Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 118: Divine Power (3)

That sword, like the first light that tore the darkness, brought light and shone in all directions.

That sword, like the beginning of the world, opened up all things, and all things breed.

That sword is like the magic light that destroys the sky and the earth.

A sharp sword, an extreme sword, a killing sword.


Jianguang was broken, dazzling to the extreme, extremely dazzling, and extremely cohesive. Everything around Jianguang seemed to be in the dark and difficult to see.

"This sword ..." The spirit of the demon, located at Chen Zong's heart palace, was suddenly stunned and immediately shocked.

Actually, the power of two exercises of Qi training and refining were superimposed and turned into a new strength.

He was shocked by Qi practitioners and practitioners who practiced the practice, but he was still regretful. After all, to do this step, it would take a lot of time and energy. If Chen Zong can make all Time and energy are used in the practice of qi, and I am afraid that it is better than now.

But now, seeing the mystery of Supreme Master Wu, the magic heart has no such idea.

The practitioners of Qi and physical training will undoubtedly greatly enhance their life-saving ability. There are many mysteries in the void. However, in some places, the practice of Qi is restricted. At that time, the strength of physical training can play a great role.

In some places, the strength of refining will be limited, relying on the strength of training.

In this regard, Chen Zong is considered to be doing a good job, better than many practitioners in the void, and more adaptable.

Now, the power of Qi training and refining can be merged into a more powerful force, and it seems that it can be used as Qi training power and should also be used as refining power. It is really mysterious.

The power of this sword directly surpassed the level of six stars and reached seven stars.


The mid-level meditation complex of Yuan Ming Real Estate changed greatly, terrified, and the slammed palm was too late to be recovered, only to see a sharp and extreme Jianguang break through.

"Not good." Yuan Ming Realm advanced meditation also realized that it was not good. When the look changed, he immediately shot, and shot with a finger. The dark fingers broke through, with an ultimate murderous power, running through everything, fast. Like lightning.

The dark fingers were extremely condensed, as if they were dark and magical, and shot relentlessly at Chen Zong, even with one finger, they were directly killed.

The five swords were killed, and at the same time, the extremely heartless sword turned into a ray of sword light, quickly dispersed, surrounding Chen Zong, and turned into a dense and mysterious sword light that surrounded Chen Zong firmly.

Da Zhoutian Sword World!

With full force, the defense power of this big sword world is extremely amazing.

The sword light broke through the palm of the middle-level meditation of Yuan Ming Realm. It was pierced from the palm like a bamboo, and then went along the arm. It was extremely flexible. It stabbed into the body along the shoulder and exploded. , Into countless swords, raging in the body, destroying vitality, exterminating all power.

The magical light of the tyrannical horror kills to the extreme, lasing on the sword world of Da Zhoutian.

In terms of Chen Zongxian ’s ability to explode seven-star combat power, and even approach the top seven-star combat power, the Da Zhoutian Sword World is enough to block the attack of the top seven-star combat power without breaking. Defend a blow from eight-star combat power.

The finger of this high-level powerful person in Yuanyuan Realm barely reached the eight-star level under the increase of the special environment of the ancient ruins.

The Da Zhoutian Sword Realm suddenly sags inward, and countless swords of light converge in an outer loop, resisting the bombardment of that finger, and from

The internal circulation spread apart, and the terrible power of that finger continued to divide.

"Wonderful." The magic heart couldn't help but lighten his eyes, secretly amazed.

The person I chose to conclude the contract was, of course, even better than expected at the time.

Whether it is cultivation, combat effectiveness, talent, or swordsmanship, it surpasses many cultivators, even if they are themselves, they are difficult to compare with.

Obviously, the conventional combat power is only a six-star level. Under the exploding mind secret palace secret method, it can only reach the top six-star level, but it also masters a magical secret method, which can combine the practice of energy training and physical training to make a breakthrough in combat power. The limit reaches seven stars.

Now, she can also display a purely defensive sword move, blocking a blow from top seven-star and even close to eight-star combat power.

Really surprises, accidents again and again.

It is certain that no one can compare with Chen Zong when it comes to the Tiangong of his mind when he was still there. No one can compare with Chen Zong when it comes to combat power.

It is estimated that this is also true in the Tianxin Temple.

Even the magic heart guessed that within the entire void, among the same practice, it is estimated that no one is Chen Zong's opponent, even among aliens, it is difficult to find.

Of course, this is only speculation. After all, the void is so vast, there are still many places that have not been explored, many mysteries are hidden, and no one dares to be 100% guaranteed.

In any case, Chen Zong's cultivation in this class has such combat power, which is shocking.

The mid-level meditation of Yuan Ming Realm died and was penetrated by numerous sword qi from the inside of the body. Countless blood shot out from all parts of the body. His face was incredible. His eyes were covered with horror and he fell forward. Wet a piece under the dye.

