Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 99: Homemade method

The main road of the Vacuum Church, called the Vacuum Road, is a branch of the Space Avenue.

The Space Avenue is one of the few top avenues among the thousands of avenues in the void. The power is unpredictable, difficult to grasp and difficult to grasp.

However, as a branch of Space Avenue, it is not so difficult to comprehend and master the Vacuum Avenue. Although there are some mysteries of the Space Avenue, the gap is still very clear compared to the Space Avenue. However, the Vacuum Avenue is still a void. In one of the most famous avenues, the power is amazing.

The so-called Jidao Conference is the mastery and application of vacuum channels.

Do not use repairs and so on, just use the power of the vacuum channel that you have to master, one point high or low.

The Jidao Conference is divided into two stages. The first stage is to cross the vacuum wind belt, but it is a huge canyon filled with endless vacuum power. All repairs cannot be used. What can be used is only The power of the vacuum channel.

Vacuum teaching is a medium-level astral-level religion. Only the level of the imperial realm can be ranked as true biography. This is true of the astral-level religions in the void, like holy places. As for the galaxy-level forces, there are no qualifications.

However, despite the fact that the true disciples of the star-level teachings are divided into levels and holy places, their talents are far from being equal, and there is naturally not a small gap in combat effectiveness.

Generally speaking, the best true biography in the astral-level ecclesiastical qualifications may be comparable to some true stories in the Holy Land, and may even be better than some true stories in the Holy Land. The gap is obvious.

At the beginning of the Jidao Conference, thousands of true stories of Yudao in vacuum teaching came to the scene, appearing at the beginning of the vacuum wind belt.

As for the stars-level teachings, Xiu has made a difference in order to reach the level of Yuan Ming Realm. Most of them are separated from the true biography and listed as deacons. A few talented people are classified as secrets, which is higher than the status of deacons. Higher and higher than true transmission.

Of course, there is no secret division in the Holy Land, but it is directly divided by the true biography, which is also a difference.

Chen Zong gazed at the vacuum wind belt, and with a strong sense of sensitivity, carefully felt the breath fluctuations of the vacuum wind belt. The kind of fluctuation is very strange, it seems to be void, but it is not, it seems very light, very agile, and contains An indescribable sharpness can tear everything.

With the order, thousands of vacuum doctrines immediately started and rushed forward, all of them were filled with a strange breath, which was very close to the breath of the vacuum wind belt.

Sure enough, their cultivation has been forbidden to use, and what can be used is the power of the vacuum channel.

Chen Zong gazed, while perceiving the mystery of the power of the vacuum channel, he soon saw a bit of mystery.

After all, the vacuum road is a branch of the space avenue, which contains some of the power and mystery of the space avenue. The power of the vacuum road will make the mastered practitioners more flexible and swift. This is the advantage of flying in the air.

I saw one by one, the true masters of the vacuum religion, relying on the power of the vacuum religion, flying forward at a low altitude.

But at the same time, the power in the vacuum wind belt is also constantly raging, and the violent wind that is rolling up is roaring endlessly. The wind is the vacuum wind, there is no order, and it changes continuously up and down, left and right, Without any regularity and direction, they even oppose each other, forming a series of cyclones.

When someone accidentally gets caught up in a cyclone wave in time, they will be involved, and as the cyclone keeps spinning, it loses control of itself.

However, everyone must

You must cross the vacuum belt within the required time to be eligible to participate in the real Arctic Assembly.

In short, the vacuum wind belt is a round of elimination.

"On!" The person inside the curled vacuum cyclone turned red, and as the cyclone kept moving around, it was difficult to control itself at this time. This was the time to really test the vacuum channel.

With a violent drink, he used the power of the vacuum channel that he had grasped, and the impact cyclone that was generated, broke it.

However, some disciples were very strong, they broke the cyclone directly, rushed out of the cyclone, and flew out again, but some disciples required two or three times to break the cyclone, and some disciples were difficult to break the cyclone. .

The level of mastery of the vacuum channel is clear at a glance.

"Chen Zhenchuan, that is the most outstanding true disciple of our vacuum teaching." An elder sitting next to Chen Zong, pointing at the lead, not only broke the vacuum cyclone in an instant, but also avoided the vacuum cyclones in the follow-up. "Of course , He can't compare with Chen Zhenchuan. "

Chen Zong stared away. The so-called most outstanding true disciple is really good. If it is placed at the level of the heavenly palace imperial palace, it should be hopeful.

But that's it.

What really interested Chen Zong was the vacuum way. Of course, Chen Zong could not master the vacuum way, but he could go to understand some of the mysteries, which might be useful to himself.

However, the vacuum path is the foundation of vacuum teaching. It is impossible for Chen Zong to go to enlightenment directly. The only opportunity for enlightenment is to watch the Jidao Conference, and rely on his superb understanding and superb realm to participate in deduction.

