Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 104: Triple break

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With a grab on his left hand, the black light shattered, revealing its contents.

Chen Zong was slightly surprised. It was a dark token, like the shape of a waning moon, exuding an endless icy coldness, the kind of icy coldness, as if it could freeze everything, together with the spirit.

The black token of the lingering moon that exudes a frozen spirit, with text on one side and graphics on the other.

Chen Zong did not recognize that text, because it was the text of the Middle Ages. When the catastrophe came, many civilizations were also destroyed. In the near ancient era, they gradually derived their own civilization.

However, Chen Zong can make inferences by following the traces. After all, the Neogene era has continued the Middle Ages and has not completely separated from it. It has evolved again based on it.

Therefore, the writings of the Middle Ages have some similarities with the writings of the ancient times.

"Ming ... God ... Order ..." Chen Zong stared at those three words, distinguished them, and his thoughts quickly turned.

Chen Zong's thinking is extremely fast and his brain capacity is amazing. However, because he has read a lot of books, and has a lot of knowledge, some information cannot be remembered in an instant, so he must think a little.

Hades order is related to Hades figure. If Hades figure appears and wants to enter, it must have Hades order. In short, Hades order is the voucher to enter Hades figure.

Hades is higher than Hades.

Of course, Hades shrine is also more mysterious than Hades shrine, and entering Hades shrine also means more and more opportunities.

"Sir, this Hades palace was first discovered by us. Give me a face and give me the token. I ... the Prince of the Ice Dragon Palace, the secret prince of the ice holy palace, confesses your kindness. If you have any trouble in the future, you can come The Bingsheng Palace sought me. "The four-star young man with a gloomy glance came to his eyes, and spoke sharply and coldly to Chen Zong. It sounded like a request, but his tone was very strong, like an order.

Taking a look at him, Chen Zong directly put the God of the Underworld into the Nine Heavens Circle, and turned to leave.

This Hades palace is worthless.

As for the so-called Bingsheng Palace Ice Dragon Road, it's nothing, just a four-star combat power.

If the other party dares to take a shot, then killing it directly.

But if the other side did not shoot, Chen Zong would not take the initiative to kill.

Wang Ziming's palm trembled, and a strand of ice cold energy gathered in his hands, his eyes were extremely cold, and he stared at Chen Zong's back. He tried several times but did not dare.

Because, in his mind, he still flashed the sword light just before, the dazzling sword light, the dazzling sword light, and directly killed the beast.

The power of Jian Guang is estimated to reach a five-star level, which is a powerful force that he cannot resist.

"When I break through to the middle level of Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power will definitely reach five stars. At that time, I will look for you." In a secret voice, Wang Ziming dispersed the cold and icy condensation in his hands.

This time in the Hades, it was a waste of time.

However, everything in the world goes smoothly every time. If we can investigate this, we can treat it calmly.


"Ice holy palace, top-level star-level forces." Chen Zong secretly said, thoughts flashed, and thought of Hades.

There is no way to find the underworld shrine, only to wait for its own advent, in other words, only by luck.

But it does not matter, the ancient ruins are very large and have not been explored so far. You must know that the birth of the ancient era has now passed many thousands of years.

From this point, it can be seen that the huge and mysterious ancient ruins are amazing.

Single sword, walking on the ancient ruins, Chen Zong constantly looking for opportunities.

A huge black stone monument stands on the ground, up to a kilometer in height, extremely immense, and exudes a breath of arrogance and horror.

This is the breath of the underworld.

Chen Zong stared, his eyes twinkled with a faint stream of light, staring at the black and huge stone monument, which was covered with text, very unique and mysterious text.

Even with Chen Zong's knowledge, he could not understand what the text was, or that was not a text, but something similar to a rune.

Ancient monument!

This is the ancient monument in the ancient ruins, which is one of the mysteries of the ancient ruins.

Chen Zong stood right in front of this ancient monument, his eyes gazed at the incomprehensible rune above, rid of all distractions, and realized.

Open your mind and heart!

Pay attention to the external movements and avoid being attacked.

Only at the beginning, there was no clue, after all, I didn't understand.

But gradually, Chen Zong was attracted to it. Even if he couldn't understand it, he could still understand the mystery of it, and it was as if it was a cocoon.

As time goes by, Chen Zong's whole body seems to be condensed with a chill of coldness, and then condensed into a series of palm-sized runes, which correspond to the runes on the ancient monument and emit a shimmer.

In the beginning, Jianyuan Gong worked naturally and kept running in the body.

Today, the Taichu Jianyuan Gong has been deduced by Chen Zong to the thirteenth stage. The condensed Taichu Jianyuan is extremely pure and extremely powerful.

