Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 113: 1 sword when off

Deep in the ancient ruins, inside a palace located on the ground, on the throne, sits a figure shrouded in darkness, like a black hole swirling, madly consuming all the surrounding light.

A chain of chains that seemed to condense from smoke spread from the dark vortex to all parts of the earth palace, connecting them with the earth palace.

Beneath the throne, there are densely kneeling patches, all of which are shrouded in gloomy, cold and mute air, silent and silent, as if moving like a sculpture.

"Dare to sneak into my dark soil to steal the dark seeds, I don't know if I live or die, I'm all out, chase, and bring back the brave thief." The figure in the dark whirlpool made an angry roar, and the chains burning with dark flames were violent Shocking, making a piercing noise, echoing in this palace.

"Yes." Below, a kneeling figure made a low response.

In the next breath, every figure leapt forward, turning into all kinds of gray lightning, and quickly rushed out of the underground palace. Along the complicated passage, they rushed out of the underground palace from the secret entrance and exit, appearing on the ground of the ancient ruins .

After a quick exchange with each other, they quickly dispersed and turned into a fan-like shape and rushed out to the surroundings at an amazing speed.


With Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin, the three Chen Zong kept entering the ancient ruins.

Although interfered by the demon, he could not exert his full combat power, but Chen Zong now possesses a good combat power.

It is a pity that although the three also found a few ancient trees, the above either had no results, or they were far away from maturity, or they were directly destroyed.

Earlier, Tianming ancient trees were among the most common mysteries among the ancient ruins. Many, but some of them caused the powerful Hades to be tragically destroyed due to their maturity.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient ancient trees will continue to decrease, and if they continue, they will become scarce resources.

Although there was no harvest of Tianming Fruit, the three of them had good luck and found a Pluto palace, a Pluto palace that has not been broken through.

But the problem comes, there are high and low levels in Hades Palace, and there are restrictions on how to enter.

Although Chen Zong's combat power is affected by the demon, it is a real Yuanming Realm, while Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin are Yu Dao Jing, one Yu Dao Jing eight turns, and one Yu Dao Jing nine turns.

However, the opportunity is right in front of you, so don't miss it.

"Nianxin, you and Sister Li should try first." Chen Zong said.

My relationship with Li Jiayin is relatively ordinary, and the other party is Yu Nianxin's sister. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to call Li Jiayin as sister Li.

Neither Yu Nianxin nor Li Jiayin quit, the opportunity is in front of them, of course, they must seize it.

How hard it is to cultivate, and then genius practitioners must seize every opportunity that is good for them.

When Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin moved forward, when they touched the gate of Hades Palace, they suddenly penetrated.

This is the low-order Hades palace.

"Go out, I'll wait outside." Chen Zong laughed.

"Thank you so much." Li Jiayin was grateful. After Yu Nianxin smiled at Chen Zongwaner, he stepped into Hades Palace.

Chen Zong tried and found that a force blocked himself. Indeed, he could not enter, so just wait outside.

Of course, Chen Zong is not a silly waste of time waiting, but pays attention to the movements around him with one mind and one mind, and at the same time cultivates and enlightens, he does not waste a trace of time.

Although under the interference of the demon, his combat power cannot be fully exerted, and even the Supreme Master Wu can not perform normally, but this will not hinder his cultivation and enlightenment.

Before taking more than one hundred Tianming fruit, it has stimulated a lot of potential and is in an active state. It is relatively easy to cultivate and transform into its own strength, thereby enhancing its combat effectiveness.

Time passed slowly, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin entered the low-level Pluto palace and challenged them. What was happening was not clear to Chen Zong, but he could not reach out and could only wait here.

Two white robes flew quickly from a distance.

"Pluto palace." The two figures saw the Pluto palace from a distance, and immediately showed a touch of joy, approaching quickly.

Immediately, they also saw the people standing in front of Hades.

"It's you." Ao Shengming frowned slightly.

"It's him." Bai Songdie also frowned.

"Sir, haven't you left the ancient ruins?" After approaching, Ao Shengming stared at Chen Zong and asked with a smile.

"You are in charge of the ancient ruins?" Chen Zong asked instead.

The implication is that this ancient ruins I want to come, I want to leave, do what you do.

Ao Shengming's face was as gentle as a gentleman. It seemed to be a momentary pause, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Legs are on your body. Where you want to go is your freedom." Ao Shengming smiled again. "But, what about my two sisters in the Ice Temple?"

"In it." Chen Zong responded, not speaking again.

This Ao Shengming looks like a modest gentleman, but it is not so in his heart. Such a person, Chen Zong does not intend to talk with him.

"Low-order Pluto." Bai Songdie heard the words immediately rejoicing, and her cultivation was the Ninth Turn of the Royal Road and the 11-star combat power.

