Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 116: Divine Power (1)

(Second is more, wait a long time)

"Little guy, it looks like your trouble is not small."

A sound with a little jokes sounded abruptly, and it sounded from his own heart.

At the same time, Chen Zong felt that in his heart, a ghost appeared and quickly condensed into substance. It was a figure wearing a black robe, a middle-aged person, with a cold look and indifferent eyes. Like a **** on the top, his indifferent eyes seem to read all the red dust forever and explore all mysteries.

Chen Zong was a little surprised, then a happy moment.

"Senior Demon Heart." Chen Zong responded in his heart.

That's right, this is the spirit of the deities who concluded the contract from the deities of the deities. It is the most powerful deity among the deities.

After the spirit and spirit have concluded a contract with themselves, they enter their own mind and fall asleep. The benefit to themselves is the second mind.

However, the second mind is unable to directly enhance its combat power, adding combat capabilities and enduring capabilities.

The ability to endure combat is naturally very useful in the face of evenly matched opponents, but it appears to be stretched out in the face of opponents with obvious gaps in combat power.

For example, now, the Naruto's combat power is better than his own. Originally, he could still counter it with a superb swordsmanship. However, after the so-called Mingwu performed by the other party, the fighting force soared, and it became increasingly scary and difficult to fight.

Although you can get out, you can't get out.

"Here is ... the ancient ruins." When the demon heart awakened, he could feel everything outside, and couldn't help saying, "You little devil, you have a little meaning."

"I'm much more interesting than him," the Devil smiled. "Come and help me, suppress it."

Before Chen Zong said anything, the spirit demon rushed to speak, asking the spirit demon heart to help him suppress Chen Zong's ego consciousness.

"Little guy, this demon has limited your ability to play. In this case ..." Devil did not bother the demon, but instead said to Chen Zong, the demon did not finish his words, but at the moment, it was amazing The invisible power came to Chen Zong's Yuan Shen.

Chen Zong only felt that his Yuanshen was suppressed by a high power, that power was as high as the nine-day stars, as if the sun and the moon were hanging in the air.

Can't move!

As if time and space were stagnant, the heart demon within the Yuanshen was also suppressed, without the slightest resistance.

Immediately, that terrible mighty power infiltrated the Yuan Shen, suppressing the demon.

Chen Zong also felt that he completely mastered the Yuanshen, or that he had regained all control, and was no longer interfered by the demon.


Fighting power!

Come back completely.

"Thank you Senior Moxin," Chen Zong said quickly.

"Well, let me see your fighting power." Mo Xin said not stubbornly.

Although he chose Chen Zong because he recognized Chen Zong, what level of Chen Zong's combat power has reached, the magic heart is not clear. After all, he was asleep before, but now he is awake.

The demons were suppressed, Yuanshen was completely in control, and his combat power was no longer affected. Chen Zong had a relaxed sense of relief, as if he had unburdened a heavy burden, which felt very wonderful.

It seemed to take a long time from the time when the spirit and spirit were awakened to the time when the spirit and spirit were suppressed and it was completely liberated. But in fact, it is not true.

The 100-meter-high black shot was shot again, and shot with a volley.

The sky was roaring and the earth was shaking.

The power of this blow is very terrible, completely reaching the top five-star combat power, and even surpassing it, approaching the level of six-star combat power indefinitely.

If he had faced this attack before, Chen Zong would have to dodge again, he might even be hit, and he would be severely hit if he died, but now ...

Chen Zong didn't intend to dodge halfway, but showed a smile that looked like a smile.

I was suppressed before, but now ...

Tai Chu Jian Yuan rushed in his body, as if ten thousand swords were running, faintly thunderous.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

There is no need to use the secret method, just rely on your own practice of Qi Qi and He Jian.

In a hurry, the five-kilometer kendo area merged into this sword, and the dazzling sword light penetrated through the void, directly killed, and easily penetrated that giant palm.

Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The giant palm was penetrated and torn by the sword gas, but it was not completely broken, and it continued to shoot down.

The second sword is not a straight strike, but a slash in the air.

The stunning Jianguang was shot out of the air, like a bamboo shoot, as if a sharp blade cuts tofu, and easily split the giant palm that was shot down with terror.


The split palm was shot down, the ground shook endlessly, and it was bombarded by two collapses, on the left and right sides of Chen Zong, while Chen Zong was not attacked in the middle, even caused by the split palm to shoot down the earth. The shock and shock did not affect Chen Zong, and they were resisted by the invisible sword gas.

The dark dust billowed, Chen Zong stood with his sword, and stared at the ghostly man.

"How can ..." The dim man's eyes were wide and dark, his face shocked, unbelievable.

