Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 94: Demon Lord

There are actually not many tombs in the deities, but there are only hundreds of them.

After all, from ancient times to the present, the Taoism of the Mind Heaven Palace is limited. Some are still alive, some are falling, and some of the spirits are scattered, and some of them can be sent to the gods' graves to build the mausoleum.

It's pretty good to have hundreds of seats.

Among the hundreds of tombs, most of the tombs have never been taken away. Most people enter the tombs of gods. In fact, just by chance, it is difficult to get the approval of the gods, and more said to take away the gods.

The price of entering the gods grave is not small. Over time, no one enters again.

It can be said that this **** grave has not been entered for thousands of years, but the millennium is nothing at all for Taoist powerhouses.

It would be extremely shocking if the devotees entered here, because the gods in the mausoleum were awakened.

Awakening the gods and showing them is tantamount to being recognized by the gods. Generally, at this step, they can basically be protected by the gods.

However, like Chen Zong, how amazing it is to awaken all the gods directly.

It ’s a pity that no one saw, otherwise, even the mind dominator would be shocked. After all, when the mind dominator entered the **** grave, the number of gods awakened could not be compared with Chen Zong.

Of course, there are so many reasons why the gods at the time are not as they are now, but the bigger reason is the degree of recognition.

The first five gods to wake up, the flames of the divine fire on their bodies fluctuated and became stronger and stronger. That way, if they can directly protect Chen Zong, they will definitely rush directly.

Unfortunately, this is a process of mutual recognition.

You recognize me, and I recognize you, so that you can protect.

The burning fire of each **** is different in color and breath.

A venerable deity stepped in the void and appeared around and around, constantly releasing his own breath.

Some breaths are rippling like water, some breaths are as fiery as fire, and some breaths are as soft as the moon, and some breaths are as magnificent as the mountains.

The magical powers mastered by each deity during his lifetime were somewhat the same and somewhat different, but the avenues he enlightened were different.

Chen Zong felt it carefully.

From the breath, you can feel whether these gods fit with themselves.

Breath fit is the most appropriate.

At this moment, an aura of exuberance was awake, and immediately shocked all the gods, and the fire of divine power on his body also fluctuated.

That breath, with an amazing magical character, awakened and even suppressed the breath of the gods, which surprised Chen Zong.

Immediately, Chen Zong saw a dark shadow stepping in, and every step out of it, the breath would be strong.

That black shadow, the whole world ’s divine glory, is black, as if the fire of the demon is burning, extremely strong, and it is obviously better than other gods.

Although the faces of the other gods were vague, Chen Zong could still see the surprise and shock on their faces, as well as an emotion called dread.

The gods could not help but step back. The **** who was burning with the fire of the black divine fire stepped forward. His breath became increasingly arrogant and unparalleled. No **** can match it.

"I, Lord Demonheart

. "The **** with the black flame of flames has his hands on his hands. He is in a black robe. He opens without a wind and opens his mouth, his voice sounds, as if the road is shaking.

But there is no more, and no one introduces himself like other gods.

However, Chen Zong could feel that the demon of the demon heart lord hopes that he can choose him.

Speaking of breath alone, His Majesty is the most arrogant, and this is beyond doubt.

The strength of the spirit's breath is closely related to the strength of his life, that is, when a **** is living, he should be dominated by the demon.

Choose a **** to protect, of course, the stronger the better.

Chen Zong stared at the Demon Heart Sovereign and carefully felt the breath between each other, which turned out to be harmonious.

"Thank you seniors." Chen Zong first bowed and saluted to other gods. Even though these people have long since disappeared, the strange life replaced by gods has continued, but no matter what, they used to be the heaven of heaven. People, who have made great contributions to the Mind of Heaven, are all their predecessors, and deserve their own respect.

Immediately, Chen Zong looked at the Demon Lord: "Predecessor Demon Heart, I will trouble you in the future."

"A wise choice." The voice of His Majesty the Demon Heart seemed to overlap, as if the Taoist deities of the past spoke with the deities of the present. There was an unspeakable feeling: "junior, what is your name? Palace origin? "

"Back to my predecessor, my name is Chen Zong, and the fifth true biography of Yixin Palace." Chen Zong responded, but the magic heart stunned.

One heart palace?

He heard it for the first time.

When the Demon Sovereign died, there was only the fourth house of mind, and there was no one-heart house. I wanted to come to this heart house, which was newly created, and the creation of a new one house was a line of inheritance. Tianxin Temple is more powerful than it was in the days when it was still there.

