Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 111: Goodbye (below)

The dark vortex, with a diameter of 10,000 meters, rotates wildly, and the center is extremely dark.

Seeing this vortex, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was safer to be here.

At the same time, there were two figures flying rapidly from under the dark vortex toward this side.

Seeing those two figures, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin were all together, and their bodies followed each other. Chen Zong was still at ease, and he stopped for a moment and stared away.

The two figures, a man and a woman, had a slight chill in the breath fluctuations on their bodies. The fluctuations in the breath of the woman were exactly the same as those of Yu Nianxin, but the breath of the man was different, But there is a similar feeling.

"Is the Ice Dragon Road and the Binghuang Road of Bingsheng Palace?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Bingsheng Palace is the top-level star-level force. In this side of the void, it belongs to an extremely tyrannical existence. I do n’t know how many forces are above it. Only super-level star-level forces can overcome it, and super-level Star-level forces have another name: Holy Land!

In other words, the ice holy palace is the superpower behind the four holy places.

There are not many powerful forces at this level, such as the Bingsheng Palace, but there are not many in the whole void, but only about ten are distributed in the five voids.

To be a disciple of this kind of super power, it is certain that the talents themselves are very strong, and even the best of them are placed in the four sacred places, and they can also rank in the midstream and even upstream.

Seeing the two, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin's expressions sank slightly.

Chen Zong also noticed that a surprised look flashed under the woman's eyes, and then she suddenly rushed over: "Great, Li Shimei Yu Shimei, you are all alive."

Chen Zong did not know what happened during the process, because Yu Nianxin did not mention it, but now that he saw it, Chen Zong naturally made some guesses.

"Sister Lao is anxious." Yu Nian replied absently, avoiding Bai Songdie's hand, and her tone was not as familiar and eager as before.

"Yu Shimei, what's wrong, are you blaming me? Didn't I say that at the time, I'm going to find a rescuer, or else it's the three of us, or the opponent of that ghost animal." Bai Songdie was very keen. When Yu Nianxin changed his attitude, he quickly explained: "Look, I have found Brother Ao Shengming of Binglong Road, and I will immediately rush back to save you."

"Sister Bai, I'm afraid we will be killed when you return to save us." Li Jiayin said with a smile.

At that time, the situation was extremely urgent and extremely dangerous. To be honest, if it was not in danger, Yu Shimei's former classmate and brother happened to kill the giant ape and the beast. Now, she and Yu Shimei are dead and reduced to that giant The soul of the ape-hinged beast has fallen.

How could we save at that time?

Bring back the corpse that has been beaten into meat sauce?

And to be honest, in the situation at the time, the person who proposed to explode all the power was White Pine Butterfly, but in the end, she fled for the first time, and even said nothing when she ran away. To rescue the soldiers, in the opinion of Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin, that was nothing more than an excuse.

In other words, she really had the intention to move the soldiers, but it was not greedy for fear of death, and she planned to use Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin to drag the giant ape and the beast to win her life.

"Two sisters, you can be safe and sound, I will rest assured." The person called Brother Ao spoke, breaking the embarrassment of Bai Songdie.

"I've seen Brother Ao." Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin saluted each other: "Thank you Brother Ao for helping

. "

"It's okay, I just happened to enter the ancient ruins, and you'll be fine." Ao Shengming smiled slightly, a modest gentleman, a smile on his face, a spring-like expression on his face, and a white robe on his body. It has silver dragon patterns, white clothes wins snow, and is personable and very attractive.

"Now, do several teachers and sisters continue to enter the ancient ruins, if you want, you can join me." Ao Shengming glanced away, with a modest smile.

"Thank you, Brother Ao for your kindness, but we decided to leave first." Yu Nian responded with anxiety.

From the beginning to the end, Ao Shengming's eyes were on Yu Nianxin and others, ignoring Chen Zongfen, as if Chen Zong did not exist.

But now, Ao Shengming looks at Chen Zong: "What is this lord?"

"Brother Ao, he is the younger brother of Sister Yu's former school, and just saved us." Li Jiayin said quickly.

"That's it, thank you very much." Ao Shengming smiled at Chen Zong.

"A coincidence." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"I don't know where your teacher came from?" Ao Shengming asked again.

"Heart of Heaven." Chen Zong did not cover up.

However, when everyone heard Chen Zong's words, everyone was shocked, and Ao Shengming even shrank his pupils.

Heart of Heaven!

One of the four sacred places, and the head of the four sacred places recognized, the most powerful force in the void is stronger than the ice holy palace.

"It turned out to be the high feet of the Heavenly Palace of the Mind, disrespectful and disrespectful." Ao Shengming's expression changed immediately, and his tone became more enthusiastic, and he arched against Chen Zong.