Just now, this practitioner is still struggling under his own wuwu and is very embarrassed. Now he can even smash wuwu's palm with a sword. What happened?

Can't understand!

It ’s completely incomprehensible. Did the other party play with themselves before?

It should not be too.

For a while, the thoughts of this wicked man were chaotic, because Chen Zong's fighting strength was too large.

However, Chen Zong wouldn't leave much time for the other party to think about it. Long sword waved out, and a sword light suddenly broke through the space like a slash, as if the original light that tore the world.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Five Swords!

The six-kilometer kendo area fits into this sword as much as possible. It is extremely powerful and overwhelming, as if it was destroyed by an empty moon.

The shadow of a hundred meters high cannot block this sword, because this sword is a six-star level combat power, and it is a true six-star combat power.

The 100-meter-high black shadow was directly broken, like a bamboo, with the sword light advancing and invincible.

The wicked man had no time to dodge, and as the 100-meter black shadow was cut open by the sword, the sword light passed through the body, and a hundred-meter-long sword mark was split before it dissipated.

One Sword Lore!

The sword light flickered, the long sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong's eyes flickered, and he stared at the bodies of those dim people.

In front of the Nether, they are cultivators, transformed into them, and they naturally have appetites.

It ’s just that the elixir and cultivating magical power used by the practitioners are not useful to the soul. After all, the physique is different, and the cultivating magical powers are not suitable.

Ming Wu is the magical power suitable for the cultivation of the Nether, but not all Nether can be successfully cultivated, or

The author said that most people are difficult to train in a short time.

The previous three ghosts did not know if they had cultivated into ghost martial arts, because they did not show up, it may be, but because of the difference in combat power, they were killed by Chen Zong before they could show up.

The fourth man has a four-star combat power, and because of the interference of the demon, he can only play to the top three-star level. With superb swordsmanship, he can barely block the opponent, so that The other party exhibited Ming Wu.

It is speculated that Ming Wu can not be easily cast, but is used as a means of hole cards.

There are four good people and four acceptance rings, three of which are nothing good. For Chen Zong, it is very ordinary, but in the fourth admission ring, Chen Zong found a dozen mature days. Ningguo is an unexpected delight.

Chen Zong did not eat more than a dozen Tianming fruits, just a dozen, which was helpful to himself, but not so obvious.

"Little guy, based on your first-time cultivation in the Yuan Dynasty, you can reach six-star combat power, unheard of." The voice of the demon spirit sounded in Chen Zong's heart, his tone full of surprise.

Entering the middle level of the Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power can reach six stars, which means that when the opponent is in the first level of the Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power can reach five stars, even the top five stars.

This is simply incredible.

Even the demon heart himself had never had such combat power when he was in Yuan Ming Realm.

The magic heart faintly remembered that when he was in the first stage of Yuan Ming Realm, he just upgraded his combat power to the top four-star level, and then he was already ranked as the No. 1 initiate in the Mind Heaven Palace. And no one surpasses himself.

This Tiangong ancestor, who was selected by himself and signed a contract with himself, surpassed himself at that time.

In that year, when he first entered the middle level of the Yuan Ming Realm, after settling down, his combat power was upgraded to a five-star level. Compared with Chen Zong, he was one star-starred. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The gap in combat power One star is very obvious. In the case of no special ability, it is directly crushed.

"After entering the middle stage of the Yuan Dynasty, the combat power can reach six stars, and then continue to cultivate, reaching seven stars is no problem at all, and even can reach eight stars." The indifferent eyes of the magic heart flashed a faint glance. , Secretly excited.

The more the combat power becomes, the more difficult it is to improve, but the more powerful it is.

The magic heart couldn't help but figure it out. In this way, at the level of Yuan Ming, Chen Zong's combat power was increased to twelve stars. For others, it was a natural sound, which was difficult to cross or even impossible, but To Chen Zong, it is nothing, it is completely possible.

Even among the 12-star combat power, it is also at the top.

Moxin feels very happy. It is a good thing that Tiangong can have such juniors, which means that Tiangong can be passed on for a longer time and become stronger.

"Perhaps in the future, Tiangong will be able to have one more dominant power." The magic heart could not help thinking.

The power of the dominating level surpasses the Taoist level. Even the magic heart of the year has not broken through the dominating level. Even if there is no death, the magic heart does not have much confidence in breaking through to the level of the dominating level.

That requires not only talent, but also other, comprehensive aspects, and even a bit of luck.

But now, the magic heart thinks that Chen Zong's future has a great possibility to break through and become the new master.

With one more master, the mind will be stronger.

Dominant, that's the best combat power.

Chen Zongke didn't know that the demon spirit was very optimistic about his future.

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