Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 105: Yu Shimei

There are many mysteries and many dangers in the ancient ruins.

Opportunities and crises are often interdependent.

Among the ancient ruins, the most common crisis is the ghost beast, the periphery of the ruins. Because there are more people entering, the ghost beast has already been emptied. When you go deeper, you will encounter the ghost beast. Naturally, the deeper you go, the ghost beast will be. More powerful.

The shape of the Wraith beast is different, but overall, it is similar to many monsters in the modern era. The difference is only in the nature of power. The power that the Wraith has is for the power of the Wraith.

This is a kind of strength of the Middle Ages. It is very powerful and it is not easy to fight. If you want to compare, the cultivation at the same level is stronger than the strength of practicing qi. Only the power possessed by real genius can To compete with it, if not, you can only consume more power to resist the attack of meditation.

In the ancient era, there are also techniques and martial arts to cultivate the power of the underworld. However, the power of the ancient era and the power of the medieval era have finally separated the small era, and there are still differences.

The dark animal's body was permeated with gray and black breath, swaying like smoke, as if to rise to the sky, but attached to its huge body, and it was burning like a flame.

In front of Chen Zong, thousands of meters away, there was a ghost animal, a huge black boa constrictor with a length of 100 meters.

With a roar, the huge body of the black boa constrictor swayed suddenly and rushed towards Chen Zong at an alarming speed. At a distance of hundreds of meters, the black boa constrictor opened its mouth, and a black light spit out suddenly. Out, the speed is amazing, exuding a cold smell.

It's the venom that contains meditation.

Chen Zong did not evade, even pulled his sword, and pointed like a sword, and gently stroked it from the bottom to the top. A swipe of the sword shone when it was shining, tearing the sky, carrying the astonishing sharpness of the early sword element, as if the sky was Divided into two.

Silent and silent, that mass of venom was also split by Jian Guang. Under the tremor of Jian Guang, a marvelous force would directly blast the venom split into two, passing by the left and right sides of Chen Zong, clicking Falling on the ground, the sound of sizzling noises, a ray of gray-green smoke burst, the ground was corroded into two potholes.

Jian Guang was also killed at the same time, hitting the python python.

It was unavoidable and was directly slashed. The gray-black smoke on his body was immediately broken, but the sword light did not really damage the python python.

This python python beast has amazing combat power. It is not a mid-level five-star level, but surpasses it.

The division of the Hades in the Ancient Ruins is the same as the level of Hades, and the middle-order Hades corresponds to the Yuan Ming Realm or Dacheng Divine Realm.

Jianguang only caused minor trauma to the python python, but also provoked it.

Under the fury, the python python beast speeded up, like a black lightning flew forward, and the thick tail flew across the sky, as if carrying a horrible force and blasting down like a mountain, and for a while The gust of black wind howled and turned into a hurricane.

This blow, destroying the mountains and destroying Yue, called Chen Zong's look changed, even if his own supernatural body broke through to the middle class, and the refining combat power increased greatly, it would definitely not feel good if he was directly hit.

Of course, Chen Zong will not stupidly resist this attack, and he is not an absolute practitioner, not a practitioner who mainly exercises.

At the moment when the giant tail swept across with horrible power, Chen Zong's figure flickered into a sword light, submerged into the void, and disappeared without sight, which made the giant tail swept away and fell directly.

The next breath, Jianguang burst out of the void, flashing over the body of the black python python beast.

The sword light, extremely sharp, and gray-black mist could not resist the slightest, and was instantly broken, together with the arrogant body of the python python, it was also broken.

However, the python python did not die, but was not lightly traumatized, was torn by the sword light, there was no blood spray, and some were just a continuous burst of black smoke.

Shun Jian Jian!

Only then Chen Zong directly casts the sword of instant space, not only avoiding the swipe of the python python beast's tail, but also turned into a sword light, sending out a sharp and striking blow, trauma of the python python beast.

The wounded python python beast immediately became furious and became furious. A large amount of gray-black mist continued to spray out, covering its surroundings. Its scarlet eyes flickered like lanterns, burning.

The wrathed python and python are becoming more terrible.

To meet it, there is a touch of Jianguang, a touch of dazzling Jianguang.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

The five-kilometer kendo area is integrated into this sword. The middle-level cultivation of the Yuanming Realm is the strength of the kendo of the heart and the power of the fourteenth Taichi sword power, which directly makes the power of this sword reach Top 6 star level.

The improvement of combat power will become more and more difficult in the future. This is the case. Chen Zong's practice of qi and practice has also broken through to the top six-star level, which is equal to the performance of the Supreme Master of Wushu and the Mystery of Heart Fire. Integrated.

The triple breakthrough of the skill, the cultivation, and the power of the road has a great impact on combat power, which is directly a qualitative improvement.

However, it is not enough to kill this six-star-powered beast with an instant sword, at least one shot is not enough to kill it.

