Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 93: Spirits come together

The quaint and extremely extreme gate of the gods grave truly opened, but inside the gate was a dark world, as if leading to the abyss.

Can't see through or feel.

"Go in." Zongxinzun said to Chen Zong.

Nodding his head, Chen Zong took a deep breath, and his heart was completely calmed down, like the water of an ancient well. He stepped out and walked into the gate of the gods grave.

When Chen Zong stepped into the darkness, he developed a wonderful feeling, as if he had left the original world and entered another world.

This **** grave is indeed a bit like another world.

The sky, the dark earth, the lonely air.

At a glance, there was an emptyness and nothingness.

Desolate, cold, quiet ...

As if the world of the dead, living beings do not enter, there is a sense of incompatibility.

Huge mausoleums are located on the lonely vast land. Each mausoleum looks very large, towering and majestic, and stands like a mountain on the vast land. Each mausoleum has a different shape.

Some mausoleums are like a giant tower, some mausoleums are like a palace, some mausoleums are like giant tortoises, and some mausoleums are suspended in midair.

Each mausoleum exudes a desolate and deadly wave.

After careful observation, Chen Zong also saw the difference.

Some tombs have a flame burning, but some tombs have no flame burning.

The mausoleum without flames means that the gods in it are gone, that is, they have been obtained.

Tombs with flames represent the presence of gods.

With the deities, Chen Zong will be able to obtain, get the approval of the deities, and get the protection of the deities.

As for how to obtain the approval of the gods and the support of the gods, Chen Zong is also unclear, and the master has no detailed teachings, but only said that when he saw the tomb with a burning flame, he stepped into it and calmed his mind to sense it.

Perhaps this is the way to get God's approval.

Chen Zong did not understand the gods at all, but only heard the Master say something, so it is not clear how to choose, but if the gods approve and protect them, there is only good things.

So let's get started.

The flames had been extinguished at the nearest tomb, indicating that the gods were no longer there and could only go deeper.

The conditions under which gods are formed are very harsh.

First of all, at least the Taoist level, the master level can also be used.

Secondly, you must be embarrassed and incurable, but you have not completely disappeared.

Once again, when you die, you must return to the Mind Heaven Palace in the shortest time, send it to the gods grave, build a mausoleum, put the corpse in it, and slowly transform it through the special power of the mausoleum and the gods grave. The remaining primordial gods and the remaining mental powers are combined into a god.

All in all, it ’s wonderful and special. Anyway, Chen Zong is not aware of the mystery. The only thing that is known is that these strong people who have turned into gods are voluntary. After becoming gods, they recognize the descendants of Tiangong, protect them, and do their best. The last strength.

Chen Zong slowly walked inside, with a solemn and solemn mentality.

Standing in the grave of the gods, Chen Zong looked around, and all had tombs, although each of them was far apart.

According to the Master, Chen Zong closed his eyes, adjusted his mentality, and eliminated all distractions

Fall, meditation, running thirty-three heavenly tricks.

Thirty-three minds of the mind is the mainstream technique of the mind of the heavenly palace, and it is also an iconic and highly representative technique. Everyone in the mind of the heavenly palace will cultivate.

The atmosphere of the thirty-three heavens of the mind, then slowly diffused away. Immediately, it continued to dissipate around. At the beginning, it was subtle, gradually strengthened, and finally, it became strong.

Chen Zong's whole body also seemed to have a flame burning, as if it spurred the heart-fire magical secrets.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to say that it is difficult to say that it is simple but actually it is simple.

It is the meditation meditation operation skill, distinguished by its breath.

The breath gradually strengthened, as if turning into a gust of wind, wandering in the silent mound of gods, sweeping in all directions.

As the breath of Chen Zong continued to spread and became stronger and stronger, those tombs with burning flames seemed to feel ordinary, as if blown by the wind, gradually swaying.

Slowly, the sway of the flames became more obvious, more intense, and continued to burn, becoming more vigorous.

One, two, three, four, five ...

With the burning of the five flames, gradually, a sound sounded from the tomb. It sounded as if the chains were shaking. Seeing the five burning tombs, the bronze coffins were slowly moving. Rises, suspended above the mausoleum.

Chen Zong opened his eyes and watched the five bronze coffins hanging in the air, and the chains constructed by the strength of the roads fastened the four sides of the bronze coffin firmly, and the other end extended to the mausoleum. within.

The burning flame flew up, immediately, submerged into the bronze coffin, and sounds rang from the bronze coffin. It seemed that something was waking up in the bronze coffin, and it was about to break out of the coffin.

