Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 86: Excalibur Warriors (1)

There are tens of thousands of people in the Tongxian Realm of Taixu Shenxu, together with those aliens.

However, among them, the imperial realm occupied more than half. With the imperial realm's combat power, it was difficult to penetrate into the virtual **** sacred market. The interference was too severe, the power was intensified, it could not be supported, and the potential Dangerous and other powerful practitioners eventually reached the inner wall and stepped into the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, with only a few thousand people.

Thousands of people appeared in the boundary tower of Tianxu Town. Each of them, whether in Yuanming Realm or Divine Realm, or human race or alien race, was all suppressed and unable to mobilize.

Reduce to ordinary people!

Losing that powerful force that is enough to destroy the mountains, destroy the mountains, and destroy the heavens and the earth, everyone is very uncomfortable, just like a weak chicken, very uncomfortable.

No one moved, but stood, keeping a high degree of vigilance.

At a glance, although you can see other people, you can only see the figure, you can't see the specifics. Except yourself, you don't know who the other people are.

Mysterious and weird.

"Welcome everyone into Tianxu Town Boundary Tower. I'm a towering spirit." A laugh sounded suddenly, and it seemed to have a bit of bad taste.

Immediately, the rays of light fell, like the afterglow of the setting sun, and a figure condensed out of thin air, slowly descending, and the rain was in the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was a figure wearing a white robe. He couldn't see his face clearly. He seemed very young and seemed to be vicissitudes.

The indescribable breath continued to spread from the figure, and in the afterglow-like light, it was like a god.

"Everyone has heard the words of Bentaling before, whoever can climb to the top will be eligible to take the Tianxu Town Jade Tower away." Taring said again, but how he heard it, the sound was a little playful.

Suddenly, everyone's breathing became quicker, and their eyes burst into a strong and radiant brilliance.

Take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower!

Everyone wants it.

"It's just that you have too many people. The spirit counts, there are a total of 2,878." Ta Ling smiled again: "But only one person can take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, what should I do? ? "

The unconsciousness of the people's hearts rose unconsciously.

"Come on, the strong are respected, the weak are not qualified to take this tower."

"Given that you have different strengths and differences in combat strength, it is unfair, so everyone is temporarily banned from one strength, that is, the strength you have is the strength of ordinary level, um, than ordinary people Stronger, but not as good as a practitioner. "

"Come on, there are ninety-nine towering orders. Whoever gets a towering order can go to the next level."

When the voice fell, the towering spirit waved his hands, and in a flash, a ray of light flew out, a total of ninety-nine, around the circle, slowly rotating.

"To remind you, remember to choose the weapon you are best at first."

In a hurry, the afterglow-like light bloomed, as if from sunset to fiery sun, dissipating all the darkness, so that everyone is clearly under the light and in the eyes of others.

"Sword." Chen Zong did not hesitate, whispered, and then a long sword appeared in his hand.

Very handy, both in weight, length and comfort.

But Chen Zong can tell at a glance that this is just a very ordinary sword.

Because, now that he has been banned for repairing the power of He Dadao, even the destiny artifact, the extremely heartless sword, has been suppressed and cannot be used.

So what can be used is only this ordinary sword.

After all, what I have learned is all on the sword. In the case of losing a powerful force, it is the most secure to have a sword in hand.

At the same time, weapons appeared in the hands of others.

Swords, knives, guns, sticks, halberds, etc. As for the martial arts practitioners, gloves appeared on their hands, while those who practiced the leg skills appeared combat shoes on their feet.

Chen Zong also saw people in the Heavenly Palace of Mind, who had the same true disciple of Yuan Ming Realm and elders with magical powers, but not all.

In addition, a lot of people were present, such as Wanyan Shenyan Mountain, Giant Yuan Ziji Hall and Eternal Battle Fortress.

The others are Yuan Ming Realm and Divine Realm, as well as a number of casual practitioners, and more than a dozen aliens.

Chen Zong remembers that there were dozens of aliens entering Taixu Shenxu, but now there are more than a dozen, but not all, entering the boundary tower of Tianxu Town.

However, the body of these dozens of aliens exudes a trace of terrible breath fluctuations, as if they have good power. They do not have any weapons, because to them, they are the best weapons.

Even if the strength gained from cultivation is lost, these aliens are born with arrogance, this is not affected.

In a hurry, a little light falling from above was a towering order.

The light fell at a low speed, and it was hard to find the erratic trajectory, which made people wonder where they would eventually fall.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, Jingman flickered endlessly, staring at that light, moving with it, and making constant predictions.

However, in a situation where power is suppressed, divine minds and the like are also unusable, and their thinking skills are much worse than in the past. It is difficult to determine their trajectory and whereabouts, even if it is Chen Zong.

