Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 92: Kamizuka

As a streamer, under the protection of an elder, he flew out of Taixu Shenxu quickly. The storm of time and space outside Taixu Shenxu was still in the exhaustion period and had not yet recovered.

Not long after, Chen Zong and others rushed out of the space-time storm without encountering the storm vortex when they entered.

"Chen Zhenchuan, you move the array back in the void first," said an elder with a smile. "I will enter the Taixu Shenxu for opportunities."

The Taixu Shenxu has not been closed yet, so a rare opportunity cannot be wasted.

However, Chen Zong, who has moved the array in the void, can directly return to the Heavenly Palace of the Mind without having to be guarded by them.

"Thank you all the elders." Chen Zong nodded, took out the Void and moved the array, and opened it immediately.

Watching Chen Zong disappear under the power of the Void Array, a group of elders turned around and went to Taixu Shenxu again, relying on their cultivation and fighting power, even if they were caught in several magical realms. Siege can also escape.

Now that Chen Zong is gone, they can safely explore Taixu Shenxu and look for opportunities.

The power of the Great Void Array was amazing. In a short time, Chen Zong crossed the Western Void and entered the central void, away from danger, and then entered the black and white world.

Back at the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong was slightly relieved.

Carrying the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, to be honest, my pressure is really not too small, and now I finally returned to the heart of Heaven and was truly safe.

After moving out of the void, Chen Zong quickly moved to Yixin Palace, first looking for Master and Devotion.

"Come back." Seeing Chen Zong, he smiled with all his heart.

"Master, fortunately not shameful." Chen Zong laughed, and with all his heart hearing the words, his eyes suddenly glowed.

"Okay." Zundao couldn't help but be excited: "Hold it out for the teacher to see what artifact you got."

Chen Zong's palm opened, and a small black tower suddenly appeared in his hand, permeating a trace of unique breath.

"This is ..." Yixindao eyes and pupils contracted like a needle: "Pagoda-shaped artifact, is it the Tianxu town boundary tower behind the three virtual artifacts?"

Three virtual artifacts: broken virtual mirror, too virtual thunder robe, Tianxu town boundary tower.

The three artifacts are juxtaposed, but their value is recognized in the hearts of everyone.

The most precious thing is naturally the Tianxu Town Jie Tower, followed by the Taixu thunder robe, and again the broken virtual mirror.

The Taixu Shenxu was opened, and the mission of Chen Zizong's assessment of the mind from the Heavenly Palace was to bring back one of the three artifacts of the Taixu, even if it was a broken virtual mirror.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zong even brought back the Tianxu Town Tower, which can be imagined to be surprisingly difficult.

This is a big event. As soon as the Daoist Zong took Chen Zong, he went to see the Master of the Heavenly Palace of Mind, and the Master also gathered many Daoists.

"It is indeed the tower tower of Tianxu Town."

"That's right, it's the Tianxu Town Jade Tower, one of the three virtual artifacts."

"This tower was damaged, but not severe enough to be repaired."

The main roads were inspected one after another, and in the end, they were very satisfied.

As for the towering spirit, she didn't say a word, and she didn't look like she was teasing everyone in Taixu Shenxu.

No way, these people around, at least Taoist strong, are not able to deal with it.

Under the power of self-motivation, Tianxu Town Boundary Tower can deal with the magical powers and suppress it, but there is no way to be a Taoist level, so the towering spirit is very low-key and very well behaved.

"Since Chen Zong brought back to the Tianxu Town Jie Tower and completed the Daozi assessment task, I announced that since then, Chen Zong is our favorite Tiangong Daozi, the third one," said the master.

He smiled so hard that he couldn't shut up.

"This guy is making a lot of money."

"Isn't it? The first and third ones are his disciples."

The other Taoists ridiculed one after another, but the words contained a strong envy.

There is no way to be envious.

Now counting the newly-increased Taoist Chen Zong, there are three Taoist Taoist temples, two of which belong to the Yixin Palace.

The big disciple of Yixin Palace, the first true biography of the North Road Sirius Luo Beichuan, is the first son of today ’s Xinyi Temple, and the second son belongs to the Xinyi palace. Now the third son, Chen Zongshuang Sword, is still the Yixin palace.

Taoists in other palaces are naturally envious. Why are their disciples, etc., no one can become a Taoist?

Of course, envy is envy, but it is not jealous, but just happy, and it is inevitable to make fun of it.

Yixin Daozhuang didn't care about everyone's ridicule, and was very happy and excited.

Although compared with the other four houses, the one-hearted house still seems very immature. After all, the time of creation is far inferior to other four houses. Furthermore, because one-hearted tricks are difficult to cultivate and difficult to inherit, the one-hearted house now has only six people, one hearted. Dao Zun is the Master, and the remaining five are disciples.