Strands of breath also spread out of the bronze coffin. Immediately, Chen Zong seemed to see the eternal ages, and all the illusions came out of the bronze coffin, and the void was like flat ground.

The five figures are different. Although the faces are vague, we can see that there are old people, middle-aged people, women, and young people.

Each of these five figures has a heavy halo, as if it were a flame halo, as shrouded in divine glory, as if a **** came, full of ancient and sacred taste.

"Yuan Mingjing's first-level cultivation, but the mind of the 33rd heaven can cultivate to the 11th, creating 11 hearts, which is very good." The figure of the old man seemed to be smiling.

In all fairness, the initial cultivation of the Yuan Ming Realm, but it has forged eleven hearts, which is amazing.

Thirty-three heavens of mind can cast thirty-three hearts, and eleven hearts, one third.

There are five realms in Tongshen Realm. On average, it means that each realm has six to seven hearts.

In other words, at the limit of the imperial realm, the disciples of ordinary minds of the heavenly palace cast six palaces, some of them could cast seven palaces, and geniuses could cast eight, but they were eight.

After breaking through to the elementary level of Yuanming Realm, you can cast to eight seats and nine seats, even if it is a very good level.

If in the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm, ten hearts can be cast, it would be amazing.

Chen Zong then created eleven hearts, and the twelfth heart was also in the process of casting, which surpassed many geniuses in the heart of heaven.

All five figures were shocked.

After becoming a god, it is not a loss of all memories, a loss of sage, but wisdom, and its wisdom is similar to that of life.

Each deity has memories of his life, and so on, and also has power that he did not have during his life.

"Boy, the old man was the Heavenly Heart Taoist, belonged to the Mind Palace, and the mind-thirty-three-day sky practiced to the twenty-seventh. He is proficient in three supernatural powers and eighteen supernatural powers ..." The old man spoke directly, introducing himself, but listening Get up, as if selling yourself.

The other four figures also successively talked about which house they belonged to, what Taoism they were, what mastery they were, what they were good at, and so on.

Chen Zong was a little stunned and didn't respond for a while.

Previously, Master said, it is still unknown whether he can get the approval of the gods.

Divine approval means that the divine will appear.

But now, there are five deities appearing, which means that Chen Zong has been recognized by the five deities. Of course, Chen Zong can only choose one of them, not five, which is a rule.

Each deity is the final condensed of different Taoist deities and minds, with the wisdom of each Taoist predecessor, and so on. Each of them is different in their strengths and strengths during their lifetime.

All in all, how to choose is also a science.

Of course, even if you make random choices, most of them will not be harmful to you, only profit, but how to maximize the benefits to yourself is a problem that must be considered.

After the five deities introduced themselves, they stared at Chen Zong, waiting for Chen Zong's choice.

To be honest, the gods are an alternative life extension of Taoism. They stay here for a long time, and they also stay for a long time. They also hope to leave and go outside.

It's just that if you don't let them catch your eyes, you won't give up.

Undoubtedly, Chen Zong was outstanding, and they were very enthusiastic. They directly recognized Chen Zong and wanted to protect Chen Zong's cultivation.

However, while the gods are choosing people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ why aren't people choosing gods?

Chen Zong was thinking, although he was very emotional, but did not make a choice immediately. In fact, Chen Zong was not very satisfied with the five deities.

If one knows this idea of ​​Chen Zong, it is estimated that he will be hacked to death.

They want one **** to approve it, but you ca n’t choose one if you are approved by the five gods. This is a huge difference.


Chen Zong has been running his mind for thirty-three days, and constantly releases the breath of dexterity. With a flash of light, Chen Zong urged the breath of Kendo.

In the beginning, the breath of Jian Yuan Gong and the sword of the heart also permeated and merged with the breath of the thirty-three heavens of the mind.

It is a breath that seems to be empty, but also a breath of extreme sharpness. This kind of sharpness can tear all sword shadows and penetrate all nothingness, like everything in heaven and earth, the world, and the void, whether it is hard or Softness, whether it exists or nothing, can't stop the sharpness from the heart.

When this breath permeated, the five deities trembled, and the pervading radiance of the whole body fluctuated like water waves, showing their respective feelings of astonishment, or rather shock.

This breath ...

Even more amazing!

At that time, more flames burned on the mausoleum, and bronze coffins one after another emerged from the mausoleum, appearing over the mausoleum, releasing an ancient and sacred atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, in a sound that seemed to originate from the ancient times, one after another, filled with powerful figures, stepped out of the bronze coffin, as if across the boundaries of time and space.

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