Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 119: Divine Power (4)

The gap between the repairs allowed Chen Zong to pick up Tianming Fruit very fast. It was almost a flash of sword light, and many Tian Ming Fruits were collected by Chen Zong.

There are more Tianming fruits on this ancient Tianming tree. There are no details, but a rough sweep, nearly a thousand.

Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin burst into full force and kept picking Tianming fruit, but their efficiency was less than one tenth of Chen Zong's.

Pick, keep picking, pick crazy.

Along the way, several ancient Tianming trees were found, but only this Tianming fruit was mature and had a rare opportunity.

The fragrance is light, but the speed of diffusion is very amazing. Immediately, a powerful Wraith came from a distance, the breath was amazing, and it seemed like a high-ranking Wraith.

The high-level ghost animal is a level of supernatural powers, and its combat power is extremely amazing. The three Zong Zong are tied together, which is not enough for the high-level ghost animal to breathe.

Feeling that the breath of high-level ghost beasts is approaching quickly, but Tianming fruit, there are still hundreds of them have not been picked, but Chen Zong did not hesitate, he will immediately send a message to Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin, and let them evacuate quickly .

Although Tianming fruit is good, it can only be enjoyed if you have life. If you get more Tianming fruit, it will be eaten by the beast. It is ridiculous.

"You feel safe to pick up the heavenly fruits." Just as Chen Zong was about to speak out, the spirit and spirit heart took the lead to speak, and then disappeared from Chen Zong's heart.

In the next breath, the demon heart carrying his hands appeared in the sky above the ancient trees. The indifferent eyes were like the eyes of a **** standing high. Through the sky, he stared forward at the huge and terrifying figure approaching like lightning. It was a flight. Higher Order Wraith.

Immediately, the right arm of the demon heart waved out, rolling up a black blade of light, the blade of light was silent, and with the moment of the arm's wave, it was chopped out at a lightning-fast speed, as if blending into the void Like.

The speed of the black knife light is more than double that of the high-level ghost animal. It directly slashes on the head of the high-level ghost animal. It is as if breaking tofu like a tofu. The extremely hard skull, smashed the brain, crushed the spirits, and then slid into the huge body along the neck.


The high-ranking ghost beast trembled continuously, as if it were all sifted, sending out a strange burst of explosion sounds, and the next breath, a wailing high-ranking ghost beast headed down and fell quickly.

In this scene, neither Nian Xinxin nor Li Jiayin saw them. They were whole-heartedly picking Tianming Fruit. Chen Zong felt it. While shocked by the strength of Moxin's predecessors, they also quickly picked Tianming Fruit.

You must know that the Taoist powerhouse is transformed into a deity after entering the divine mound. What is retained is only part of his memory and strength during his lifetime, but not all.

The demon predecessor really deserves to be the first respect of the Heavenly Mind Palace of the year. The combat power is extremely strong. Even if the strength is greatly reduced after being converted into a god, it is still very strong and can easily kill high-level ghosts.

I just don't know, what level can the senior Demon Heart's strongest combat power now reach?

With the support of the magic heart, the three of Chen Zong have all picked up nearly a thousand Tianming fruits. Chen Zong has the largest number of Tianming fruits, with more than 800 full. The days picked by Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin The fruit is almost the same, less than a hundred.

However, the effect of Tianmingguo on the royal realm is much better than that of the Yuanming realm.

For Yuanming Realm, a Tianming Fruit can not only stimulate one ten thousandth of the potential that was stimulated when it just broke through Yuan Ming Realm, but for Royal Path, this effect

If it is to be increased tenfold, the effect on the Divine Realm is to be reduced tenfold.

However, Tianmingguo is still a good treasure for Yudaojing, Yuanmingjing and Shentong.

Each has its own gains, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin are happy.

Although there are many mysteries in the ancient ruins, it is not easy to get them. They can have such gains and rely on Chen Zong. They are grateful.

After killing the high-level ghost animal in the air, Tianming fruit was picked again, and no aroma was emitted, and naturally the ghost animal would not be attracted again.

Demon heart flashed, and returned to the heart of Chen Zong, but was not discovered by Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin.

As for the previous battle between Chen Zong and the meditation, although they felt it, because of the huge gap in the realm, it is not clear how strong they are. After all, the Yuan Ming Realm outperformed the Yudao Realm many times.

Chen Zong took the two artifacts for storage and examined them, and found that there were a lot of good things in them, but unfortunately, they are useful for meditation, useless to them, and not easy to circulate unless they are Sell ​​to other meditations.

At present, it can only be used as a collection.

"Chen Zong, I have discussed with Sister Li. Depending on our strength, if you go deeper, it will only become a drag on you." Yu Nianxin said to Chen Zong, "So, Sister Li and I will leave first."

"Yeah, I am very satisfied with what I have now." Li Jiayin also said.

Chen Zonglue nodded as he groaned.

Indeed, although Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin are also genius-level, and can be regarded as top Tianjiao-level, but for now, the combat power is indeed not enough.

