through Jiuxiao.

Then, it seemed like a light breaking through the void.

"This is ... a broken mirror appears."

The insightful strong man saw the light rising from the sky far away, feeling the breath that broke the sky, and suddenly felt a moment of joy.

Taixu three artifacts: broken virtual mirror appeared.

When the power of the Taixu thunder robe erupted, when the broken virtual mirror felt the power of the Taixu thunder robe and broke out of its own broken power, releasing the broken light, it was located at the innermost periphery of the Taixu Shenxu , That is, on the ruins adjacent to the most central ruins, a strong shock suddenly appeared.


It's as if the thunder is shocking, but there is no thunderstorm. Some are just immense, chaotic and chaotic, just like the intangible waves surging and rolling like thousands of waves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Amazing sounds also sounded, as if the roar and roar of the ancient monsters.

Countless chaos of chaos sweeping from all directions, continually converging to the center, more and more intense, and gradually, it will turn into a darkness, as if the devil came into the world.


The first black thunder appeared, tearing the darkness, but also making the darkness deeper.

shoot down!

The darkened thunder, carrying terrible power of destruction, shot down from the sky, as if to crush this piece of ruins located adjacent to the center.

Terrible, destroy everything.

However, the thunder that shot down did not really destroy this ruined land, but was continuously absorbed by a mysterious force.

Absorption and re-absorption, the ground vibrated violently, and a strong black light swept away, soaring into the sky, but it spread quickly in a moment, as if the black wave was rolling like a tidal wave, covering all directions.

Ten Breaths!

Within a short period of time, the entire ruined area was covered by black light. At the center, a small tower emerged from the ground and landed on the ground, constantly zooming in.

Just blinking, the little tower turned into a giant tower, as if the entire ruins had been suppressed. Numerous chaotic and mixed atmospheres constantly poured into the giant tower and were continuously absorbed.

"Even the Tianxu Town Tower appeared."

"Sure enough, there was no error in the calculation this time, and the too-three artifacts really appeared."

The supernatural powers from the sacred place stunned, and then they were overjoyed, exploding directly at an amazing speed, and flew away in the direction of the Tianxu town boundary tower.

Taixu three artifacts, headed by the Tianxu town boundary tower.

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