Chen Zong also bowed back, this is the basic etiquette.

There are not too many greetings, because they are not so familiar. Moreover, from the expression of the other party, Chen Zong felt that the other party was not so friendly to him.

In this case, there is no need to talk.

After leaving each other, Chen Zong left with Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin, but the white pine butterfly and Ao Shengming walked into the ancient ruins again.

"The true disciple of Xinyi Tiangong." Ao Shengming thought deeply as he went deep into the ancient ruins: "It seems that I need to notify the elder brother when he is so close."


At the same time, the three figures emerged from the dark place at the center of the dark vortex and appeared in the void. Chen Zong immediately felt that the cold, cold air attached to his body was dissipating, as if floating without roots. Normally, it cannot exist in this void.

The ancient ruins belong to the Middle Ages, but the current void is in the Neogene era. The Middle Ages and the Neogene era belong to the same era, but they are different minor eras, and their strengths are still different.

Moreover, here is a void zone, a zone without wind and waves, and even the vitality of the void is extremely weak, and the ghostly energy brought out from the ancient ruins cannot naturally exist.


Dissipate quickly!

But within a few short breaths of time, the cold chills of the three men all disappeared, and a feeling that seemed to unload the burden suddenly rose.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be a true disciple of Xintiangong." Yu Nian said to Chen Zong with a smile and a happy tone.

"Come to it." Chen Zong smiled slightly. If the Purgatory ghosts had invaded Tianyuan Sanctuary then, the world will of Tianyuan Sanctuary would also wake up. In order to accelerate recovery,

Finally cooperate with yourself to let yourself sneak into the purgatory ghosts to kill the purgatory ghosts and devour the will of the purgatory ghosts.

The initial condition is to provide myself with a secret place located deep in the world.

This is also the case, so that after Chen Zong was able to enter the Mind Heaven Palace, he worshipped under the heart of the Mind Heaven Palace and the Mind Heart Temple, omitting many times and steps, and even now, he has become the Tao of the Mind Heaven Palace, exalting the elder Rights and status are second only to a main deity.

And all this is indeed an opportunity. Chen Zong's use of these two words is quite appropriate.

"My business is nothing, but you sister." Chen Zong looked at Yu Nianxin softly: "I once went back to Baiyun Mountain, but at that time, but couldn't find where you are, I guess, it may be What an adventure, I didn't expect to see you in the void now. "

"Oh, I got a great opportunity back then." Yu Nianxin laughed.

However, because Li Jiayin was present at the scene, the two did not have an in-depth conversation, and there were some things that they did not want to be known to others.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Zong took out the Void Vessels and invited Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin to enter.

Wukong is a top-level void ship, no matter its appearance or internal arrangement, naturally it will not be simple.

"Wow, it's amazing." Li Jiayin marveled. The void craft they took when they came was not so advanced, at least it looked and felt.

Yu Nianxin was also slightly surprised.

Realizing that Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin had just met, it was estimated that there would be many things to say, and Li Jiayin entered a room to practice.

As soon as Li Jiayin left, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin remained, and they immediately relaxed. Immediately, a strange atmosphere lingered along ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sister. "


"You say it first." Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin were very tacit, and immediately hesitated, then looked at each other and relaxed completely.

When the two sat down, Chen Zong also took out the precious wine, filled a cup for Yu Nianxin, and filled himself with a glass, and took out some of the favorite foods, which are all good food for Yudaojing.

"Come, sister, toast for our reunion." Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin with a smile on the white chalcedony wine glass.

"Cheers." Yu Nianxin also raised his glass, rejoicing.

"It turns out that you like this kind of tune. Do you drunk this little girl before taking advantage of it?" The evil laughter full of evil spirits sounded again, and Chen Zong was almost choked.

If possible, Chen Zong really wants to kick this guy out and beat him alive.

But it doesn't work, so you can only ignore it, because if you care about the other person's words, this demon will be even more arrogant.

To deal with this kind of thing is to ignore it.

The demons kept clamoring, but Chen Zong ignored him, ignored him, and gradually felt very boring, and went silent, but still took part of the control of Yuanshen, making Chen Zong's power unplayable. To the extreme.

Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin talked as they drank fine wine and ate delicious food.

Yu Nianxin also mentioned the so-called chance that he encountered in the past, which was encountered in the Lingwu sacred realm. A long time ago, a chance left by a strong man in the ice holy palace and a void Big move array.

It was through that array that Yu Nianxin arrived at the Bingsheng Palace and worshiped in the Binghuang Road of the Bingsheng Palace.

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