Compared with the other four palaces, the comprehensive strength of the one heart palace is actually the weakest, because the one heart palace is not dominated, and there is only one Taoist respect. The comprehensive strength of the other four palaces is much stronger than the one heart palace.

However, Yixin Taoism is the most powerful among all Taoism in the Heavenly Palace.

The first true story of Yixin Palace, Luo Beichuan, is the first one of Xinyi Temple, and the third true story is Chen Zong, the fifth true story of Yixin Palace.

The scenery is infinite!

"Here is this disciple, what is Fu Fu asking for?" He was extremely excited with his heart, and his mood was ups and downs.

Soon, the news that Chen Zong became the third son was also announced. Everyone at the Mind Heaven Palace knew it, except those who were still in Taixu Shenxu or some secret places could not receive the news.

Daozi, this is a name and representative owned by powerful forces.

Forces with insufficient strength do not have such respects as Tao, which is a symbol of a powerful force on one side.

In today's void, only a few powerful forces can set up Taoist honors, and naturally there are four major holy places.

Lie Dao Zi is a great event, no matter which powerful force it is in, so it will be publicized and let the vanity know about it.

Of course, letting the void be known is a bit exaggerated. Generally only those big forces know about it, that is, the stars-level forces. As for the forces below the star-level, they do not have such qualifications.

It's like the monarchy of the Eastern Void monary galaxy, knowing the Celestial Palace, but not clear about the composition of the Celestial Palace.

For such major events as Lie Daozi, Tianxin Gong will not only issue notices, but also invite those with great influence to come and participate.

This also requires some preparation, not so easy.

Yixin Daozun left with Chen Zong, but instead of taking Chen Zong back to Yixin Palace, he continued to go deep into the heavens with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong didn't know why, and he did not explain it with all his heart, so he continued to go deep.

But as you can see,

, Yixindaozun's complexion became more solemn, with a faint solemn taste.

In the end, Yixin Daozun stopped, and in front of him was a door, a very simple door, with countless patterns on the door, as if countless figures were standing in it, or standing in the void, or moving away, Or sit cross-legged, with different postures, seemingly messy, but lifelike.

Staring at the figure on that door, Chen Zong only felt that his eyes seemed to flicker, as if all those figures had come alive, so that Chen Zong secretly surprised, next breath, and resumed as usual.

"Chen Zong, this is the **** grave." Yixin Daozun said, his voice was extremely serious.

"God's grave?" Chen Zong didn't know why.

It sounds like the three words are well understood, the graveyard of the gods.

But is there really a **** in this world?

The psychic realm belongs to the cultivator's realm. In the eyes of mortals, it is indeed like a god. But for a psychic strong man, other psychic realms are not gods, even if they are masters. Cultivators have nothing to do with the gods.

What's going on with this **** grave?

"The gods in the deities of grave are left by our ancestors of the Heavenly Palace." Yixin Daozun seemed to see Chen Zong's doubts and continued to explain: "I love the Heavenly Palace ancestors, once they have reached the level of Taoism, once they fall, if If it can be found, it will be buried in the divine grave, and its spirit and mind will be combined into a deity, but any Tiangong Taoist can enter the divine grave and find a deity as his protection. "

"This is also the earliest rule passed down by the Mind Heaven Palace. It is the protection of the ancestors from the ancestors." Yixin Daozun said calmly: "When I open the door of the gods grave, you will enter. Then, can I find the gods to protect themselves in it, It depends on your own ability. "

"Tao, there is only one chance to enter for free. If you cannot find the protection of the gods and want to enter again, you will need to spend a lot of merits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a serious tone of respect.

It is not so simple to enter the **** grave, unless it is a huge contribution to the mind heaven palace, or there are massive merits, massive merits, not for fun, let a yuan underworld spend thousands of years It is not always possible to earn merits.

Moreover, after entering the Divine Mound, it is still unknown whether he can get the approval of the divine.

It can be said that most people who have made significant contributions or spent a lot of merits to enter the gods grave have returned empty-handed. Only a few talents have been approved by the gods and protected by the gods.

The chances of being supported by the gods are too low. Therefore, even people who have earned a lot of merits will not be kept forever, but will be used in a timely manner to improve themselves and cannot be kept forever. Killed because the strength is too weak, a lot of merit is wasted.

With one heart and one heart in his hands, he made a mark, and landed on the quaint and mysterious gate of the gods grave.

Suddenly, the figure on the gate seemed to come alive, his eyes lighted up, as if the light of a ray of light burst out, staring at him, making Chen Zong secretly startled.

At that moment, I had a feeling of being seen through, as if all my spirits had been seen through.

But it felt like an illusion.

The next breath, a rattling noise sounded, and the door began to open slowly.

Chen Zong's eyes condense and stare, feeling only in front of his eyes, as if to open a new world, to be presented in front of himself.

Divine Tomb!

What kind of mystery does the primordial spirit of the Mind Heaven Palace fall and the gods transformed by the assembly of the ancestors and minds?

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