Don't say that Yudaojing's nine to eleven-star combat power, even if they break through to the level of Yuanming Realm, for a while, they can't keep up with Chen Zong's current pace.

After all, there is no interference from the demon. Chen Zong's conventional combat power can reach the level of six stars, and can reach seven stars under the outbreak.

Although it is said that the gods are awake and the fighting force is overbearing, it is difficult to guarantee that they will continue to go deeper and will not encounter a greater crisis. Whether they can protect the two at that time, Chen Zong is not 100% sure. The soul is flying.

In this case, it would be better to let them go first.

"I'll send you out first." Chen Zongdao said.

Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin were sent out of the ancient ruins. Chen Zong originally planned to take out some Tianming fruit and give it to Yu Nianxin, but a word from the magic heart dispelled Chen Zong's thoughts.

Yu Nianxin took out a high-level void ship, although it could not be compared with the Niaokong, it was also good.

Li Jiayin first entered the flying boat, but Yu Nianxin was not willing to go the same.

"Cultivation is a long, short-term separation, only for eternal reunion in the future." Chen Zong also had a bit of perseverance in his heart, but saw it more clearly.

Yu Nianxin nodded: "The ancient ruins are dangerous, remember to be careful."

"Don't worry, wait for me to come out and go to Bingsheng Palace to find you." Chen Zong laughed.

A simple farewell, restrained.

Yu Nianxin left Feizhou and Chen Zong turned around and entered the dark vortex again, into the ancient ruins.

Now, by myself, the spirits of the spirits have awakened again. Under the practice of protection, he has the capital to go deeper into the ancient ruins and find more opportunities.

Along the path of genius, it didn't take long for Chen Zong to come to the tianming ancient tree where the three of them had picked the tianming fruit. Here, this is the end of the three geniuses, but it is also the one in the ancient ruins. New starting point within.

His body flickered, Chen Zong hurried forward, saw the high-level corpse of the beast that was beheaded and killed by the spirits of the spirits, and exuded a terrible breath, making the weak corpse be inaccessible at all.

However, Chen Zong blocked this terrible residual coercion and kept approaching, breaking his extremely tough body with a sword and taking out the nucleus.

This, but the high-level nucleus, is of amazing value.

"More Tianming fruit is needed." After taking out the high-level nucleus, Chen Zong glanced across, his body flickered, he continued to search for the ancient tree of tianming, and also killed the low-level and middle-level worms. Capture the nucleus.

According to the words of the predecessor of the magic heart, after the combination of Tianming fruit and the nucleus, Tianming Baodan can be refined at a certain place in the ancient ruins.

The effect of Tianming Baodan's tapping potential is many times better than that of Tianming Fruit.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not allocate Tianming fruit to Yu Nianxin, but planned to refine it into Tianming Baodan before sending some to her.

As for the dozens of Tianming fruits that Yu Nianxin herself got, to be honest, the help for refining Tianming Baodan is not great. It is better to let her take it home to take it, stimulate the potential, cultivate well, and see it by the way See if it can help you wake up.

In addition to hunting the ghosts themselves to obtain the ghost core, there are some ghost cores in the two cultivating storage artifacts from the top-level star-level forces refining the ghost domain, all of which become the loot of Chen Zong.

Moxin once entered the ancient ruins of the year, and more than once, so he knows the ancient ruins quite well. After becoming a god, even though some memories are missing, the memories of the ancient ruins are basically at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the guidance of the heart, Chen Zong gradually constructed a topographic map, a broken topographic map, and marked his position in the Shenhai Sea with the spiritual thoughts. This made it easier for him to move.

Most of the ancient Tianming trees are about a kilometer in height, but that is not the final height of the ancient Tianming trees. As time passes, as long as they are not destroyed, the ancient Tianming trees may break their limits and become Tree King.

Now, Chen Zong has seen a King of Tianming, an ancient tree that has a height of more than 10,000 meters.

The height of 10,000 meters is simply astonishing, exceeding the height of the mountains. It is extremely huge. Its branches and leaves cover a square of tens of thousands of meters. Under the envelope, it is like a dark sky blocking everything.

Although Chen Zong was surprised, he did not have a very shocking feeling. After all, the **** tree of the world is more than ten thousand meters high.

Even if he did not see the complete world **** tree with his own eyes, but through his memory, he was immersed in the real world as if he had grown up like a world **** tree.

At present, the 10,000-meter-high Tianming Ancient Tree King is compared with the world **** tree. It is like a child compared to an adult. No, the gap is even larger. It is like a chick compared to an elephant. The gap is countless times of.

However, Chen Zong was very happy, because the Tianming fruit condensed by the King of Tianming Ancient Tree is not comparable to the Tianming fruit condensed by Tianming Ancient Tree.

There is no doubt that the effect of the Tianming fruit condensed by the King of the Tree is far better than that of the ancient tree.

As for how big the gap is, Chen Zong himself hasn't experienced it, so he doesn't know it, and the seniors of the magic heart can't say it clearly. After all, he didn't get the Tian Ping Wang Guo.

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