Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 98: Polar Assembly

Chen Zong did not receive the reward of vacuum teaching, because at the beginning, he himself had promised to return the body of the Emperor Yukong, and he was the first one to receive the reward.

However, when Chen Zong wanted to leave, he was escorted by the vacuum teaching and invited him to watch the extreme conference that the vacuum teaching will hold shortly after.

The so-called jidao conference is a grand event held in the century of vacuum teaching. It will be very lively. At that time, the true disciples in teaching will rush back to participate.

Chen Zong is still a little curious about this extreme meeting. After turning his thoughts, he promised to stay and watch as a guest.

Experience, one's own experience is one aspect, and one's side as an onlooker.

See more, listen more, experience more, that's all experience.

Fortunately, the Vajrayogic Conference of Vacuum Education is not far away, but for about a month, Chen Zong lived in the vacuum education temporarily.

As a mid-level star-level education, it is also a century-old jidao conference, and it will not be held hastily. As a guest, Chen Zong is not a special case, because it did n’t take long for Chen Zong to discover that there are other stars Arrivals came from different star-level forces, although there were not many come from each star-level force, only two or three. In half a month, there were more than a dozen star-level forces. Guests arrive.

More than a dozen star-level forces are dominated by low-order star-level forces, a few are intermediate-order star-level forces, some are from the Eastern Void, and some are from the Southern Void.

From this point, we can see that the popularity of vacuum teaching is good.

Everyone who comes from afar as a guest from afar, has been arranged to live in the palace of Kongkong Mountain, which is the place with the highest specifications dedicated to entertaining foreigners.

If only people from galaxy-level forces arrive, unless they are in a special situation, they are not eligible to live in the skyless mountains.

Naturally, Chen Zong also enjoys a palace in Wukong Mountain.

On the vacuum star where the vacuum teaching is located, its vitality is different from the general vitality, which belongs to a special vitality, the vitality of the vacuum property.

For example, in the Flame Mountain of Wanjiao, its vitality is full of strong flame breath, which is suitable for the cultivation of Wanjiao Shenyan Mountain, and the vitality in the vacuum teaching is filled with the atmosphere of the vacuum attribute. advantageous.

On the twentieth day, Chen Zong walked out of the palace and stood on the top of Wukong Mountain, overlooking the vast sea of ​​clouds.

This empty mountain has a height of more than 9,000 meters. Looking down, you can see the vast sea of ​​clouds, like an endless ocean.

Standing on top of the mountain, overlooking the endless sea of ​​clouds, the waves are magnificent, and the mind is also diffused. Chen Zong took a deep breath. This breath with a vacuum attribute, when inhaled into the lungs, there will be an empty feeling diffused. Empty, not empty, but a very light feeling, as if the whole person is about to fly.

"I heard that Your Excellency is the true biography of the Heavenly Palace of Mind?" A slightly soft voice floated into Chen Zong's ear from the distance behind.

Chen Zong glanced at a smiling young man, his hair seemed to be tied casually with a thin grass, a pale yellow robe with an open placket, a large brown wine gourd in his left hand, and a belt on the back There was a black stick hanging on it, and the whole person looked a little sloppy.

"Have you?" Chen Zong can feel the atmosphere of the other side's cultivation: The first stage of Yuan Ming Realm seems to belong to the younger generation, and his peers have the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm. It is really amazing.

Despite having

These practitioners may seem young on the surface, but there are still traces left over the years.

"My name is Wu Xiu, the South Void worships the Moon Gate Secret." The slutty young man laughed, stepping towards Chen Zong step by step like drunk, suddenly, his body flashed, as if a vague moon shadow flashed past, The next breath, Wu Xiu appeared in front of Chen Zong, with a bent leg, as if hanging down a round of meniscus.

From starting to shooting, there was no hesitation in the whole process, and the speed was amazing, but the other side did not seem to be half-killed and did not seem to use their full strength. Chen Zong instantly understood that the other side was trying.

In the face of this meniscus-like blow, Chen Zong did not intend to block it, but his body slightly flickered, but his footsteps did not move, as if the green bamboo in the wind swayed in the wind, following a mystery. The extreme trajectory easily avoided Wu Xiu's blow.

In a blow, Wu Xiu changed very quickly. The leg that had been volleyed suddenly turned into a poke, carrying a terrible force, and poked out fiercely, but Chen Zong's body didn't stop. The foot is the axis, and the body is a branch. A conical shape is drawn in the air.

The third change, the fourth change, the fifth change ...

One leg of Wu Xiu is much more flexible than his arm. From one leg to the volley like a crescent moon, he has changed dozens of attacks in less than a short time, but every change has failed Chen Zong ’s response was even better, just shaking his body at a uniform speed, like a bamboo in the wind, across a circle, all Wu Xiu ’s attacks were missed.

As a last resort, Wu Xiu's other leg also struck, and under the combination of his legs, he rolled up a leg shadow storm, which looks like a leg shadow, but also looks like a crescent moon, which overlaps and overlaps in Chen Zong's body. .

