Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 106: Tianmingguo

A huge ancient tree over a thousand meters stood in front of her eyes, swaying with the cold and bleak wind blowing, huge leaves swaying in the wind, making a rustling sound, rising higher than a while.

The wide leaves swayed, revealing a bunch of fist-sized fruits.

Tianming fruit!

This is the fruit of the ancient tree of Tianming, and its color is no longer blue, but it must be completely changed to black.

When it completely changes to black, it means that Tianming fruit is mature.

Right now, the Tianming fruit on this ancient Tianming tree is maturing. Chen Zong recalled that, according to the situation, it should not wait too long.

In that case, just stay here and wait.

Pick it up when you're mature. It would be nice if you could remove it all.

Chen Zong knows that when the fruit is ripe that day, it will release a unique aroma, and then it will attract the animal and even the practitioners.

Tianmingguo is effective for both the royal state, the Yuanming state, and even the divine realm. It can develop its own potential, and the difference lies only in the strength of the effect.

For Yu Dao Jing, Tian Ming Guo's effect is very strong, for Yuan Ming Jing, it is not weak, and for Shentong Jing, it is weak.

Even if it is relatively weak, it is effective. Moreover, Tianming fruit can be taken multiple times, and it will take effect as long as it is taken. Compared with self-cultivation, the efficiency will naturally be higher. Therefore, the supernatural powers are also very popular.

Sitting on the ancient tree of Tianming, the dense foliage covered Chen Zong's body. Around Chen Zong, there were dozens of Tianming fruits, and there were many more Tianming fruits, a total of hundreds.

Once mature, you can collect dozens of fruits around you at the fastest speed. As for other fruits, you can collect them if you can, and give up if you can't.

Of course, that means in the presence of irresistible power.

The choice!

It is the way to survive that there is a way out. Many people often die from greed beyond their control. But sometimes, there are always people who don't know what is attachment and what is greedy. It is easy to confuse the two and make a big mistake.

As time goes by, the color of the fruit changes, and it becomes deeper and deeper. Eventually, it turns into pure black, as if it has absorbed all the light around it. A unique strand of cold flavor also diffuses along with it. The cold wind quickly drifted away.

"Mature." Chen Zong opened his eyes, shot instantly, and pointed like a sword passing, the sword light was like a bright silk thread, surrounded by it, quickly cut off the whole body of the Tianming fruit root, the other hand When he grabbed the void, he grabbed all the Tianming Fruits into his hands.

At the moment Chen Zong received the whole world, a very high-pitched vocal blasted from the distance, leaving Chen Zongqing shivering, a feeling of being impaled, which directly caused Chen Zong With a change of look, a strong sense of crisis also erupted from the deepest heart.

This kind of voice is not the voice of a human, but the voice of the beast, and it can make you feel scalp in an instant, indicating that the beast is very strong and strong, or it is the most advanced intermediate Hades, or high-end Hades.

Whether it is the top-level medium-level ghost animal or high-level ghost animal, it is not something that can now be countered by itself. After all, the spirit of the contract, such as

I haven't awakened yet. What I have brought to myself is only the power of the second mind. Of course, although I can improve my long-lasting combat capabilities, I can't let the combat power soar.

Jian Guang flashed, Chen Zong did not hesitate, after cutting off some of the roots of Tianming fruit again, quickly collected, while exhibiting the instant space sword!

Only in an instant, Chen Zong turned into a sword light and flew out of the ancient tree of Tianming. The sword light cut off some roots and was collected by Chen Zong one by one before Tianming fruit had fallen.

When Chen Zongfei ran out of the ancient tree of the sky, a huge shadow came over the sky.

It was a giant eagle, a darkened giant hawk-like beast, as if burning a gray-black inferno fire, exuding a strong breath, extremely terrifying, it seemed to be a high-level, equivalent to the level of divine power.

Chen Zong was able to feel the shock of shocking power, as if to break the void, the amazing pressure, so that Chen Zong had a feeling of being suppressed and collapsed.

The essence of the ghost animal is very powerful, and the spirit of the high-order ghost animal is even more terrible. In the face of this power, all its own power cannot resist.

Fortunately, Chen Zong responded very quickly and evacuated in a timely manner, otherwise the trouble would be great.

Immediately, in another direction, the earth shook endlessly, sending out an astonishing sound of vibration. There was a giant beast approaching fast.

At a glance, Chen Zong's sharp eyes could faintly see the figure of the beast. It looked like a line of dragons. It was also a ghost animal, a high-level ghost animal with a size of hundreds of meters. .

Just a blink of an eye, the Earth Dragon Dragon Beast rushed to the ancient tree next to Tianming, opened its mouth, and directly bit out.

