Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 110: Goodbye (on)

(Excited, excited to get a monthly pass)

Some figures, remembered deep in their hearts, are like imprints that they will never forget.

Some voices linger in my ears, and the rest is lingering forever.

Some names are kept in mind, and they go deep into the soul, even if they die.

Sometimes, you do n’t know it yourself, and you never thought about it, but when you saw it, the inexplicable throbbing emerged from the deepest part of your heart, as if the torrent that was awakened in an instant was surging and turned into For a while, ecstasy and hope, the heart was beating.

That figure, as if separated by thousands of years, has long been a memory, but it is as clear as a brand. At first sight, Chen Zong can be sure that it is her.

At the same time, the giant ape and the beast violently rose up, bearing the violent attacks of the two, even if they were not hurt by the trauma, one punch came and the horrible punches shrouded, as if the meteor fell in the air and destroyed everything.

Can't dodge!

Because I forcibly urged the power of the blood that was not fully awakened and used mysteries, I suffered a serious backlash. For a time, I lost the fighting power and could only watch this fist kill.

Dark, overwhelming, covering the sky.

As if a dark world is coming and sinking.

"Brother, I'm afraid I will never see you again." A trace of regret, like a sigh of wind and snow, that figure has been there for a long time, as if it were a brand.

Although there were not many conversations and not being together every day, some people saw them at first glance and left a shadow.

The hard practice is also to one day be able to return there and see him again, even if it is just a glance.

Deep, restrained ... expectations.

But now, I am afraid there is no hope.

"Sister, I'm here."

A long, familiar voice suddenly came into her ears, letting her slightly stun, and then immediately revealed a smile, hallucination?

Was this an illusion before dying?

Is it the voice from the deepest part of my heart?

Is it an indescribable craving even for myself?

The next breath, a ray of light, a gleam of light, a bright light, carrying the eternal edge of the eternal, across the distance to kill, like aurora, like a thunderbolt, like the glory of the beginning of heaven and earth, it is a sword light of the beginning The light of the sword is present, the world is dark.

This sword directly killed the punch that came to the great ape and the beast.


There is no earth-shattering magnificent momentum, only a subtle sound, as if something cracked, and the giant ape and the beast punched out as if it had lost all the resistance. It was directly penetrated and the layers were pushed forward and broken.

An overpowering arm is as fragile as tofu.

While the terrible Jianguang penetrated, he did not completely pierce his arm, but bent along the arm, like a spirit snake, directly penetrated into the body of the giant ape and the beast, raging and erupting. , Cutting, Ling Chi.

Swords of anger were radiated from the body of the giant ape-like beast when he was stunned. With the scream of the giant ape-like beast screaming, the body of the body covered with sword holes immediately fell down.

One sword ... lore!

The two of Binghuangdao suddenly stared, staring at them like a giant ape and a beast planted on a black hill, shocked.

There is no doubt that the combat power of this giant ape and the beast has reached the level of twelve stars, and it has been killed by one sword.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time." With the rumbling sound of the giant ape and the beast down, a gentle sound of joy rang in his ear.

Looking back unbelievably, the pupils of the eyes were enlarged instantly and suddenly lost their sight.

"Master ... brother ..."

"It's me, Sister Xinxin." Chen Zongwei smiled. Even though her expression was calm, her pulsating eyes showed inner joy and excitement.

"Brother Chen ... Brother Chen Zong ..." Yu Nian paused, was she dreaming?

Didn't wake up?

"Sister Yu, it's great, you're all right." Sister Li, who was baby-faced, finally reacted, rushing over with excitement, hugging Yu Nianxin.

Just before, she watched Xiang Yu Nianxin's blow with the blow of the giant ape and the beast. She was scared and almost helpless, because she completely consumed her body as a strength after performing the mysterious blow. With faster speed, there is no way to help.

Moreover, in that case, even if she helped, it would not help, and could not stop the great ape and the beast in the slightest.

I thought that sister Yu would be beaten to death with that punch, and then it was her turn to be killed. I didn't expect anyone to take a shot and killed the giant ape and the beast with one sword.

The distance between life and death is so close.

To be alive, no one wants to die, to die, it is just a helpless choice.

Surviving now is, of course, weeping with joy.

"Sister Li, I'm fine." After being interrupted, Yu Nianxin converged and smiled at the baby face.

"Thank you for your help." Sister Li also quickly thanked Chen Zongxing for his salute. If Chen Zong was not shot, Yu Shimei would die, and she would die, which would have saved their lives.