Wu Xiu was more and more shocked when he tried to move. He just felt that the person in front of him was like a ghost. Even if he attacked himself, he could not touch the slightest, as if he was separated by a lot of time and space.

Under three breaths, Wu Xiu attacked thousands of times, but even Chen Zong's shadow was not encountered, let alone attacked Chen Zong.

The attack by Wu Xiu also allowed Chen Zong to speculate that Wu Xiu's combat power is two stars, and if he does his best, he may reach three stars.

Although it is good, but it is not enough for yourself, the other party is not murderous, so that Chen Zong has no interest in shooting.

At least, Chen Zong can have a six-star level of combat power, which is crushing the three-star level.

After a temptation, Wu Xiu knew that he could not help Chen Zong, so he closed his legs and landed.

"It is worthy of the true description of the Holy Land, admire it." Wu Xiu was also open-minded, admitting that his skills were not as good as others, but in fact, Wu Xiu was still not so convincing. After all, Chen Zong didn't take any action, but he just avoided it. Zong's ability to dodge is extraordinary and cannot explain anything else.

However, even with thousands of legs, Chen Zong couldn't meet him. No matter how unconvinced, Chen Zong was invincible. Just dodging was enough to turn himself around.

"You're welcome." Chen Zongwei smiled. For non-enemies, Chen Zong has never been cold-hearted.

"I don't know what your name is?" Wu Xiu let go of his heart's dissatisfaction and asked with a smile. The unruly temperament made him have a strange affinity, which made it easy for some people to look down on, but also easy for some people. enjoy.

For example, Chen Zong felt that Wu Xiu had some meaning.

"Chen Zong." Since he didn't feel annoyed and felt a little bit interesting, Chen Zong responded.

"Brother Chen, do you drink?" Wu Xiu

It was suddenly said that Chen Zong was slightly mistaken. Did this person investigate himself? Know your habit of tasting fine wine?

"I drink good wine." Chen Zong didn't think much.

"Yes," Wu Xiu laughed.

In this way, even if it is known.

The moon gate in the southern void is a middle-level astral force. It is at the same level as vacuum teaching and has a good relationship with vacuum teaching. This time, Wu Xiu came to the elder assembly of the same godly state as a guest to watch the vacuum conference.

The true disciples come to watch, it is also to increase their knowledge, it is a kind of grinding.

I have to say that the wine that Wu Xiu brought out was the first time that Chen Zong drank it. The taste is very unique. According to Wu Xiu, he found it from a secret place when he ran away for a long time. Endless aftertaste.

The value of Wannian old wine is naturally amazing. Usually Wu Xiu is also reluctant to drink it, but this time he took it out. Naturally, he wanted to make some friends with Chen Zong. Another thing is to make contact, and I think he can make friends.

If not, it will not be this 10,000-year-old wine, after all, Wu Xiu's 10,000-year-old wine is only a few altars.

Sometimes, one more friend is more convenient. Although this is not a truth, on the other hand, one more friend may have one less enemy, even a weak enemy, and it may also bring itself some inconvenience at any time. Necessary trouble.

Some troubles can be solved easily, but they can be as annoying as flies.

Moreover, Wu Xiu's temperament is quite right. Well, people who like to drink are always more likely to become friends with Chen Zong. Of course, the premise is not someone with a bad heart.

Drinking with Wu Xiu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can be considered as a friendship, just an episode, time flies, and finally, the 100-year-old vacuum teaching conference has begun as scheduled.

"Chen Zhenchuan, please."


More than a dozen star-level forces who came as guests were very kind to Chen Zong, after all, Chen Zong's identity was extraordinary.

On the same day after Wu Xiu and Chen Zong had a drink, the elders who worshiped the Moon Gate also visited, and Shentong visited Yuanming Realm. This was an incredible thing, but it happened.

After that, the elders from other star powers came to visit with the secret biography, and each gave a gift: wine.

The so-called people who do not laugh at their faces, let alone those who have no conflict of interest and actively lay down to make friends, no matter whether they can become friends, at least they are familiar.

The status of the Holy Land in the void is no small matter.

In particular, it is the true biography of the first sacred place in the Mind Heaven Palace, or the true story at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, placed in the void. For many people, its influence is not inferior to that of the astral-level forces.

And when it comes to potential, it is even better than that, which is why more than a dozen star-level influence elders have come to visit Chen Zong with wine as a gift.

If it wasn't for the fact that Tiangong Zhenzhuan had this identity, they would not care about Chen Zong.

Now, the Jidao Conference is about to begin. Everyone as a guest came from the skyless mountains. When they met Chen Zong, more than a dozen star-level forces, whether elders or secret disciples, greeted with smiles.

Unbelievable secret secrets of star-level forces?

They are not fools, even if they are not convinced, they will hide in their hearts, instead of expressing them without mind, malicious provocations, provoking themselves to the enemy.

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