Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 120: Divine Power (5)

The limit of the ancient tree of Tianming is one thousand meters high. If it does not break the limit and become the king of the tree, it will not appear like two kilometers and three kilometers. Once the limit is broken, it will crazyly absorb the nutrients around it. New limit reached in less time: 10,000 meters!

As for how the ancient tree of Tianming can break the limit, Chen Zong does not know, and the magic heart also does not know. This is not worth studying.

The 10,000-meter-tall tree king, the branches and leaves cover tens of thousands of square meters, like a huge umbrella that covers the sky. Each leaf is even larger than the leaves of the ordinary Tianming ancient tree. More than that.

When Chen Zong stepped into the area covered by tens of thousands of meters of trees, he immediately felt different. His breath was very cold, which was 20% to 30% colder than the shade of the trees. Whether the richness or purity was here, It is better than two or three percent.

This is brought by the King of Trees.

Tianming ancient tree itself will absorb the surrounding qi, the general Tianming ancient tree absorption effect is relatively weak, but the tree king absorption effect is amazing.

In addition to feeling the deeper and purer spirit here, Chen Zong also gave birth to a sense of coldness, as if emerging from the deepest part of the body, spreading rapidly along the spine.

Being targeted.

Being stared at by the powerful Wraith Beast, the cold and cruel gaze stared at Chen Zong's body, making Chen Zong creepy, and there was a kind of greasy poisonous snake entangled in his body.

It's a python, a python wrapped around a tree trunk, about 1,000 meters away from Chen Zong. Its body is thicker than Chen Zong's whole body. The texture on it is dark and deep, and it looks very complicated. After that, there will be a dazzling feeling, if the spiritual will is not strong enough, you may even feel dizzy.

But Chen Zong would not be dizzy, but he looked dignified.

High-ranking Wraith, this is truly a high-ranking Wraith.

The python's broken scarlet eyes gazed at Chen Zong, the huge core was constantly spitting, the huge body slowly gliding on the huge trunk, gradually approaching Chen Zong, and the terrible crisis approached.

If it had been before, Chen Zong would have gotten out of the fastest speed immediately, but now, it doesn't need to be so. Instead, his eyes burst out with a fascination, staring at the ghostly python.

Hades have a strong territorial consciousness, and Tianming Guo, even if Hades of Heaven, cannot help the top-tier Hades, after all, it is a level equivalent to Taoism.

Therefore, the Hades that occupy the King of the Heavenly Tree is only a high-order Hades, not a top-rank Hades, but it is a very high-order Hades, otherwise it is not enough to occupy such a wonderful mystery as the King of the Trees. place.

You know, the qi of here is richer and more pure in other places, which is conducive to the cultivation and promotion of the beast. Besides, the effect of the heavenly king fruit condensed by the tree king is many times more effective than that of the heavenly king fruit. The help of the Wraith Beast is even more significant.

Zhanshan is the king and demarcation is the boundary. This is the instinct of beasts, especially the powerful beasts.

Now, Chen Zong's entry into the range of the King of the Trees is equivalent to invading the realm of this powerful high-level ghost monster, annoying it, and it also treats Chen Zong as food and prepares to eat it in one bite.

The python slowly moving its body suddenly trembled. The huge body flickered out like lightning. It was like a black thunder light, approaching Chen Zong directly, opening its **** mouth, and a stench of wind was blowing on its face, like It was a stinking storm that swept Chen Zong asphyxiated.


In an instant, Chen Zongshi exhibited the sword in the sky, turned into sword light and emptied into the void, and quickly retreated.

However, the Sword of the Instant Sky is mysterious and amazing, and the gap between Yuan Ming Realm and Divine Realm is too large. Chen Zong found that no matter how he walked away, the **** mouth kept chasing himself, as if he had fallen into the void like himself. Approaching quickly.

Chen Zong didn't panic, the seniors of the magic heart appeared.

Standing in the void, carrying his hands, his indifferent eyes stared like the eyes of a god, as if looking through the python.

The python's blood basin burst into a big bite, and when the magic heart waved with one arm, it seemed like a magic knife to cut out a dark blade of light, which was peerless and invincible.

Chen Zong could only see the dark blade of light killing, which seemed very mysterious, but he couldn't figure out exactly how mysterious.

In the next breath, the **** mouth opened for a moment, the python's amazing body suddenly trembled, and a weird sound came out from the body. In the end, it seemed like the spine was pulled out, and it became soft and prone, directly from Falling from the trunk.

This is a very large and over 100 meters long python, even if killed, its body still permeates with amazing coercion and will not dissipate in a short time.

"Thank you seniors." Chen Zong thanked Moxin.

"I am your conclusion god. When you encounter a danger that cannot be confronted, you will naturally help." The magic heart smiled slightly. "This thousand-lined python is a top-level high-order worm, with powerful combat power. It is estimated that it can have the top 11-star combat power of Shentong. "

Chen Zongwen was immediately shocked.