"You don't need to be the same as Sister Yu." Chen Zong said with a smile. Although it is not clear what kind of faction Yu Nianxin is in now, the breath of the two people is the same source, and it belongs to the same door.

Baby-faced Sister Li was very curious because she noticed Chen Zong's title and she called Yu Nianxin as Sister Yu.

"Sir, are you a disciple of Binglong Road?" Sister Li couldn't help asking, thinking carefully, there were disciples of such strength in Binglong Road, but she had never met.

"No, Sister Yu and I have known each other for a long time and have been together." Chen Zongwei smiled. When he saw Yu Nianxin, deep in his heart, there was an indescribable joy.

Sister Li didn't know much about Yu Nianxin's past, but she had a vague understanding that Yu Nianxin didn't pay homage to Bingsheng Palace Binghuangdao from the beginning, so before that, she naturally had other backgrounds.

"Is this the desire in your heart?" Within Chen Zong's Shenhai, Yuanshen showed a weird smile, and also made a weird, full of ridiculous voice: "Nice, but also the type I like. In this case, you still What are you hesitating, just push it down. "

"Oh, is it the person's shame that is making trouble, because there are others watching next to it?"

"It's okay, can't we just push it down together."

The demon in Chen Zong's sea of ​​spirits and the Yuanshen kept clamoring and encouraging, and the laughter was very bad, even if Chen Zong wanted to ignore it, it was difficult to do so.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Yu Nianxin couldn't help asking, feeling that Chen Zong's expression appeared a little weird.

"I'm fine." Chen Zong resumed as usual, completely ignoring the clamor of the demon.

"What you're running away from, I'm you, you're me, I'm the assembly and manifestation of all your desires in your heart." The demon continued to shout: "All my thoughts come from you."

Chen Zong could not help moving.

Does all the demon's thoughts come from himself?

Could it be said that such a thought really exists deep in his own heart. For a time, Chen Zong's eyes became a little weird, and he accidentally brushed Yu Nianxin's face and Sister Li's face.

Immediately, Chen Zong shook his head slightly to eliminate such strange thoughts.


Such a serious person, with such a thought, everything is nothing but a conspiracy of the devil.

Ignoring the clamor of the demon again, Chen Zong looked at Yu Nianxin again.

At that time, when he returned to Lingwu Holy Realm and returned to Baiyun Mountain, he did not see Sister Yu Nianxin. He was very disappointed. He also issued a reward and inquiry for the news, but he still could not find it.

At that time, Chen Zong speculated that maybe there was an adventure for Sister Yu. At that time, she felt a feeling in her heart, a hint of premonition. Perhaps in the void, she could see Sister Yu Nianxin again.

However, that was just a hunch, not a 100% certainty.

Moreover, the void is so immense, even the powerful ones who dominated it would not dare to say that the possibility of seeing them everywhere is not high.

What I never expected was that when I entered the ancient ruins, I encountered Yu Nianxin, a sister, and after many years, I finally saw them again.

That joy is beyond description.

In the same way, Chen Zong can also feel the joy from the heart of Sister Yu Nianxin, and she is also glad to see herself again.

Meet and rejoice.

Joy is in the heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is like the waves of a lake, but it is difficult to tell.

Chen Zong has many questions in his heart, such as how did Yu Nianxin leave Lingwu Holy Realm?

Why appear in the void?

What happened in the meantime?

But now, this is not the right place to talk.

Chen Zong protects the law and allows Yu Nianxin and her sister to take the medicine to restore the consumed power. Yu Nianxin not only consumes the power, but also gets back bitten and traumatized by forcing the power of the blood that has not been fully awakened. It is not so easy to recover.

This place has few ghosts and is difficult to encounter.

Speaking of them, if it wasn't for the fact that Chen Zong was restrained by the demon, Chen Zong could not show his full combat power, so that when he encountered a mighty ghost beast, he would not be able to defeat the enemy. This place came just when I encountered Yu Nianxin, who was in danger.

This is also a fate.

Recovery, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin's repairs have successively restored their strength, but Yu Nianxin forcibly stimulated the backwash of blood power, and it will take longer to recover. During this period, it is difficult to achieve the ultimate strength.

In addition, Chen Zong also failed to exert the strongest combat power because of the restraint of the demon, so he decided to leave the ancient ruins first.

In this regard, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin did not have any objections.

As soon as their bodies moved, the three quickly left the place and flew towards the entrance and exit of the ancient ruins. The more they went out, the less likely they were to encounter danger, especially the danger of the ancient ruins themselves.

The three were not slow. It didn't take long before they saw the outline of the huge dark vortex, turning endlessly.

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