Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 88: Excalibur Warriors (3)

Wang Tianzhong, the new elder of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, born of the magical power, can lift a single arm with a pound, and when the palm slaps, strong wind pressure sweeps over, blowing Chen Zong's robes with long hair, flying, The air in front of me was drained directly, not only could not breathe, but also a feeling of suffocation.

The wind pressure was strong and the paving came, and Chen Zong's cheeks were not consciously sunken.

Wang Tianzhong grabbed this palm and did not keep his hand. If he couldn't carry it, he would be hit hard.

The shot was so decisive and unrelenting, Chen Zong's brows frowned slightly, her feet stepped on the messy small broken steps, constantly shifting and changing, the sword was raised, the sharp sword light, as if the strong wind pressure torn the wind .

Facing that palm, the sword drew up and came back.

Wang Tianzhong showed a smirk. The opponent's sword was just an ordinary sword, and the strength of the opponent was not as good as himself. Besides, wearing gloves on his palm was enough to block the sword's edge.

The grasped hand did not change, and the strength seemed to be overbearing again. With this palm, Chen Zong was directly laid down and even seriously injured. As for Chen Zong's identity, Wang Tianzhong had no scruples.

No matter how strong the Heavenly Palace of Mind is, it is also a level with the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, which will not exceed too much.

Just don't kill the person.

The thought flashed in Wang Tianzhong's mind. When Jianguang was approaching, the five fingers snapped, and he would grab the sword that Chen Zong killed.

With the protection of the gloves, it is enough to protect the palm from being hurt by the blade, and then with strong power, it is enough to grasp the blade tightly.

Wang Tianzhong's thinking is very good, but unfortunately, he underestimated Chen Zong and overestimated himself.

With a sword that Chen Zongxi raised, he avoided Wang Tianzhong's grasp with an indescribable mystery, as if it were in the water, making Wang Tianzhong feel that he had caught it. What he actually caught was just a phantom. Like a real phantom.

Too fast, extremely mysterious, unexpected.

Jian Guang struck, straightened up, scratched Wang Tianzhong's chest, and tore a wound. Immediately, the sword light fell, and the nine-turn serial sword and sword were connected. Each sword fell on Wang Tianzhong's body. , Extremely mysterious, there is a natural feeling.

Wang Tianzhong only felt that no matter how he shot, he couldn't catch the sword light, couldn't resist either, he could only growl.

After Jian Guang's meal, all disappeared, Wang Tianzhong had many wounds on his body, crisscrossed, spitting blood.


With that blood jet, Wang Tianzhong only felt that his strength seemed to be constantly flowing away.

If Xiu Wei is still alive, these injuries are nothing at all, and can be easily recovered without any impact, but the current body, but the body of ordinary people, even if he is born with divine power, it can't escape from ordinary Human body level.

His face changed greatly, Wang Tianzhong hurriedly backed away, leaving Chen Zongyuan, Chen Zong did not chase him. In such injuries, Wang Tianzhong almost lost his fighting power.

Another point is that someone else has killed him in an attempt to seize the towering order in his own hands.

For a time, Chen Zong was under great pressure.

The total number of ascending orders is only ninety-nine, but the number of people competing is almost three thousand.

In terms of conversion, on average, every person who got a towering order had to face the puppets of more than twenty powerful enemies.

However, this is not the case. Some people who have gotten the tower order face less powerful enemies, and some more.

The three figures struck together. It was the three men from the same force that aimed directly at Chen Zong.

These three people, holding a long knife, raised them all together, cut them all together, and killed them as if they were empty. They belonged to the left, middle, and right, and directly cut off Chen Zong's dodge. The sword light is gorgeous, the pressure is amazing, and it is very scary. People can't afford the courage to confront, and they can't help but want to retreat.

However, the subsequent changes are also, if Chen Zong retreats, he will be immediately pulled by the air machine, the opponent's knife light swept up, it will become more and more powerful and violent, and eventually turn into an irresistible blade storm.

The body and strength of ordinary people can still release their terrible lethality based on the lower martial arts they have cultivated.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes twinkled, as if pierced through everything, his shape did not recede, but stepped out one step, the long sword trembled, and a sound of buzzing sounds was heard, a stream of light on the sword Flowing away from my body.

This sword, with its brilliant light, struck out across the sky, as if blocking the river, as if the sky was breaking through the clouds.

The three combined swords were crushed in an instant, and the blades of light also followed, and the squealing sound of the sword attack sounded as if the ear film was punctured and torn.

I saw sword light shining like a glare, and then the three knives flew off their hands. The three men's blood dripped on their wrists, their faces changed drastically, and they hurried back.

"Bright basic swordsmanship." The towering spirit above stared at Chen Zong, secretly surprised.

The clever foundation of such swordsmanship is difficult to see even when the Taixu Shenmen is still there.