Unfortunately, if you can also enter the vacuum wind belt, you can definitely better understand the mystery, not to master the vacuum channel, at least you can see the mystery, and extract the essence of the part into itself.

The Dao Kong Kong method, created and inherited by the Emperor Yukong, uses exactly the foundation of the vacuum path.

Dasao Kongfa is a level of celestial power. Now, with the help of the heart palace, it is practiced by Chen Zong to reach the level of perfection. With its display, it can travel millions of meters in the void in an instant, although it is not comparable to the void. The shuttle traveled, but it was also amazing.

His Holiness hopes that those who have been inherited can continue to promote the Daxuan Kongfa to a higher level.

After the magical powers came, the magical powers. Chen Zong was not not enlightened, but found that it was not easy to ascend because he lacked sufficient foundation.

It is only now known that the vacuum channel is the foundation.

I can't master the vacuum path, and it is difficult and difficult to promote the Dasao Kongfa beyond Tianshentong. It can be said that there is almost no hope, but it does not mean that the Dasong Kong Fa cannot be optimized.

There is no doubt that the Dalai Kongkong method is very useful, but it is not the most suitable for you.

There are also a lot of martial arts in the Mind Heaven Palace, compared with the big martial arts, each has its own advantages.

However, the one that suits you best is still your own.

Chen Zong is now trying to see if he can create a method that best suits himself on the basis of the large method and other methods.

In the state of mind and heart, Chen Zong fully enlightened, and the effect of enlightenment was amazing.

It is as if three Chen Zongs are enlightening, and each Chen Zong's direction of enlightenment is different and complementary to each other. The effect is not three times, but ten times or more, which is amazing.

A little bit of mystery of the vacuum channel was also revealed by Chen Zong a little


Seeing that Chen Zong didn't mean to speak, others temporarily pressed the thought of drawing closer relationships.

Enlightenment, constant enlightenment, and the mystery of the vacuum, were followed by Chen Zong's constant enlightenment.

Time passed slowly, and finally, within a specified time, a small number of true disciples in the vacuum channel broke through the vacuum wind belt, but most of the true disciples did not pass through and were eliminated.

The number of true disciples who passed through within the stipulated time was about several hundred people. These hundreds of people will participate in the real Jidao conference, while the real Jidao conference is fighting.

Hundreds of true disciples, one-on-one battles, decided one by one, and advanced to the final level.

Of course, because of the relationship of the Jidao Conference, they can't use their cultivation, they can only use the power of the vacuum road to fight.

And this also gave Chen Zong a better opportunity to observe the mystery of the vacuum road.

Let the vacuum teaching surrender the mystery of the vacuum channel, let Chen Zong enlighten?

That is impossible, even if Chen Zong is very high, unless Chen Zong becomes a vacuum teacher.

Since it is impossible to directly enlighten in this way, we can only find another way. If we can understand the mystery of the vacuum way through other ways, even if the vacuum teaching knows it, we can say nothing.

The battle begins.

Hundreds of true disciples who broke through the vacuum belt within a specified time, each of them was very different in understanding and mastering the vacuum channel. At the beginning of the battle, they took out their own means.

Vacuum teaching majors in vacuum path, and its skills and magical powers are also closely related to vacuum path. In short, they are all based on vacuum path.

Sword, sword, palm, boxing, leg, etc. each have their own subtleties, but they are also the interpretation of the mystery of the vacuum channel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ battle is one after another, and Chen Zong With constant watching, coupled with the full-scale enlightenment in the context of mind and heart, the effect is more than ten times superimposed, and the mystery of the vacuum channel has been mastered a little bit by Chen Zong.

With the mastery, Chen Zong's breath gradually changed.

The elder of the vacuum tunnel sitting next to Chen Zong suddenly felt a little strange. I couldn't help focusing on Chen Zong's body, and suddenly found that the breath that appeared on Chen Zong's body turned out to be the vacuum channel's breath, although it was weak , But you can feel that the faint vacuum channel breath is increasing with time.

In addition, the vacuum energy surrounding the surroundings is also being pulled, and a stream of flowing from around to the beginning. It is very subtle and inconspicuous at first, but it is gradually strengthening.

The elder of the vacuum way suddenly widened his eyes and was shocked. His heart seemed to be turned over, because he guessed that Chen Zong, the true biography of the heavenly palace, was learning the mystery of the vacuum way?

This is simply impossible.

The vacuum road is a avenue of vacuum teaching. In the void, although there are other branches of the space avenue, the vacuum road is a vacuum teaching, although it is not ruled out that some people have learned by chance.

However, before this, Chen Zong had absolutely no grasp of the mystery of the vacuum path. Often, he has only come to realize it now, and it is because of this that it makes people even more shocked.

Is this the ability of the true disciple of the mind Tiangong?

If so, it would be too amazing.

Chen Zong didn't know that his actions intangibly raised the deep and unpredictable degree of the Tiangong Temple in the mind of the Vacuum Road.

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