As for the high-level finger of Yuan Ming Realm, it was resisted by the Da Zhoutian Sword Realm and could not be broken.

However, Chen Zong looked dignified and tried his best to maintain the Da Zhoutian sword world and barely resisted it.

The fingers were exhausted, and Chen Zong was slightly relieved. If that finger was a little stronger, it would be very likely to break the defense of Da Zhoutian Sword.

However, it is just a break, it is very difficult to hurt yourself.

One shot did not break Chen Zong's defense. The high-level look of the Yuan Ning Realm changed, becoming more and more horrible. Amazing killings burst out from the eyes, and the terrible force of turbulence surged from the body. It continued to impact around and quickly spread Going away, covering a range of more than ten meters on one side, the increasingly cold and cold became more and more amazing.

In the darkness within a dozen meters, every dark arc flashed frantically, each dark arc contained a terrible and direct force of destruction, and became more dense, covering a radius of more than ten meters, as if everything within ten meters was to be all Destroyed, all turned into nothingness.

"Dead!" With a loud roar, the high-level meditation in Yuanming Realm broke out completely, and even the mysterious methods were displayed. The combat power surged, and in the unique environment of the ancient ancient ruins, it increased by 20% to 30%, which became more and more amazing.

I saw him clenching his hands into fists and aiming at Chen Zong, all the dark thunder and lightning gathered wildly, covering his fists completely, as if to turn into a fist that destroyed the dark thunder.

In the next breath, the index finger of his left hand popped out, and a dark thunder finger suddenly burst out of the air, smashing the void, and fired at Chen Zong at an incredible speed.

Immediately afterwards, the index finger of his right hand also popped open, firing a terrible and direct dark thunder light finger, and shot at Chen Zong immediately after the first thunder light finger.

Middle finger!

Ring finger!



Ten fingers in both hands, ten annihilation of dark thunder and light in succession, each

The power of them all reached the level of eight stars, terrifying.


Such terrible finger strength, Da Zhoutian sword world can't stop it at all.

Chen Zong looked dignified, but a little faintly excited.

"Senior, I'm going to rely on you this time." Chen Zong said secretly to the demon heart, immediately, his mind was sealed.

"The gods borrow the law!" In a secret voice, under the seal of the power of the mind, they fell on the body of the demon's demon heart, and suddenly, a mighty force burst out from the body of the demon's heart.

It was a vast and pure force that emerged from the heart of the spirit and demon and merged into Chen Zong's body. In the blink of an eye, it was transformed into Chen Zong's power.

The gods borrow the law!

This is a magical power previously imparted to Chen Zong by the demon heart, a magical power unique to the gods.

There are many benefits to entering into a contract with the gods. In addition to gaining the ability of the gods during their lifetime, after the gods have awakened, they can also use the gods to borrow the law and borrow the power that belongs to the gods. Increase your own strength.

However, the power of the gods borrowed by the gods will bring great load on themselves. If they cannot bear it, they will be severely damaged or even killed.

As for how much divine power to bear, it depends on the degree of purity of the individual's cultivation. The more pure, the more divine power that can be sustained, and the more obvious the ascension.

This is the first time that Chen Zong has used the spirit to borrow the law, without letting go of everything.

The breath, climbing up, layer by layer, the strands of invisible sword gas condensed into a substance, suspended in the whole body of Chen Zong, slowly turning, exuding the horrible sharpness, as if able to penetrate everything.

This is because the power of the gods to borrow the law is too strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong did not fully control for a while, leading to leakage.

Immediately, after all the Jianguang was restrained into the body, Chen Zong's breath continued to grow and became more arrogant.

The sword trembled. When the sword flew, all the sword qi condensed into substance, emitting an extremely dazzling light, and instantly burst out to kill it.

Ten Destruction Dark Thunders, carrying the power of terror, drew their fingers under the sword, and were directly defeated.

The sword Qi broke through, killing the high-level meditation of Nayuan Realm directly.


This sword is completely unable to resist the slightest, all power is penetrated, and the pervasive darkness is also torn.


Lethal, that high-level meditation of the Yuan Ming Realm feels incredible. Here, his combat power can reach the eight-star level. He originally suppressed the other party, but what measures did the other party actually use to be able to The top eight-star combat power broke out, which in turn killed himself.


However, there is no chance.

Under the sword spirit, the soul fluttered and his body died.

Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin also felt the fighting just before, but the breath was too arrogant and the gap was too big. In front of these breaths, they could not exert a little strength at all, let alone support Chen Zong.

At the same time, a scent of fragrance permeated from the ancient tree of Tianming, and Tianming fruit matured.

"Let's do it." Chen Zong immediately responded, and quickly transmitted a voice to Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin, allowing them to wake up quickly from the shock, quickly shot, and picked up Tianming Fruit.

As the fragrance diffuses, soon, the beast will be attracted, and it will be more dangerous.

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