Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 115: Soul Pursuit (Part 2)

(In the past few days, Liu Dao was invited to Beijing to participate in the October Literature Month Symposium, and he is only now back, so today ’s update is resigned, and now I will offer the first more)

Black light, constantly shooting down, is like a meteor, and like a black hole, it continuously swallows the cold and malignant atmosphere in all directions, and the malignant energy is like a surging ocean.

That light gradually condensed, the light became more restrained, but it became more and more bright, like a black sun.

In the end, it was condensed into a huge dark finger, more than one meter long, as if the giant's finger dropped directly, endless smoke lingering, like the embers of a flame burning.

With a single click, the ground pressure collapsed and shattered.

Under the terrible one finger, the Da Zhoutian sword world that surrounds the whole body also sags inwardly. Countless sword lights rush from the surroundings to the depression continuously, blocking the terrible coercion of that finger, and the sword light quickly moves from the inside. Scattered, like swimming fish, take away a bunch of amazing finger pressure and disperse it.

However, the pressure of that finger was too strong, and despite the continuous weakening of the Da Zhoutian sword world, it was overwhelmed with sounds, and each sword light broke and shattered.


The defense ability of Da Zhoutian Sword Realm is astonishing. Even if it is more than a few percent of Chen Zong's combat power, it cannot be broken, but now the finger of this huge shadow has brought great pressure to Da Zhoutian Sword Realm.

In short, because of the restraint of the demon, Chen Zong can only play a three-star combat power, even if all the power is used, it is at most to reach the four-star level.

As soon as the sword world of Da Zhou cast out, the top four-star combat power could not be broken, and it could even withstand the attack of five-star combat power to a certain extent.

But now, the power of the opponent ’s finger is constantly increasing, from the level of ordinary five-star combat power to the top five-star.

As if the sound of a broken string sounded continuously, it was a sound of broken sword lights.


In the case of limited combat power, even if the defensive power of Da Zhoutian's sword world is amazing, it can't stop such a shock. The gap in combat power is too obvious.

Fingers more than one meter long, as if having the weight of a mountain, were shot down with the horror power that crushed all the broken ground. The sword world of Da Zhoutian continued to sag, and the sword light broke and was eventually broken.

At the moment of fragmentation, Jianguang's countless laser shots away, and his fingers hit the chest of Chen Zong relentlessly.

The layers of defense suddenly shattered, and the light of the heart-printed treasures flickered, quickly weakening the force of this finger by 50%.

Because the power of the Yinyin Baoyi to absorb and store is limited, the current power reserve is full and naturally cannot be absorbed anymore, but can only be weakened and dispersed.

The remaining 30% also exploded with amazing power. Chen Zong only felt that his chest was rammed by a compressed mountain, and he felt like his chest was broken.

If the Yinyin Baoyi weakened 50% of its power, and its body was very arrogant, this blow would be directly hit.

This is the case. Chen Zong was also repelled hundreds of meters. A pain continued to spread from the chest, radiating the whole body, and a cold and extreme force continued to invade the body, in an attempt to destroy the visceral coagulation and stagnation of blood. I also felt that my primordial spirit was trembling endlessly, and the chill struck, as if to freeze it.

In one blow, despite being blocked by heavy defense, Chen Zong also fell directly into the wind.

"It's actually blocked." The godly man was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that I would use a blow from Hades to be blocked by the opponent. It was ... good material.

The better a practitioner is, the more powerful he will be after being transformed into a ghost.

For example, you are a talented cultivator before, otherwise you ca n’t cultivate Hades.

This is, however, the heritage of the Middle Ages, which can only be possessed in the ancient ruins. It is an extremely powerful heritage. Now, it is only a preliminary mastery. If you master a little more, its power will be even stronger.

So, if you block the first hit, can you block the second hit.

Mingwu, especially in places with strong atmosphere like the ancient ruins of the Ming Dynasty, its power is terrible.

The huge virtual shadow of 100 meters high was shot again, and it was pointed out again. The black light condensed and instantly broke, as if the meteor was moon-by-moon. That little black light swallowed the madness like a black hole, and quickly grew and condensed again. A huge finger, more than one meter above the level, reaches a level of two meters.

The two-meter-long dark giant finger, the power contained in it became increasingly terrible, which greatly changed Chen Zong's face.

Shun Jian Jian!

Chen Zong's figure turned into a sword light, and instantly disappeared into the void and disappeared. The disappearance was immediately hit by the giant finger, the ground was broken, and a crack kept rushing forward, directly up to a thousand meters, as if being brutal. The cattle plowed.

Chen Zong's figure appeared not far away, with a solemn look.

Although it was just avoided, it was very dangerous, but it was almost hit. Rao avoided it, and Yuan Shen was also impacted.

Another bad thing is that he can't leave because Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin haven't even come out yet.

With the sword in the air, I ca n’t fight this ghost person now, but I can get away. The success rate is very high, but as soon as I leave, in case Yu Nianxin and the two just leave the palace, the consequences will be either by the ghost person. To kill is to be caught alive.

