Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 112: Reentry Ancient Ruins

In his early years, Yu Nianxin had awakened his bloodline, which was to bleed his blood for the ice wind. In Lingwu sacred realm, this was a very high-level bloodline. After awakening, Yu Nianxin's own strength increased greatly.

Afterwards, she rushed around, entered a forbidden area, and faced a crisis of life and death. Because of the ice wind and blood on her body, she coincidentally triggered a mysterious mechanism and entered a secret place in a small space.

The secret place of the small space was developed by a strong man with a mighty power, between the spiritual and spiritual realm and the void. Yu Nianxin not only avoided the crisis of death, but also obtained in the secret place of the small space. Great opportunity.

In the secret place of that small space, there is a drop of very high blood. After merging that drop of blood, the blood flow of Yu Nianxin has also changed, an essential transformation.

At the same time as the blood veins were transformed, the blood veins that had been awakened fell into silence again. This was the case, and Yu Nianxin's talent was promoted to a higher level.

The person who created the small space and the secret place and left that drop of blood with superb blood is a respectable strong person in the Ice Phoenix Palace of Bingsheng Palace, not only leaving a drop of high-level blood, but also a large void. Move the array and a piece of information to explain that those who have a chance to enter here, after integrating the blood, can go to the ice holy palace through the array and worship under the gate of the ice holy palace.

That drop of blood is the essence of Bingyan Tianhuang's bloodline. Only a woman with the bloodline of Phoenix can be successfully merged. If not, the result of forced fusion is death.

Although Bingfengyu is not a phoenix, it has an inseparable relationship with the phoenix. To a certain extent, it is a branch of the phoenix.

Therefore, Yu Nianxin only successfully merged the essence of the blood veins of the Bingyantianhuang, causing her own ice wind to change blood veins.

During the process of metamorphosis, the awakened blood will be silent again.

It was also because of the fusion of the Bingyan Tianhuang bloodline that Yu Nianxin's cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds, and he quickly reached the level of the sub-god. Using the Void to move the array, he was very lucky to be transmitted to the ice holy palace. , Was brought into Bingsheng Palace by a true disciple of Bingsheng Palace and Binghuangdao. With the tokens left by that Taoist deity, he successfully worshiped as a disciple in Bingsheng Palace.

Even though the bloodline promoted by the blood of Bingyantianhuang did not awaken, Yu Nianxin ’s talent has greatly increased, the potential has been greatly developed, and the practice of Binghuangdao's heritage skills has been cultivated. At the level of Tong Shen Jing Yu Dao Jing, it is included in the true story of Binghuang Tao.

Later, Yu Nianxin relied on the higher talents brought by the bloodline, and also fit the skills of Binghuangdao. Under the practice, he made rapid progress, surpassed many fellow students, and promoted the cultivation to the level of the Eighth Path of Imperial Road.

As a result, a small part of his blood was once again inspired and awakened, which greatly increased Yu Nianxin's combat power and reached the top eleven-star level.

However, if you want to reach the twelve-star level, it is very difficult, unless it is to fully awaken a bloodline and master the power of a bloodline, otherwise, even if it is to break through the nine revolutions of the imperial realm, it is estimated that it can barely reach twelve Stars.

Although Bingyan Tianhuang's blood is very bright, placed in the void, they are all first-class top bloodlines, and the potential is extremely amazing, but unfortunately, Yu Nianxin has only one drop of the essence of Bingyan Tianhuang's blood. The ice-bloomed blood veins that have gotten themselves have been transformed to a higher level, but they still cannot be completely transformed into the blood veins of the ice flame.

It can only be said that the bloodline of Yu Nianxin's body is just incomplete Bingyan Tianhuang's bloodline, and complete

Bingyan Tianhuang's bloodline is much different.

Rao is so, it also allows Yu Nianxin's talent to outperform many people. Otherwise, with her original talent, it is difficult to achieve the Divine Realm. The sub-god level may be the limit.

Even if it can break through to the realm of the gods, at the level of the imperial realm, it will progress slowly, and it can not be compared with the present.

However, nowadays, the blood ranks have been improved a lot, and the talent has also been greatly enhanced. The potential is amazing. The 12-star combat power is very hopeful to achieve. That is the level of super-polar combat power. In the void, there are only a few Only top Tianjiao can be reached.

Listening to Yu Nianxin's words, Chen Zong couldn't help sighing. It was really good luck. She was really happy for her.

This means that in the future, Yu Nianxin's achievements will not be too low, the divine power is inevitable, and the Taoist level is also very hopeful. As for the master level, it is difficult to say.

There are not many dominating powerhouses in the entire void, and it is difficult to achieve.

Yu Nianxin told Chen Zong the circumstances of her adventures and later worshiped in the Ice Phoenix Road of Bingsheng Palace. It was very detailed, which shows that she trusted Chen Zong very much.

Today's Yu Nianxin, because of his blood potential and talent, is qualified to compete for the preparation of the Tao. Once he gets the preparation, he is qualified to compete for the Tao.

