Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 1: Underground


The roaring sound was earth-shattering. It was a powerful Wraith. He was proclaiming his territory. Yes, the King of the Tree was occupied by a powerful Wraith again, but the fruits on the tree disappeared, because they were ripe at the moment. He was picked up by Chen Zong, and was included in the Nine Heavenly Circle.

In addition to harvesting hundreds of Heavenly Pluto King Fruits, Chen Zong also obtained many intermediate and high-level Plutonium cores, which were richly harvested. When Chen Zong left the Queen of the Ancient Trees and Tree Kings, only then other ghosts appeared and robbed the site. In the end, he won with a powerful high-order ghost.

Although he heard the roar far apart, with an imposing manner, Chen Zong did not return, but moved on.

There are many beasts on the earth, the deeper, the more.

The most easily encountered ghost beasts in the periphery are basically low-level ones. If you go deeper, you will encounter middle-level ghost beasts. If you go deeper, you will easily encounter high-level ghost beasts.

As for the top-level ghost beasts, there are very few. After all, that is the Taoist level. Each top-level ghost beast stays at the deepest place of the ancient ruins. The environment there will make them feel more comfortable.

The super-order super-beast above the top-order super-beast is equivalent to the horrifying horror-beast at the dominating level, but it is rare and rare.

The spirit of the demon is in the heart of Chen Zong, and while Chen Zong is on his way, he is practicing while he is enlightening, which means that he is always in a state of cultivation.

You know, most practitioners have limited practice time. When they are on the road or doing other things, they ca n’t understand or practice. Even if they are some special exercises, they can run on their own. Effect of cultivation.

Chen Zong is different, or in other words, Yixinju is such a mystery.

Of course, in addition to one mind, because Chen Zong ’s mental power is several times stronger than a practitioner of the same level, his recovery speed was originally fast, and after increasing again and again, he now has a second mind. With one mind and one mind, the speed of recovery exceeds the speed of consumption.

Chen Zong tried to focus on the four moods and found that although the consumption of the minds and moods is more, his recovery rate is already close to keeping up. If there is no danger in normal times, he can maintain the focus and mind for a period of time. Artistic conception and practice experience are better.

In the middle level of Yuan Ming Realm, Chen Zong began to cultivate his mind. The 33rd heaven, the 13th heaven, and the 13th heart palace. Once casting to Dacheng, his mental strength will rise again, and the speed of recovery will also increase. It was then enhanced.

Maybe at that time, you can open your mind and heart at any time, and the speed of recovery of the mental power can keep up with the speed of consumption.

According to the predecessor of the magic heart, in order to merge the Tianming fruit and the nucleus into Tianming Baodan, it is necessary to go deep into the ancient ruins, find the fire of the infernal refining god, and rely on the power of the inferno refining godfire to transform the **** The fruit and the nucleus are smelted, and the essence is finally extracted and merged into Tianming Baodan.

It sounds easy, but it's not easy to do.

Demon Heart once found the place where the infernal refining fire is located, which is quite deep in the ancient ruins, but after many years, and the relationship of memory impairment, it is not so clear, there is only one general direction.



The qi is getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately, Chen Zong found that the color of the land under his feet was different from the previous color.

It looks darker and deeper.

"Be careful, you're in the dark earth," Moxin suddenly reminded.

"Mud." Chen Zong frowned slightly.

In some of the classic books in the Mind Heaven Palace, Chen Zong has seen a lot of information about the ancient ruins of the ancient world, and the ancient earth has recorded it.

Mudu is equal to a force of the ancient ruins.

If divided by power, the beast belongs to one of the forces, and the earth belongs to another. The people who occupy the earth, or build it into the earth, are the people transformed by the practitioners.

The people who were killed by Chen Zong before were from the earth, but now, Chen Zong has stepped into the nest of the people.

It's dangerous.

There are not only low-level and medium-level ghost people, but also high-level ghost people and top-level ghost people. As for whether there are super-level ghost people who dominate the level, Chen Zong is not clear.

Chen Zong has encountered a few people before, and I do n’t know why. It seems very active, but they are reduced to the dead soul of Chen Zong ’s sword. Now when he steps into the soil, he is more likely to encounter the people. Will bring a lot of trouble and obstruction to their actions.

But how, if you have the goal ahead and have more ability, naturally you won't be afraid to retreat.

He continued to deepen, but Chen Zong's actions became more cautious and more secretive.

However, here is the earth of the earth, after all, it belongs to the land of the earth, where the earth is inhabited, how no matter how Chen Zong hides himself, it is incompatible with this place, and it is unavoidably found in the end.

"Cultivators, catch it back." The three Hades are all mid-level, but the breath emanating from one of them is shocked by Chen Zongdu. He is a mid-level top-level Haot, with extremely powerful combat power. .

