Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 91: Excalibur Warriors (6)

Sword light, if the sky streamer, like a lightning row, like a meteor across the gap.

The one-corner alien fell forward, and Chen Zong's left arm was broken.

Lose both!

However, Chen Zong won.

The body of the one-corner alien race turned into a light and disappeared into the tower tower of Tianxu Town, leaving only Chen Zong.

"Are you a disciple of Xintiangong?" Ta Ling appeared in front of Chen Zong, looking at Chen Zong with interest, looking up and down as if to see it through. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, Chen Zong's broken left arm also recovered instantly. As always, the pain disappeared without a trace.

"Yes." In the face of Ta Ling, Chen Zong did not fear, and responded with a free expression: "Now I can reach the summit."

"Yes, you can take the Tianxu Town Jie Tower." Ta Ling smiled. "Be prepared, there are many people waiting for you outside the tower."

Chen Zong frowned slightly.

Obtaining the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower by yourself will surely attract others to fight for it.

In the tower, all the people's cultivation for the avenue were suppressed, and they could only perform basic martial arts with the power of basic physiques. In this regard, they were not afraid of anyone.

However, in the case of Xiu Wei recovery, he is not the opponent of the supernatural powers.

However, since the Tianxu Town Jie Tower was to fall into its own hands, it was decided that it could not slip away from its own hands.

"Can I control the power of the Tianxu Town Tower?" Chen Zong asked.

If it can be grasped, then, under the urging, the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower can release its power, suppress other people, and even ingest it into the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, completely suppressing it.

In this way, he is even more fearless.

"With your power, you can only procure the first power of Tianxu Town Boundary Tower." Ta Ling smiled.

The Tianxu Town Boundary Tower was not severely damaged, it can only be considered as a minor injury, and its impact is not great. If you want to fully stimulate the power, you must refine it, and at least you must have the power of divine power.

Chen Zong is the Yuan Ming Realm, but it is only the first class. It can motivate the first power, or under the circumstances that the Taling is willing to cooperate.

"Then, now I give you the initial control of the Tianxu Town Jie Tower." The Ling Ling pointed a finger, and the light fell on Chen Zong's body. For a while, Chen Zong felt that there was more between him and this Tianxu Jie Tower There is no trace of the unknown link: "Now it's up to you. If you can't keep it, the Tianxu Town Tower will be taken away."

In other words, Chen Zong only felt that the towering spirit in front of him seemed to be continuously retreating, but in fact the towering spirit did not move, it was himself who was retreating, and he was exiting the Tianxu town boundary tower.

Chen Zong saw all the figures, it seemed that after seeing himself, his eyes brightened, and he rushed over quickly.

The tyrannical atmosphere also permeated and continued to impact, as if to destroy Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong had a feeling of being on the cusp of the wind.

The elders of Xinyi Tiangong appeared next to Chen Zong at the fastest speed, protecting Chen Zong firmly, and releasing the breathless fluctuations.

"Backward and forward, you have to be against my mind, Heaven Palace, and consider the consequences yourself." An elder directly burned his heart fire, and a heavy illusion flame burned on his body, constantly superimposed, and a tyrannical breath followed. of.

The burning of the twenty-thousand flames proved that the elder had cultivated his thirty-three heavens to the twentieth.

The eruptions and words of the elders really shocked a group of people.

The Temple of Mind, the first of the four holy places, is very arrogant and not easy to provoke.

If you continue to compete for the virtual town boundary tower that day, it will indeed provoke the Mind Palace, and it is not good to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

However, not all forces will jealous of the Tiangong Temple, such as those aliens, such as Wanyan Shenyan Mountain, such as the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

For a while, everyone in Xintiangong was facing siege.

The breath at the level of the miraculous crazed like a wave of destruction, terrifying.

Relatively speaking, there is no advantage to one side of the mind.

"Boy, surrender the tower tower of Tianxu Town." Wang Tianzhong's body was strong like an iron tower. After being restored, he was shocked in all directions by a breath of horror, as if it could shatter the mountains, terrifying.

"People who mind the heavenly palace, it is best to surrender the Tianxu town boundary tower, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk." An elder of the flame mountain of a thousand gods burned the black flame of horror, as if the **** of fire came, it seemed to burn everything in heaven and earth.

Under the leadership of one-corner aliens, more than a dozen aliens looked at each other with horror and murder, and they continued to impact.

The other forces and the monks did not dare to approach this, which was obviously a confrontation between the holy sites. They were not allowed to intervene. If they wanted to intervene forcibly, they would be killed by themselves.

For a time, everyone in Tianxin Palace looked cold and pressure increased sharply.

Suddenly, the anomalous changes occurred, and an overwhelming amount of warfare rose into the sky, even helping the mind heaven palace to fight against other strong forces.

"Eternal battle, what do you mean?" Wang Tianzhong of Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan angered. He tried to **** Chen Zong's tower in Tianxu Town Boundary, but he was injured again and again. The powerful man of the perfect divine realm was actually injured by a junior at the level of the Yuanming Realm. He was helpless and how tormented.

