Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 87: Excalibur Warriors (2)

little Giant!

Its height is over two meters, and its body is extremely strong, like an iron tower, and the whole body is filled with fierce breath.

This is a middle-aged person who looks at the armor and logo on his body. It is the person from the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

Wang Tianzhong!

"Wang Tianzhong is a newly-born elder of Juyuan Ziji Hall. He has amazing talents and amazing divine power. He can do a lot when he hasn't practiced." An old veteran of Yuanming Realm, who is at the Temple of Mind, said by the side: "He still has a My brother's name is Wang Tianding, which is also the true biography of Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan, and he is very talented. "

"Wang Tianding." Chen Zong secretly said, it was the former person who suddenly shot at himself and found that it was not easy to deal with the person who turned around and turned away.

Sure enough, the appearance of Wang Tianzhong is somewhat similar to that of Wang Tianding.

"Come here, let me see what Tian Tianzhong can do." Every time Wang Tianzhong steps out, his breath will rise by one point, even if it is the body of an ordinary person.

Especially the application of their own power is even more amazing.

When it comes to the application of physical strength, the practitioner of physical training is better than the practitioner of physical training. After all, the practitioner of physical training focuses on internal energy, which is not a physical strength.

The practicers of physical training, although they also have the power to dominate, are inseparable from the physical body.

Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, the main refining body.

Over the sky, many light spots are still circling. It seems that there is a force to control them before they have completely fallen. The only one that has been obtained so far is the one in the hands of the one-corner alien.

But after getting it, it doesn't mean that it is stable and it must be able to hold it.

Above, a pair of eyes gazed, as if with a little smile, a playful smile.

That's the towering spirit. It's watching a show. How many years of loneliness, of course, you have to watch a show.

Wang Tianzhong's words seemed to have stepped on the painful feet of a dozen aliens, and his face suddenly sank, almost frizzling.

"Weak chicken tribe, let me teach you from Turulu." An equally tall and strong, stepped out like an alien race of the Devil and Muscle, with a terrible breath all around him, the sound of shivering footsteps, like a big drum. , The ground trembled slightly.


The strong wind roared, and Turulu raised a punch. The big muscles on the thick arm **** with his muscles. The five fingers clenched into a fist, and a sudden punch punched out. The strength was extremely strong.

This punch seems to break the mountains.

Wang Tianzhong's eyes were frozen, his waist was sitting on a horse, his five fingers clasped into fists, his middle knuckles slightly protruded, and he suddenly swelled. The muscles on his forearms swelled suddenly and swelled up like thighs.

With a bang, Wang Tianzhong's gloved punch punched out, and the tremendous force was urged to the extreme, surpassing the limit, and carrying out an extremely powerful force to kill it.

Without a half-point, the two fists collided in an instant.

It was just like the impact of two megaliths, and a strong airflow was directly blown out, swept away in a ring, and turned into a gust of wind.

The two fists seemed to stick together, and they were not separated by the impact.

The alien Tululu was full of faces, constantly exerting strength, and could see the blue tendons on his arm as if the python was turning over.

Wang Tianzhong's eyes were wide and his face flushed, which was a sign of fullness of qi and blood, and his thick arm muscles were shaking, as if a mouse was shuttleping.

break out!

With heavy outbursts, the forces were constantly released and rushed away, trying to repel the opponent, but they were evenly matched.

All eyes are on them, who can win?

There was a bang, and another round of power burst out. Between the collisions, the arms trembled and separated from each other. Whether it was Tululu or Wang Tianzhong's body leaned back slightly, his feet gave force, and the other hand blasted out. .

Head to head, only bombarded with forceful force.

As if the drums were constantly throbbing and roaring, the power was surprising.

However, everyone also found out that the more Turulru shot, the more violent it seemed, the face that seemed to be shy at first seemed more brutal and fierce, and even grinned.

Turulu's mouth was originally large, and he grinned, looking even more amazing, like a shark's mouth, going to devour flesh.

"Weak chicken, is this your strength, so disappointing me."

On the contrary, Wang Tianzhong was able to start a continuous bombardment with Turulu at the beginning. However, in time, his arms trembled slightly, and there was a sign that he could not hold it.

The innate physical differences between the human race and the alien race began to gradually emerge.

Before cultivation, with the innate physique, the human race is not an opponent of alien races, because alien races have powerful powers, and they have terrible musculoskeletal membranes, which can even be born to resist some ordinary swords.

Wang Tianzhong was born with arrogance and great power. Among ordinary people, he is simply an invincible being. However, he is still a human race and has not broken through the boundaries of human races. Even if he is stronger than ordinary people, he can fight against other races. Still inferior to aliens in innate.