Although it is said that the gate of God is too vacant, majoring in jindao and auxiliary training, but not everyone is the same. There are also a few people of jinmen majoring in others, such as kendo, such as sword, and so on. , The combat power is overwhelming and extremely amazing.

In any case, Taixu Shenmen is a sacred place with deep heritage, and it is not difficult to train some martial arts powerhouses.

However, such a mysterious basic swordsmanship is not there.

Of course, Ta Ling did n’t understand. Chen Zong started at the end of the day. What he could cultivate at the beginning was basic swordsmanship, and he never let go. The other practitioners in the void started from the foundation, but because of cultivation, In order to promote faster relationships, basic swordsmanship will soon be replaced by more sophisticated swordsmanship.

At that time, their main energies were devoted to the more brilliant swordsmanship, and even after they got the martial arts martial arts, they would focus on the martial arts.

And everyone's practice time is limited, and their energy is also limited. Of course, they must be reasonably allocated.

Hit Wang Tianzhong seriously, repelled the Three Swordsmen, and once turned, the sword light came out like a cracking thunder, and a sword traversed, directly stabbing the spear coming from behind the empty stab.

The spear's gun body trembled, rolling up the heavy gun shadow, as if a flower was blooming, making it impossible to tell where it would eventually stab, showing the extremely brilliant marksmanship.

However, Chen Zong stabbed a sword, which was executed straight and horizontally. There was no half-stretch, but only one kind of firmness.

If you ever change, I can only break it with one sword!

This sword, if God helps.

Jian Guang killed it, and the shot took a meal, as if stabbed in the stamen, and the pieces burst.

Immediately after the gun body was in contact with the sword body, as the sword body trembled slightly, the jittering gun body was directly broken apart, and the sword light seemed to carry Chen Zong's body. Drive straight and kill directly.

It's too late to say that, if Xunlei can't cover his ears, the sword has been killed.

The gunman swept the swivel gun body without hesitation, but it was still slow, his shoulders were immediately penetrated, and the swept swipe body followed him. The counterattack was immediately broken by Chen Zong.

The sword was drawn, and the blood was sprayed with it, like a fountain.

The gunman's complexion turned pale and he stepped back again and again, and did not dare to shoot at Chen Zong again. His pale face was full of horror.

I am a supernatural power. For thousands of years of gun training, even if I temporarily lose the ability to cultivate, there is only the level of ordinary people. However, with accumulation, I can still use my marksmanship to perform mysteriously. The power is amazing. Hundreds of elite soldiers can also kill seven in and seven out.

However, such a marksmanship was broken by a sword and injured by a sword in just two or three strokes.

Chen Zong did not pursue, because someone else rushed over, one leg, rolled up a mighty bombardment.

With a look of astonishment, Chen Zong had a sword in his hand, his hair was flying, and he was not half afraid.

If you are in a situation where you can use it, you are not here at all, and you cannot compete with a group of supernatural powers.

But now, everyone ’s cultivation is forbidden and cannot be used for a while. Except for those born with divine power and aliens, the congenital physique of other people is not much different. The only things that can be used are ordinary power and Tried and tested martial arts accomplishments.

Moreover, it is still based on basic martial arts accomplishments.

Chen Zong is not sure if he wants to fight for magical powers. After all, the powerful magical powers of the supernatural powers are better than himself, and even master the natural magical powers, which is even more terrible.

With one stroke, my destiny came down to www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I couldn't resist the slightest, and it turned into fly ash instantly.

But now it is not the same. Using ordinary people's body to perform basic swordsmanship is very good at himself, and it is even close combat.


The strong self-confidence made Chen Zong's sword seem sharper and sharper.

One, two, three ...

No matter who it is, as long as Chen Zong reaches the tower and takes the robbers, they are all repelled by Chen Zong. Under the sword, if there is divine help, he is invincible.

"Chen Zhenchuan's swordsmanship is really terrifying."

"Otherwise, how could there be the title of Wushuang Excalibur."

The elders of Xinyi Tiangong were secretly shocked. At this moment, they fully realized that the four words of Wushuang Excalibur are worthy of the name.

"This human swordsmanship is so superb, it must be extraordinary talent, and it is not a good thing for my tribe." A strangely twinkling eyes like a cheetah flickering in the cold, directly knocking a human tribe back and vomiting blood. , Apparently not bad, rushed to Chen Zong quickly.

Human races and human races, although they say they do their best, but how much, they still avoid the key and try not to cause serious injuries, but the alien races and human races are not the same, they are directly the heavy hands.

Although there are only a dozen aliens, they have innate physical strength, not only powerful and fast, amazing explosive power, but also a terrible defense, and the human race is not all united. In a time, many practitioners were The alien was badly injured.

The astonishing cold air struck Chen Zonghan's hair upside down, and there was a gloom of shadows in the corners of his eyes, as if a shadow of a shuttle shuttled through the crowd, rushing at an amazing speed, and the amazing killing was from there. A shadow came out, and Chen Zong keenly felt it.

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