There are hundreds of Tianming fruits on the ancient tree of Tianming, which Chen Zong took away, but more than one hundred occupy only a small part, and the majority of the remaining ones have been captured by the two high-level ghosts Thing.

The kilometer-high Tianming ancient tree was nothing before the two high-level ghosts, but it was destroyed and destroyed immediately after a few short breaths.

The Tianming fruit above was also swallowed up by two high-level ghost beasts, along with many branches and leaves.

Fortunately, Chen Zong had already left, otherwise he would not be able to carry a bite at all, and he would have to fart directly.

After the two beasts ate Tianming Fruit, they screamed and screamed at each other, and no conflict broke out, which made Chen Zong, who was observing the fisherman from a distance, a bit disappointed.

Otherwise, you can get two high-level nucleus cores by killing two high-level maggots after losing both hands.

"Tianmingguo can't bring out the ancient ruins directly. If you want to take it out, you must nourish it with the power of the Ming, so as not to lose the effect." Chen Zong secretly said.

How effective Tian Mingguo is in developing its own potential is unclear to Chen Zong, but it can be tried.

As for the ancient ruins, it is full of strong meditation force. There is no worry about the loss of the power of Tianming fruit, but if you leave the ancient ruins, you need to have nourishing power. The nucleus is a good meditation force. source.

After all, I can't stay in the ancient ruins all the time.

After all, the ancient ruins are located in a different time and space. Unlike the current void, what is left here is the breath of the ancient times. In addition to the original life of the ancient ruins, other foreign life here will be subject to the inward force. Erosion.

This erosion is slow, but repair

The lower the erosion is, the deeper the erosion becomes.

As for the length of time to endure the erosion of the psychic force, it is related to the individual. The same practice is that some people take longer, and some people take less time. There is no fixed number.

Therefore, it is difficult to say how long you can withstand. When you start to feel that your power has become impure and your strength is affected, it means that the erosion of the meditation force has reached a certain level, which is a mild pollution. At this time , We must take the opportunity to get out and quickly leave the ancient ruins.

As long as the ancient ruins are out, the erosion of the human body will disappear in the void.

If you feel that your body is starting to feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and you can't tell where it is uncomfortable, then it is moderate pollution, and it will be too late if you don't leave.

Once it has developed into severe pollution, it is difficult to leave the ancient ruins and only to sink here.

One thing is for sure, the higher the cultivation and the more pure the strength, the more obvious the effect of combating the erosion of the meditation force, and the longer the endurance, at least until now, Chen Zong did not feel any erosion by the meditation force. Signs.

This is also because Chen Zong's cultivation is not low, and his strength is pure, far exceeding the relationship of the same level.

Take out a Tianming fruit, the size of a fist, can not swallow it in one mouthful, then divide it into several mouthfuls to eat.

The taste is not good, a bit spicy, a bit cold, but it is not unpalatable, anyway, there is a vast void, there are many strange and weird things, and various flavors are also available. I have tried all the flavors. It's not that bad.

Tianming fruit was chewed by Chen Zong, swallowed, and turned into a stream of spicy and cold air, which spread quickly in the body. As the air flow spread, Chen Zong felt in his body ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Something seems to be inspiring and becoming active.

This feeling is similar to the feeling when the Great Realm is broken, for example, the feeling from the breakthrough of the Royal Realm to the Yuan Ming Realm for a period of time. The body seems to be in a state of vitality, that is, the potential is in the excited state. And it becomes a lot more active than usual.

Of course, the potential inspired by Tianming Fruit is very different from the breakthrough from Royal Realm to Yuan Ming Realm. The potential inspired by such a Tian Ming Fruit is about when Royal Realm broke through to Yuan Ming Realm. One in ten thousand.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately took out the second Tianming fruit and took it. According to the records of the books, the effect of Tianming fruit can be superimposed.

The result made Chen Zong feel delighted. The effect of Tianming fruit can be superimposed. The potential inspired by one Tianming fruit is like one thousandth of a million when the imperial realm breaks through to Yuanmingjing, then two are equal to ten thousand. Second, if there are no restrictions, then one hundred Tianming Fruits can be taken quickly and the effect can reach one percent.

In that case, its own potential is active. Whether it is cultivation or enlightenment, its efficiency is far better than usual, more than ten times more.

The potential stimulation of Tianmingguo is different from the potential stimulation when the Great Realm breaks through. The potential that is triggered when the Great Realm breaks through is time limited. When the duration passes, those potentials have not been transformed into their own strength. , It will fall into a state of silence.

However, the potential of Tianmingguo's auxiliary stimulation is permanent. As long as it is activated, it will always be active. To a certain extent, you can better use it for cultivation and enlightenment, and transform into yourself. Strength.

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