The Lord of the Demon Heart is happy from the heart.

"I ... the demon heart of the spirit, today concluded a contract with Chen Zong, the fifth true biography of the Heart of Heavenly Palace, and practiced his way ..." The demon heart sings without hesitation, this is the true recognition of the gods, Called the conclusion of a mantra, it contains the mysterious power of the avenue.

Chen Zong didn't half resist and relaxed himself. This is what he has said to himself.

The chanting of the deities of the demon heart is more exuberant, as if it has resonated with the power in the deities of the deities, a mysterious breath gathered from all sides, and the breath is black, like smoke. Continually gathering, the black snakes condensed into strips generally meander.

Countless black snakes have also continually condensed into black dragons.

The black dragons soared into the sky, constantly absorbing the black mist, and evolved into black dragons.

The total number is nine black dragons, or it can also be called the black demon dragon. They hover over the Lord of the Demon Heart. They are connected in the first place and intertwined with each other. Eventually they continue to fall, shrink, and turn into a strange and extreme The imprint is in the hands of His Majesty.

"Conclude!" The last two words sounded from the demon's mouth, as if the deities of the ancient deities came down. As the deities of the demon's fingers clicked a little, the black mark finally condensed, followed by the blast. Out, shot at the heart of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt an indescribable blazing, as if he wanted to burn himself into nothingness. The blazing burst out instantly, but the blazing had not been carefully felt by himself, and immediately turned into an unspeakable chill of freezing the soul.

The extreme blazing and extreme cold-cold alternation, the black mark finally fell on Chen Zong's heart and became a brand.

Chen Zong can clearly "see" a black mark on his heart, which seems to be formed by the aggregation of nine black demon dragons, but like the aggregation of hundreds of black devil snakes, as if it were Condensed by countless black breaths, and crisscrossed, its trajectory has an indescribable mystery that is completely natural.

Chen Zong couldn't get through.

The black mark is the mark of the successful conclusion of the gods. It is located in his own heart, turned into a brand, and merges with his own mind.

At the next breath, I saw the body of Lord Demon Heart flash into a black streamer, directly submerged into the black **** mark of Chen Zong's heart.

When the Lord of the Demon Heart entered the imprint of the black deities, Chen Zong immediately felt that a powerful force was constantly pouring into his mind, as if he wanted to fill his mind with swell.

This is ... the power of mind!

The power of the mind that is not your own, is constantly emerging, filling the hearts of each heart.

The heart is the power of your own mind, and the power of the mind flowing in from outside is flooded out of the heart, but through the heart, the two powers of the mind are merged with each other without a half of conflict. Chen Zong was surprised.

Chen Zong was even more shocked when the power of foreign minds stopped pouring in.

The external power of the mind is as much as the power of the mind that it has. They are connected together, and it turns into a sea of ​​fluctuations of the power of the mind.

Chen Zong knows that the power of this alien mind comes from the spirit of the demon.

Get the approval of a deity, and conclude a contract with it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to get its support, it will directly have its own degree of external power, a great thing.

However, regarding how to apply the power of this mind, Chen Zong still needs to ponder carefully.

In addition, getting the benefits of divine protection is more than that.

Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile of excitement, and immediately walked out to the gods grave.

Now that you have received the approval of the gods and concluded a contract, it does not make much sense to continue to stay. It is better to leave as soon as possible and do some research.

Beyond the divine mound, the devotee is still waiting.

"Chen Zong, can he be supported by the gods?" Seeing Chen Zong stepping out, he asked with great concentration and was very concerned.

Although he feels that, with the talent of his disciple Chen Zong, in all likelihood, he can get the approval of the gods, conclude a contract, and get the guardianship of the gods, but what if something happens?

"Fortunately, no shame," said Chen Zong with a smile, relieved with all his heart.

"Which deity do you have the support of?" Curiously could not help but wonder.

"Master, the one who signed the contract with me is the demon of the demon heart." Chen Zong replied, and also wanted to know how the deities of the demon heart came from.

"Magic heart ... Sovereign ..." Yi Dao Dao slightly hesitated, and immediately seemed to be thinking.

Tao Zun's speed of thinking was amazing. Soon, Daozun thought of it, and a shocked expression appeared on his face. He looked at Chen Zong for a while and couldn't speak for a while.

"Master, this demon heart lord ..." The expression of Yixin Daozao surprised Chen Zong. With such a look, it shows that the devotion of Daxin Dao knows his deities, and his deities do not seem Ordinary Taoist.

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