Rejoicing, the white pine butterfly moved like a bird to spread its wings and quickly rushed towards the gate of the low-order Hades palace.

However, Bai Songdie found that she could not approach the gate of Hades Palace at all, and was blocked by a touch of sword light. The sword light was faint and the brilliance was like autumn water, as if a stream was flowing in the void, but it was extremely amazing. Sharp.

As soon as they approached, the white pine butterfly could feel the amazing sharpness, seeming to cut across his body, as if to cut himself off, terrible.

"What do you mean?" Bai Songdie sank.

"Already someone." Chen Zong's tone was light. Chen Zong stayed. In addition to waiting for Yu Nianxin, he also had a sense of calmness, preventing others from entering, so as not to interfere with Yu Nianxin's entry into this Hades palace.

"My Excellency is too domineering." Ao Shengming frowned, his tone was not as humble as before, and it was a bit more ruthless, but Chen Zong did not speak again, apparently he did not want to bother, Ao Shengming's eyes grew colder "That's why it offends."

The moment the voice just fell, Ao Shengming took the shot, and the long sword flew out of the sheath, wielding an extremely bright sword light in his hand. The sword light was sharp and filled with endless chill. As soon as he appeared, he broke through and killed him. Passing along the way, frost debris has condensed and spread.

This Ao Shengming is truly a genius in the elementary stage of the Yuan Dynasty. With a sword, his combat power has suddenly reached a two-star level.

Chen Zong's body was immobile, and the sword around his waist never scabbed. He only referred to the sword as a volley, between the flashes of the sword light, as if between the existence and the nothingness, and shot out without any sound.

The sword light seemed to be looming, but there was another kind of dazzling brilliance, and in an instant, it came into contact with the sword Ao Shengming cut through.

There was a faint sound of the golden iron and iron symphony, which was the collision of Jianguang, the Jianguang condensed as if it were a substance, as if it were a golden iron and iron object.

When the time passed, Jianguang was broken one after another.

Ao Shengming was a little surprised. The opponent had a sword around his waist, and he was obviously a swordsman, but he could even match his own sword without a sheath, indicating that the opponent's combat power was higher than he thought. some.

However, did not pull out the sword, is this looking down on yourself!

Angered, Ao Shengming exhibited the inheritance of the ice dragon path, a sword was shot through the air, and a faint dragon murmur sounded. The sword light instantly turned into a white ice dragon, and his eyes seemed to burn. With the icy blue ice and fire, his body swaying and his teeth dancing, as if driving nine days, killing in an instant.

The chill suddenly came and invaded, as if Chen Zong was to be completely frozen. The amazing chill also made Chen Zong feel cold.

The power of this sword has been elevated to the top two-star level.

However, Chen Zong still did not draw his sword.

Although his true strength is on the sword, without the sword, his strength is not fully played. However, with the improvement of the realm and the improvement of kendo, even if there is no sword, Chen Zong can still play an amazing battle. force.

The sword fingers were empty and understated. It seemed to be a bit overwhelming, but the dazzling sword light burst out in an instant.


Broken again.


Ao Shengming was furious to the extreme, and immediately urged a strength, ten percent of the power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Long Yin bursts, extremely high, the roar rang all around, the void oscillated endlessly, the ripples spread, the surrounding darkness The air was directly frozen and turned into an ice ring, covering Ao Shengming's body.

Do your best!

The endless frost of ice was pouring into the swords in his hands, and they were full of light, wandering like countless snakes, and finally condensed.

Ice Dragon Road: Longxing the world!

When the sword was killed, a dozen meters of life-like ice dragons were shot out in a hurry. The sharp claws fell, the cold fell, and they were frozen all around. A frost spread quickly, as if it turned into a void ice channel and rushed to Chen Zong. , Astonishing cold air continued to invade, it seemed that Chen Zong would be frozen.

This kind of mighty power has surpassed the two-star level and reached the three-star level.

Chen Zong felt threatened. After all, his combat power was restrained by the demon. At present, what he can play is at most a three-star level.

Draw a sword!

When the time passed, Jixin Wujian sword emerged from the sheath, as if it was a glimmer of light from the beginning of the primordial light.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Three!

Under the interference of the demon, Chen Zong's control of the kendo area was also weakened, and only the complete sword three and the incomplete sword four could be exhibited.

To deal with Ao Shengming's sword, sword three is enough.

A sword that is extremely condensed, extremely powerful and can penetrate everything.

The Frost Road was pierced at once, and immediately, the ice dragon that was more than ten meters long was also pierced.

With the same three-star combat blow, the power of Chen Zong's sword was more condensed, so that Ao Shengming's full strength could not resist it.

Jian Guang shot to the ground, Ao Shengming's look changed, he quickly waved his sword, and the sword turned into an ice dragon, blocking the attack of this sword.

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