Superb 11-star combat power!

If they are hit by such combat power, they will certainly die.

However, the predecessors of the magic heart can be killed with one stroke. This level of strength, at least, is the top 12 stars of the magical powers, but it seems that the understatement is not as simple as the magical powers.

The light car is familiar with taking out that one nucleus from the Qianwen python, which is a larger circle than the previous nucleus, and the power contained in it is even more majestic and violent.

In addition to the harvest of this high-level nucleus, what excites Chen Zong is the fruits hanging from the tree.

Each fruit has the size of a human head, and its color is dark purple, which is constantly deepening.

It is still mature, but it is nearing maturity, and it may take a long time to fully mature.

This, but the Tianming Wangguo produced by the King of the Tree, has many times the effect of Tianmingguo, and has a great effect on the magical power, far better than Tianmingguo, and its value is amazing.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong made a decision and must wait to get these heavenly Pluto fruit.

It is a pity that after some exploration, Chen Zong found that the number of Tian Ping Wang Guo is not large, only a few hundred, but such a large King of Tian Ping ancient tree, but only condensed hundreds of Tian Ping Wang Guo, The output is really low.

However, the efficacy of hundreds of Tian Ping Wang Guo is definitely better than ten times the number of Tian Ping Guo.

After being taken out of the nucleus by Chen Zong, the strong horizontal coercion emitted by the body of the Qianwen Haemon was dissipated much faster. According to this speed, it does not take long for the coercion to completely dissipate. At that time, there will be Other haunting beasts came to compete for the King of the Ancient Hades, as their place.

Chen Zong converged, sitting on a wide and thick trunk, enlightened and practiced with a single mind.

"One mind, really a mysterious skill." The magic heart secretly marveled.

Before his death, the palace of mind and mind had only the fourth house, and there was no one-hearted house, and the one-hearted strategy at that time had not yet been created.

Judging from the realm of magical heart, this tactic is indeed very mysterious and very amazing. If he was alive, he would also like to cultivate very much, but it is not working now. Now he is transformed by the combination of the residual soul and the mind. Divine, can no longer master any new tricks and so on.

What kind of strength is now, and what kind of strength will be in the future, this cannot be changed, it is a very helpless point.

However, it does not prevent the magic heart from comprehending other tricks and mysteries. It is like eating food, but you can also watch the production process and smell its flavor.

After a while, when the coercion of the Thousand-Winged Black Python completely dissipated, the Black Beast rushed to it from a distance. The attraction of the King of the Trees was still very attractive.

The king of the tree is as high as 10,000 meters, and it is extremely hard. The middle-level ghost animal cannot destroy the minute, and the high-level ghost animal is also difficult to destroy.

Chen Zong did not immediately shoot, and the magic heart did not immediately shoot, because there were more than one approaching Wraith Beast, just to make them fight, to separate the winner and the loser. At that time, when the winner was preparing to make the king of the tree his own site It was very exciting to find Chen Zong suddenly, and then to find the invincible Devil Heart seniors.

Chen Zong couldn't help thinking about it, and found that he was still a bit nasty.

The battle is fierce, and the Wraith is huge. Once fighting, the momentum is amazing.

Intermediate-level Wraiths dare not approach, because the power of High-level Wraiths is too aggressive.

At this time, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a huge giant lion with a size of hundreds of meters appeared. The lion was dark and burning with the burning fire. The breath was extremely powerful and its eyes were extremely deep. , Extremely dark, and a pair of cavities stick out, looking extremely stingy.

With the appearance of this giant lion, the other Wraiths shivered.

In the end, the giant lion drove or killed other ghosts and occupied the king of the tree as his own territory.

This is another top-level high-level ghost animal, and it will not be inferior to the Qianwen ghost Python that originally occupied the king of the tree.

The perception of these ghostly beasts was amazing. Immediately I felt the presence of Chen Zong, and immediately issued a terrifying roar at the direction where Chen Zong was located. The heavy sound waves carried the power of destroying and dying, as if it were a storm. Directly bombarded.

Chen Zong was horrified. In the face of this horrible sound wave, he felt like he was going to be directly destroyed.

At the critical moment, we still have to rely on the seniors.

No way, the top high-end ghost beast is equivalent to the top supernatural powers. The gap between Chen Zong and supernatural powers is still too big.

As soon as the demon heart appeared, he cut it with one arm and turned it into a dark blade of light. It instantly broke through and killed it. It directly split the heavy waves that were bombarded with an extremely violent attitude. The power of that blade of light was amazing. At the same time as stressing the stress waves, they shattered the sound waves, which could not affect Chen Zong.

Like a smashing bamboo, Daoguang swept across the sky to kill the ghost beast.

Leaping forward, Chen Zong suddenly fell from a tall tree trunk. He was very proficient in motion. He split open the body of the head of the beast and took out one by one. These cores include intermediate ones and some The high-level nucleus, of which the nucleus of the giant lion's wraith is most valuable.

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