As for the other two Hades, their combat power is not low.

In a hurry, the three wicked men quickly started to move from left to middle and right to three directions. Obviously, they were powerful, but they did not hesitate to take the shot. There was no slightness, and there was a stance that the lion beats the rabbit with full strength.

"The gods borrow the law!" Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately stamped with the power of the mind and turned into a channel-like, borrowing power from the demon heart.

If it were only the two middle-level ghosts, Chen Zong felt that he could fight with his own combat power, but the third ghost was extremely powerful and completely beyond the eight-star level. The power of seniors.

A powerful and pure force is constantly pouring into the body, blending with its own strength.

That influx of power comes from the gods, but it is the power of the gods. It is stronger and more powerful than Chen Zong's own cultivation power, but it will not be based on anti-customers, defeating Chen Zong's own cultivation as power, On the contrary, it is constantly immersed in it, which makes Chen Zongxiu's strength grow temporarily and madly, becoming more and more arrogant.

This time, the power of the gods to borrow the law is much more than the last time. Chen Zong can feel that his body seems to be constantly expanding. There is a feeling of being stretched out, as if blowing air, but in fact, Chen Zong's body No change, it's still that size.

It's just that the strength is very tyrannical, and the relationship in the body is full of, so that Chen Zong has the illusion that his body will swell.

Strands of sword qi manifested around and became denser. That was because the force pouring into the body was so majestic that Chen Zong could not completely control the leakage caused by it for a while.

The sword qi condensed and entangled in the whole body. There were hundreds of them. Each sword qi was like a small sword made of Xueliang stainless steel, exuding a terrible forest cold front.

These uncontrollable forces cannot be contained in the body, but are managed by Chen Zong barely.

Then, like a torrential rain, it blasted forward and shot at the powerful man who approached from the middle.

Every sword qi contains terrible power, sharp and shocking, making the wicked man cold all over the body.


With a single palm, the malignant swells of mountains and rivers rushed into hundreds of sword qi. As soon as they touched, the turbulent sulcus was penetrated, but the swelled qis flowed one after the other, endlessly.

Sword Qi is broken.

Chen Zong's body flickered, and he drove a strong and powerful body, as if the terror forces to prop up his body burst into the extremely heartless sword.

This sword is connected to his own blood, and his life is closely related. Power flows into it, and the sword body of the heartless sword is shocked.


The two swords turned into a lingering moon, tearing the void, and directly killing the two left and right mortals.

The power of these two swords directly reaches the level of nine-star combat power in Yuanming Realm.

Although the two ghosts are not weak, they are only mid-level six-star combat power. Facing these two crushing sword lights, they have no ability to resist at all.

Jian Guang had been killed in the air. The terrible sword pressure cut the ground apart. At the same time, he split the bodies of two ghosts and killed thousands of kilometers away, leaving a scary sword mark gully several kilometers long. Emitting terrible sword air fluctuations.

However, Chen Zong frowned slightly, not his own strength. After all, he could not control the driving perfectly. Otherwise, this situation of killing the target with too much combat power would not occur, which is undoubtedly a waste. The act of power.

Of course, at this moment, under the power of the gods, his own power seems to be endless. There is no need to consider the consumption of power at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ except that he habitually controls his own power and does his best. It is possible to use one point to exert two or even three points of power.

Hundreds of sword qi were all shattered, and the mighty middle-ranking underworld was extremely furious. I did not expect that it was just a face-to-face encounter, and his two companions were killed.

Under the roar, it was launched with one palm, and the sound of whistling rang through the world, terrified in all directions, terrifying, the endless coldness and condensate condensed into a huge dark palm print, emitting a terrible coldness, freezing around, let Chen Zong felt suffocated and shivered unconsciously, even Yuan Shen felt frozen.


Endless power poured into the long sword, and between the trembling of the sword body, rolled up a terrible sword light and shot it out of the air, as if a round of extremely bright moonlight, and cut off everything.

The moment the sword light collided with the palm print, there was a meal. Then, the sword light broke, and the palm print was also broken.

Shun Jian Jian!

At the moment of wielding the sword, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, the speed of the sword was amazing, and it broke instantly. Then he passed the ghost person.

With a roll of Jianguang, Chen Zong seemed to step out of it and turned back to cut the sword.

This sword surpassed the mid-level nine-star level and directly reached the mid-level ten-star combat power. The force was so extreme that Chen Zong's arms were shaking.

This is because the power is too strong, it is difficult to control, and the load is obvious.


This sword cannot be stopped at all. The wicked man's combat power is just middle-level and nine-star level.

That sword was killed, and it was only a few kilometers away before it gradually dissipated. Its momentum was immense, like a thunderstorm.

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