Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 90: Excalibur Warriors (5)

One sword!

A sword into which the spirit of spirit blends, a sword of Xeon, a sword of lore.

It seems that the sword is becoming more and more refined as Chen Zong keeps on casting, and the sword is more powerful and more condensed.

the third floor!

Fourth floor!

Fifth floor!

Fewer people.

On the fourth floor, eleven people were promoted. One of them was lucky and went straight to the fifth floor. The remaining ten people fought in a battle, five were defeated and five were defeated. The winner was promoted to the fifth floor.

Among these six people, Chen Zong is one of them. In addition, one is the elder of the Xintian Temple, the other is the elder of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, the one is the elder of the Eternal Battle Fortress, and the other two are all aliens. One-horned aliens are among them.

As for the Mountain of Flames, it stops on the fourth floor.

Of course, this is not to say that the strength of the Flame Mountain Flame Mountain is weak, but compared to other holy places, the ability of the Flame Mountain Flame Mountain is based on the flame magic power.

And the mind of heaven, under the power of the mind, whether it is martial arts or supernatural power, the driving is more precise.

The Eternal Fort is good at fighting, the combat intention is amazing, and natural martial arts is also very important.

Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan is mainly for refining, and it is also very clever for the control and application of its physical strength.

In this battle, Chen Zong's opponent was the elder of the Heart of Heaven.

"Chen Zhenchuan, I'll teach you swordsmanship." Elder Tianyi smiled.

"Please advise." Chen Zong slightly saluted.

The weapon used by the elder was a long sword.

The death here is not real death, but it can be carried out without any worries.

With a flick of his wrist, Daoguang slew to the ground obliquely, like a waning moon, cold and calm.

Chen Zong also turned his wrist, and Jianguang burst into the air, killing him in the air, like an electric light.

This elder's swordsmanship is very exquisite, and he is so ordinary that his trajectory of the knife light is difficult to distinguish. For a time, he even competed with Chen Zong.

After a fierce fight, there seemed to be a tacit understanding, and the two sides retreated.

"Chen Zhenchuan's swordsmanship is really clever. If he fights again, he is afraid that it will be difficult to tell the winner." The elder laughed and raised his knife. The edge of the sword pointed at Chen Zong, and the amazing pressure of the sword permeated. Going forward, advancing forward, there is a faint and mighty majesty, and the breath is extremely strong, which is the meaning of the sword: "It's better, one move will determine the victory."

"Okay." Chen Zong responded, his feet were slightly apart, his legs were slightly bent, his sword was raised and his brows were sincere.

Sword meaning, in the diffuse, as if all around, the invisible sharp cutting everything, tearing everything.

In the next breath, the elder stepped out, the blade of light flashed, turned into one, and leaped directly, just like tearing the dark lightning, extremely fast and extremely powerful.

Chen Zong also fell in one step, Jianguang broke through, all the sword intentions were restrained in it, and turned into a stream of skylight, running through nothingness.

The sword and the sword passed by in an instant, with the two sides facing away, motionless.

After three breaths, a trace of blood appeared from the elder's neck and slowly leaked out, but Chen Zong was safe and sound.

"I'm injured." Elder Tiangong wiped the blood on his neck, sighed slightly, then turned and smiled at Chen Zong: "Chen Zhenchuan, I'll see you next."

After that, the elder conceded directly.

His swordmanship is very strong and very clever, because the elder is a sword repair, but this swordmanship is still detrimental to Chen Zong's swordmanship.

Chen Zong won and entered the sixth floor.

In the next two wars, the unicorn alien defeated the elders of Juyuan Ziji Hall and was promoted.

Elder Eternal Castle defeated another alien and successfully advanced.

"There are only three of you left, but only one of them can reach the summit." The towering spirit fell down and said with a smile, his eyes glanced away.

Immediately, a finger was pointed at the elder of the Eternal War Fortress, and then another finger hovered between Chen Zong and the one-cornered alien.

In the end, the finger pointed at the unicorn alien.

The unicorn grinned, and his face was fierce.

The elders of the Eternal War Fortress have a dignified complexion, the unicorn alien talent is amazing, the explosive power is very terrible, it is not easy to resist it, or it is you who die.


Amazing warfare erupted from the elder of the eternal battlefield and rose into the sky.

Eternal battle, fight for life.

Under the level of the sacred gods, they continue to cultivate, cultivate war will, and often are in battle. After breaking through the sacred gods, they will enter the northern front after a little rest, to go through the life and death torture with the barbarians, let Yun The war will be transformed.

The practitioners of the Eternal Battlefield are the Vietnam War, the stronger the war will.

The stronger the war will, the more their combat power will be increased accordingly.

The one-corner alien sneered, charging like a bear, but with an astonishing speed like a cheetah. The combination of strength and speed formed a terrible oppressive oppression.

The elder of the Eternal Battle Fortress slightly raised his eyebrows, and immediately, stepped out, his figure burst, and it seemed as if he was going to bump into this one-corner alien.