Ca n’t leave, but it ’s difficult to fight. The opponent ’s Hades are very powerful, and they also have the power to impact the Primordial God. Once or twice is nothing, but multiple impacts will still affect their own Primordial God.

"Heart demon, you also know the current situation, and then continue, it is not good for you and me." Chen Zong said to the heart demon again.

"No, no, you're wrong, it's not good for you, it's not good for me." The devil smiled sharply: "Either you take the initiative and let me take control, or wait for the other person to hurt you , Then I will be able to take control of my body. "

Chen Zong was speechless, because what the demon said was quite reasonable.

Can't go, the other party keeps attacking, even if they can't hit themselves, they will also affect their own gods, accumulating less and more, and may eventually damage their own gods.

The damage of the Yuanshen affects the spirits. At that time, it is very likely that the demon will seize the opportunity and seize more control of the Yuanshen, eventually overwhelming the self-consciousness.

So what do you do now?

For a time, Chen Zong did not have any good way to let the control of the birth body be impossible. Once he gave up, it would be extremely difficult to get back, and there might be no chance.

Another finger came in through the air, and the forceful fingers seemed to destroy the mountains.

Chen Zong once again casts his sword to avoid, while thinking about the way to break the situation, but the demon is constantly taunting in Yuanshen.

"Think about it, if you can't solve the trouble in front of you, what will you do when that little girl comes out?"

"It's so hard to find, what a beautiful scene.

Chen Zong could not help frowning.

It's really hard to talk about this demon, and now I can't avoid it

Free point.

Run away?

Can't do it.

Let the body come out?

Can't do it.

Chen Zong can feel the dilemma.

However, the demon is a matter of hangs that has nothing to do with it. It constantly interferes with Chen Zong, all kinds of ridicule and ridicule. In short, it is to prevent Chen Zong from exerting his strength, either let his body or Being hit hard gives you the opportunity to take advantage.

As long as you have taken control of the Yuanshen and the body, at that time, you never want to retake it.

It was another finger-strike to kill, Chen Zong once again launched the instant sword to avoid, during which time, Chen Zong also launched a counterattack. However, he could not approach the other party at all. The dark phantom of a hundred meters was not only able to attack, It can also defend, unless its own combat power defeats the opponent, otherwise it cannot break open, and really attack the underworld.

The situation is very unfavorable to Chen Zong. The current situation, unless it is the demon who releases some control of the Yuanshen, only then can he explode all his combat power.

At that time, there is no need to perform the supreme martial arts, but only the strength of Qi training or refining is enough to break the opponent's 100-meter dark shadow defense and kill the nether person.

The problem is that the demon is too difficult to concede.

Suddenly, I saw the dark shadow of the Wuming Wu with a huge open palm, suddenly shot down in the air, the huge palm absorbed endless fumes, kept expanding, and turned into a size of 100 meters, covering the sky, like a black mountain suppressing and emitting The cold chill that came out of the bones froze the soul, and Chen Zong could feel that his Yuanshen was constantly impacted by a cold chill and became more and more sluggish.

In addition, the space around it seemed to be suppressed, and it became more sturdy. If you want to cast a sword in the sky, the difficulty will increase dramatically.

This Mingwu is so terrible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Refining the heart and returning to one sword: sword three!

A sword is killed, Jianguang breaks through, and kills the giant palm. With the amazing sharpness of Jianyuan in the beginning, it runs through the giant palm, but it is useless, the giant palm is penetrated, and the power is not damaged.

The giant palm was shot down, and under the pressure of astonishing palms, Chen Zong was almost frozen, and the Yuan Shen was madly hit by the cold atmosphere. For a time, Chen Zong felt very difficult to cast the sword of instant space.

However, under his own super-control, Chen Zong still turned into a sword light, and instantly fell into the void.


The giant palm was shot down, as if it were a heavy cold mountain. The ground was shaking, the hard ground collapsed directly, and a hundred-meter-long palmprint was bombarded by students. It collapsed for more than three meters. Around it, countless fissures spread like lightning. , Covering several kilometers.

If such a horrible palm is directly hit, even if it is the defense of the heart-printed treasure and the world gods, it is estimated that Chen Zong will not be able to bear it.

"Surprisingly alive." Mingren felt the breath of Chen Zong and was suddenly surprised.

At the critical moment, Chen Zong forcibly exploded more mental power to break the coercion, and launched the instant sword to avoid the bombardment of the giant palm in time. Rao was also affected by this, and Yuan Shen was shocked. The combat effectiveness was affected again.

The situation is very unfavorable to them, and Yu Nianxin may leave the Hades Palace to appear here at any time.

The two of them are only at the level of the imperial realm. Even if they break through to the Yuan Ming Realm, they are not their opponents, they just increase their casualties.

Chen Zong was thinking quickly while urging Tai Chu Jian Yuangong.

"Little guy, it looks like your trouble is not small."

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