"Chen Zong can also be regarded as a half disciple of my eternal battlefield," said an elder of the eternal battlefield. But in his tone, there was a terrible power.

Chen Zong has been given the Eternal Heaven and Earth Order, entered the Eternal War Fortress, practiced the martial arts skills of the Eternal War Fortress, and so on.

Although in the end, Chen Zong became a disciple of the Heart of Heaven Palace and did not join the Eternal War Fortress, but there are some fate.

Of course, it's also because Chen Zong is very good. The eternal battlefield spreads the net widely, and many people get its war orders, but it is only a part of it.

As for those who did not join the Eternal War Fortress in the end, what happened, the Eternal War Fortress would actually ignore it.

After all, with so many people, the Eternal Battlefield is not idle and has nothing to do.

However, Chen Zong is very outstanding, very outstanding, and his talents are amazing. They have all learned about the title of Wushuang Divine Sword, and they have also seen the amazing sword skills revealed by Chen Zong in the tower of Tianxu Town.

In the future, Chen Zong will definitely become a strong swordsman.

Talent is amazing and the potential is endless. Such people are certainly worth investing in.

Under the cooperation of Xinyi Tiangong and Eternal War Fortress, they immediately called Wanzhan Shenyan Mountain and Juyuan Ziji Hall jealous, and so did a dozen other aliens.

Under the circumstances that can be used, the strong human race is not so easy to deal with.

Although the aliens wanted to get the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, the situation in front of them made them dare not act lightly.

As if there is a tacit understanding, the elders of the flames of the Mountain of Mansions and the elder of the Giant Yuan Ziji Temple have shot, and a dozen aliens have also taken the opportunity to take the opportunity.

The battle unfolded, and Chen Zong, the elder of the Heavenly Palace, was firmly guarded, and fell directly into the downwind. Although the elders of the Eternal Battle Fortress were strong, they were also suppressed for a while in the face of many powerful enemies.

"Town!" A small black tower appeared on Chen Zong's left hand, spitting out a word, as if the sound of the sky was magnificent, and then, a violent wave rushed out of the small black tower, passing by.

Just now, when the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower was collected by Chen Zong, the repressive force disappeared.

But now, the repressive force is reappearing.

It was just moments, darkness was all around, and everyone was in it, being suppressed.

However, the people of the Mind Heaven Palace and the Eternal War Fortress were not affected.

"Retreat!" Without hesitation, the people of Wanshan Shenshan and Juyuan Ziji Hall retreated. Under this kind of suppression, their cultivation power can still be used, but because of interference, they cannot be used to the ordinary. State, it is estimated that it can only exert about 50% of its strength.

Such strength directly falls into the downside and is at a disadvantage.

On the contrary, they can all feel the stable atmosphere of the mind of the Heavenly Palace and the Eternal War Fortress, without any trace of interference.

It's the same as the other.

"Let you be arrogant." For a long time, the elders of the Mind Heaven Palace and the Eternal Battle Fortress fought back, pressure, pressure of strength, suppression of combat power.

"Ge Laozi, kill you." A elder of the eternal battlefield burst out swearing, only to be suppressed very badly, now, finally, can fight back.

For a time, the flames of the Mountain of Fire and the Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan and dozens of aliens were beaten by chickens.

Of course, trying to kill them is not easy.

What's more, the flames of the Mountain of Fire and the Ziyuan Hall of the Giant Yuan and a dozen other aliens are not stupid. Knowing that their strength is affected, they will not engage in battle, but will continue to retreat. Repression range.

Chen Zong's ability is limited. The first suppression of the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower can only maintain a 10,000-meter square, which is incomparable to the formerly shrouded land ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The tower is already here, so let's leave. An elder Tiangong said to Chen Zong.

Tianxu Town Jade Tower is the first of the three imaginary artifacts, but it is a strategic array. Its power is amazing. Its value is inestimable. It is much better than getting a virtual mirror and a tacit thunder robe.

After all, there are offensive artifacts such as broken virtual mirrors, as well as the heavenly palace of the mind, but there is no such thing as the tower tower of the town of Tianxu.

Chen Zong quickly thought.

According to Chen Zong's own intention, he intends to stay in Taixu Shenxu looking for opportunities.

But the situation is different now.

Owning the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower directly became the target of many people.

Even if you hand over the Tianxu town boundary tower to the elders of Xintiangong and let them take it away, it will be very bad for you to continue to stay.

At least many people will target themselves.

Everything, or the lack of combat capability.

"Elders, before I leave, I need to go to a few ruins to see." Chen Zong said.

"OK." An elder agreed immediately and escorted Chen Zong.

With their escort, and the Tianxu Town Tower in hand, once opened, the suppression of 10,000 meters, other people could not help Chen Zong.

Those ruins are exactly the ruins where the towers of the front and the towers of the tools exist. The purpose of Chen Zong is to inherit.

This is good for your own accumulation, and it is also a kind of perception derived from the mind. It may be useful in the future.


Device Road!

This is not to say that you have to follow the path of the front or the path of the road, after all, it takes a lot of time and energy to study.

I majored in Kendo.

But all things in the world have something in common.

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