In this regard, the competition mechanism of Bingsheng Palace is different from the Mind Heaven Palace.

The Tao of Xinyi Tiangong is recognized by most Taoists, and finally determined by the dominating powers. After strict assessment, it is eligible to serve. The ice dragon road and ice phoenix road in Bingsheng Palace are Only through competition, after a lot of competition, can we finally serve.

Between the two, if you want to say which method is better, really there is no fixed number, it is a good method, the selected path is the best, the most advanced level.

"Sister, now your question is the force of the blood that was forcibly stimulated in the ancient ruins before it was not fully awakened, and how to fully awaken the power of the blood." Chen Zong said, his eyes blinked. .

Yu Nianxin nodded, forcibly triggering the backwash of blood vessels, but he could slowly recover, but it was very difficult to fully awaken the power of blood vessels.

"Sister, what's your clue?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking. If he had any clue, he could help himself, so that Sister Yu could fully awaken his bloodline faster.

Once the blood is fully awakened, those who are able to become a preparatory Taoist or even a contestant Taoist are very powerful.

Being a Tao means that in Binghuangdao, the status is extremely high and the rights to enjoy are also very high. The inheritance and resources that can be obtained are also superb.

The road to cultivation is the road to struggle. One step at a time, it may be one step at a time.

But cultivation requires not only your own efforts, but also the promotion of external forces. Only when the two are combined, can you achieve the best.

Since seeing Yu Nianxin again, of course, Chen Zong would help her within her ability.

"There is Awakening Dan in Bingsheng Palace. After taking it, it can stimulate the blood and make the blood awaken faster." Yu Nianxin said: "This time I entered the ancient ruins, I was looking for some treasures to contribute to Binghuangdao Get merit points for Awakening Dan. "

"Apart from the Awakening Dan?" Chen Zong asked again. There is more than one way to awaken the power of the Void as it is so vast.

"Also, Refining Phoenix

The essence of blood, take some magic medicine that can stimulate the power of blood. "Yu Nianxin laughed.

Of course, there are methods, and they are not too few, but no matter which one, it is not easy. Counting it out, it is most straightforward to exchange the Awakening Dan directly from Bingsheng Palace.

At least, there is an Awakening Dan in the Ice Temple, and the goal is very clear.

However, the exchange of Awakening Dan is not easy, and many merits are needed.

"Sister Yu, is Tianming Fruit of Tianming Ancient Tree effective for your blood awakening?" Chen Zong asked, turning his thoughts.

"Tian Mingguo's effect is to stimulate its own potential, and it is not clear whether it is effective." Yu Nianxin said after a slight groan, because so far, Yu Nianxin has not taken Tian Mingguo.

Only after taking it can we know.

It is a pity that Chen Zong had received more than one hundred Tianming fruits before, but they were all taken by himself. Now he cannot verify them.

"That being the case, sister, you have to recover some time. Then, we will enter the ancient ruins to look for the Tianming fruit." Chen Zong said decisively.

Left and right to enter the ancient ruins, have not explored much.

After a period of time, although Yu Nianxin was stimulated by the power of the bloodline, she has not completely recovered, but it will not affect the exertion of her own strength. However, you cannot force the bloodline force again until it is fully restored, otherwise , Will further expand the back bite.

"Chen ... Chen Zong, you and I are not in the same door now. In the future, don't call me sister, just call my name." Yu Nianxin hesitated a little, then said with a little stubbornness.

Chen Zong slightly hesitated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hear no, hear no, this little girl is conveying the message to you. Now you can shoot, the overturned success rate is 100%, and enjoy yourself. "The demon seemed to find something interesting, and the evil voice sounded again:" If you dare not, then let your body out and let me come, you and I are one anyway. "

"Still, you keep thinking about that big breasted sister?"

"Well, as the container of the devil, of course, you have to hold countless beauties. As long as they are excellent little girls, they are all overthrown."

"Okay, then I'll tell you to mind." Chen Zong ignored the demon and smiled slightly at Yu Nianxin.

"Um." Yu Nianxin nodded slightly, his ears slightly red.

After Li Jiayin was called, the three left the Void Void Vessels and came to the dark vortex again. They flew towards the center of the dark vortex, immersed in them, as if they were engulfed by the vortex.

Not long after, three figures emerged from the other end of the dark vortex. The dark vortex was like a barrier of space and time at different degrees.

Once again into the ancient ancient ruins, the bleak dark air once again surrounded from all directions, permeated all around, attached to the bodies of the three people, as if they were about to invade the three people, but they were overbearing and pure. The force spontaneously resisted, and it was difficult to invade the slightest.

However, this invasion and infiltration is intangible and insidious, and will gradually intensify with the passage of time. No matter how high your strength is, you cannot avoid it completely. The only difference is the length of time to resist the invasion.

"Let's go." Chen Zong locked in another direction, different from the previous direction, and took Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin forward.

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