Then, draw your sword.

Jixin Wujian Sword comes out of the sheath, and the sword light is full of throughput. As Chen Zong continues to improve, the power of Jixin Wuxiang Sword is also constantly improving.

Raising his sword with his eyebrows and sincerity, standing still, like a tree standing in the storm, swaying, as if a mountain stood on the ground, letting the wind blow, he stood still.

The next breath, Jianguang flickered, as if the first light of the beginning of the void, was for the beginning of Jianguang.

One sword and one light, slashing through the void, flying past it, silently and violently, the violent wind was cut open, and the fluctuations were like the gray-black smoke burning by flames, and they were also cut at once.

This sword of light, sharp to the extreme, is sturdy and destroys everything.

Although the python python beast is very strong, it still cannot stop the sword's slash.


Kill two swords!

In the loud noise, the beast fell to the ground and the ground was shaking. Even if the body of the 100-meter body was cut off, it was two tens of meters in length, and its weight was amazing.

Surrounded by the sword light, Chen Zong took out a huge black block with the size of a human head, which was a regular polyhedron, like a matte crystal, permeated with a hint of coldness, very majestic and amazing.

This is the nucleus, the core of the power of the Wraith, and the hub and source of the power of the Wraith.

To some extent, the nucleus is a treasure, but it is useless to the average practitioner.

At least Chen Zong couldn't use it, but he still put it away, maybe it will come in handy.

After returning the sword to the sheath, Chen Zong continued to move forward, and the mystery in the ancient ruins is very

Many, whether you can find it depends on your own luck, but also on your own efforts. If you don't want to move, you just want to wait for the mystery to come to you. That is simply a luxury.


Beyond the ancient ruins, where there is a huge dark vortex, a ship is snow-white, with a wing pattern on it, is lifelike, and the whole void ship looks beautiful and exquisite.

Before the dark vortex, the void flying boat carved by the white phoenix came to a halt. Immediately, several figures appeared.

Each figure is wearing a white robe. On the robe, there is the same white phoenix pattern. Although they are all white, the phoenix pattern will not be hidden, but it is very eye-catching.

There are three figures in total, all of them are women, young and beautiful women, but the breath permeated on their bodies is not weak, they are all at the level of imperial state.

"Sister Bai, this time, it's up to you." One of the three baby-faced women said to the woman who had thin lips and narrow eyes.

"I just entered the ancient ruins one more time than you." Bai Songde Jiao laughed, seeming to be a little proud: "Last time, a brother from Binglong Road brought me in."

"Wow, is it Brother Ao Sheng?" The baby-faced woman exclaimed.

"Yes, it ’s Brother King Sheng." Bai Songdie seemed to be covering it, but she couldn't hide her elation. When she heard her affirmation, the baby-faced woman seemed to be more envious, and pulled the third woman. Yu's robe: "Sister Yu, Sister Bai has good luck, that is Brother Ao Sheng."

Yu Shimei, wearing a white robe and carrying a long sword, looked demure and elegant, like a lotus flower in a quiet deep pool. When she heard the words of a baby-faced woman, she smiled slightly, as if the lotus flower was quietly blooming: "Sister Bai ’s luck has always been very good, The first time I entered the ancient ruins, I was annoying Bai Shi. "

"Sister Yu, you are a strong competitor of our preparation for Binghuangdao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is my honor to work for you." Bai Songdie smiled, with a little flattery: "Last time Brother Ao also asked me about the news of Sister Yu. "

There is no way. Although she is a sister in Binghuangdao, it is only because of her earlier entry. When it comes to talent and potential, she is inferior to this sister Yu.

So now, she is a true disciple of Binghuangdao, but in addition to being a true disciple, Shi Yuyu is also qualified to prepare for competition.

Once you become a preacher, you can compete for it.

Once it becomes Taoism, its status in the Binghuangdao and even the Bingsheng Palace will rise to even higher levels than even a elder.

"In the Binghuang Road, the talent potential of the other sisters and sisters is amazing. Can I be a preparatory Taoist or not?" Yu Shimei laughed.

The three did not have a constant chatter, but spoke while flying away in the dark whirlpool.

At the next breath, the three figures entered the center of the dark vortex at the same time, submerged into it, as if engulfed, disappeared.

Not long after, three white figures emerged from the edge of the ancient ruins in a huge vortex of ten thousand meters, and landed on the ruins.

"There are many mysteries in the ancient ruins, but the easiest to find are the ancient ancient trees and ancient monuments and the palace of the Pluto King. The last time Brother Ao Sheng led the team, I was fortunate enough to encounter an ancient monument, but unfortunately I could not participate. Wu also entered a low-level Hades palace with other Shilong Tao brothers and was rewarded after passing through. "Bai Songdie laughed:" I hope we will have better luck this time than last time. "

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