Only by luck.

When the moment passed, the second light also fell.

Third way!

Fourth way!

More and more light fell.

Finally, the ninety-nine rays completely fell and fell in all directions, as if the stardust was spinning, and there was a gorgeous feeling.

Between rotations, everyone stared, and suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Suddenly, an alien with long headed unicorn body and extremely strong legs slightly bent, under the turquoise film, muscles swelled up, and the large tendons were also highlighted, like a python, shocking.

That pair of thighs exploded with terrible strength directly, and a bang sounded as if the drums roared. This one-cornered alien race suddenly rose into the sky, jumped five or six meters high, and the thick, long arms with blue and black tough membranes were like fingers. With a grasp of the void, the whistling wind suddenly caught on to a ray of light.

The shots were as thunderous as they were shocking.

Of course, in normal times, such prestige is trivial and insignificant, but we must know that everyone is now banned and suppressed as a strength by repression, relying on the strength of the body that has not been cultivated before.

With the strength of the uncultivated body, she jumped five or six meters high, and the sound of a powerful wind-like whistling sounded. These powers are amazing, indicating that the power of her body is very terrible, far beyond the standard of normal people. , At least several times better.

In the case of being repressed in one body, it is undoubtedly very difficult to fight against such innately domineering aliens based on the strength of the uncultivated body.

Fortunately, there are only a dozen aliens, and there are ninety-nine in the tower order.

However, the catch of the one-corner alien did not succeed in catching the spot of light. The spot of light seemed to be spiritual. For a moment, it was avoided, but it was not deliberately avoided, but followed a kind of The erratic trajectory naturally slipped over the edge of the palm of the unicorn alien.

The alien was stunned for a moment, eyes widened, a little incredible.

How could it be that one's own catch was lost.

His response was very quick, and the other hand was suddenly grabbed, rolling up a violent wind, whistling endlessly.

However ... it failed again.

Furious, this one-horned alien race suddenly waved his arms, rolled up like a storm, and seemed to take a dozen shots in one breath, but it was still useless and didn't grab any light spots.

Upon landing, the unicorn alien did not grab any light spots.

At this moment, he glanced at the corner of his eyes, a human race reached out, and was very lucky to catch a little light.

"That's mine." The one-corner alien screamed an angry roar, erupted again, blasted out in a sudden blow, and did his best without mercy.

With a bang, the air seemed to be blasted, and the human race practitioners who had just received the light spot had no time to rejoice, and immediately felt a terrible breath to blow away, wrapped in an amazing killing intention.

I want to dodge, but I find that I ca n’t avoid it at all. The body looks heavy, as if carrying a mountain, my hands and feet are frozen.

I couldn't avoid it, and when I wanted to take a shot, I also found that I was a step slower.

With a bang, I just felt a huge bombardment, and my body seemed to be slammed into the front by a pretty big body, and like a heavy bombardment by a huge rock. The bones made an overwhelming sound in an instant, and it cracked. A whole muscle was torn, and the whole person flew upside down, vomiting more than one blood.

one strike!

Just one hit. This tribe, originally a strong man with a magical power, has directly hit the dying ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The power of the alien is too terrible, and the speed of the shot is extremely fast.

Although it is said that he has been suppressed in a whole body, only the strength of the body when he has not cultivated, but as a strong person, the application of his own power is also amazing, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

With the power of ordinary people, it is enough to deal with ten or dozens or even hundreds of ordinary people easily, because they can exert their own power to the extreme and exceed the limit.

This is true of human races, as well as of alien races.

A blow broke out and directly wounded to death, and that little bit of light fell into the hands of the one-corner alien.

"Weak chicken." The one-corner alien clasped the light spot, showing a mocking face.

In the case of losing cultivation power, the human race is a weak chicken to the foreign race. After all, the human race does not have the inherently strong physique of the alien race, which is a multiple of a gap.

In addition, there are practices and the fighting methods are very good, which is directly crushing.

If the human race and the alien race did not have much training power many years ago, the human race has already been defeated by its own strength. This void is already owned by the alien race.

"All tower orders are taken away," shouted the unicorn.

"A group of weak chickens, losing their cultivation, and deliberately fighting with us."

Other aliens have also made noises and mocked them. They also speak the language of the human race. After all, the aliens have their own language, and they also learn the language of the human race.

fling in teeth!

Under the predominance of a dozen aliens, they laughed at a group of people, relentlessly, even if the number of people present was far more than a dozen aliens.

"Due to the defeat of your group of men, you dare to be so mad." A sound of fiery sound suddenly sounded, and a tower-like figure also stepped out.

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