The one-corner alien is aware of this, and his face is becoming more and more fierce.

His previous opponents were all brutally beaten by him.

The thunderous roar rang continuously, the unicorn alien arms swelled, punched continuously, getting faster and faster, rolled up a violent storm of fists, pushed forward, as if everything in front could be shattered .

Chen Zong gazed, it was certain that if he was hit, the elders of the Eternal Battlefield would die, and would even be directly blasted.

Just at the moment of the collision, the elders of the Eternal Battlefield were in the wrong shape, and even performed an amazing footwork, avoiding the unicorn alien fist storm, sideways, one leg across the air, as if crossing mountains Like whipping.

This leg, I did my best, it was windy and thunderous, and it was extremely powerful. If I was kicked, it was difficult to resist with the arrogant body of the one-corner alien, and it would hurt directly, and even the neck bone would Was kicked directly.

The one-cornered alien race has extremely rich combat experience, immediately waving his arms to resist, and rotating his arms. The five fingers were bent and grasped the elder's leg of the eternal battlefield, and buckled it directly, as if to pinch the calf.

Holding back the pain, the elder of the Eternal Battle Fort also broke out with full force, and banged directly on the head of the unicorn alien.


Very tragic!

The one-corner alien was severely hit on the head, but the elder of the eternal battlefield was also caught by the calf and slammed to the ground, violently smashed to death.

With a splash, blood splattered, the elder battlefield elder's broken **** body was flung to the side, and the unicorn alien roared with blood.

The last battle was for Chen Zong and the one-corner alien.

The unicorn's injury was completely restored, and his strength was completely restored.

"Human race, you're dead." The one-corner alien is full of grim eyes, his face is arrogant and fierce.

The killing of Bi seems to be substantive, and Chen Zong will be destroyed.

However, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, with a sword in his hand, and the meaning of the sword permeating all around, his eyes flickered with a ray of elite coldness.

This battle is the last battle, and its victory and loss is more about the ownership of the Tianxu Town Tower.

If you lose yourself, you will be taken away by this alien in the Xuanzhenjie Tower, which is not a good thing for the human race.

"Anyway, even if I can't get the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, aliens are not allowed to take it away." Chen Zong said secretly.

Although the aliens now live in the void outside the territory and coexist peacefully with the human race, no one can guarantee that when the aliens will make a comeback and re-enter the void.

The so-called contract is only a kind of limitation. Limited restrictions can be broken.

The towering power of the virtual town boundary is extraordinary this day. If it is taken away by the aliens, if the aliens come to Japan to invade again, then the towering virtual town boundary will not know how many human races will be killed.

Therefore, Chen Zong had great reasons to win. The first reason was that the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower was owned by the human race and could not be taken away by other races.

The second reason is that Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is very important to its own assessment.

Faith has become firmer and stronger, and it seems that there is an indescribable power. From Chen Zong's heart, there is a feeling that he has to break through the ban and the limit.

Chen Zong only felt that his sword seemed to be a little stronger than nothing.

This kind of strength makes Chen Zong himself a little vague and speculative, but he doesn't have much clue, not to mention that now he is facing a strong enemy, and he has no intention to show it, and can't be distracted.

This one-corner alien is extremely powerful.

Similarly, the one-corner alien is also very jealous of Chen Zong. Although the opponent's body is completely inferior to himself, the sword technique is very scary. The sword is extremely sharp. Even though the one-corner alien's physique is amazingly defensive, there is no certainty to block it. Chen Zong's Sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong also knows very well that his physique can't stop the other's punch, which is enough to knock himself out.

Therefore, in this battle, it is extremely dangerous, and if you are a little careless, you will die. Although it is not true death, you will lose the qualification to climb to the top.

"One sword!"

"I want to kill this alien with one sword."

Chen Zong said secretly, the belief became more firm, the killing power became more intense, and the sword intention became more condensed.

If you are in a protracted battle, it is very bad for you, after all, the innate physique of the human race cannot be compared with the alien race.

Therefore, use all the power in one sword, bet on one sword, and carry a sword of faith.

Eyes, more and more condensed, as if all the sharp edges converge in it, faintly become a point, the extreme point, the unicorn alien pupil shrinks, faintly feel a tingling sensation all over the body, terrified.

Suddenly, the one-corner alien screamed, and his strength broke out completely. The original seemingly huge body seemed to swell again. The more horror it was, the more powerful it was.

Stomp on the ground with both feet, like a raging giant bear, but with the speed of a cheetah, the thick arms suddenly clenched their fists, blasted out continuously, turned into the shadows of the sky, shrouded in all directions, rolled There was a violent, extreme boxing storm, destroying and destroying everything.

Chen Zong's eyes became brighter. In the end, it seemed as if the sun was included in it.

The body was slightly low, suddenly erupted, and the sword became one, as if it had disappeared. There was only one sword light, and one extremely sharp sword light swept across the air.

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