Among the cultivation at the same level, pure cultivation is for strength. The purity can be compared with that of Chen Zong, but there are few, but very few.

At least so far, Chen Zong has never met.

But now, the operation of the 13th Emperor Jianyuan Gong is moving towards a more complicated and mysterious trajectory, slowly changing, under the mysterious urging of the outside world.

At the same time, the power of the remnants of the world **** tree into the body is also aroused a little bit, incorporated into the Taijian Jianyuan Gong, and also into the world **** body.


Are gradually improving!

Chen Zong ’s practice of practicing Qi has reached the first peak of Yuanming Realm, and his practice of refining has reached the peak of the first stage of Dacheng Divine Realm, which is in line with practice of Qi. Chen Zong attaches great importance to this because only Only in this way can the Supreme Mastery of Wuling be truly carried out to the extreme, and its own combat power can be improved.

Now, the power of the world's **** tree remaining and being integrated into it is being inspired a little bit by it, and it truly turns into its own cultivation and strength.

At the same time, the mysteries of the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world are also being enlightened.

In the beginning, the movement path of Jian Yuan Gong became more and more complicated. At the same time, it became more and more mysterious, and was drawing a sword figure.

The runes on the ancient monuments are lit up one by one, and extinguished one by one, becoming dim and dull, as if they have lost their power.

The runes around Chen Zong are increasing.

In the end, the runes were connected to each other and turned into strips of runes around Chen Zong's body, becoming more and more dense, wrapping Chen Zong around, wrapping them, as if cocooning, Chen Zonghua turned into a black cocoon, full of runes, and each rune was shining with light.

In the ancient ruins, the ancient monuments are not inferior to the mysteries of the ancient ancient trees and the palace of the Pluto, even more directly.

The real mystery lies in the inscription on the ancient monument.

It is just that if you cannot find the ancient monument, you can understand its inscription. First of all, you ca n’t understand it. It cut off a small era of civilization, and it has not passed down. You ca n’t understand what it means.

Then the only way to get involved is to let yourself go, focus on the inscription, and resonate with your own spirit, understanding, and so on, and you have to include a bit of luck.

Therefore, most people who find the ancient monument can only look at it, and just look at it.

Chen Zong is not among them. The powerful spirit and super understanding make Chen Zong better enter the state of enlightenment and get benefits.

Once the ancient monument is understood, the power of the inscription will disappear for a period of time, slowly recovering, and will not reappear until it is fully recovered.

In the cocoon formed by the collection of black runes, Chen Zong's skill is breaking through, repairing is breaking through, and the power of the road is also breaking through.

The **** cocoon trembled as Chen Zong's power fluctuated, as if a huge black heart was beating constantly.

In the ancient ruins, the passage of time is difficult to detect. This is also the common point of many ruins. Unless it is a treasure with accurate detection of time, the concept of time will become very fuzzy on the senses.

Within the large black cocoon, Chen Zong's eyes suddenly burst out a sharp sharpness, as if the sharp sword broke through ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ directly assassination, the black large cocoon was penetrated immediately, and then torn.

Jianguang sprayed and split the **** cocoon directly into two, and Chen Zong's figure followed.

The tyrannical breath was violently perpetrating in Chen Zong's body, as if he was about to break out of the body, but was firmly grasped by Chen Zong, like the evil dragon who wanted to make waves and was suppressed by death, surrendered, Not struggling.

The breath also gradually weakened, and eventually restrained.

Chen Zongbi pointed like a sword, and swept across the void in front of him, a ray of sword elements condensed at the fingertips, as if cutting the void, leaving a trail.

Of course, there is no real cutting. The intensity of the space here is amazing. The sword fingers are brushed like brushes, and the void leaves marks like paper.

It seems nothing, but Chen Zong can accurately feel that the power of Jian Yuan in the beginning is more and more amazing.


Under the mystery of the ancient monument, Chen Zong's early sword Jian Gong successfully broke through to the fourteenth, not only the amount of Jian Yuan doubled, but also the quality doubled, becoming more pure, and its power increased.

The second point is the practice of cultivating qi, and the practice of practicing qi to break through to the middle stage of Yuanming Realm, and the practice of refining to break through to the middle stage of Dacheng divine realm, which also improves its own combat power.

The third point is the promotion of the sword of the heart and the avenue of the world, to gain more insight into the mystery and grasp the power of the avenue.

The three breakthroughs of skill, cultivation, and avenue brought Chen Zong an all-round improvement and the combat power surged.

Chen Zong estimates that his strongest combat power now can reach six-star level and seven-star level.

Breakthroughs and the improvement of combat power are not small benefits to themselves. At least, in these relics, the stronger the combat power, the more secure it is.

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