"Blood burst!" Wang Tianzhong gave a low sigh, like a roar of a angry bear. At that moment, a flurry of blood red spread like lightning in his arm. The muscles of his right arm were congested in a large amount at the moment, and became more swollen. The arm also turned into blood red in an instant, like a red shrimp.

A trace of the heat filled with it.


With a punch, he was extremely fierce. When Turulu met, his arm trembled as if being beaten back. The whole person slid back a few meters and his arm trembled.

More than a dozen aliens were a little stunned.

A head-on collision was knocked back!

Immediately, Turulu became more emaciated, his mouth cracked even wider, his eyes fiercely burst, as if to swallow Chen Zong, the terrible breath erupted from his body, and turned into evil.

"Well, the point is not that you decide the victory or defeat, but that you are fighting for the towering order." A elder of the giant Yuan Ziji Hall made a sound and stepped forward.

He has seen that Wang Tianzhong's punch was a mystery, which is not a mystery, but the load on himself is not small, and it cannot be used again in a short time.

Once the alien races again, Wang Tianzhong is estimated to be unstoppable.

A moment later, a little light fell from above, attracting everyone's attention.



"Let's all fall." At the top, Ta Ling smiled with a disgusting taste, and immediately, the remaining ninety-eight points of light fell with a more mysterious and more erratic trajectory.

The aliens couldn't afford to deal with Wang Tianzhong, but locked one of them and shot one after another. Thousands of people scrambled for dozens of points of light, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

Chen Zong was standing still, staring at one of the lights, his eyes moving without blinking.

In a hurry, Chen Zong's shot, even if it was just a normal body, instantly broke into a good speed. More importantly, there was a natural trajectory.


The light was immediately caught by Chen Zong, and not many people noticed it

I did not care too much, after all, the current situation, there is no time for them to think extra.

The towering spirit above, his eyes gazed at Chen Zong's body suddenly, with a few surprises.

The falling light was slightly influenced by him, and the track was erratic and elusive.

If the cultivation is not suppressed, these practitioners can naturally catch it easily, but now, they are just the level of ordinary people, and even their thinking is affected and weakened to the extreme.

In this way, I caught a ray of light all of a sudden, and it was not a coincidence to look at the action, but it had a natural taste.

This can only be achieved by those who have mastered their own power to an astonishing height and have an extremely solid foundation.

Chen Zong is just such a person.

Compared with the thousands of people present, Chen Zong's background is very low. Don't look at him now as the true story of the Heart of Heaven Palace. Prepare a Taoist identity higher than many people, but in fact, all the people present are even casual practitioners. Chen Zongneng's original birth was not comparable.

These people have experienced very short periods from the beginning of ordinary people's cultivation to the transcendental realm. It is not about how talented they are, but the influence of the environment.

As for Chen Zong, he came from a small place in a remote corner of the sub-world, a little bit of practice from the lowest end of martial arts, a little bit of rise.

Basically, there is a difference.

Scramble, fight for tower orders that have not yet been obtained.

Snatch, **** those tower orders that have already been obtained.

"This is mine." The one-corner alien swept his right arm and rolled up the wind and roared. Although he had already obtained a tower order, he was not satisfied.

If all other ascension orders are snatched away, then the summit will be reached directly.

Although it is said that the innate physique of the human race is better than the alien race ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is also excellent in the application of martial arts, and the minority race can still compete with the alien race.

"Junior, the towering order is still handed over to the old man." An old man who had been trained in the magical sphere rushed to Chen Zong, grabbed it with one hand, and his arm was winding like a snake.

Cultivation cannot be used for strength. Only the physical strength can only perform some very simple martial arts, but even simple martial arts can be performed in the hands of powerful supernatural powers, and still have amazing mysterious power.

In response to this old man, there was a touch of sword light.

That sword light is not fast, but it has an indescribable sharpness, as if it can tear everything, as if it can penetrate through the mind, a sword breaks through the air, and the sword road blocks its own blow. Shocked.

At the same time, that Jian Guang killed him close to his arm.


The old man repaired by magical powers stepped back quickly, avoiding the sword light, and a trace of cold sweat couldn't help coming out.

What kind of swordsmanship is this, and why it is so mysterious, it has a profound feeling.

The old man gazed at Chen Zong for a few moments, eventually gave up, and rushed to other people who got the tower order.

Obviously, Chen Zong is a hard bone.

However, there are a lot of people, and there are always people who don't open their eyes to Chen Zong.

"Leave me to the tower order." Wang Tianzhong recovered slightly after his blood flew, and rushed to Chen Zong with a large hand, sweeping like a fan, rolling up a strong wind and roaring.

When Pu Fan-like palms blasted toward Chen Zong, the moment he approached, he took a slight pause and grabbed it suddenly, directly toward Chen Zong's left-hand ascent.

This towering order can't be used to receive things like vigilance and can only be held in your hand or on your body.

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